Advice on what Soy products are good, and can I have....
06/20/03 03:57 PM
Thanks for being so patient with me. This is all so new and I think I am kind of getting it down! Slowly but surely..
I think if I wasn't pg I would at least appreciate that weight I am losing! But maybe it will help me appreciate different foods I didn't before.
Anyway. Can I have butter spray?? What about pan frying chicken. How do you do that, with oil?? I would imagine not. Can you use that Pam stuff, if that ok? I think I memeber it being low in fat if not fat free. What about egg substitute, can I have that??
Also can you guys give me some tips on soy stuff. I am kind of afraid of it! I tried some Soy yogart the other day and had to throw it out. I could only eat one bite. I have had some soy bacon that I like but then tried the sausage from the same company and it was gross.
Is there a good soy meat? Icecream, Yogart, Sausage, milk. What is the best for those things. I am so excited to find this board. I feel more empowered to take this problem in my own hands and not just suffer with it like I have the last few months. But I am new at it and afraid of gross things hehe. But am excited to see new things I can eat and a better way of eating anyway. Plus I need to figure out a way so this kid doesn't come out anerexic (sp?). Soy is a good source of protien right??
One more question. I have been trying peppermint tea today and it seems to be helping. I also read about fennel and am going to try that as I think Gas is my biggest source of pain. Should I drink those things before I eat, while I am eating or after for the best effects on my stomach??
Thanks for your patients and your help. I really am glad I found this board. I was on a different one and wasn't getting any answers and someone over there told me to come here and check it out!! So greatful to her!!
Thanks, melissa 
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