Weight Gain
05/31/03 08:01 PM
Lisa from LA
Reged: 05/19/03
Posts: 79
Loc: Currently: Raleigh, NC Formerly: Lafayette, LA
Hi Guys, I know there have been a few posts on weight gain but wanted to get some feed back from each of you as so much of your daily postings have helped me to feel better. Though I haven't let it bring me down, I have suffered for many years with IBS-C and in addition have a stricture in my colon which poses much discomfort. Since I am on the Heather's diet I am feeling much better but I have gained weight which is a big deal for me. By seeing all of your pictures on the post you all look thin. I log my food and caloric intake and it is inline and below average. I am active in my yard and do pilates twice each week. I am 37 years old, have had a complete hysterectomy and weigh 115-119 which isn't alot but 5 lbs. on a small frame is quite noticeable and my pants are now snug . I have not eaten red meat, dairy, sweets, egg yolks and very little chicken for the past 10 years so that hasn't been a change for me. The only difference is that I am getting more carbs which are not whole grain and in the past I never mixed carbs with protein. I basically didn't eat sandwiches nor did I eat cheese with carbs. Also, I eat lunch out 4-5 days each week. Any of you eat out alot and if so, what do you eat?
Sorry this is so long but looking forward to your feedback.
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