#29715 - 12/02/03 12:11 PM
Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State
Heather, do you have a recipe for pizza? I crave it something terrible, more than anything else I've had to give up. I don't eat meat, I'm allergic to pork (no pepperoni please!), and I can't eat dairy (no cheese, thank you!), so what does that leave me? I found soy parmesan and soy mozzarella, but what do I do about the strong acidic pizza sauce, not to mention all that SALT? HELP! Thanks, Bev.
-------------------- <img src="">Bevvy
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Re: Pizza?
#29741 - 12/02/03 01:38 PM
Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA
Hi Bev - there are several pizza recipes in Eating for IBS. You can also check the recipe archive here - I think there are quite a few ideas. You can always just lightly brush the crust (make fresh from the EFI recipe, or use the dough they sell in most grocery store deli departments) with a bit of olive oil and omit the red sauce. Then add roasted veggies, shredded chicken breasts, shrimp, shredded fresh herbs like basil or cilantro (mix and match these in whatever combo appeals to you). Top with a little shredded soy or rice cheese, bake, and eat - yummy! The only salt will be what you add, so that's no problem.
- Heather
-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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Re: Pizza?
#29748 - 12/02/03 02:15 PM
Reged: 10/08/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Northern NY
Bev, I just recently discovered a new product... acid reduced pasta sauce! Personally, my body deals okay with the acidity of tomato sauces, but it's certainly something to look at! Here's the webpage:
web page
-------------------- "Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield
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Re: Pizza?
#29763 - 12/02/03 04:21 PM
Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State
Thank you both. I confess I missed your pizza recipes in your book, Heather, but I have now found them and they sound great; I'll give 'em a try. The D'gesta sauce is the perfect solution for my acid problem -- thanks, Kree! Yummm.
-------------------- <img src="">Bevvy
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Amy's Soy Pizza is out of this world! Give it a try... you can find it in your frozen (organic) section. It is good topped w/ fresh veggies or turkey pepperoni... 
It is not very saucy or salty -- maybe it will sit well in your tummy...
Fingers Crossed, Shanna
-------------------- "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -- e e cummings
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Shanna, Do you find that the fat content (11g for 4.3oz) or the dairy protein bothers you? I'd really like to try these, but am afraid of those factors.
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Actually, it digests very well... and I am SUPER sensative!!!
-------------------- "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -- e e cummings
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I've never had a problem with it, either. And I agree, it's soooo tasty. Even my dairy-loving parents like it!
-------------------- "Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield
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Hi - that fat content is actually really reasonable. 11 grams of fat equals 99 calories, so that's about 1 tablespoon of fat in the whole portion. You should be getting a good soluble fiber basis from the crust too.
The trace amounts of casein (the dairy protein) in soy and rice cheeses don't bother most folks with IBS at all. BUT - there are some people who are exceptions, so just pay attention as you eat this. Odds are good you'll do just fine. 
- Heather
-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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Wonderfull to hear! I broke down and bought one last night..:) I can't wait! Thanks for all the good info gals!
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