HELP - I Need Some New Creative Ideas Please....
#311614 - 07/19/07 07:32 PM
Shell Marr
Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA
As many of you know... I've had the Lap Band weight loss surgery.... I'm at the stage now where I'm able to eat regular food..meaning (not pureed or mushy).... one month post-op today!!
I'm looking for help with meal ideas that are not only IBS safe, but also meet these additional "guidelines".
* high in protein
* low fat
* preferred no added sugar, since I can't do sugar free
* not liquid or too soft (like a shakes, yogurt, because liquids slip right thru the band and defeats that purpose of having it)
* I should eat 3-4oz of protein (total of 57 gms per day) followed by fruit or veggie and then starch... I know this is REALLY different from the IBS guidelines, but I don't have a choice.... if I eat the starch (i.e. bread or pasta) first, I will not have room left in my new small tummy to get all my nutrience. Plus, a lot of breads and pasta can gummy up and "get stuck" in the small opening between the new small tummy and the lower larger tummy (the rest my old one...LOL), but toasted breads and crackers work well. I did start adding my acacia back into my breakfast and dinner...and my bowel functions have stabilized...WWoohhooo!!
* I will be eating 1-1/2 cups of food or less per meal, so keep that in mind too! I get LOTS of left overs...
Anyway... hope this all makes sense, I'm hoping for some "creative" ideas! LOL
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Wow, even more to think about huh? If the band is helping its great, but it makes eating even more of a task. I might think of something but for now im thinking in the line of one-pan dishes. Risotto with stuff etc.. would that even be right?
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Hmmm, I don't have any ideas right now, but I was just thinking. The way you describe your new rules it sounds rather similar to a semi paleolithic diet. With "semi" I just mean the paleolithic diet but allowing smaller amounts of things like rice, quinoa et.c. Of course when you have IBS you can't just eat anything in terms of IF et.c. so you'd have to make adjustments. I am not an expert on paleolithic food myself but I think that at least some of those who follow that sort of diet think you should eat mainly cooked veggies and only add in a little bit of raw ones, so that's similar to the IBS diet. Since you need to follow this rule sort of prioritizing the more nutrition dense foods and then add as much carbs/starch food as you have room for, maybe it could be a good idea for you to read up on that diet and maybe look for a cook book for it to get some ideas?
I also have a question for you: This type of surgery you had is it reversible and would you reverse it after reaching your goal weight? There is something about it that makes it better than the "old" type of surgery right? Because about that type of surgery there is something I have always wondered. If you can only eat small portions, and that is the idea to get you to lose weight (or maybe I have misunderstood) then what happens once the excess weight is off? How do you then manage to stay at a stable weight and not lose more?
/Ulrika, IBS-D
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Actually I just picked up a cook book for paleolithic food today and one on low GI food. (I am planning to try mainly the protein parts of the recipes myself and the recipes that have cooked veggies and then add as much rice et.c. as I need.) It seems that these recipes focus a bit on making the protein source and the veggies/fruit really tasty so I'm thinking there might be some good recipes in there for you. I suppose you need all the components of your food to be tasty by themselves since you need to eat them one at a time as I understood you. Anyway, I will look through the recipes and get back to you if I find something I think could be good for you. Can you eat all the usual IBS safe protein and SF foods after this surgery or are there any things I should skip when looking through the recipes?
/Ulrika, IBS-D
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Thanks Ulrika that would be great...if you could find someting that would work.
I don't have any limitations other then doughy pasta & breads... (if the bread forms into a ball when pinched I will avoid it and I will have to cook pasta until very well done, not eldente (sp?).....I can try smaller forms of pasta, noodles or maybe even skip it all together...I want to avoid it "expanding" and then getting stuck...everyone's body handles the band a little different...kind of like it will be trial & error for awhile. Also "string" foods that COULD cause problems i.e. celery.
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Ok, good, then I know what to look for and what to stay away from. I will look through my new cookbooks the next few days and get back to you with what I find. 
/Ulrika, IBS-D
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Would it work to make, say, meatballs (turkey-based, baked) in a tomato vegetable sauce and serve it over orzo? Then you could eat a meatball or two with just enough sauce to get some flavor, then enough of the sauce to get some vegetables (tomato, carrot, onion), then a little of the orzo (a very small pasta). Is something like that what you're looking for?
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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Yes, Sand... something like that!! I also understand that rosotto (sp?) might work well too... I'm not sure how good left overs would be though... maybe would get mushy?? It is AMAZING when you are FORCED to CHEW your food... how much not only taste but texture plays a part in your menu. If it does not taste and FEEL good in my mouth... I don't even bother eating it, because it grosses me out having it in my mouth for that long while I CHEW it... LOL
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Trader Joe's has really good turkey meatballs that are only 2 grams of fat each. I usually do fine if I eat two sliced up with pasta and a small amount of marinara (sometimes I sprinkle soy cheese on top).
Here's the closest Trader Joe's to the city you listed- They have sooooo many things there that I can eat that have a lot of flavor and are easy to make but most importantly don't make me sick!
Good luck, Leigh
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I don't know about risotto - I always think of it as kind of gluey but that may just be the way we make it.
One of the nice things about orzo is that it cooks so quickly you could make only the amount you need for each meal - even if it's just 1/8 cup.
I know what you mean about chewing. Every piece of diet advice I've ever seen talks about how important it is to chew slowly.
Another meal along the same lines might be: salmon as your protein - it's easy to poach or bake and tastes good hot, cold, or room temp asparagus as your vegetable - again it tastes good hot, cold, or room temp rice as your starch - ditto
That's assuming you want to eat protein, veg, starch that seem to go together. You could also just run amok and eat something like a little chicken, some tangerine, and one of those crispy flatbreads that are so yummy. You'd probably never eat those as a "regular" meal but if you like them all, why not?
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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