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biggest challenge to meat-free eating- a family!
      #362348 - 12/02/10 08:27 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I always make myself feel better by swearing that if I wasn't married I would be a pure vegan (except for Thai fish sauce and eggs from pet hens). But it is so hard to make even a decent husband ok with a lot of meatless nights. My husband gets so whiny about meatless dinners. Thank goodness he likes fish and doesn't mind paying for wild caught -at least he doesn't have to eat the more 'meaty' meat all the time. Anyway it makes it much more challenging.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: biggest challenge to meat-free eating- a family! new
      #362363 - 12/03/10 02:24 PM

Reged: 06/21/09
Posts: 1285

Can't help you much with this one. I am single so I only keep in the house what I choose to eat. When others come over they know it WILL be meat-free.

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Re: biggest challenge to meat-free eating- a family! new
      #362866 - 01/11/11 09:38 AM

Reged: 01/11/11
Posts: 1
Loc: New York, NY

Hi Little Minnie,
I am new to this site and the message boards. I have a husband and two boys (10 years old, 2 years old). My husband and 2 year old are both vegans (sort of) so it was easier for me to move over into veggie/vegan world. My 10 year old and I still eat chicken and turkey fish. I say sort of with my husband and 2 year old because they do eat fish, but that is it! My family (siblings and mom) that visit are not vegetarians at all and when I host get togethers I always sneak in a meat-free meat (soy) dish and let them know what it is AFTER they begin chowing down. You have to find really tasty alternatives first and then slowly introduce them. For example, I make cornbread/sage stuffing w/Morningstar Sausage Grillers meat-free meat. The taste is soooo flavorful that everyone asked me what was in my stuffing ("Hey, we thought you didn't eat meat!") because they couldn't get enough of it. When I told them they were surprised. My nanny tried some also among other stuff I've made and she is now becoming a vegetarian AND lost 20lbs from eating healthier after being in my household. All that to say, you can do it. Its a gradual change. Little by little and experimenting with recipes, and before you know it...they will love your meat free meals.

Even with that...I'm still a terrible IBS sufferer caused by stress mainly I think. Learning what I can't eat. Broccoli and red onions destroys me. I already limited most dairy from my diet but I would eat cheese occasionally, now that has to go too. I have to be totally dairy free not only for IBS but for Sinusitis. This will be an interesting journey!!

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Re: biggest challenge to meat-free eating- a family! new
      #363601 - 02/23/11 01:07 AM

Reged: 02/23/11
Posts: 1

I think your husband like to eat more fats by consuming so much meat he can be prone to some disease. Help him to do some work out or yoga this will keep him healthy and fit.

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