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      #328679 - 04/22/08 03:10 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

It finally happened!! I'm only at 4 weeks, but I've already had every symptom in the book. And my IBS is wreaking havoc.... But I'm SO HAPPY!!

Now for the advice... All you IBS-C mommies out there, I need your help! The gas, pain, C, and bloating is unbearable!! I'm vegan, so I'm trying to get as much non-animal protein as I can, but there's no way I can do that and keep my IBS in check. I can take bentyl, but I'm really trying to avoid it if I can. Should I just not worry about counting protein grams right now or what? See, I'm barely pregnant, and already worrying about whether or not I'm eating well enough!

Luckily, the morning sickness really hasn't bothered me. I get a little bit of a sick feeling every once in awhile, but my main complaints are fatigue, and IBS. Any advice is warmly welcomed!!

By the way, sounds like I'll be having a Christmas baby.

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: I'M PREGNANT!!! new
      #328700 - 04/23/08 04:54 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

Congrats!!!! That is wonderful news. Don't stress too much about your diet. Just do the best you can. My sister pukes up everything she eats for the first 3 months of her pg...and she has 2 healthy kids and one on the way. If possible try to take a prenatal vitamin...or at least some kind of multi-vitamin. And be sure whatever you're taking has plenty of folic acid...that's key for preventing birth defects. I took a separate fa pill with 1g of fa. My dr. prescribed it. Basically, eat the best you can, but don't stress. Take care of yourself. And enjoy the's pretty amazing. That's all I can type for now...I only have one free hand...the otheris holding my little miracle

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: I'M PREGNANT!!! new
      #328709 - 04/23/08 07:10 AM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Thanks, Mary! I have been taking a folic acid supplement since before I went off the pill 9 months ago, so I'm good there! And my OB/GYN said my regular multivitamin was fine, no need to switch to a prenatal and mess up my tum more. And I take Natural Calm every night, which helps. I figured I've got to be doing better than the average woman who pukes up everything due to morning sickness - thank goodness I'm not dealing with that! I think you are right, I'm just going to concentrate on eating what doesn't make me ill. From what I've read, they'll be checking protein levels in my pee practically every month, so I'm sure they'll tell me if I'm not getting enough of something, right?

Oh, I'm so excited!! Took my first "belly picture" this morning

Congrats to you, too, Mary!!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Congrats!! new
      #328711 - 04/23/08 07:20 AM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

I am IBS-C, and it is hard in the first trimester, but then it does get easier. I increase my fiber, and if it's bad maybe your OB can prescribe something for you. Just wait until heartburn kicks in, ha ha.
I wouldn't worry too much about counting protein grams. My OB did always say more lean protein, and less carbs, but you're probably doing better than you realize.
M/S COULD still kick in (for me between 6 and 8 weeks it hits), but you could also be a lucky lady and not get it at all. But if you do, know that it does pass. And if it's REALLY bad, your doctor can give you something to help.

But for now, just rest up and enjoy your great news! It will go so much faster than you think.


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Re: I'M PREGNANT!!! new
      #328716 - 04/23/08 08:21 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

Congrats! The first trimester was horrid for me with my C but then 2nd and 3rd were great! My IBS went away during pregnancy and while I breastfed. But came back after that. Everyone is different so who knows for you. I would definately up the fiber and take colace every night. I did throughout my whole pregnancy. It helped. Good luck with everything!

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Congratulations! -nt- new
      #328717 - 04/23/08 08:47 AM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Re: I'M PREGNANT!!! new
      #328722 - 04/23/08 09:39 AM

Reged: 03/23/05
Posts: 406

Congratulations Lisa Marie! Sounds like you'll be bringing your little bundle of joy home in a stocking!

IBS-A, with bloating and gas as my predominant symptoms

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Re: I'M PREGNANT!!! new
      #328723 - 04/23/08 10:18 AM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Thanks, Snowy! How are things going for you?? Did you ever make an appt with an RE? It's funny... I ended up getting pg the month I quit doing the ovulation tests. Go figure!!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: I'M PREGNANT!!! new
      #328730 - 04/23/08 12:45 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Thanks, Angela! I'm trying to up my fiber, but it just makes me SO uncomfortable right now. I've had to up my Natural Calm a bit instead, and that seems to help. Hopefully once my hormones calm down a little bit, I'll be able to get more IF!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: Congrats!! new
      #328731 - 04/23/08 12:49 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Thanks! Sounds like if I can make it through the first 3 months (and I've already got one down!) then it should get a little easier after that. I sure hope that is true! I found out in one of my books, that the skin supplement I take twice daily contains 25 mg of Vitamin B6 - which is also the right dose for preventing morning sickness! So hopefully that's why I'm feeling good in that department. I will certainly try to up my fiber as soon as my body is willing to let me - I just don't think that's going to be very soon!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: I'M PREGNANT!!! new
      #328785 - 04/24/08 10:14 AM

Reged: 03/23/05
Posts: 406

Nothing new on our end. I'm on my third month of Clomid and not sure that it's doing anything for me. My progesterone levels were lower on month 2 with a higher dose than month 1 with the lowest dose. I do have an appt with an RE next Thursday, May 1st. I'm hoping it gives me a resurgance of hope and the will to keep going with all of this b/c right now I'm feeling pretty emotionally exhausted. I did just learn today that my cousin is pregnant with her 2nd child. She did IVF both times so it's more concrete evidence that it does work. I'm so happy for her (and you) who have had your own struggles but I admit it still brings tears to my eyes.

IBS-A, with bloating and gas as my predominant symptoms

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Snowy... new
      #328790 - 04/24/08 11:37 AM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I know it's (emotionally) exhausting. Granted, I didn't get to the point you're at (with the Clomid), but I do understand. I was actually thinking about you when I made my original post; I was afraid I was going to upset you more. I think seeing the RE will definitely make you feel better; they'll do all sorts of tests on you and hubby and figure out exactly what's going on, and how to fix it! I'm sending good luck hugs your way. Please keep me posted on how your appt goes!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: Snowy... new
      #328807 - 04/24/08 03:28 PM

Reged: 03/23/05
Posts: 406

Please don't feel bad because of me! Share your good news! It's kind of a double edged sword. It's good to hear that others who have struggled do get pregnant eventually, but it is sad too since we have been at this for well over a year. I hope you share your continued progress- I want to hear as many of the details as you want to share (are you going to find out the sex, how are you going to do the nursery, etc).

Although I haven't seen an actual RE, my obgyn came highly recommended for infertility. We've done a lot of the testing already- labs, semen sample, HSG, etc which have given us no reason for not being able to conceive. I fear we may never know. Both my sister & cousin still don't know & both had to do IVF. I think there is a good chance we'll move straight to IUI after seeing the RE. I will keep you posted on my world. I appreciate you caring! Can't wait to hear how your pregnancy progresses! Good luck!

IBS-A, with bloating and gas as my predominant symptoms

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Congratulations! -nt- new
      #328825 - 04/25/08 07:03 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)


[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: I'M PREGNANT!!! new
      #329308 - 05/04/08 11:11 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546

Congrats, that wonderful!!! I don't have any advice though, as I have yet to travel down that road. Hope everything goes well.


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6 week update... & need a little advice new
      #329411 - 05/06/08 07:23 AM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Had my first ultrasound a few days ago, just before I hit the 6 week mark. The heartbeat wasn't as fast as she (my nurse practitioner) would have liked, but she thinks that's just because it's so early, and she wants me to come back this Friday, a week later. Hopefully all will be well!

In the meantime, you guys were right... morning sickness hit me late last week!! I'm already taking 25 mg of B6 twice a day as part of a skin supplement, but that doesn't seem to be helping. I feel sick ALL day. I talked to a nurse this morning who said to double the B6 and take Unisom before bed.

Here's where I want some advice. She also said to switch from water to juice or gatorade. Are these IBS friendly? Luckily my IBS hasn't been bothering me at all. I thought maybe some of you mommy veterans would have some thoughts on that. She said the water is only making my nausea worse.

Thanks ladies!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: 6 week update... & need a little advice new
      #329414 - 05/06/08 07:54 AM

Reged: 03/23/05
Posts: 406

How exciting- you got to hear the heartbeat! Between that & the morning sickness it has to make it seem more "real". Obviously I can't help you out with the morning sickness but I wish you well on your journey!

IBS-A, with bloating and gas as my predominant symptoms

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Re: 6 week update... & need a little advice new
      #329419 - 05/06/08 09:16 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

Congrats! I have always been able to drink gatorade, but that is just me. Unless you are throwing up, I am not sure why the nurse suggested the gatorade. I would personally try ginger tea. Ginger is great for nausea. Use fresh ginger root and put it in boiling water. Also saltine crackers helped me alot. Try to eat small meals every 2 hours so that your tummy is not empty. The empty stomach seemed to always set me off too! HTH and good luck!

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Re: 6 week update... & need a little advice new
      #329430 - 05/06/08 10:21 AM

Reged: 11/05/03
Posts: 460
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Hi - Congratulations! As far as nausea - try to eat often. I kept hard candy with me. It seems the sugar helped if I wasn't able to eat or couldn't eat. Also get your rest, I can remember being extra nauseated on the days I was up late the night before.
Hang in there, it does end eventually. Then you get even more exciting symptoms like peeing all the time, back aches, a baby kicking you in the middle of the night and all kinds of fun stuff! But it will be all worth it!


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Re: I'M PREGNANT!!! new
      #329449 - 05/06/08 03:59 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Congratulations, Lisa Marie!!
Well, the most important thing for you is a GOOD prenatal vitamin, with lots of folic acid. Also, your probably gonna have to get used to your IBS being crazy. Those hormones will make your tummy a mess!
Both my pregnancies were an IBS nightmare!! Just remember to eat lots of "bland" foods, i.e. bread, baked potatoes, rice, baked chips, etc. No cooked tomatoes, or big salads, or onions. You are gonna have some fierce heartburn, girlfriend...
Just be prepared for a bumpy, but wonderful ride! My IBS was terrible when I was pregnant, but it was still the most wonderful time in my life! I loved every grueling minute...feeling my little one bumping around inside me. Sometimes I wasn't sure if it was gas or my son kicking me!
Too funny

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: 6 week update... & need a little advice new
      #329450 - 05/06/08 04:03 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

The one thing that saved me during my first pregnancy was literally keeping saltines and water next to my bedside. I would sit up every morning, and before I got out of bed I would eat a few handfulls of saltines and drink some water. Then get up...slowly.
I can't imagine that juice or gatorade would help. Seems like all that high fructose corn syrup and sugar would make you even more nauseated!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: 6 week update... & need a little advice new
      #329451 - 05/06/08 04:04 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Great advice, Angela!
Ginger tea is awesome!! They even make ginger chews, you can get at the healthfood store.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Thanks, ladies... new
      #329459 - 05/06/08 07:49 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I, too, am confused about the gatorade/juice... But I've been drinking gatorade all day. I am hoping the HFS will have something comparable because I don't like consuming HFCS!!

I DO eat every couple of hours... I feel like I'm always hungry anyway. Ginger hasn't helped me in the past, but perhaps I will give it another shot. I'll try anything at this point. Oh, and I'm already peeing constantly (including the middle of the night EVERY night), and I burp and hiccup a lot, which I'm guessing is a preview of the heartburn that is to come! I'm trying not to complain, I'm so grateful to just BE pregnant - but I also need to function at work!! I don't want to have to tell my boss for several more weeks.

Thanks, ladies, and let me know if you have ANY more advice!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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same story... new
      #329466 - 05/07/08 05:24 AM

Reged: 03/02/06
Posts: 1026
Loc: West Michigan, USA

Nausea was much worse the 3rd time. Ginger became my best friend. I bought fresh ginger and chopped it up with my food. I upped my fiber for C and took Colace (helped a lot and I was glad it was natural). I couldn't eat Saltines but only because I OD'ed on them with the first two. Just like Angela, I was much worse off if I didn't eat SOMEthing every two hours or so. An empty stomach brought dry heaves!!

So happy for you. You'll get through it all just fine. Just hang in there!!!

Flipada - IBS-C "It's a gas, gas, gas"

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