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Re: AmandaPanda.. and any others that want to help with boy problems! HI ASHLEY!!!! new
      #73120 - 05/25/04 04:28 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 346

Hi Ashley,

First I read your post and then I read Jamie's post to you before I decided to write to you about this.

Jamie gave you some great advice and some great insight into what men feel.

I know you're a young girl and in love. Sometimes we can care for someone so much that we don't realize that they need some time to themselves. I think all of us are guilty of doing that at one time or another.

Men are not as emotional as we are and most men hate emotional outbursts even though that is how most girls and women react to these things.

I don't think 17 miles is far for him to drive if he really wanted to share the same apartment. The question you need to ask yourself (and ask of him also) is it because he wants time to himself. He can still care about you and want to spend some time by himself. I would want to know how the other person feels on this subject so I know where we both stand.

If someone loves you enough they will ALWAYS come back to you. Having a ring doesn't make a relationship more solid. There are a lot of married people who don't have a solid relationship even though they have the rings and the marriage certificate.

I would try to calmly talk to him to see what HE wants out of the relationship. If it's not what you're looking for in a relationship then it's better you find out now.

I think it's good that you will be going home soon as it will give you time to think things over. I don't agree that absence always makes the heart grow fonder, but I think absence gives us a chance to really think things out logically.

Please let us know how things work out for you. We know you feel brokenhearted right now and want the best for you, no matter what the outcome is. Since I beleive in honesty more than anything I would try to find out why HE wants to make some changes.

Best of luck to you hon,


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Re: Does This Ever Sound Familiar, Ashley! new
      #73129 - 05/25/04 06:00 AM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

Hi Bev and china gal,

Bev, I am very sorry about your first fiance. That is a terribly sad story, but at least you never held back.

In regards to my story, I've been trying to figure things out and talk since this all happened but he can't listen. He has a paper that is already an extension due tomorrow. This is just frustrating me more, but I know he can't help it. I just want to figure things out. I hate that this is hanging over my head.

My issue is that even if I let him realize how much he misses me, leases around here are for 12 months.. so thats definitly gonna be a year spent apart.

thanks for your help though, it makes me feel better.


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Re: AmandaPanda.. and any others that want to help with boy problems! HI ASHLEY!!!! new
      #73130 - 05/25/04 06:01 AM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

thank you so much patricia, your advice is very sweet, and I'll definitly be taking it. I'm gonna try to figure this all out, and I'll definitly keep you all updated.


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Re: AmandaPanda.. and any others that want to help with boy problems! HI ASHLEY!!!! new
      #73132 - 05/25/04 06:06 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 346

Hi Ashley,

I can tell you're in a much better frame of mind. You just need some time to think about all that is going on right now.

Know it's really tough for you and wishing you the best. Thanks for answering my post.


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Re: AmandaPanda.. and any others that want to help with boy problems! HI ASHLEY!!!! new
      #73136 - 05/25/04 06:24 AM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

Thanks, I am in a better frame of mind now thanks to you guys. hopefully i'll get to talk to him later when he finishes his paper.


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update new
      #73140 - 05/25/04 07:03 AM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

ok, I'm back to feeling like crap. I just tried very calmly to approach the subject. I said do you even want to try to make this work. He said no, you're just angry cause you can't get your way. (which is not true at all, I'm so used to never getting my way with this kid). Anyways, I said is there something else holding you back because it seems like 20 minutes is arbitrary if you truely love someone. He says he cans till have a relationship and travel 20 mins. I said but then why can't we live together, I know we will be so busy and never get to see each other. I want you to be there for me and with me, even just to sit together while doing work. He again said you're just mad cause you can't get your way.

RIGHT NOW, I am so freakin mad. I asked if there was another reason and he said no, he just said there will be too much traffic and that its not worth it. I said then I will travel, and he said what would you do. I told him all of you guys' suggestions and he just answered with something totally unrelated, and said Ashley, its only three years why can't you handle this?

He doesn't understand why I'm upset, and why this is breaking me heart. I feel like he's choosing a job over us, and that he won't even go 20 miles or try to meet halfway so that we can be together. I don't think i'm wrong to be upset. He's so freakin stubborn and he won't even think about ways around it. maybe I approached him at the wrong time because he was just revising his paper, but I did it calmly and tried to figure out why he was doing this.

Now I don't know how to act. I go home for the summer on Monday, and we will barely get to see each other. The plan was to go home for the summer, until he figured out where he was getting a job, so that we can find an apartment together later. Apparently that is no longer the case. Now i'm scared about whether or not I should even try to spend time with him before I leave, if I should pretend like I don't care. I'm so confused about how to act. I don't know what he's gonna do all summer, and it scares me beacuse we will be leaving on such rocky grounds. This has gotten even more complicated.


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Ashley! I'm sorry!
      #73153 - 05/25/04 08:24 AM
AmandaPanda, J.D.

Reged: 04/26/04
Posts: 1490
Loc: New York, New York

Wow I'm so sorry I wasn't online and didn't get to see this. I went to my brother's house last night to view a video of a movie that is coming out this summer: "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle." My brother's friends from high school wrote the screenplay, and it's coming out July 30. It's hilarious, especially if you liked American Pie and Road Trip and those similar movies. Anyway, so that's where I was, and I just now got online and read this whole thread.
So, sounds like you are really having some trouble! I think the hardest part in these situations is the part that you can't see or put into words ... the part where he is acting like everything is normal but maybe you can feel him slipping away. He can deny it because in his point of view he hasn't done anything overt, but you can feel something go from inside. Matt and I were fighting all last week, and he kept on downplaying it, but at one point I (unknowingly) really hurt him, and I swear I could physically feel something leaving me. We're all patched up now but until I can actually see him and hug him, I don't think I'll be convinced.
I keep asking you about this one episode of the Sopranos from a few weeks ago. Meadow and her boyfriend Finn live together, but they both don't know what they are doing in the next year. Finn starts having problems at work (a job that the Sopranos got for him), feeling threatened and scared. So he comes home from work and is thinking about moving home to California, and he takes out his suitcase. Meadow comes home and sees it and they have this huge fight. Finn keeps saying, "but I was only thinking about it; just thinking out loud." And Meadow is freaking out, crying and screaming, "But you took out your suitcase! the suitcase! the suitcase!" I think she yelled, "The suitcase!" about 83 times in 4 minutes. The point is, he was considering a huge move that would affect their relationship, and he was considering it so seriously that he even took out the suitcase, and Meadow didn't even get consulted. In fact, he never even thought about how it would affect Meadow and the relationship. In the end he gets frustrated and says "Maybe we should just get married," and that's how they get engaged. Everyone in the family is a little uneasy about it, because it seems like they just got engaged out of desperation and fear that the relationship would fall apart. Like a couple of people on this thread have said, a ring is no guarantee (although I too fantasize that my cross-Atlantic relationship would be easier if we were engaged).
Well I think everyone here is being really honest with you, which is valuable. Chinagirl is right to be a little negative and skeptical. From the outside, where we are standing, it really seems like Vinnie is not at a place in his life where he is ready to put your relationship ahead of everything. You, on the other hand, seem to think that you are ready to make the relationship your first priority. This probably isn't about Vinnie losing any love for you or anything like that. He really is just taking a page right out of the Guy Manual, and putting his career and ambitions before just about everything, which is really what they are taught by their peers and sometimes their parents. Bevrs really addressed something important too, about your (new) fear of giving everything. Sister, I can certainly identify with that. Before Matt and I were "officially" together (whatever that means) I was still kissing boys at bars and things like that. I have tried to explain to Matt six different ways that as young women right now, we are constantly told not to subjugate ourselves, not to give more than anyone is asking us to give. Matt never ASKED me to make a committment to him at that time. I was dying for him to ask; I wanted to give him everything. But since he wouldn't ask, I wouldn't let myself be committed to him. He, on the other hand, wanted me to CHOOSE to be with only him, without having to be asked. We were speaking two totally different languages. I talked to his older, very wise sister the other day, and I explained that everyone is always telling us to protect ourselves and not give out more than anyone is asking us for. And she says, "WHO IS TELLING YOU THAT?" I really think that something changed the years we were in high school and college, and this new message of strength and feminism and independence forced us to put up walls, and discouraged us from giving in to our natual femenine impulse of caring and giving everything. Bevrs survived the worst-case scenario and doesn't regret giving her whole heart to Gary. So, maybe we should listen to our slightly older sisters and stop worrying about protecting ourselves all the time.
(I am realizing this is the most circuitous letter I've ever written; I'm sorry.)
Last summer, Matt told me he loved me (for the first time) and in the same week told me he was definitely moving to London. We shed a LOT of tears trying to figure out what we should do. In the end, we both realized that no matter what the obstacles were, we definitely had to try to make the relationship work. What drove me crazy for the longest time was that he CHOSE to go to London. He begged for it at work. It's not like he just got sent over there (My dad yelled, "It's not like he's in the military!). I was hurt and couldn't understand why he (I felt) abandoned me, until he finally had the courage to tell me that by doing what was best for his career, he was trying to build a life for BOTH of us. He was sacrificing for the future he already saw for us, when I was still worrying about whether I should refer to him as my "boyfriend" or not. So, sometimes boys have a lot more in their heads than they are telling us. I am now starting to believe him when he says that every choice he makes, every minute he spends at work, everything he does, is to make himself the kind of man who I deserve to be with. So, if you give Vinne a little space and a little sugar, maybe he'll want to reveal those kinds of things to you. Maybe he really has a legitimate reason for thinking that this geographical separation / housing split is somehow going to benefit both of you. Just give him the room to show you if he is thinking about the future in ways he hasn't yet expressed to you, or if, alternatively, he really is pulling away and is not ready to be serious. The point is, you can't jump to either conclusion, and you can't force it out of him. The summer is going to be hard and you are probably going to be depressed. But you two will also have to rely on the phone and email a lot, and your communication skills will probably improve a lot, since he won't be able to just grunt when he sees you in the kitchen. Know what I mean?
Ok if this letter made any sense at all, I hope it helped. I'll be tied to my desk all day, so I definitely won't be absent from the boards today (unless I am in the bathroom ... my tummy hates me this week).


I live in the Big Apple, but I don't eat the skin

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Re: update ( You Tried Ashley!!) new
      #73154 - 05/25/04 08:28 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 346

Ashley I feel bad that you're so miserable.

You tried talking to him but I think now is the time to wait (no matter how hard it is) and let HIM broach the subject of what he plans to do.

I can't say act like you don't care because I know you can't do that, you're too upset and you DO care.

What I would like to suggest is that if you have some girlfriends you could go out with tonight to a movie or just to the mall etc., try doing something like that until things settle down there. Maybe by the time you come back he'll tell you what's REALLY on his mind.

From what you say it sounds like he wants his space for awhile but is afraid to just tell you that. He may be afraid there will be a scene if he does. If this is true I know it will be very hard for you hon, but you want to know the truth about what he's thinking don't you?

Just wait to see if he'll come to you and if he does try to talk calmly about it. I know it's hard but if you let him say what he wants to and let him finish, it will let you know what he really wants to do.

If he really loves you and wants to be with you as much as you want to be with him, believe me he will let you know as he won't want to lose you.

Just give it some time today and try to do something else that will help take your mind off this for a while until he decides to talk about it.

My thoughts are with you,

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Re: update new
      #73157 - 05/25/04 08:38 AM

Reged: 05/06/04
Posts: 163
Loc: Queens, NY

I wish I had all the answers about guys. We all do! Honestly, you need to do whats best for you and stressing over this guy is not whats best. Let him have his space and do his thing and let him realize how awesome you are and how dumb he is for wanting to leave you (even though its only temporary!!) For whatever the reason, guys always come around when you don't pay attention or fuss over them. It never fails. I truly hope things work out for you because i can tell that you really do love him, but if for whatever reason they don't, always remember that it will totally be his loss! Not yours....

Things happen for a reason...just believe

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thanks amandapanda!! new
      #73170 - 05/25/04 08:47 AM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland


No worries about being absent, haha sorry!

As for the sopranos.. I totally understand how it relates to me now. Its like he made this choice and didn't even discuss it with me.

All that he keeps saying is that I thought it could work, I thought we'd be ok not seeing each other everyday (regarding this fall. not this summer). But in my mind, its like why wouldn't you want to be with me this summer.

I am so confused. I am so hurt. He has no idea why, and thinks I'm being insanely irrational. I think that I am totally rational.

I think I feel the most hurt, beacuse it feels like he is taking commitment away from me. When we last talked he said he consciously knew his decision to teach at this school would mean that we wouldn't live together. That tore my heart out. That he made that decision. And perhaps like you say he is doing it to prepare for our future. Throughout our entire argument about this over the past few days he's constantly reiterated that he loves me and doesn't think its a bad thing if we dont' live together. I see it as though we are in a committed relationship. We've said I love yous for almost two years now, and we've lived together for one. It feels like he's saying you are not important to me. i'm taking away all that i've given you for the past two years.

It baffles me that you can be so committed, and we've talked about marriage and kids and our lives together, and then take it away over something as trivial as a job. Maybe I don't understand because I've never had a real job, but still.

He keeps saying, my first year of teaching is going to be so hard, I dont' want the added stress of a long commute and all those kind of things. if I were stressed out I would want him to be the first person I see. granted I know men and women speak different languages and men retreat while women get emotional, but its so hard to focus on that in the heat of the moment. its so hard to say, well this is rational because we speak different languages. Its so much easier to feel attacked.

I also can totally relate to how your father reacted to your boyfriend moving. Vinnie, too, is making this decision to be away from me. All I want to do right now is call my mother and talk about this but I'm scared. My mom is one of my bestfriends in the world, but when I tell her things like this she only sees the bad and tries to protect me. I know that she will look at this like I told you so. I'm not ever scared to tell her anything, but when I decided to live with vinnie, my parents weren't the happiest. My mother said, Ashley, Why would be buy the cow when he can get the milk for free. Very nice. But they accepted it and welcomed him and us living together. But I feel like now I screwed up. Months ago me and vinnie got into a fight because we were both stressed out about school, work etc and I ended up moving out for a week. Of course I called my mom and told her everything and she thinks that it was stupid of me to move back in. Now i'm scared to call her and be like hmm mom, you were right, living together isn't as important to me as it was to him. I know she'd never hold it over my head, but I also don't want her to start hating vinnie, incase he has a legit reason for all of this. He adamently denies that he is doing this because he wants his space and wants to get away, he seriously thinks we could make this work. But he hasn't actually sat down and told me how. And he's made no attempt to make me feel as though I'm not being rejected over a job.

oh my life is a mess right now.


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