Can someone give me an idea why graham crackers give me trouble?
#152374 - 02/21/05 09:30 AM
I have been using them for pie recipes. What could be in that stuff that is so nasty to me?
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My box of Nabisco Honey Maid Brand Cinnamon graham crackers lists HFCS. That's all I see that looks problematic.
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what is "graham flour" anyhow? And I found this Website that claims graham flour is a type of whole wheat flour.
I think we need to get Heather in on this because she lists "graham crackers" as one of the things to eat when you can't eat anything, so I must be misunderstanding something about how graham flour is made.
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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The Honey Maid graham crackers have HFCS, but I did find that Keebler Grahams don't! I think that's what Heather was maybe referring to.
-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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do Keebler Grahams have graham flour? If so, is it actually a type of whole wheat flour? If so, why is it safe to eat?
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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I'm not sure if there is wheat flour in it, but there is graham flour listed. The first ingredient listed however, is enriched flour which does have wheat flour in it.
-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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I guess I'm not being clear. According to the Website I quoted in my "Then I started wondering" post, graham flour is a type of whole wheat flour. That is, it includes the bran and, sometimes, the germ. I thought whole wheat flour was a trigger because it includes the bran. If graham flour includes the bran, why would it be considered safe?
(I suppose I could just eat some of the darn things and see if they cause an attack, but I am awfully curious about things that don't seem to make sense, so if there's a logical answer to why whole wheat flour is bad, but graham flour is good, I'd be much obliged for it. Thanks.)
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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Hmmm... don't have an answer to that one. Maybe it's the way it's processed or something? Just a guess.
-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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Good guess!
#152943 - 02/22/05 02:45 PM
atomic rose
Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)
I just did a quick Google search and this is what I came up with... from the Wheat Foods Council: "Whole wheat, graham and stone ground can be used interchangeably. Actually, graham flour is a finer grind of whole wheat flour. They are equal in nutritive value as with stone ground, which is wheat ground between millstones."
Of course, that still doesn't answer Sand's question... my guess on that is because it's a finer grind. I should add here that whole wheat is an insoluble fiber food, and insolubles are NOT "unsafe". They must simply be eaten with a soluble fiber base. Since the crackers also contain white flour, and at a higher proportion than the graham, that would take care of the soluble base right there. Insolubles are also easier to digest the smaller you can break them down - hence the advice to mash cooked vegetables - and that would also make graham flour easier to digest than whole wheat, applying the same logic.
Hopefully Heather will see this and weigh in on it... I know she's not on the boards very often. All I know is that I can (unfortunately for my waistline!) sit down an eat an entire sleeve of the Keebler grahams without any problems, and I've been pretty sensitive to insolubles in the past.
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Wow! Thanks Casey! That actually cleared a lot of for me! It does make perfect sense the way you put it!
-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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