I am taking a probiotic called Florify. I am happy with it and do not paln to give it up. But I want to take probiotics twice a day and Florify costs alot so I was thinking about taking another brand to use for my second dose. The woman at Wild Oats actually recommended the Jaro with FOS so I think she really didn't understant what IBS was all about. But she did clue me into the fact that birth controll pills can kill off probiotics. I was taking my Florfiy and birth control pill right after breakfast. OK so the end of the stroy is that I am taking the ortho tri cyclin after breakfast The Florify after luch and I haven't decided yet about the extra dose of probiotics but I'm definatley NOT going totake a second dose of probiotics with FOS in it. Well that was a mouthful I hope I didn't bore you. Chany