Burn 25 cal a min. with pilates - it's gentle yoga-type stretches
#31494 - 12/11/03 06:39 PM
Reged: 02/11/03
Posts: 712
Pilates burns 1,500 cal per hr. Here are 3 pilate moves I found in a magazine. I wish I found more. It's great exercise. Concetrated Kicks Lie on back, shoulders, raised, abs tensed, knees pulled in chest. Holding calf of your bent left knee, extend right leg up and out. Bend right knee in toward chest as you extend left leg out. Do 20 sets, switching arms and legs in a controlled sisscor like motion.
Power pushes Lying face down, raise body in a push up postion with arms and legs straight. Flex left foot slowly, raise left leg 6 inches as you firmly contract thigh and buttock muscles. Hold for two counts, then lower leg slowly a few inches. Do 10 lifts. Switch, repeat.
Lengthening reaches Lie on back, hold knees to chest with arms, abs tensed and head raised off floor. Extend legs at 45 degree angle as you straighten arms above head.Hold 5 sec. Return to starting position. Repeat.
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Thanks for the pilates exercises. I have found it very bene ficial having started 2 weeks ago with an exercise video. Breathing seems to me the best thing I take away from doing the exercise all day. Have you learned the 100th breath? Anne11
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-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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I love Pilates! I take class twice a week and have been getting stronger a little at a time. Couldn't do the 'plank' at all at first but can hold it for about 15 seconds now. I am pretty skeptical about the amount of calories you say it burns though- I should be losing more weight from this! Where did you get that calorie info? Linda
-------------------- "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." ~ Groucho Marx
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I read in a magazine that experts say you burn 25 cal per min. It's hard to lose weight on the IBS diet since it's high in carbs. Lemons, cranberries, oranges, help people lose weight I also read in a magazine. Cinnamon helps prevent the body from storing fat too!
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I never heard of the 100th breath. What is it?
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I may be wrong, but I think what you might be referring to is actually called "The hundreds".... which is one of the first exercise you do in Pilates. "The hundreds" which consists of ten breaths of ten counts to equal 100. You lie on the floor, lift your legs up to about a 45 degree angle, or wherever you can hold them, and keep your back flat. While holding your legs in the air you engage the abdominals and lift your head and shoulders off the mat so you are in a scoop. Then you pump your arms by your side, almost as if you were slapping on water, pumping them up and down. Because both your legs and head are up in the air it forces the blood to go to your heart and pumping your arms back and forth forces the blood through your body. You're getting your circulation going and stimulating your organs making it both an internal and an external workout. Hope this helps.
-------------------- "You have to be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
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Actually it's called "The Hundred". I got an excellent Pilate tape recently and that was the first exercise.
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I love Pilates!!!! I don't know how many calories it helps burn in particular -- but I'll share why I like it.
1. It builds lean muscle. I am only 5 feet tall and lots of workout programs build bulky muscle that just makes me look bigger. I wanted to lose weight and look thinner -- not heavier. 
2. There are varying levels of difficulty -- and you can modify the workout and build up as you get stronger.
3. It's not the jumping around hard-on-your-joints type of a workout that a very out of shape person could not do -- or someone who is having an IBS flare up could not do. This is something that makes me feel better.
4. The history of this program is what dancers (ballet) used to get in shape. There is nothing questionable to make me wonder if I should or should not use it as a Christian.
I am using Mari Windsors DVD's and loving them -- and getting stronger all the time. I haven't been very consistent -- but when I am -- it feels so good. If you have any questions about them -- let me know. I'd be glad to help - if I can.
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Hi Peggy; I just received "Pilates" vhs tape for Christmas. I haven't had time to look at it. But what you just said it sounds great!! Let you know if I like these exercises or not. take care Sue
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