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Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
      07/04/03 04:02 PM

Reged: 06/20/03
Posts: 11

Dear Heather-I prayed for divine guidance,after my Dr.and dietician gave me wrong diet info. In a sea of confusing and misleading IBS books I was led to your 2 books within a week. Thank you God and Heather. Your experiance got me stablized & symptomfree. My Dr&Dietician now have your books

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* A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/04/03 02:39 PM
* A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/08/03 10:19 AM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/07/03 10:14 PM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/07/03 05:34 PM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/07/03 08:14 AM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/07/03 06:23 AM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/07/03 06:06 AM
* Re: Thank YOU Heather, for making it possible! -nt -
07/06/03 11:08 PM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
Lisa from LA
07/06/03 08:28 PM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/06/03 08:21 PM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/06/03 07:56 PM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/04/03 11:13 PM
* Re: A big thank you to everyone on the boards!
07/04/03 04:02 PM
* Aw, you just made my day!!! -nt-
07/04/03 04:07 PM

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