Thank you so much for your replies to my 'new to this board' posting yesterday, they were all very kind and really appreciated. Just to give a little more background, I am 31 years of age and am generally fit and healthy and take part in sport regularly. However, ever since childhood I have suffered regularly from constipation, which has never really varied. It is no different now than it has been over the last 15 or 20 years. I have tried increasing fluid intake, varying my diet, and have followed all the standard advice, but nothing has really made any difference.
The distinction between my problem and the majority of those I have read about on this forum is that when I do manage to have a bowel movement, it is usually complete and I feel relieved afterwards. It is just that I can only 'go' about once or twice a week at best, and my stools are always hard and very difficult to pass. I have taken laxatives occasionally, but only as a last resort as I do not want to become dependant. I think it is fairly unusual for a man to have this problem, as women seem to be affected more with this. I have had the occasional giggle at some of the postings on the boards, simply because I can relate so much to them ! Somebody posted about getting half-way through a BM and then getting totally stuck – to most people that would sound hilarious, but anyone who has experienced that on a regular basis will understand the sheer agony it causes.
Thanks again for your replies, I hope to be able to contribute to the board regularly and to get to share common problems.
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