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gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #85233 - 07/01/04 07:39 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

today i am thankful for:
  • being on vacation even though i have nothing to do and no money.
  • my new job, of course!
  • cute bartenders (tee hee)
  • the fact that the sun may actually be out again today
  • my dog. he's so cute!
  • little fledgling birds hopping around on the patio
  • my new CDs, all of which are excellent: The Beastie Boys, Alanis Morrisette and Incubus.
  • time alone (which i love!)
  • getting my hair done and a great cute pedicure tomorrow!
  • Vegas is coming sooner and sooner!
  • aha.... i'm thankful there have been no freaks on the boards for a few days!
  • fair skin
  • shoes!
  • my new tattoos
  • Comedy Central
  • cows. (did i ever mention i have a thing for comical cows?)

    ok, i think that's it for now. anyone else?


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  • Ooh... I'll play new
          #85240 - 07/01/04 08:01 AM

    Reged: 12/18/03
    Posts: 2439

    *Being on vacation even if I'm just cleaning the house today
    *Having a new book to read
    *Being home with my husband and my aminals
    *Being able to eat healthily now that I'm home (I never realized how fatty my parents lifestyle was)
    *Going to the beach in two weeks with my sisters
    *It's payday!
    *The fact that it's sunny here too
    *Having a cable modem and being back on the boards!

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    Today I am thankful for..... new
          #85242 - 07/01/04 08:02 AM

    Reged: 02/10/03
    Posts: 2167

    • my friends here
    • my husband
    • my favorite dog and his brother
    • sunshine
    • rain
    • flowers
    • time off
    • comfortable jeans
    • advil
    • music
    • hugs
    • TCBY
    • chocolate
    • Puffs Plus tissues
    • a comfortable bed
    • flannel sheets

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          #85248 - 07/01/04 08:09 AM

    Reged: 02/10/03
    Posts: 2167

    it's payday for me too! And I also found out that once I moved away from home how fatty my parent's lifestyle was...and still is.

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    Nugget... new
          #85251 - 07/01/04 08:16 AM

    Reged: 12/18/03
    Posts: 2439

    Yeah, I was just staying with them for three weeks while I taught at a writing workshop, and the difference between the way they eat and the way we eat is just astonishing. We ate out a ton, usually fatty appetizers and martinis... for snacks I would have wheat thins... there were bad desserts everywhere. And the thing is, I know they were just trying to spoil me and make sure I had a good time, but all of the fat was making me constantly sick and since I KNEW they were trying to spoil me I didn't know how to say no. Plus my willpower wasn't at it's peak. Then I came home where all we eat is vegetables, we rarely drink, and a snack is some watermelon or some fat free microwavable popcorn. And of course I've felt a million times better! I'm grateful for that too!

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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85255 - 07/01/04 08:22 AM

    Reged: 04/02/04
    Posts: 1407
    Loc: Alabama

    Thankful to God for His blessing!
    My family!
    Visiting with our friends from England this week!
    A good book!
    A great church family!
    A get-away planned for the weekend!
    God is GOOD!!

    God is Faithful!

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    I'm in! new
          #85257 - 07/01/04 08:24 AM
    atomic rose

    Reged: 06/01/04
    Posts: 7013
    Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

    Today I'm thankful for...

    * these boards and all of you
    * my 2 cats
    * my family - they don't fully understand, but they care
    * heating pads
    * a comfortable bed
    * ...with a down comforter
    * ...and a laptop
    * the ability to FINALLY see bad-health days as a blessing in disguise (an excuse to lay around and do nothing! yeah!) rather than a curse

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    China.... new
          #85269 - 07/01/04 08:34 AM

    Reged: 02/10/03
    Posts: 2167

    I was raised on fatty foods! Fried chicken, bacon, fried eggs basted with bacon grease, homemade doughnuts fried in lard, fried toast, etc., etc. My mother is a great cook....just tooo much fat for my tummy. I don't know how I was able to eat all that when I was a kid. Then when I moved away from home, I ate healthier...and now my body can't handle the fatty foods.

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    Great idea... new
          #85270 - 07/01/04 08:35 AM

    Reged: 10/08/03
    Posts: 3748
    Loc: Northern NY

    I'm thankful for...

    >my job interview next Tuesday
    >getting my professional portfolio looking snazzy
    >a day without classes!
    >the upcoming long weekend
    >a weekend without any big assignments to do
    >my family and friends
    >my hair, which is finally long enough it's not bugging the heck out of me
    >the nice BM I had this morning (I wouldn't tell that to anyone else, lol )
    >the sun outside my window (and the A/C inside my house!)
    >green grass
    >my kitty, Fluffy
    >the delicious homemade strawberry jelly I had for breakfast... on toast, of course
    >Harry Potter books

    "Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield

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    Re: I'm in! new
          #85273 - 07/01/04 08:36 AM

    Reged: 10/08/03
    Posts: 3748
    Loc: Northern NY


    * the ability to FINALLY see bad-health days as a blessing in disguise (an excuse to lay around and do nothing! yeah!) rather than a curse

    Good for you... and Amen to that! If we don't we'll always be miserable.

    "Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield

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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85348 - 07/01/04 12:16 PM
    Dr. Spice Yamin

    Reged: 04/15/04
    Posts: 3286
    Loc: Maryland

    I am thankful for.....

    1. Tufts letting me in to become a psychologist so I can quit my crappy waitressing job that puts me in a bad mood on a daily basis.
    2. My first VERY OWN apartment ever
    3. purple and yellow
    4. all the boys that have hit on me post vinnie.. even though I don't want them it makes me feel less of a troll
    5. apple and watermelon martinis
    6. My parents for everything.. because I could have never done half of what i've done without them


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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85404 - 07/01/04 02:06 PM

    Reged: 10/25/03
    Posts: 1716
    Loc: Maryland

    I'm thankful for:

    My great husband
    3 wonderful children
    the flowers in my yard
    my new house with heat and air (most of the houses here don't have either)
    living 3 blocks from the beach
    my cat and dog
    good friends
    the best job and boss ever
    living in a place that has beautiful weather and is safe
    a cheap movie theater 5 mins. away


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    I'm about to do a separate post on this, but I'll play... new
          #85419 - 07/01/04 02:36 PM

    Reged: 05/31/04
    Posts: 1662
    Loc: soCal

    -my parents who weren't always the best when I was younger but who are awesome now
    -my unconditionally loving husband
    -my sister for letting me dog-sit her lab while she's in Tennessee this weekend
    -John Steinbeck. Of Mice and Men is a perennial favorite, and right now I'm in the middle of East of Eden
    -romantic comedies
    -soft toilet paper
    -all of your support
    -summer vacation!
    -southern California weather


    Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85433 - 07/01/04 03:06 PM

    Reged: 03/21/04
    Posts: 1442
    Loc: South Texas

    • To be so richly blessed by God my Father
    • My wonderfully loving, generous, funny, workaholic, did I say GENEROUS, husband !
    • My family, My Mom, who has always been the most patient person on earth with me !!
    • My home, my yard, that I have worked so hard to grow the most beautiful flowers ever
    • Rice, Chicken, Shrimp, and Chocolate
    • My Grandsons, 3, I call them the KINGS!! And to me, they are !
    • The most beautiful, considerate, giving, loyal , and loving friends a girl could have !
    • My friends here on the Boards, their great support !

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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85443 - 07/01/04 03:23 PM

    Reged: 06/22/04
    Posts: 2018
    Loc: USA

    *My two handsome children Kyle and Ryan
    *My absolutely wonderful husband
    *My sister-my, best friend
    *My family that they are all healthy
    *My job, house, and other material things that we own
    *The beach, sun, boardwalks
    *candy, cookies, cakes
    *wipies---not only for my messy kids but for MY hiney

    Most of all..............the free country that we live in.


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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85452 - 07/01/04 04:01 PM

    Reged: 04/05/04
    Posts: 172
    Loc: east coast, usa

    I am thankful for:
    *life... to be able to start over each day.
    *that I don't have a terminal illness like cancer. Today I found out that my Grandma was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, and does not have long. She is so great & I love her. I don't want to loose her...:(
    *my siblings: they make me laugh, support me, and balance me out.
    *animals & nature. These make me smile & calm me.
    *soy icecream! Yay, a treat.
    *The shows: newlyweds, ashlee simpson, and RW: San Diego. I like watching these shows, they are fun.
    *a roof over my head, food, clothing
    *my parents. They are good people
    *my friends & extended family.
    *stores: where I get my exercise & treat myself
    *the beach & festivals
    *Farm Fresh: bcos they have a vegetarian section where I can get stuff that I can eat!!!
    *winter in a few months (my favorite season)
    *this website & message board:-)

    Jen, freaks on the message boards?? what happened? new tattoos? How fun:)

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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85456 - 07/01/04 04:09 PM

    Reged: 10/02/03
    Posts: 192
    Loc: IL

    I am thankful for:
    God MY Father who cares and loves me,
    My wonderful, loving husband of 16 1/2 years
    My two boys, 15 and 13
    My extended family-humungous as it is
    My job-being an RN is a big part of me
    My comfortable, nonfancy home we built together
    MY two lizards-George and Gracie
    and the list that could go on forever-
    but must include this group!!!

    Whatever doesn't kill me will make me stronger!

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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85468 - 07/01/04 05:32 PM

    Reged: 05/06/04
    Posts: 163
    Loc: Queens, NY

    today i'm thankful for...
    - my 2 year old twin neighbors who i adore more than life itself
    - my new job that i started training for today
    - the fact that the office closes at 2 tomorrow!!
    - and of course that monday is a holiday
    - my family
    - my friends
    - the hot guy in seattle who i met on vacation and still talk to....

    Things happen for a reason...just believe

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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85610 - 07/02/04 07:38 AM

    Reged: 02/23/04
    Posts: 1213
    Loc: Ewing, NJ, USA (IBS-D, Vegetarian)

    *my best friend who has let me stay at his place until I get an A/C for my room so the heat doesn't kill me
    *my mom ships my A/C today!
    *my dad for getting me said A/C
    *my best friend for taking me home with him this weekend so I don't spend the holiday weekend just doing hw
    *no class on Monday!
    *peppermint candies
    *my sweet boyfriend for caring so much about my health, even when he can't do anything from 7 time zones away
    *having these fabulous boards to spend my time with fabulous people

    Friendship is thicker than blood. ~Rent

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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85629 - 07/02/04 08:22 AM

    Reged: 02/12/03
    Posts: 1939
    Loc: Wisconsin

    My children's good health
    My husband (most of the time )
    My extended family
    Warm weather
    a house
    a garden
    a job
    Most importantly my "Freedom" I'm thankful for July 4th, because it reminds us every year that men and women died years ago to give us the freedom we have today.

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    Re: gratitude list time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
          #85772 - 07/02/04 12:40 PM

    Reged: 06/01/03
    Posts: 3522

    Top 10 things I'm thankful for (not in this order, of course!)----

    1. Good hairstylists

    2. My nearby Lowe's Home Improvement store

    3. A good ccld Diet Coke with lime (I know, my weakness!)

    5. My wonderful Mom & Dad who just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and are still very much in love!

    6. Kisses from my 2 beagles--- who love me no matter how bad I look like or how selfish I act

    7. The inventor of thin Maxi pads

    8. Men who still open doors for me (like the guy at Taco Bell today)

    9. My husband, who puts up with my wild mood swings (are you reading this, Nugget?) and brings me the newspaper in bed

    10. And, my 2 teenage boys who test my patience daily. But I wouldn't trade being their Mom for anything in the world!

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