HELP! I can't stop eating :(
07/25/03 07:24 AM
My hubby and I are geting ready to move...Aug 17th/18th. I'm a reck! I'm home all day...the places I called to volunteer don't need help or are looking for someone long terms...and all I do all day is eat! (Well, I also clean, run errands, read, etc.). I'm only here for a few more joining organizations is out. Any suggestions on how to refrain from shoving sometihng in my mouth every second? (I've tried a journal thinking writing my thoughts down might help to no avail!) I have a tiny bod and it can't take all this it causes mondo stress on my IBS! It also depresses me (I feel so gross...and unattractive!) and makes me feel out of control.
This is not like me! It used to be that when I was anxious, I didn't eat at all. Not that either one is healthy...but what a switch!
All of my friends where I live now have large families and don't have time to "hang out". (I don't have kids yet--otherwise I'd be busy out my eyeballs!)
I'm sorry to complain...I have a really wonderful life, a great husband, and all of you! But that doesn't change the fact that there's quite a bit of STRESS in my life right now...and I don't seem to be handling it the best way possible (well, at least I'm posting to all of you for ideas, that's sometihng, right?!).
Why do you suppose I keep shoving food down? I thikn it may be boredom and worries...both! I try to get out of the house for errands...but I'm running out of places to go! I wish I had a favorite spot or something.
Anyway...thanks for listening at the very least! If you have any advice, lay it on me!
Thanks everyone, I love you all! Happy Friday!
-------------------- Formerly known as Ruchie
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