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soy ice cream
      #74570 - 05/29/04 09:51 AM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 52

All the soy ice creams I've tried are terrible, what kind is good? I'd even drive to the states if they have a better brand. I live close to the border.

livin' without my ice cream...sigh...

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Re: soy ice cream new
      #74575 - 05/29/04 10:39 AM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

I like the SO Good brand. So far I've just tried the caramel swirl and strawberry kind and I don't think they're too bad at all. Mind you it had been 3 years since I had had regular ice cream so I couldn't compare the taste.

Do you live in Canada? In Ontario I've found them at Loblaws and in Manitoba I've found them at Safeway.

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Re: soy ice cream new
      #74585 - 05/29/04 11:27 AM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 52

Thx Jamie,
the caramel swirl sounds I have to make a trip to the grocer. I'm in Vancouver, Canada; we have tons of Safeways. Do you have any other favorite treats, especially for movie snacking? Safe ones...I'm going crazy with no chocolate or ice cream...I'm sick of peeled

Life responds when we risk.

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Re: soy ice cream new
      #74657 - 05/29/04 06:08 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

Ah Vancouver... or Van-topia as my roommates call it. They're all from there and really miss it.

The really good snacks are tough. Most chips etc. are way too greasy/ high in fat and most of the flavourings have milk products in them. One product that I have found that isn't too bad, all be it not as good as regular chips, is President's Choice rice chips. They've got a few flavours but the Sea salt and cracked peppercorn flavour is the only one that doesn't have milk products in them. That's one area where it may be benficial to drive done to the states and see what they have.

Some gummie stuff doesn't really bother me but there are lots of ingredients in them that are longer than 5 syllables so I'm careful to not have too much.

You're smart to stay away from the chocolate, it will really bother me now

Let me know how you like the ice cream.


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Re: soy ice cream new
      #74760 - 05/30/04 11:04 AM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 52

Hi Jamie,
Thanks for the tips. I got the ice cream, I ended up just getting vanilla. It's called Rice Dream. It's not bad, i could always add just a taste caramel sauce myself. All the flavours were like Double Fudge Chocolate and Peanut butter Chocolate. Being soy or Rice milk and all I just didn't want to risk the cramps and nausea from the chocolate stuff. I was tempted though. I also got some Corn Pops and Alphabets cereal to munch on. I haven't bought that kind of cereal in ages! I even got a Spiderman toy! haha. I work at a Children's Hospital so the kids will love it. It reflects a Red SPider on a wall thru a red light. Cereal toys...Mmmm...those were the days...

I'm going to make that mix that's posted here with the honey and I think you bake it. Yum yim! What fun.

Life responds when we risk.

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Re: soy ice cream new
      #74800 - 05/30/04 04:19 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

Those sound good, you'll have to let me know how they turn out. The ones that I have are: SO Good Ice Cream

Ceral makes the best snack. I like honeycomb and then there are also some really great organic cerals. President's choice and Nature's Path have some really good ones. You do have to be careful with some children's cerals as they've got lots of additives in them. As well, last year, before my IBS got bad I bought a box of lucky charms. Holy crap I couldn't eat them! There was just WAY too much sugar. There had to be more than when I was a kid!

The toy sounds fun. That'd be a great way to get the kids to smile at the hospital. Before my IBS got bad I flew Medevacs and really enjoyed it when we had kids as the patients. Not only were they easier to lift onto the plane, but if it wasn't too serious we'd get them to come visit up front so they could see all the dials and switches and everything. That was especially cool on nights when the Northern lights were out. We even had some toy airplanes we'd give them.


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Re: soy ice cream new
      #74801 - 05/30/04 04:24 PM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 52

That's awesome that you flew medevacs! We have flight paramedics at Children's hospital, that would be the ultimate job, huh? Two full fledge careers in one brain. Amazing. do you fly private or commercial?

Life responds when we risk.

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Re: soy ice cream new
      #74837 - 05/30/04 08:03 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

I fly commercially for a regional airline here in Manitoba. We've got scheduled flights, Medevacs and Charters. Right now I just fly the little single engine Cessna on charters. I did for a year until just before Christmas and am now doing charters.

The nurses and paramedics that we fly with seem to like their jobs, although they have the same complaints about it as I did: no real schedule, living on your pager, never getting a regular sleep schedule. It was hell on my stomach. But I really did like it, I wish I could keep doing it.

What do you do at the hospital?

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well.. new
      #74877 - 05/30/04 10:49 PM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 52

Your'e job sounds awesome! How many years of school for that kind of thing? DO you have a second langauge?

I was going to go in to be a flight attendant but I didn't have my second langauge, drag. So now I'm a unit clerk in the Intensive Care Unit at childrens Hospital. It's great, I love it. It's so fasted paced and the morale is awesome. The kids are wonderful. I've fallen in love with one of the little guys that we've had now for 8 months.

With the strike and all, and i think eventually we will be contracted out so I've gone back to school to get the classes that I never got in high school. I'm actually enjoying it! crazy huh? I've already got my math completed and it's just bio12 and chem11 left then I'm going into Nursing, YEa!! I'm just thrilled about this. Nursing is so broad, you can go anywhere with it. I love the medical field. I might even end back at children's hosp. who knows! talk to ya soon

Life responds when we risk.

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Re: well.. new
      #75098 - 05/31/04 09:23 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

I don't speak a second language although I'm taking an introductory French course through distance Education right now. It's interesting although I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into!

I did a 3 year college course in Toronto to get all my licences and ratings, I then moved up North, got a job with my present company loading bags, did that for 15 months and have been flying for them since November 2002.

Nursing is a great career. There are so many different avenues you can pursue. One of my old roommates was a flight nurse for us. After he quit that he worked at various nursing stations throughout the Arctic. He's currently in Gjoa Haven on the Arctic Ocean and then is going to go Volunteer in Honduras before heading back to BC to take pre-med.

I so would have been a nurse or doctor if I could have handled some of the gory stuff that they have to deal with. My cousin is in Med school and everytime she talks about stuff she had to do I get queezy, yet I used to fly an Air Ambulance, go figure

What does a unit clerk do? Lots of the organizational stuff and paper work etc?

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Re: well.. new
      #75108 - 05/31/04 09:59 PM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 52

A unit clerk, depending on the ward she's working in (I used to work in Women's hosp admitting all the laboring ladies. What fun that was!!) BUt I've been in ICU now for just about a year now and it's by far my favorite. Basically I do all the calls, which the phone never stops!! ah! sometimes I just wanna scream...but i don't.

I also book tests, page doctors in various departments and other hospital personal, tube bloodwork specimens,deliver specimens, lots of public relations, filing, picking up drugs, and playing with the kids of course. Basically we are the core of the unit. The docs order it, the nurses do it and we make it all happen.

How's walking your cat going? I'm going to walk mine tomorrow. I just put her on a leash here in the apartment and she refused to walk until I offered her a treat. ANything for food. She's really putting on the pounds so a good walk will do us both good!
Are you good at French? I remember in high school I was terrible at it, better at spanish. Ever had a scary experience flying? Near death or anything? where are you flying to these days? You must get to travel so much! LUCKY

Life responds when we risk.

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Walking the cat.... new
      #75180 - 06/01/04 09:14 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Jamie and Genie, are you using a harness for your cats? Just a regular collar and leash like a dog's isn't the best thing for cats. The clever little things can slip right out of them!! A harness that goes around their chest and back is much safer. figure 8 cat harness

Keep it simple!

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Re: soy ice cream new
      #75330 - 06/01/04 05:57 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 24

Hey.. I'm also an ice cream addict and can assure you that Soy Delicious is the BEST soy ice cream around. I've tried them all. Not sure if you can find it in Canada, but the website is
Perhaps they'll help you find a store.


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Re: Walking the cat.... new
      #75339 - 06/01/04 06:25 PM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 52

thx laura sue. Mine doesn't really know what to make of this walking outside thing. But she doesn't try to dart or anything. She just smells all the flowers and leaves. Cute thing she is! but good tip, because she is sooo sneaky!

she has also developed a new 'gross' habit... she doesn't like to poop in her litter box anymore??? she goes right beside it or near by it! why?? anybody know? it was all of a sudden. I've tried putting paper there and she goes on the floor that's not covered. I've even tried putting her food there and she still does it! HELP. She's driving me crazy! any other suggestions? Next I'm going to put another litter box in there...maybe she wants one for each calling?

Life responds when we risk.

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Re: Walking the cat.... new
      #75347 - 06/01/04 07:10 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

I soooo totally agree and metioned that in an earlier post. I used to get the harness type (when I had a cat I walked, many years ago) but it was like the ones you use for tiny dogs, like having 2 around the neck and the other around the tummy, and a strip connecting the 2 along the back. I've since talked to a friend about this figure 8 model and she says it's not good, (they still can choke) get the old kind. Not having a cat that wears one any more I wouldn't know. Is that what you had for yours LS? If so, did you ever have to use a leash with it?



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Re: Walking the cat.... new
      #75351 - 06/01/04 07:20 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

I think it's soooo cute that you walk your cat. I used to have one, many years ago, that would act more like a dog with his was like he said, "well, here we gonna keep up with me?" He would walk soooo proud as if to say, "look at me". The female I had at the same time was just the opposite.......crouch down to the ground and never budge.....they were total opposites. I'm glad you brought up the treat aspect. Many cats will not do anything you want without a treat. The trick is finding one they like.....they are usually so picky.

As to the litter is either the litter itself she doesn't like, or the box or the fact it's not clean. Try an unscented litter for a while.........plain old cheapy clay kitty litter..maybe get a new box. None of mine ever wanted a closed in one........or she wants it in a private place? Maybe get a few cheapy boxes, and put in different locations and see which one she will use. Scolding may help but not usually, just give her options and see what happens.

Also, the minute she looks like she's going to go, if you see her, scoop her up and set her in the you're training a kitten for the first time.



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Re: Walking the cat.... new
      #75365 - 06/01/04 08:23 PM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 52

well, her box has never moved, it's in the pantry. SHe even has a cat door to enter the room. SHe used to poop in it and then one day she rebeled. Now she does off and on. Strange. Her litter changed once, but she still pees in it.?? I try not to scold her because she gets this look like i'm crazy. cat's; they sure are a mystery>...

I thought you'd all enjoy this if you've ever had a cat and/or dog!!!I SURE did!

>8:00 a.m.Oh, boy! Dog food! My favorite!
>9:30 a.m.Oh, boy! A car ride! My favorite!
>9:40 a.m.Oh, boy! A walk! My favorite!
>10:30 a.m.Oh, boy! Getting rubbed and petted! My favorite!
>11:30 a.m.Oh, boy! Dog food! My favorite!
>Noon- Oh, boy! The kids! My favorite!
>1:00 p.m.Oh, boy! The yard! My favorite!
>4:00 p.m.Oh, boy! To the park! My favorite!
>5:00 p.m.Oh, boy! Dog food! My favorite!
>5:30 p.m.Oh, boy! Pretty Mums! My favorite!
>6:00 p.m.Oh, boy! Playing ball! My favorite!
>6:30 a.m.Oh, boy! Watching TV with my master! My favorite!
>8:30 p.m Oh, boy! Sleeping in master's bed! My favorite!
>Day 183 of My Captivity: My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of escape, and the mild satisfaction I get from ruining the occasional piece of furniture. Tomorrow I may eat another house plant. Today my attempt to kill my captors by weaving around their feet while they were walking almost succeeded; must try this at the top of the stairs. In an attempt to disgust and repulse these vile oppressors, I once again induced myself to vomit on their favorite chair, must try this on their bed. Decapitated a mouse and brought them the headless body, in an attempt to make them aware of what I am capable of, and to try to strike fear into their hearts. They only cooed and condescended about what a good little cat I was. Hmmm, not working according to plan. There was some sort of gathering of their accomplices. I was placed in solitary confinement throughout the event. However, I could hear the noise and smell the food. More importantly, I overheard that my confinement was due to my power of "allergies." Must learn what this is and how to use it to my advantage. I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and maybe snitches. The dog is routinely released and seems more than happy to return. He is obviously a half-wit. The bird, on the other hand, has got to be an
>informant, he speaks with them regularly. I am certain he reports my every move. Due to his current placement in the high metal room, his safety is assured. But I can wait, it is only a matter of time ....

Life responds when we risk.

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Re: well.. new
      #75372 - 06/01/04 08:54 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

Unit clerk sounds pretty fun. As long as you enjoy what you do, that's the important thing. Plus I imagine you make some pretty good contacts if you do end up getting into nursing.

I haven't yet tried walking Mags. The last two days have been really long, not getting home until 10pm. The last thing I want to do is try and get a cat in a harness
What's your cat's name? How old is she?

These days I don't fly very far. Mostly just the different native reserves in Northern Manitoba. Medevacs were a little more fun as I got to go to Winnipeg all the time as well as many different communities in the Arctic. On my time off I mostly just travel back home to Toronto, although I have used my passes to go to Switzerland and Chicago in the past year. And yes, I have scared myself a few times

And ya, I don't speak French well (Je ne parle pas francais). I wasn't great at it in highschool, however, since travelling a bit I've gained an appreciation for learning a second language.

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Re: well.. new
      #75376 - 06/01/04 09:01 PM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 52

My cat's name is Malu. It means peaceful in Hawaii. She's not always that peaceful though especially at night! Jumping over my head and all like a circus. I usually yell at her and kick her out. THat just gets her around the apartment all the more.

I flew an ultralight plane before.. does that count as flying?? it was great. We did up and downs and all arounds. Kinda wished i'd gotten into it now.

Life responds when we risk.

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Cute, cute, genie. LOL...Thanks for posting............-nt- new
      #75378 - 06/01/04 09:02 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California



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Re: Walking the cat.... new
      #75384 - 06/01/04 09:18 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

Hey LauraSue!

I haven't actually bought a harness for Mags yet, but when I do it will be a harness as opposed to just a collar. Although I'm really not too sure how much she's going to like having a harness on, she's just finally getting used to her regular collar. (not used with a leash)

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Re: well.. new
      #75387 - 06/01/04 09:22 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

An ultralight would definitely count. I haven't actually been in one before. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself

That's a nice name for a cat, Mags does the same thing. She'll have lots and lots of energy when all I want to do is sleep. I will just close the door to keep her out of mine room. Unfortunately, my roommate (who isn't a big cat fan) doesn't have a door to his room (just a tarp) so if I lock her out of my room, she'll go bug him and he doesn't appreciate that.

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