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Diet good :) Doctor BAD :(
      08/30/04 10:04 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

The Good News :- I am doing OK with adding new foods to my diet per my previous post... but still have cramps.

The Bad News :- I got really upset over the weekend as I felt like I was spending all my energy on getting through the working week and just crashing at the weekend, not fit to do anything. So I made an appt with my GP today as I am not due to go back to GI dr for 2 weeks. I didn't feel nearly as bad BEFORE the colonoscopy.

GP still hasn't gotten a report from my colonoscopy (3 weeks ago) from the GI dr so all she knows is what I told her. ... SHE WAS MEAN TO ME!! She is usually so nice & understanding. I said I was avoiding certain foods etc and she said "IBS is a stress related illness, food has nothing to do with it"
so I had tried to explain otherwise. She phoned the GI doc's secretary and got me an appt with him tomorrow at 4pm. I was really upset as she continued asking me if I had any holidays coming up etc. and focusing on stress. I took a month off in February and went to Australia and Japan, had a fabulous break, told her and she said.. "that was very early in the year... you are paying for it now"

YES I ADMIT IT...I have been stressed lately- My boyfriend had an emergency appendectomy at the end of June & was in hospital for a week and at home sick for 6 weeks, my family/parents situation is "difficult" to say the least, so add that to my job as an inhouse lawyer and its stress city BUT I CAN COPE! I am a grownup and ask for help when I need it. I went to therapy last year and learned how to deal the "stuff" in my life and the last thing I needed was to be patronised like that!!!

I know stress affects IBS but she was completely denying that diet has ANYTHING to do with it. Even if it was stress alone that was the problem, she didn't give me any pointers to deal with it, or a note to escape work..nothing. I feel like I have been robbed of €40 for her fee! I am going to the GI doc tomorrow and am so nervous that he will feed me the same lines, fingers crossed for me!

OK, crazy lady rant over, normal service shall resume....How's everyone??



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* Diet good :) Doctor BAD :(
08/30/04 10:04 AM
* Re: Diet good :) Doctor BAD :(
09/01/04 11:45 AM
* Re: Diet good :) Doctor BAD :( DanaNoel
09/01/04 01:23 PM
* Re: Diet good :) Doctor BAD :(
09/01/04 10:18 AM
* Jay Jay
09/01/04 01:15 PM
* Re: Diet good :) Doctor BAD :( -GI Doctor GOOD!!!!
08/31/04 12:10 PM
* Re: Diet good :) Doctor BAD :( -GI Doctor GOOD!!!!
08/31/04 12:13 PM
* Re: Diet good :) Doctor BAD :(
08/30/04 11:30 AM
* Ugh.
08/30/04 10:24 AM
* Re: Diet good :) Doctor BAD :(
08/30/04 10:20 AM

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