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To the preggo women or mommies new
      #347878 - 07/08/09 07:09 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Hey everyone!
Great news: I'm pregnant!! YAY!! While my husband and I are super super excited, my ibs is aweful right now! I am a little over 5 weeks preggo and today everything I've eaten- including chicken and rice has gone right through me. It makes me nervous to have this much "d" so early on in my pregnancy. Did anyone else have this? Did your IBS symptoms get worse like mine seem to be doing or did they get better? I'm worried that they are only going to get worse. I assume this is a result of the hormones and the huge change that my body is undergoing. I just dont know what to eat. I know I have to eat something. I'm afraid I am not going to get the proper nutrition. I appreciate your help!! Hope all your tummies are cooperating!


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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #347879 - 07/08/09 07:13 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 669
Loc: Columbus, Ohio

Ok, I've never been pregnant, but I just wanted to say a BIG BIG BIG congrats! You must be so excited! I hope that belly settles down. I've heard from some friends that even they get some D in the early stages of pregnancy, so there is hope it'll get better soon! hang in there! CONGRATS:)


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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #347880 - 07/08/09 08:59 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Thanks Aly!! We are sooo excited! I expected to feel this way, I guess I am just worried that I'm not getting the proper nutrition and I am hoping I wont feel this way for the whole pregnancy! How are you doing? I read about your gastic emptying stuff. I have no experience with that, but it sounded really unpleasant! Was it helpful? Did you find anything out with it? I hope you are feeling well these days! Hows the weather been in Columbus? Its finally getting nice again here in Cleveland. The Fourth of July was downright cold! Thanks again!!!


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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #347892 - 07/09/09 10:16 AM

Reged: 02/06/08
Posts: 98

Congrats!!!! Just out of curiousity, how far along were you when you found out you were pregnant? Did you have a lot of bloating as well as D? We don't get too many pregnant women posting, so I'm always wondering how IBS affects pregnancy. We are TTC as well.

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #347894 - 07/09/09 10:43 AM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Hi Wendy,
When I found out I was pregnant I was about 3 or 4 weeks along. It didnt take me long to get pregnant- we only tried for a month! Which I was shocked! I have been bloated, I tend to get really hungry then eat a normal amount of food and then be sooo full that I dont want to eat for a day! Mainly though right now I am dealing with some morning sickness- I just feel crappy when I wake up (I havent thrown up yet) naueous and I wake up with a headache. My IBS is just aweful right now. I have "d" with everything I eat. I take a pre-natal but I am still worried about nutrition. I've heard/read that some people with IBS have their symptoms completely dissappear when they get pregnant and others it worsens...apparently mine have worsened. I am hoping once my body gets used to this and all the hormones the IBS will get better. Good luck on TTC!! Thats so exciting! How long have you guys been TTC?


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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #347895 - 07/09/09 10:59 AM

Reged: 02/06/08
Posts: 98

We have been trying for a few months now. I have heard that too that either the IBS is gone or it's worse than ever. I guess it is the hormones having a lot to do with it. Hopefully it will pass for you. Probably in your second trimester things will get better for you. It's so exciting for you!!

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #347939 - 07/10/09 10:50 AM

Reged: 03/19/08
Posts: 96
Loc: Seattle, WA

Congratulations on your pregnancy! My husband and I just had a baby so I understand the frustrations and morning sickness. Just know that the second trimester gets much better. I went from throwing up at least 3 times a week to feeling great during the second trimester. For the nausea I would try to eat some crackers before you normally wake up. I would keep saltines right next to my bed. Once I felt sick I didn't want to eat anything. If I ate before I woke up, I didn't throw up or feel sick. I also kept a stash of candied ginger with me at all times for the nausea. You can also drink ginger and peppermint tea.

Diarrhea and constipation or typical during pregnancy. The surge of hormones will do that. Just make sure that you are following the EFI diet and consuming enough soluble fiber. If you are taking the acacia you may want to increase the dose a bit. They will also tend to trigger your IBS. For gas and bloating I would drink fennel tea. Drink alot of water too! If you decide to breastfeed, you can drink the fennel tea if your baby is gassy. It's really important to do some type of stress relief exercise everyday. I loved yoga. I was too tired in the morning but would do the pregnancy yoga after work. Walking does the same thing for me. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy.

I hope this helps!

Erin Dudley, MS, CN
Certified Nutritionist
Heather's Tummy Care / Heather & Company for IBS, LLC
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LEGAL DISCLAIMER - This email is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Any application of the recommendations in this email is at the reader's discretion. Heather Van Vorous and Heather & Company for IBS, LLC are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this email and/or any web site(s) linked to/from it. Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this email

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How about ginger new
      #347962 - 07/11/09 11:24 AM

Reged: 09/01/08
Posts: 413
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

In biscuit (cookie) or tea form it can help with nausea.

Congrats on the baby. A friend of mine who has Colitis felt dreadful for the first ten weeks but then recovered after the first trimester.

Stable IBS D

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #347965 - 07/11/09 03:26 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

First of all, CONGRATS!!! That is wonderful!

Second, DON'T WORRY about nutrition during that first trimester. All you really need right now is fluids and plenty of folic acid. Are you taking a supplement or a multivitamin that has enough? Those are the two most important things during the first trimester.

Third, by the end of your pregnancy, you'll be so backed up, you'll be wishing for D again! Seriously, my IBS was at its worst right at the beginning, too, and then I had no problems with it at all the rest of my pregnancy. The only other times I noticed it a little was when I transitioned between trimesters. Maybe try taking some extra calcium right now? That usually helps with D, and the calcium would be good for you and baby!

Good luck!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #347994 - 07/12/09 03:36 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 669
Loc: Columbus, Ohio

Well, congrats. It's an exciting time for you! I think you and I are really similar. I'm sure I'll be just as worried when I get pregnant! LOL
But good luck--I hope things settle down and you can enjoy the pregnancy.
The delayed emptying test came back and it showed that I do have a delay. I talked with my doc for a second on Fri and she's setting me up with a dietician and starting my on a special diet...I'm not sure what to think. She mentioned that I might still have IBS, but possibly not...hmmm.
The weather has been good this week. I hear you about the 4th! I was in a sweatshirt watching the fireworks! No fun! But this past week finally got warm and sunny...except for the storms yesterday. I just heard on the news we even had a few tornados touch down nearby! Crazy!
Well, happy belly thoughts to you!!:)


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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #348003 - 07/12/09 09:09 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

We are super excited! I was put on a prenatal long before we started trying. Its a pretty heavy duty one with plenty of folic acid. Which now isnt exactly setting well with me. It makes me feel better knowing that your IBS was bad in the beginning too. I keep reading about having constipation while pregnant and I keep wondering when thats gonna happen, cause I am quite the opposite right now! Thanks for the calcium advice I think I will try that. Hopefully it will get better after my first trimester


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Re: To the preggo women or mommies
      #348004 - 07/12/09 09:21 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Thanks!! And congrats on your baby too!! I figured the hormones had a lot to do with it and I know mine are quite high right now being that I just cried when I couldnt eat icecream and my husband did- I havent cried over my IBS since I was first trying to figure out what was wrong with me!
I havent thrown up yet, but boy have I come close. The nausea can get kinda bad in the morning so I took your advice and bought some saltines (I found fat free ones) and am gonna try that in the morning. I'm following the EFI diet I just worry that I dont get enough vegetables cause I am "d" I really stay away from them with the exception of carrots and mushrooms. Anyways thats for the help!! I am sure I will start feeling better


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Re: How about ginger new
      #348005 - 07/12/09 09:24 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Thanks!!! I think I do need to pick up some ginger, I've been looking for the ginger altoids but havent found them yet.

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #348006 - 07/12/09 09:29 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Thats crazy Aly that you might not even have IBS! How long have you thought you had IBS? What an adjustment this would be if you had to change your diet- but if it finally got you relief it would be way worth it!
I bought some fat free saltines so I am going to try to eat a few of those before I even get out of bed in the morning and see if that helps. Its seeming like a lot of women with IBS had it pretty bad in the beginning so thats good to know at least. Well hope youre feeling well!! Have a great Monday!!


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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #348053 - 07/14/09 08:50 AM

Reged: 08/02/07
Posts: 6
Loc: Lincoln, UK

Hi and congrats on the pregnancy! I bet you are looking forward to your first scan - it really is magic to see that little heartbeat and wriggly legs!
I'm just coming up for 12 weeks now. I'm and IBS C and used to get so many attacks it put me off becoming a Mum, but in the end we took the plunge and in my case the first 8 weeks of the pregnancy my IBS seemed almost to have gone, apart from falling asleep at 9.30 at night I felt great! A bit of morning sickness has now set in and I've just had my second IBS attack of the pregnancy. Basically my bowel is lazier than ever and managing it is already a struggle - I'm not sure what's going to happen by the time we get to December / January and I'm the size of a small country My doc has told me to go easy on the laxatives as they can cause spasms of the gut and uterus. The next 6 months are going to be a real balancing act. If anyone out there has any tips for me I'd be very grateful.
On the morning sickness side of things thin arrowroot biscuits (cookies) can be really nice when you don't feel like eating much

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #348078 - 07/15/09 04:34 AM

Reged: 02/21/03
Posts: 309
Loc: Henderson, NC

It is kind of ironic that this was the first post I looked at today. I came to the site to ask about what to do during pregnancy. I am 31 weeks pg today and I have had raging "d" since the beginning. It goes from one extreme to the other. I will take immodium and then five days later I'll have to take a stool softener which then sends me back to the other extreme.

I was pretty stable for quite a few years prior to getting pregnant. I am hoping and praying that it goes back to normal after I have her.



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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #348102 - 07/15/09 01:59 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Congrats!! I am only about 7 weeks along so the morning sickness is just starting for me. But I have had worse "d" than I usually do since the beginning. It doesnt seem to matter what I eat (which makes me want to indulge on cheesecake and icecream if chicken and rice is going to make me sick!) Hopefully it will get better. Did it get better for you at all? That stinks that at 31 weeks youre still having "d". Youre almost done though!!! Do you know what youre having?


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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #348104 - 07/15/09 02:55 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I used Natural Calm throughout my pregnancy to combat the dreaded C - which is horrible during pregnancy even if you DON'T have IBS! So if you can order it online (not sure if you can find it in the UK?), I highly recommend it! Way safer than things like Milk of Magnesia.

Congrats and good luck!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #348230 - 07/20/09 06:33 AM

Reged: 02/21/03
Posts: 309
Loc: Henderson, NC

I am having a girl. It would get better for me few a few days and then it would come back. I am at the point now that I take immodium Sun - Thur and take a stool softener Fri-Sat so that I can actually make it to work Mon-Fri, but not die from the pain. It can be very frustrating. I tried to do a really strict diet again when it first started, but like you it didn't matter what I ate so I indulged. I figure, hey after I have her I will go back to the EFI diet really strictly, but if I am going to be miserable I might as well eat what I want within reason.

I wish you all of the luck during the pregnancy. I hope it does get better for you. For some it does, it just doesn't seem to be my luck.



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I'm scared..... new
      #348235 - 07/20/09 08:31 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

that I am pregnant. We've only been married for two months, and I've been really dizzy, nauseous, sick feeling, not usual IBS patterns. I go to OBGYN tomorrow to get my yearly pap. Will she be able to tell then or do I need to get a test?

I'm so scared. Like I said, we've only been married two months. We aren't ready at all. Not planned. He still has a semester of school left, and we don't know what's going to happen after that. We weren't even planning on having kids, period! I just don't know what to do.

Worrying about it gets my stomach in knots. I've been so hungry the last few days. And I just eat and eat and eat, and of course, now, I'm in terrible pain. I don't want to move from my desk because the pain is so bad. But then the dizziness, nausea, sicky feeling comes back!

I'm so scared and nervous. Any advice?

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: I'm scared..... new
      #348244 - 07/20/09 01:41 PM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

I would take a test before you go. That way you'll know and you can also miss your period for lots of other reasons.Take the test you'll feel better if your not then tell your ob whats going on. If you are than just take it from there one day at a time. hth and good luck!
ibs-c gas

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Re: I'm scared..... new
      #348248 - 07/20/09 01:44 PM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Thanks Emmasmom! I needed some encouragement!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #349434 - 08/25/09 01:20 PM

Reged: 08/25/09
Posts: 1

Congrats! I am pregnant too. I am five weeks or eight weeks (not sure about the exact date - need to wait until I see the doctor for my first official visit). I have had the same problem, really nauseated with "D" or "C". I increased my fiber (I now take two tablespoons twice daily). I also eat every a small "meal" or "snack" about every two hours. Since I eat so often I have been eating salad (with a little bread like Heather says). Even though I am on pre-natals, I have been getting regular soda crackers and trying to get as much calories from as a little food as possible. Oh and Gingerale has been great too. I hope this helps! Best of Luck, Jenni

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #349478 - 08/26/09 11:44 AM

Reged: 02/06/08
Posts: 98

I found out last week I'm pregnant. I'm excited, but I'm in my sixth week and wow, I've been having a time with D. I have had some nausea, but the D is worse I think. Is it safe to take Immodium? I will check with the doc, but it's been a rough day. And can we drink peppermint tea?

Also, how did you manage getting your nutrients? I take my prenatal vitamin, but my food choices have not been the best. That is when I eat. Fruit/veggies make me incredibly bloated. Thanks for any advice!

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #349601 - 08/31/09 04:02 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

I am now 13 weeks along so my nausea has gotten much better. While I am still dealing with some "d" I am feeling better. Its hard in the beginning but just know that it does get better. I seem to randomly get set off. For no reason I will have to run to the bathroom (which of course happens right in the middle of teaching!). Mainly I am very tired and dealing with some hardcore bad allergies! Good luck on getting through your first trimester, that is the hardest and after that it will get better! Congrats!


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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #349604 - 08/31/09 04:09 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Congrats on being pregnant!! I am now 13 weeks along and the beginning was the hardest. I could eat chicken and plain white rice and then run to the bathroom. I ended up losing 5 pounds. I have read that you can take immodium. I never did, I just toughed it out but its hard. The first trimester is the worst, all the hormones and your body adjusting. But now I am feeling better. My nausuea has almost gone away completly and I still have some random bouts of "d" but for the most part it has gotten much better. I dont see why peppermint tea would be a problem.

As for nutrients- I've been craving fruit which typically would be a no no for me, but I do try to eat as much as possible. I also make sure I take my pre-natal. The hardest has been the cravings that I've had. All I've wanted was taco bell! Which would not go over too well! I think as long as you take your pre-natal youre ok. Just try to get as much fruit and veggies and protein as you can. Its hard, but it does get better! Good luck and congrats!!


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Re: I'm scared..... new
      #349623 - 08/31/09 08:57 PM

Reged: 07/28/09
Posts: 68

How late are you? Sometimes I can get all of those symptoms you are explaining from my PMS. If you are two weeks late do take a test.
Hugs to you,

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Re: To the preggo women or mommies new
      #349624 - 08/31/09 09:04 PM

Reged: 07/28/09
Posts: 68

I just wrote you but see that you ARE pregnant. Congratulations to you. I am still contemplating whether or not to go for it. I was so sick off and on with what they now know is IBS. My symptoms were unusual with severe vomiting and constipation so I had to undergo every test to rule out everything else. Have you tried adding 5-6 prunes a day to your diet as a supplement? I have them everyday. I don't get constipated anymore. Not to mention they are loaded with antioxidants. I am thinking of you,

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