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IBS/C & feel like I can't eat anything
      02/25/05 08:08 AM

Reged: 02/09/05
Posts: 3

I am a month new ton this site and recently dx IBS/C by default as everything else negative. Oh, I also have GERD and Gastritis dx via endoscopy. Anyway, I have mild-to moderate pain, not the agonizing stuff some of you speak of. However, I have terrible bloating and gas. And not to gross anyone out by constant stinky gas. I HATE IT. I feel like I can't eat any IF because it seems to create so much gas. Especially beans, they annihilate me. NO matter how they are cooked. However, if all I have is SF just to avoid the gas, then I can't poop! Ughh!

I can't do any of the mint stuff because of the GERD and Gastritis. I do drink the Fennel tea and take the acacia, but even the latter seems to set off the gas and I am only taking about 5mg a day right now.

What do I do? Today is Friday, and as an observant Catholic it is a day of fasting and abstinence which will be easy as I am afraid to eat anything. Should I just eat Heather's "What to eat when you can't eat anything diet" and deal with being C for days? Ugh! I just hate this. All my GI will say is take some Milk of Magnesia (which rips through me) or Miralax (which doesn't always work).

Any friendly advice?

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* IBS/C & feel like I can't eat anything
02/25/05 08:08 AM
* Rachel, let me share how I overcame the last IBS-C incident
03/09/05 02:29 PM
* Digestive Advantage etc
03/10/05 02:09 AM
* Re: Digestive Advantage etc - Linz
03/10/05 02:06 PM
* That's ok
03/11/05 01:17 AM
* just wanna say C-ers w/ GERD & Gastritis...UNITE! ;)
03/09/05 11:14 AM
* Re: IBS/C & feel like I can't eat anything
02/26/05 09:41 PM
* Re: IBS/C & feel like I can't eat anything
03/08/05 03:19 PM
* Re: IBS/C & feel like I can't eat anything
02/25/05 09:16 AM
* Re: IBS/C & feel like I can't eat anything
02/25/05 08:42 AM
* Re: IBS/C & feel like I can't eat anything
02/25/05 08:36 AM

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