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Re: Switched from Benefiber to Citrucel
      07/07/03 02:29 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Thanks for the explanation, Heather! That explains why the Citrucel works so well. Jello-like or not, I'm drinking it. It has helped me so much that I feel almost "normal." I emailed the company earlier today and asked why it was jelling up on me and they told me it would do that if the water was too warm or if it sat for awhile. They advised me to drink it as soon as I mixed it up.
One other question I have for you---- after using a fiber supplement for an extended period of time, do you find that you need to increase the dosage? I'm already taking the maximum you suggested (maybe even a little more) and I hate to think that I might need even more in the future. Is too much harmful? Can you take too much of it????

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* Switched from Benefiber to Citrucel
07/06/03 07:04 PM
* Re: Switched from Benefiber to Citrucel
07/07/03 01:10 PM
* Re: Switched from Benefiber to Citrucel
07/07/03 02:29 PM
* Re: Switched from Benefiber to Citrucel
07/07/03 10:10 AM

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