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For Heather
      #373845 - 04/17/19 01:23 PM

Reged: 04/17/19
Posts: 5

Hi Heather - I just joined the boards and have a question for you.

Now that you have been practicing your IBS strategies for several years, currently what percent of an average week would you say your symptoms are under control? Thought maybe your answer could provide hope for some of us who are navigating the maze of symptoms and solutions. Thanks.


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Re: For Heather new
      #373846 - 04/18/19 11:45 AM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

Hi - on an average week I am 100% stable. I hit a rough patch a few times a year, and that has been consistent for many, many years now. Sometimes I know why (I stupidly eat something I know is a trigger, but it's been so long, and maybe if I just have a little, it's so delicious....WHAM) and sometimes I know it's stress, and sometimes it's out of the blue.

I drop right back to breaking the cycle ( ) for a few days and things get back on track. It helps that I know this will work, it's a temporary set back, I need to get extra sleep, I have a great husband who knows the drill and drops everything to help me, I don't worry that it's not actually IBS but something undiagnosed, etc.

In general I think your gut tends to keep going in the cycle it's in - if that is daily dysfunction, it takes more effort to get it into a stable rhythm and then keep it there. But if you can get it stable consistently, and that regular motility becomes your gut's new normal, it is more likely to stay stable and easier to get back to normal rhythm if something does come along and send you sideways.


Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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Re: For Heather new
      #373848 - 04/18/19 12:48 PM

Reged: 04/17/19
Posts: 5

Thanks for responding! It's reassuring that sticking with the program long-term helps and also realistic that bumps in the road are to be expected.

After a particularly bad bout in January, I'm determined to help myself and my IBS. I have to break a bad pattern of: 1. trying something 2. it seems it might be helping 3. things getting worse again and 4. totally throwing my hands up and giving up trying to find causes. I'm not good at being persistent and quickly spiral down into "I'll never get this figured out."

Any encouragement appreciated!


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Re: For Heather new
      #373849 - 04/18/19 02:03 PM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

Hang in there! It's harder to get stable than to stay stable. The longer you can keep your gut going in a good rhythmic motility, the longer it will stay that way. So it's ok if you start out with just a few days of stability and then things flare. Stay the course, go back to plain soluble fiber foods/strong peppermint or fennel tea for a day or two, and you should stay stable longer each time you move forward.

Hopefully that pattern just continues, and the more it does the more confidence you will have that this is getting better, the big picture is improving and the bumps in the road are getting easier and less frequent.

And sometimes IBS just flares for who knows what reason - if that happens don't kill yourself trying to figure it out, accept the occasional bolt of lightning from the unknown, and know that you can get on top of things quickly again.

Keep me posted! You can also email help @ as that can hit my radar faster than the boards.


Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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