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IBS and the "Atkins diet"?
      02/24/03 02:48 PM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 1622
Loc: North Carolina

I'm full of questions today. My husband and his folks are having good success eating on a modified type of Atkins diet. They have a bad history of cholesterol/high blood pressure and not only are they losing weight on this diet but all that is getting better too! Well, I knew I could not really do this diet with IBS and the more I learn here I see even moreso, that is true. But I feel like I've been "conditioned" that eating all these carbs and starches is just going to turn to pure sugar in my system and store itself as fat there! My family is telling me to forget all that and eat whatever keeps me healthy and comfortable, but it's still a concern of mine. What are you all's thoughts on this? For the record, my husband and I exercise a lot and I am not currently "overweight" but just exactly where I want to be, don't want to put anything on either. Thanks!

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Entire thread
* IBS and the "Atkins diet"?
02/24/03 02:48 PM
* Re: IBS and the "Atkins diet"?
02/24/03 11:50 PM
* Atkins article for you
02/24/03 03:55 PM
* Re: Atkins article for you
02/24/03 04:57 PM

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