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Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282776 - 09/18/06 07:36 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Well, lets just say it wasn't real fun. The nurses were all really nice and I told them I had bad veins and the gal was very careful and got the IV in first try with only minimal router rooting around.

They wheeled me into the procedure room and the gi doc was really nice. They rolled me over to my side all hooked up to the gadgets and stuck this thing in my mouth so I wouldn't bite them! THAN they started giving me the supposed happy juice. They gave me one dose, nothing, two doses, nothing, three doses, NOTHING!!! I made them take the mouth piece out so I could tell them I'm still very much awake and they said they couldn't give me anymore!!!!!

I consented to have it done anyways, WIDE AWAKE!! It felt like I was choking and it very much hurt. The nurse was super nice and kept telling me to breath through my nose and let me hold her hand. Luckily, it didn't take very long but it also didn't show much. I do have a hernia, where my stomach has pulled up through my esophagus but they say its common and shouldn't be causing my all the problems I'm having. I honestly don't know much about hernia's so I'm going to do some googling today but if anyone has any info, I'd love to hear it!

The nurses in the "recovery" area were amazed that I come out talking and insisting on going pee right away. They said I should be uncounsous for as much drugs as they gave me. I insisted I was fine, asked them to removed the IV so I could go pee. They were reluctant but the doctor came out and said it was ok.

So, they still can't really find anything wrong with me to explain everything. I had the WORSE tummy ache all weekend, my pain pills didn't even touch it. I'm down another 4 pounds because I just can't eat and what I do eat runs right through. But, hey, I'm healthy right?!

I have decided I'm getting off the steroids. I decreased from 7.5 mg down to 5. I'll need to stay at 5 for a week or two and then go down another step and so on so it will probably take at least a month or so but if there is nothing wrong with me, than I don't need to take all these drugs!

I think I'm going to call my internist and make an appt and see if she will switch me from zoloft to the cymbalta. I need to do some more research on it but you may have seen the commercial for it. The commercial talks about the physical pain caused from depression and that this is supposed to help. One of the side effects they say on the ad in constipation so maybe it will also help with my D.

I'm going to stay on the humira because that does seem to be making me feel better. Right now I'm taking xanax 5mg, ambien cr, zanflex 6mg (a muscle relaxer) and restoril, another sleeping pill and still not sleeping well. I'm not sure how to rectify that, any suggestions? Apparently I'm not supposed to take both the restoril and ambien at the same time, oops.

I have an appt with the crohns doc October 6th but I don't think he is going to do anything further. I'm definitely not agreeing to a colonoscopy unless they agree to general anesthesia because the sedation is the same as they gave me for the endoscope, which didn't work at all!!!!

I see the rheumy again the end of October but again, not sure what else she can do for me. I am really beginning to think I'm making myself sick somehow. However, I just don't understand how I could have chronic uveitis (eye inflammation) since last September. I don't think its physically possible to make your cornea's turn red and swell just from being depressed. I'm also not sure how one makes there joints swell to three times there normal size and to make bone erosion's happen but apparently, I can, because there is nothing wrong with me.

I have a 2inch thick file folder of all the tests they have done and while there are a few that are a little off nothing so much as to explain my problems. I guess depression could cause my bowel changes and "tummy aches" and weight loss. However, I just don't FEEL that depressed. Sure, I'm frustrated as hell and wore down but I do manage to get out of bed everyday and haul myself to the office.

I don't know, I'm just rambling now. I don't know what else I can do. If I hear one more doctor say they can't find anything wrong with me, I think I'll commit myself to the funny farm.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282778 - 09/18/06 07:41 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

You poor thing. I can't believe they gave you THREE hits of that drug and you were still conscious! You're a brave woman to go through with it anyway. I would have told them to go f* themselves. LOL

But the good news is that a hernia really isn't anything major. You can google for yourself and see, because I don't remember the treatment plan off the top of my head, but it is something that's very manageable.

As for the rest... I don't know what to say! It really infuriates me that with all the supposed education and knowledge these people have, they can't pinpoint what's wrong. You're still in my thoughts, as always. *hug*

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282783 - 09/18/06 07:55 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Casey! Believe me, those exact words came to mind but than I thought that maybe this will give me some answers and I would rather endure 5 minutes of torture than go on feeling so crappy but it seems my "bravery" was for not!

I haven't googled hernia yet but the nurses gave me a little thing that said to eat little meals, several times a day, no spicy food, not eating before laying down, blah, blah, blah. Ok, great, I'm glad that's its not big deal but than what the hell hurts so much????? I haven't even been able to wear a bra since January because the pressure is just too much. Besides my usual "tummy ache" I have had this constant pain right in that soft spot under your sternum. The Gi guy said that my sternum may be inflamed from the arthritis stuff I have going on but he didn't sound real sure of that! I think he was just trying to find something to say to me. Aw well, at least he is nice and didn't totally blow me off.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282785 - 09/18/06 08:16 AM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

Michele -- there IS something wrong with you. (That sounds bad -- but I mean that in a supportive encouraging way.) Depression cannot cause all of your problems. Yes, it can cause vague symptoms like abdominal pain, bowel problems, and headaches -- but it cannot cause your body to become so inflamed and in so much pain. Please don't taper off the steroids without the doctor's OK. It sounds like they're one of the few things that are helping you, even if they're not good to stay on long-term.

I don't have much time right now but I wanted to suggest that maybe you should ask the GI doc for a capsule endoscopy. A capsule endoscopy can see places that the normal endoscopy/colonoscopy combo can miss. I had one done before -- you do have to do a bowel prep the day before, but it wasn't quite as awful. I think you even get to eat breakfast on the day of the bowel prep. The next day they hook you up to the portable camera stuff and then you swallow this giant horsepill that has the camera in it. I took the day off work and just laid around, but the nurse told me that some people actually do go to work with this stuff on. I was too vain to do that, but I know that it's tough for you to miss work, so that might be another good point for you. The one problem is that my GI said that sometimes insurance companies don't want to pay for it. I didn't have any problems with my insurance. At the time I had Blue Cross Blue Shield. You could at least call your insurance company today and ask if they cover it, and if they do, ask your GI about doing this instead of the colonoscopy. It is totally painless, so no sedation required.

Listen to your own impulses -- if you honestly don't think you're depressed, you probably aren't. I was sick for 18 months and everyone kept telling me that I had IBS and was depressed and if I just took anti-depressants I'd be fine. Well, I KNEW I wasn't depressed, and I knew something was wrong. I was right.

Do you have a hiatal hernia, then? I had a hernia too but it was in the groin area. I got it fixed but I'm pretty sure I never actually had any problems with it -- I never had any pain in that area until I got it fixed, and now it's uncomfortable all of the time. Do you remember anlikerm (sp?)? She had a hiatal hernia. I think the main problem it caused with her is that she was really nauseated and had troubles eating. She was a D but I don't think that the D was caused by the hernia.

I saw your other post and I'm sorry your husband felt badly enough that he felt he had to go on ADs. I know you see a therapist, could both of you go together to therapy? I hear you about money being tight. We have a giant medical debt because of me and I'm beginning to sell all of my worldly possessions on eBay to help pay for it. Aggghhhh.


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282794 - 09/18/06 08:32 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Jen. I have heard of the capsule endoscopy thing before but didn't realize it could actually replace a colonoscopy. If its one thing I can do, its swallow pills!

I got the feeling that since the crohns guy referred me to the gi guy, that the gi guy didn't want to treat me or see me again unless the crohns guy sent me back. I think its some political BS as they both work in the same hospital. I get the feeling that the crohns guy doesn't really think I have crohns. I'm STILL waiting on the IBD blood test results.

I just don't know what to do. I mean how far do I purse this, how many doctors do I see, how much do I put my husband through, how many tests do I keep having when they can't really find anything significant? I'm just tired of doctors and the run around and not feeling good and not knowing why. I think I'm going to take the month off and wait for my appts next month and see what the crohns and rheumy docs say. I've been in the ER, I have seen several docs in the last couple of weeks and there is nothing life threatening. I figure with time, it will either get worse and it will be easier to figure out or it will get better and I can move on with whats left of my life.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282799 - 09/18/06 08:37 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

Wow! I can't believe you were able to do the endoscopy without being "under". You're one tough cookie, Michele.

I am sorry they didn't find anything really obvious and easily fixable. And I have to agree with Jen and Ulrika - I don't see how depression could account for all your symptoms.

Your plan to take a break, catch your breath, and see what your doctors say next month sounds like a good one. I hope it's an easy month for you.

Take care.

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282802 - 09/18/06 08:43 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Sand. I warned the doc ahead of time I was hard to sedate so I had sort of prepared myself for it but NO WAY will I let them do a colonoscopy while awake, not going to happen, no way, nope, notta chance!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282819 - 09/18/06 09:57 AM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 745

Hi, I am so sorry to hear about all that you are going through. I too have muscle pain, deterioration, aches and join inflammation and nobody can find a single reason why? I use so much musculuar ache cream that I am going broke. I do really pray that your health starts to improve as I feel badly that you are having a tough go of things. Take care, Debbie

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282820 - 09/18/06 10:08 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Debbie, I'm sorry you are struggling also. What tests have you had done?

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282821 - 09/18/06 10:23 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

I am sorry that they didn't find much to help you. I can tell you that depression cannot be causing all of these symptoms. I can't imagine your frustration right now. Mark has a hiatal hernia but doesn't do much for it. I believe it causes him to have problems breathing and if he eats too much can't sleep real well at night. When all of his scary stuff was going on back in May they found nothing wrong but he still has problems breathing. I believe his is more stres induced but not yours.

As for the sleepy juice yeah that happened to me during my colonoscopy. I remember them sticking that thing in my butt and me yelling out "that really hurts!" The doctor said you can't be feeling that and I said "Oh yes I am!" I must have eventually passed out from pain or they really upped my medication because right before they wheeled me out I was unconsciuos. Vercet did nothing for me!!!

I keep you in my prayers and hope that you get some answers. Love ya!

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282826 - 09/18/06 10:38 AM

Reged: 04/06/06
Posts: 1299
Loc: A small city, Northwestern Ontario, Canada

Oh Michelle,

No drugs that helped!! That endo sounds aweful!!
Glad to hear you made it through though. You sure are tough!!

I haven't any idea what to tell you. If these drs can't find a reason for you being sick - argh!!! Frustrating!! And I'm just reading what you are going through!!

Take care,



Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never loved before.

IBS A 20+ years, Chronic Migraines, Chiari Malformation (decompressed June 22, 2010), Brachial Neuritis, and ??? the list just keeps growing, but I'm still shiny side up!

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282829 - 09/18/06 10:49 AM

Reged: 03/23/05
Posts: 406

Oh Michelle, I was really hoping that you got some answers. You have been through so much, just in the time that I have been on the boards. I can't imagine that there are very many people out there who would handle it as well as you have. Depression is justified. And, I think that there is a good chance that depression is causing some of your symptoms. However, I agree with everyone else- it can't be the cause of everything.

I will continue to pray for you. I wish you the best.

IBS-A, with bloating and gas as my predominant symptoms

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Re: Thanks Angela new
      #282844 - 09/18/06 11:46 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I'm sorry but your post made me laugh! I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time but I have this image of you laying in the oh so lovely hospital gown with the scope stuck in your butt and them telling you, nah, that doesn't hurt!

I do remember saying to the doc "Come on, this is a hospital, I know you have got to have better drugs than this!" His reply was its hospital protocol blah, blah, blah He did seem rather amused by me though, I know he told the nurse to start with a double dose and I heard him tell her several more times to give me more and than she said I was at the limit. He wasn't too happy though when I pulled the mouth piece out to tell him I was STILL AWAKE!!!

How is Mark feeling now a days? Is the new practice doing well?

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282845 - 09/18/06 11:47 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Snowy! I appriciate the kind words.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282847 - 09/18/06 11:49 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Toady! It is very frustrating, I still don't get why they couldn't give me some other drug when the vercet clearly wasn't working!!!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: The nurse called new
      #282848 - 09/18/06 11:57 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

just standard procedure to be sure I was still alive! She was very nice and talked to me for a few minutes. I asked her about the hernia and she said if it was bad enough to be causing this much pain than it would have showed up on the barium swallow or the cat scan. She said that a lot of people have them and don't even know it. I wonder if I am just hypersensitive to things like pain and changes in my body??? She said to call the crohns guy that referred me but that Dr Zonca, the one who did the endoscopy Friday didn't see anything to explain my pain or symptoms. I have already seen the crohns guy about it and he doesn't know either!

But I just want to scream IT REALY DOES HURT!!!! If it was depression, wouldn't it just be a general pain, this is a constant, sharp pain in a very specific spot that does not move. I get the feeling that the doctors think if I'm getting up and going to work everyday, that it can't be that bad. Since I'm overweight to begin with, the doctors don't take the weight loss seriously either. Twenty five pounds in a few months is a lot though considering I do nothing but go to work and lay on the couch. Aw well, at least they say I'm healthy!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Oh Michele! new
      #282855 - 09/18/06 12:20 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

**big hugs**
I can't believe they made you go through all that with your endoscopy! I would have walked out, I think.. you're such a tough cookie! When I went for my colonoscopy, the same thing happened so I just had it without the sleepiness but I don't think I could do it in my throat. *shudder*

When I read the thing about the hernia, I was like, "Ouch!" and then was really surprised to hear that they said it was common and people had it without knowing it... part of it pulled up into your esophagus?? I think you'd feel that...

I can't believe they still can't figure out what is causing these pains, it's ridiculous! I have also heard that "depression hurts" but I associated it with aches and pains, maybe headaches, mild stomach aches or having D if you're anxious... Not one specific blinding pain.
Do you think the steroids are causing it? Is that why you are going off of them? Now that you are decreasing, how is the swelling?
I can't even begin to imagine how frustrating this must all be for you.. my thoughts are with you as always.
I read in your other post to Ulrika about Will as well.. I think it's normal to feel unattached if you are going through so much.. I think there is only so much you can deal with at one time! I hope he can step up and try to just be there for you however you need him.. and that he finds some help with the meds.. and maybe counselling must be a good idea. I know it would be hard to watch someone you love suffer, maybe if he talked to someone about it and got some coping strategies?

Keep us posted, we all love you!


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re:Aw, honey!!! new
      #282872 - 09/18/06 01:09 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

I'm so sorry. Those endoscopies are brutal. I'm praying that there's an answer out there somewhere!!!!!
One thought for you - you said that maybe the depression could be causing the tummy troubles - and I say maybe. If you're depressed or have a lot of anxiety and stress it can definitely mess you up - it did for me. I had terrible problems while working and under stress. I also had undiagnosed bipolar and OCD. Go figure. Not to say you have, but maybe instead of feeling the depression your body is reacting differently.
I really don't believe IMHO that you are causing all this mentally. There's got to be a physiological explanation for all this, honey.
Tons of love and hugs and special smooches,

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: Oh Michele! new
      #282874 - 09/18/06 01:13 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Stephie. You know, I found the thought of the endoscopy without sedation to be tolerable but no way on the colonoscopy. I mean, my tummy and butt hurt so much from the IBS or whatever and D that I can't imagine them cramming a long tube in there and poking around!

I felt them "hit" certain things as the tube was going in and I felt like I was going to suffocate but it was relatively quick.

Yeah, I agree, the thought of my tummy coming up through my diaphragm and into my esophagus, hurts just thinking about it! LOL!! But, I guess its not a big deal?!

I think if the steroids were causing the pain, it would be more like an irritation or ulcers, which they didn't see any of. Although steroids do list gi upset as a side effect. The steroids make you gain weight (although I've been losing because of the pain and D) they have caused my face to balloon, they call it moon face. I haven't notice the hump back yet but keep looking in the mirror! They also make me sweaty and smelly and have horrible dreams. They cause facial hair growth and acne, just lovely! They cause moodiness and depression, just what I need! Not to mention all of the long term physical side effects like high blood pressure, bone thinning, cataracts, muscle deterioration, etc, etc, etc.

My hands are really hurting and more swollen today and I've had to loosen my shoes twice because my feet are swelling up as well.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re:Aw, honey!!! new
      #282879 - 09/18/06 01:18 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Alicia. That's just it, I am a little depressed but not nearly like I was when I lost the babies or other parts of my life. I'm only under stress because I feel like crap all the time and have to go to work and function, etc. My job in itself isn't very stressful, which I'm so thankful for because if I had a very demanding job, I wouldn't be able to do it! Money is always and issue but we pay our bills and always have food and things we need.

I guess I just begin to doubt myself when so many doctors have told me they don't know. I mean its not like I haven't already had a boat load of tests and seen a small army of doctors. Why do I have to be so complicated???

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282880 - 09/18/06 01:20 PM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 6
Loc: Arizona

Michele - I really feel bad that you had to go through that and still don't have any answers. I would be just a little bit upset too. I sure hope you can find out something, soon. Sharon W

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282882 - 09/18/06 01:22 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Sharon! I appreciate the support!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282883 - 09/18/06 01:23 PM

Reged: 08/07/06
Posts: 158
Loc: Pomona California

I have a hiatal hernia (just discovered that with the latest endoscopy) and know what you mean about that pain right at the breastbone area. And it sure does hurt to wear a bra, but I am so large that I can't really go without. My GI switched my antacid from prevacid to protonex. He said after a couple years I would most likely need to switch again. As with so many drugs, our bodies become used to them and they don't work after awhile. I've been getting a really hard time from the docs over the use of narcotic pain relievers, muscle relaxants and whatever else they can think of. They feel that vicodin exacerbates my IBS problems. The GI and the surgeon who was called in to assess my rectal prolapse are not too keen on some of the psychiatric drugs I had been taking either. Note, I said HAD BEEN TAKING. I decided to discontinue them because of the bias of much of the medical community. Also I wasn't sure they were doing me any good. I still see my psychiatrist though cause he is just such a nice doc, is knowledgeable about general medicine (used to be a family practice doc) and really listens and explains things well to me. He is not too in favor of the vicodin either. He did say that it could be the cause of the hernia as it interfers with the functioning of that valve. Your muscle relaxant may also be part of the problem there too. I'm trying to cut down but then I hurt so much I can't function. Not just the tummy but some bodily aches as well.

Sleep: My good doc explained to me that drugs like ambien interfer with REM sleep and so aren't a good idea. Plus like everything else, they stop working after awhile. He tried me on seroquel which unfortunately is in the class of drugs called neuroleptics (anti-psychotics). I did try a low dose for a couple of weeks but found I was just too tired then next day and I was also concerned that it was worsening my ibs constipation. It's an anticholinergic. Is your internist prescribing your psych drugs and sleep meds or are you seeing a psychiatrist? There are so many new advances in psych meds it is hard for an internist to keep up. The down side is then you really get to be known as "mental." But we're probably all considered mental because we are female. Are all gastroenterologists male?

Did you get pictures from your scope? I had the upper and lower done at the same time and have full color photos. I haven't a clue as to how to get them on the computer, but will ask hubby to scan it in and post it.

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An idea new
      #282884 - 09/18/06 01:29 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

Michele, I think you need to get checked out in a real fibro clinic. Are you getting treated at all for fibro? These pains, aches and swelling could all be caused by the fibro. In fact, you sound a lot like 2 ladies in general who are at my fibro clinic.

The doctor who diagnosed you with fibro, is he doing abything about it? Please give me an email and I can give you some good information about people who will LISTEN to you.

You are not crazy. It is not in your head!!


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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282887 - 09/18/06 01:34 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

I wish I could just reach into the monitor with both arms and give you a bog ole hug!! You are so brave for doing it anyway... wow! Has anyone given any thought about your eyes being some kind of an elergic reaction? Maybe something in the home or office that is getting to you? I'm sure you've already thought about it.... but ya never know.

I sure wish there was a way (without causing you pain) to get you OFF ALL your meds and then add in one at a time to see which ones REALLY make a difference....but then again, if you don't know what your fighting agaist to make it better.... how do you know how to react to how you feel?? It is all so confusing to me.... (what you are dealing with)....

I wish someone would figure out ONE single test.... for example: they take a sample of your DMA and run ONE test.... and it spits out a report of every possible "thing" that could be wrong.... and shows a "Y" or "N"........ would that not just be the coolest?


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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282902 - 09/18/06 02:35 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Yeah, I threatened to stop ALL my meds a couple of weeks ago and several of the doctors flipped out! Well, if there isn't anything wrong, why am I taking 15 plus pills a day???

When you invent that blood test, let me know!! Sorta funny but I DID have my DNA testing a couple of years ago for the fertility stuff and I have all the appropriate chromosomes in the right order!

They are sure my eye irritation is uveitis. I guess when they look it at them through the slit lamp, the microscope they use to look at your eye, they can see infiltrates and waves in my cornea which are the classic signs. Also, they only thing they respond to are steroids, I tried eye antibiotics and allergy meds and they had no effect at allon them.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282903 - 09/18/06 02:44 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Pictures, cool! No, I didn't get any pictures!! And, yes, the gi guy and the crohns guy ARE guys! LOL! No offense to the guys out there! My internist and rheumy are female though. My internist is prescribing the sleeping pills, zoloft and vicodin. I do see a shrink but she is just a therapist, she herself doesn't have a license to give drugs but she does work with someone who can.

I am considering asking to be switched from the zoloft to cymbalta. Have you ever tried that one? Its supposed to help with the physical pain of depression.

Luckily, I'm small chested and get away ok with camisoles. I've tried to wear a bra once or twice since than as I like the fact that they give me some shape but the pain is unbearable. I even bought the bra extenders to make them bigger around and bought a soft cup and still can't do them! I told the gi guy that and he jokingly pulled my gown aside, looked at my boobs and said they looked fine to him! I might have been offended if any other doc had done that but he really was being funny. I actually liked the old guy and I'm bummed he wants me to go back to the crohns guy who doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong AND had an attitude!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282955 - 09/18/06 08:03 PM

Reged: 08/07/06
Posts: 158
Loc: Pomona California

I had a brief fling with cymbalta and felt that it aggravated the ibs, but I think anything I'm given now will seem to aggravate the ibs because I am in a flare up. I take antidepressants for depression and anxiety and general mood swings which were much worse in the past. I really was "mental" and even had a sojurn or two in the looney bin. Back in the days when they would hospitalize you to do med changes. Now the physical stuff is worse and it seems the depression comes when I am in pain and can't function too well. I wanted to try Wellbutrin but the P doc wouldn't give it to me as he said it would make me too anxious unless I first took a mood stabilizer. So he first gave me lamictal and I got a rash. Then he gave me trileptal and the tummy problems flared more. So next we tried topomax and that's when I wound up in the hospital with tummy troubles. Those are all anti-seizure drugs that are used for mood stabilizing. The GI wanted me off a lot of the drugs I had been taking. He was going to talk to the P but then changed his mind. The GI has a worse mood disorder than I do. Kind of a Dr. Jekyl, Mr. Hyde. He was Jekyl when he admitted me but two days later became Hyde. He suddenly withdrew my pain meds and had them discharge me in the middle of the night. The nurse said that's the way he is. My neurologist ditto'd that. It's hard when the docs won't coordinate and of course each specialty feels their meds and treatments are essential. I was taking so many drugs, starting, stopping and overlapping. So now I am trying to get it down to the bare essentials.

Antidepressants react differently in different people. Lexapro sent my friend through the wall with anxiety while it really mellows me out. Doesn't lift my mood much. I have bad reactions to tranquillizers. I'll rebound with more anxiety. Vicodin perks me up and gives me energy. Go figure.

So, what kind of doc is the Crohn's guy? And do you have Crohns or is the verdict still pending? Wouldn't it be nice to have a readily diagnosable illness if one needs to be ill? I hate being told, "It's only Irritable Bowel." Hey doc, take a vacation in my body why don't you.


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capsule endoscopy new
      #282956 - 09/18/06 08:15 PM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

Technically, it doesn't *replace* a colonoscopy ... but, it can see into places that the endoscopy/colonoscopy can't. That's the reason I had one -- I'd gotten both scopes done, but several months later I was still having a lot of problems and the GI thought for awhile that I had Crohn's. And it's very possible that you can have Crohn's but the damage it does is only in places that can't be seen via colonoscopy.

I understand your doctor frustration -- my symptoms definitely aren't as aggressive as yours, but I have a lot of different problems, only some of which have been figured out, and I've seen a lot of doctors and had a lot of tests and bloodwork done over the last several months. It's like as soon as I get one problem diagnosed and I start thinking, "Okay, maybe I can move on with my life" then something else starts acting up. I feel like everything in my body is failing. Urrgghhh! It just doesn't seem to be ending.

But, on the other hand, if you *don't* continue to see doctors and get tests done -- it's unlikely you're going to figure anything out. Sometimes you just need a break, though.

What I don't understand is why the doctors suddenly switched from thinking you had serum-negative RA to having Crohn's. Is it just because your D is so awful? Didn't you say that your internist didn't believe you had Crohn's, either?

I know it seems a little drastic, but have you thought about having an explaratory laparoscopy? I mean, on occasion you just can't find some stuff without actually going in.

Another thing ... I know you've had your gallbladder out. I've been doing some reading on this today (my doctor thinks mine is bad ), and there are lots of people who had their gallbladder out, were great for quite awhile, and then suddenly they were having non-stop watery D. Have you thought about at least trying a med like Questran to see if that helps at all?

Just some thoughts...

By the way, you mentioned not too long ago the possibility of going to Mayo. I don't want to discourage you, but I went to Mayo because I was really sick and I felt like I might have multiple problems and I hated my local doctors. I ended up getting no help whatsoever from them. However, I went to gynecology/reproductive endocrinology -- maybe their other departments are better. I also wish I would have done it differently -- I think it might've gone a little better if I hadn't gone straight to gynecology and if I'd asked for some kind of complete generic work-up by maybe an internist or someone like that first.


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282973 - 09/19/06 03:59 AM

Reged: 06/17/06
Posts: 387
Loc: Asheboro, NC

WOW! I can't believe you went through all that, I'm so sorry. I hope they can find something. I know how frustrating THAT is--"There's nothing physically wrong w/you". Then why the H*** am I in so much pain?! Despite all their training, some Drs are such idiots! But I hope you're feeling better now.

IBS-A...I can never make up my mind

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Re: An idea new
      #282993 - 09/19/06 07:16 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

My original rheumy dx the fibro and gave me muscle relaxers, zanaflex. The new rheumy claims its secondary fibro meaning that when whatever IT is that I have is "fixed" the fibro will go away!

I thought fibro does NOT cause swelling, am I wrong? My moms is convinced I have Lyme disease as she has it. I have had the testing and know its not 100% accurate but I live in the city, didn't I read that you had lyme?

Gotta run for now, gotta take Oliver for his last puppy shots. Will be back on line in the morning!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #282995 - 09/19/06 07:19 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks!! I agree some docs are idiots but I'm struggling with the fact that I've had to have seen over 10 different docs in the last year or so and they keep shuffling me back and forth and no one is giving me anything tangible! Are they ALL idiots???

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #283003 - 09/19/06 08:10 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Susie, you post made me giggle. I'm sorry about all your medical issues but boy can I relate!! I've done many different AD's as well. Prozac made me a zombie and so anxious, I was driving to work one day and actually forgot where I worked! WEllbutrin was good for a while but it killed my sex drive. Lexapro was really great but the starting and stopping was very traumatic. Zoloft is just ok. I switched to it when I was trying to get pregnant as its supposedly one of the more "safe" ones for pregnancy.

Since it doesn't look like we will be trying to get pregnant anytime soon, if ever as they say my changes of carrying are slim to none-already had 5 miscarriages-yet nothing is wrong there either! I think I'd rather try another anti-depressant. I felt best on the lexapro but boy it took WEEKS to get stable and it was really hard trying to stop it. I've been seeing the Cymbalta ads on tv lately and considering trying that one.

My ibs or whatever is wrong with me has switched from C to awful D and one of the side effects says C so maybe it will help me with my D? Than again, I'm afraid to make too many changes at once and not know whats causing what. I'm in my 5th week of weekly humira shots and I'm trying to decrease my steroids as well. I asked my internist two weeks ago about switching AD's, I didn't ask about the Cymbalta at that time, and she suggested we wait a bit and I think this is her reason why. Its just all so darn frustarting and confusing.

Maybe I'll just leave well enough alone for the moment. The crohns guy that I see October 5th is technically a surgeon but he specializes in crohns. He is a friend of my boss and is supposed to be the best crohns guy around. I can't say I've been overly impressed with him. I'm still waiting on my IBD generation two promethius blood test which is about 60% accurate in diagnosing crohns. I do not have any mouth sores or fistulas and when they ran blood work, the amount of vitamins I'm absorbing came back ok so he is leaning towards saying I don't have crohns.

The rheumy is thinking more crohns because of the change in my bowel function and the fact that my RA antibody test and ana tests are negative. However, my x-rays do show bone erosion's and if your arthritis swelling is caused from crohns, they typically don't see erosion's. Hmmmm?!

Right now my symptoms, in no particular order are
-D, sometimes up to 20 times a day (used to be C to the point of taking miralax daily for years!)
-abdominal pain and bloating-not necessarily any worse than when I've had IBS flare ups in the past though
-joint pain and swelling, most of the visible swelling is in my hands, wrists, feet and ankles but my knees and hips also hurt a lot. To the point of needing help to get up some days. Joints are not red but sometimes hot to touch

here's my hands anad feet

-brain fog, lack of ability to concentrate and remember
-nausea, to the point of vomiting some days
-muscle weakness and soreness
-bruise easily
-loss of appetite and weight loss, 25 pounds in a few months
-costochondritis, an inflammation in my chest and ribs
-Uvietis, an inflammation in my eyes
-shortness of breath and racing heart, EKGs are normal
-about a month ago, started having this "newer' pain in my chest, different than costo. Its why they did the endoscope but that showed nothing. Its a sharp pain, always there, worse with eating. Its just to the right and under my sternum, its a very isolated spot and does not radiate or move. When I eat, it feels like I'm swallowing glass.
_insomnia, not necessarily new, have had troubles for a few years but always tired, even after waking up
-shaky, my hands are constantly shaking and my body twitching a lot, usually when I try to relax
-generally feel sick, like I'm coming down with the flu

Thats what I can remember at the moment.
Here are the drugs I'm currently taking
-Zoloft 100mg
-aciphex, also have rx strength zantac
-pre natal vitamins
-birth control pills
-prednisone just reduced to 5mg
-placquenil 200mg twice a day
-humira injections once a week
-xanax 5mg at bedtime, once in a while during the day for anxiety
-zanaflex 6mg, muscle relaxer for fibro
-restoril at night
-ambien cr at night
-nutritional supplement called ambrotose
-vicodin or percocet for pain

I'm open for suggestions!! The docs seem to be clueless! I,ve been through teh gamet of fertility tests, 5 unexplained miscarriages of chromosomally healthy babies. Infectious disease testing-one side note, my body did kill the hep C virus which is somewhat rare and it was after that that all the problems started. Thyroid is ok but my parathyroid is lightly elavated but they are not concerned at the moment. My chloesterol is high, something like 237 but they aren't dealing with that either right now. Upper endoscopy, bdominal cat scan, barium swallow with samll bowel follow through all ok. Stool sample was negative for bugs but positive for lots of yeast. A zillion blood tests and most everything is normal and the stuff thats slightly off they say isn't causing any problems. All I do is go to work and go home and collaspe on the couch. We don't even go out to dinner anymore. I'm 36 not 90!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: capsule endoscopy new
      #283006 - 09/19/06 08:29 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Jen, some really good advice there! The gi guy and I did talk about the gallbladder and the D. He said people who usually have D because of there lack of gallbladder tend to have gassy D, meaning its very airy D and tends to be fatty and float. Mine is watery, high velocity and sinks! After doing that for a bit, than it switches to bright neon yellow bile, stomach acid that burns like the devil on the way out of an already sore bottom!

I understand the feeling that your body is falling apart. Its like everyday I wake up and do an inventory of the pain and see if there is anything new hurting! Is it going to take me 5 minutes to haul myself up or am I going to need a push off the bed from hubby because my body won't cooperate?!

I'm not exactly sure why the rheumy switched. It was after my second appt with her. She said that most serum negative ra people will have slightly elevated ana and my ana is negative. She also said that ra typically doesn't involve the bowels and with the changes I've had she thought more than likely crohns. The internist keeps going back and forth, first she thought crohns was likely than after my stool sample which showed no white blood cells in it, she said it would be less likely to have crohns. The crohns guy says its unlikely that I have crohns but can't be for sure. I feel like I'm getting the run around! The only positive thing is that the treatment for crohns and ra is pretty much the same and they did start me on the appropriate medications. See my above post, I list all my symptoms and meds, that I can remember!

I'm still torn about the mayo clinic. I've heard both good and bad. I don't even know what department I'd go see?! I want to figure out and fix what ever is wrong but if all the doctors here are clueless and everything looks normal, why should I think they will find anything. It would mean time off work for both hubby and I and traveling expanses, blah, blah, blah and what if they don't find anything.

I haven't considered the laparoscope since the fertility stuff. I guess it would show bowel issues but do you know if it could decidedly rule out crohns?

I haven't tried any rx meds for the d yet. No one has suggested anything, I do have Imodium I take when it gets bad or if I have to go somewhere, like the grocery store. But it seems to almost make it worse after it wears off so I try to stay away from it as much as possible.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: capsule endoscopy new
      #283028 - 09/19/06 09:41 AM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

As far as the gallbladder goes -- there's a certain type of medication (I can't remember the type other than that Questran is one brand) that works specifically on gallbladder diarrhea, so I'd say at least ask for a sample of it and give it a try. If it doesn't help, then you can rule one thing out. (I know what you mean about Imodium! It used to be my lifesaver but I've been having D problems again over the last month and it doesn't help at all. It'll stop me up, but it's just a temporary abatement and when I do start to have D again I cramp twice as hard.) I've also heard that some people can continue to get gallstones even after gallbladder removal, but that they end up forming in their own little pouch?? I don't remember much, just something I saw in my reading, and I don't know what the symptoms are.

I guess if the treatments are the same then it doesn't really matter if it's Crohn's or RA -- but maybe you should ask the GI or Crohn's guy, "OK, if I really do have Crohn's, what about my treatment would be different?" I know Humira is a Crohn's drug too but what about the other Crohn's drugs out there that aren't used for RA? I can't remember names off the top of my head except Asacol (sp?). Can you link the switch to D to starting any particular medication, like maybe starting the steroids full-time? Steroids is a Crohn's treatment as well so you'd think that the longer you were on them the better you'd feel if you did have Crohn's, right?

A laparoscopy wouldn't rule out Crohn's, but they can get a good look at the outside of your bowels to see if there's anything there that could be causing bowel problems. They can also check out your organs for anything abnormal and biopsy everything to make sure it's healthy. I had really really really awful D from endometriosis -- it was mainly because my appendix was covered in it (which would've ruptured sooner than later if I hadn't had the surgery). I took tons of Levsin and Imodium every day to try and stay stopped up but I still had BMs every day and I usually had at least a couple really nasty D attack every week. I kept trying to go off the meds but every time I did within a day or two I started having horrible D -- where after awhile there's NOTHING in your system so the stuff that comes out is whatever fluid your system can scrounge up in order to expel!! It was so awful, but no one would help me because they kept saying I just had IBS. Arrghh.

Although going to Mayo was ultimately a bust, I do think part of it was the way I handled it. And I don't know if it's even possible, but I'd try to avoid actually going to a department -- I'd call them and see if I could just have a basic initial workup, where you get a complete physical and tell someone nice and sympathetic your history and get bloodwork and urine/stool samples and basically get tested for everything known to man and *then* have them send you to a department. Because the thinking of what department you end up in is going to influence your diagnosis. If you go to gastroenterology, they're going to try and diagnose you with Crohn's or UC or whatever, and if you really have an autoimmune disease or something else, they're probably going to miss it.

Yes, it'd be expensive to go -- but if you're not getting anywhere local, it might be worth a shot. I didn't get much out of it, but at the same time, I don't regret going because I think it was something I had to do. It made me realize I had to get more aggressive for myself if I was going to get anywhere.

We've spent enough on medical care this year that we'll be able to deduct it from our taxes. The IRS's rules include being able to deduct for lodgings and transportation costs, but I'm not sure how stringent the rules are (i.e. I didn't HAVE to go to Mayo). If you do think of making a trip there then maybe you'd be able to deduct at least part of the costs.


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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Re: capsule endoscopy new
      #283030 - 09/19/06 09:59 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Yeah, I heard about making stones even after your gallbladder is out. I THOUGHT the upper endoscopy would show that but you are right, its in its own little sac and needs a SPECIAL endoscopy to test for that! I have had chest x-rays and cat scan and nothing showed up but not sure if it would show stones or not?

Thats what I mean with the Imodium. Is after it wears off, the cramping and Dis twice as bad as it was before! Steroids should improve crohns. However, apparently the 7.5mg dose I have been on is still considered a low dose and might be be enough but I don't want to take more without knowing for sure. Also my c reactive protein test, which is supposed to be a sensitive test to show the amount of inflammation in your body is normal. If I had crohns or ra, it should be high. But, than whats causing all the soft tissue swelling??

I do plan on grilling the crohns and ra doc when I see them next month. I think I will probably wait until after the first of the new to decide about mayo. I'm just to worn out right now to deal with that kind of decision and trip.

Ok, my hands are REALLY hurting, been typing a lot and with the decrease in steroids, my fingers look like sausages and my wrists are screaming.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Michele new
      #283034 - 09/19/06 10:20 AM


Sorry to hear about how bad things are going - I've been keeping up with your posts but I finally wanted to make sure I responded to you. It's the worst thing to be sick and no one can figure out what the problem is.

You seem amazingly positive though! I don't know how you do it.

While I was reading this post though I had some thoughts, though maybe it has nothing to do with anything...but my friend who has been on steroids (she had leukemia and is now in remission) has been being brought off of them for some time now after being on like 30mg. And I know that every time she was lowered on the dosage it made her really sick (throwing up, everything). Could that maybe be part of why you aren't feeling good? I really have no idea, but when you mentioned steroids I just remember what an awful time she had and still is having with them. And she's also discovering all these other aches and pains and rashes and things that apparently the steroids mask and now that she's coming off them, all these problems start popping out. Again, this could have no relevance to you, but it just made me think.

Well I really hope that things start looking up for you soon. What a way to lose weight! And sorry to hear about your kitty are the dogs doing though?

Gosh I feel so out of the loop around here lately! Take care and keep us posted - you're in my thoughts!!

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Re: Michele new
      #283037 - 09/19/06 10:35 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks sweetie. The decrease is steroids is definitely making my hands swell and my aches and pains worse. I had refused to take them for so long, I didn't actually start taking them daily until the end of April or May.

I just talked to my girlfriend who is a doctor, general practice and she said I may be decreasing too much at a time and called in some 2 mg pills so I can go to 7mg (adding one 2mg to my 5mg) for a few days, than down to 6 and so on.

I just have to think that this proves its not ALL in my head. My hands look terrible, and if it was just a mental thing, why would they be swelling so just from a decrease in steroids?? Its REALLY hard to type right now....

The dogs are good but big boy kitty is really missing sissy. He has been wondering around meowing, calling to her.

I definitely needed to lose weight but this isn't what I had in mind!! AW well, I feel like crude but hey at least I have a nice butt! Got to find the humor or I'll go crazy!!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: An idea new
      #283056 - 09/19/06 01:43 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

People who have fibro can have swelling. There's a lady at my clinic hwo has noticibly swollen ankles and arms. I found this online at

"Nagging symptoms, such as itchy, dry, or blotchy skin, may accompany FM. Dryness of the eyes and mouth is also not uncommon. Additionally, fibromyalgia patients may experience a sensation of swelling, particularly in extremities (i.e., fingers). A common complaint is that a ring no longer fits. However, such swelling is not like the joint inflammation of arthritis; rather, it is a localized anomaly of FM of unknown cause."

From what I read on the Web, you can get a small amount of swelling with fibro. If you have a lot of swelling, you could have RA and fibro; many people at my clinic have both. What you get with fibro is the *sensation* of swelling. I get this all the time. Also the burning, itching and localized pain that "moves around." If someone hasn't experienced this, I couldn't explain it. But you know if you have it.

I think you should see a fibro doctor. They take you seriously. They're interested in your case, YOUR case, not trying to shove you into a mold of someone else's case. They don't try to tell you how you SHOULD feel. (ie, 3 shots of knock-out medicine and you SHOULD be knocked out). My doc is concerned about how I AM feeling. It's a new world out there regarding fibro care. It's good for the soul to be taken seriously by a doctor too.


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Re: An idea new
      #283058 - 09/19/06 02:20 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Nelly. I actually do have physical, noticable swelling in my hands and feet. I do have the general pain and fatigue but alos definite joint pain. What sort of doctor do I look for? My rheumy treats fibro but she belives mine is secondary and believe that when whatever IT is that I have is treated, the fibro will improve or go away??!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Fibro & Fatigue Center new
      #283062 - 09/19/06 03:30 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

Go to a fibro doctor. A specialist. I can recommend the Fibro and Fatigue Centers:

I've had tremendous help from the one in King of Prussia, PA. The doctors really understand what you're going through. There's one in Detriot too. I travel 2.5 hours each way to visit mine (Mel goes there too). That should tell you how good they are for me to bother to go that far...!

I hope you can get someone to listen to you who's seen this thing before. Try calling them on the phone and asking some questions. They were really nice with me over the phone. Like no doctor I've ever been to before.

They accept insurence for all the lab tests, and if you've had bloodwork done in the last 3 months they don't repeat unnecessary tests. Their info in Detroit is:

Fibromyalgia & Fatigue Center of Detroit
5877 Livernois, Suite 105
Troy, Michigan 48098
Toll-free: 1-866-443-4276
Phone: 248-813-8900
Fax: 248-813-8979


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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #283063 - 09/19/06 03:34 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Your hands and feet look like my Mom's.... as we talked about before she has Lupus and CTD.


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Re: Fridays Endoscope Update new
      #283067 - 09/19/06 03:45 PM

Reged: 08/07/06
Posts: 158
Loc: Pomona California

Nice pedicure. Love that color. I so need a pedicure. I've been slapping on the polish myself because I'm afraid to go to a nail salon. Concerned about picking up some gross infection.

Wow your symptoms supercede mine and I thought I was the queen of weird unexplained symptoms. Actually my friend Bonnie who has diagnosed lupus has some strange variation and the docs don't know what to do with her. So even if one gets a diagnosis there is no guarantee of a solution. I find that things change. In 1997 I had weird rheumitoid type symptoms. I had a positive lupus test (isn't that the ANA - don't remember) but with low titers. High sed rate and c reactive protein. I was in the most excruciating pain. I would lie on ice packs. Sitting was even hard. Finally one doc diagnosed me with polymyalgia rheumatica. Now, who has ever heard of that!
It lasted about 1 1/2 years. Now I have some residual aches more like fibromyalgia or myofascial pain. And I don't think my ANA shows lupus anymore. I did notice on my hospital labs that my sed rate is up (67). My bad IBS flares seem to be associated with my thyroid going low. And even once it is back where it should be it takes the body awhile to get out of the flare its in.

I think the docs are just as frustrated as we are. At least the good ones. Some just harden and blame the patient and find something to pin the blame on - like anxiety or depression or bad habits or drugs somebody else is prescribing. What I would appreciate is to be listened to, believed, and treated kindly. What a difference that would make.

You probably shouldn't try a new anti-depressant now while you are tapering off the steroids. My P doc says one change at a time. I get to where I want to quit everything or try a whole new bunch of things.

I couldn't get my colon pics up. Hubby will try to do that this pm. I think I can email them though.

Just look at all the knowledge you are gaining about guts and joints. Maybe you should start a consulting business.

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my suggestion new
      #283084 - 09/19/06 05:42 PM

Reged: 01/28/05
Posts: 815
Loc: Ontario, Canada

after reading your posts, symptoms and seeing your pictures have you considered Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)?. My aunt who lives in Lake Orion, Michigan has been house-ridden for years with severe MCS. She hasn't had any children, she never mentioned fertility problems specifically but I believe it was due to the fact that she couldn't get off steriods long enough to carry a child. I know she has or is taking Prednisone, Steroids, Vicodin and Ambrotose. My grandparents and my aunt are strong supporters of Ambrotose and Mannatech products.
It is just another suggestion to add to your list. I feel bad even suggesting something else. But I like everyone think there has to be some answer and that you definitely are not crazy.

Microscopic Colitis, IBS-A, GERD, Hiatal Hernia
Bethany, Ontario, Canada

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Re: capsule endoscopy new
      #283092 - 09/19/06 06:56 PM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

I have no idea if a CT scan would show the gallstones ... I guess you can put it on your list to ask the doctor.

I've never heard of the C reactive protein test, but can it be normal even if you do have lots of inflammation? I know there are lots of lab tests out there that can be normal/negative even if you really do have the condition. Is your sed rate elevated? Mine wasn't, so I think that's why at first the rheumy blew me off and didn't think my positive ANA meant anything -- he said that if there were anything wrong I'd have an elevated sed rate and a positive RA factor. I notice once he got the extended bloodwork back and I had a positive ANA again plus the positive Sjogren's antibodies that he said nothing about the sed rate/RA.

If you do decide to go to Mayo, let me know and I can give you some tips! If you normally get a decent tax refund each year maybe you can use that to defray the trip expenses??

Oh, one other thing ... you mention problems with sleeping. Have you ever had a sleep study? Maybe they'd see something that would give them more clues. (I just had one done, but I think for me it was overkill -- the rheumy probably knew that the sleep study doctor needed more patients to finance his Christmas vacation in Tahiti.)

I'm so sorry your hands hurt so much -- if they're just as bad tomorrow, then take care of them, and don't respond to this post.


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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Re: my suggestion new
      #283188 - 09/20/06 11:01 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

You know, I've never heard of MCS. I will google it here in a minute. Is it something that you can develop as I was relatively fine 2-3 years ago.

I've heard great things about the mannotech products. Wills cousin actually reps it or sells it or something. I figured what the heck, it can't hurt anything.

Steroids are a class c for pregnancy. However, the latest reproductive endocrinologist I saw said even if the RA or whatever IT is under control, I would be on a low dose, probably 5mg a day, as it can help the baby fight off your bodys immune system. Its theory that people with autoimmune issues attack the growing fetus and the steroids should help with that, just as they help people who have an organ transplants. At this point, there will be no baby making anytime in the near future. I figure at least a year before Will would even discuss the idea with me. At this point, he isn't willing to even try again because he says he can't see me go though the pain of losing another one. Its a mute point right now because I'm so sick anyways but my clock is ticking, LOUDLY. For now, I'm happy with my "boys" Oliver and Harley who have been at the beauty salon all day!!! I swear I spend more on there grooming than my own! HEHE

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Susie2 new
      #283190 - 09/20/06 11:13 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I treat myself to a pedicure 2-3 times a year as I wear open toe shoes at work. I've never picked up crude there but it does happen. Ask around, if a place has crude, most people will hear about it!! I just can't bend over and do them myself anymore. I can do a quick nail polish change if I have to but thats about all I can handle.

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think I should wait on switching AD's at the moment. Like you said, one thing at a time. If I change too much, how will I know whats making things better or worse.

Boy, your sed rate is still pretty high. Mine is down to the 30's on a good day, with the steroids. Yes, the ANA is the Lupus test. Mine has always been negative and I've never had the classic rash that most people get.

I have heard of the polymyalgia rheumatica actually! Did you ever test positive for a RA antibody with that?? I thought the Humira injections were really helping me but maybe its just the steroids. I went back up to the 7.5 today, my hands are toast. Could barely brush my teeth this morning.

My rheumy doc is usually nice. Only had one phone call with her that wasn't kind but otherwise, she does listen and is trying. I agree, I think she is as frustrated as me. I don't see here again until the last week in October so I guess I'll just stick with what I'm doing. May try to decrease the steroids again next week but do it in smaller steps. I obviously can't handle going from 7.5 down to 5. I've got some 1mg pills now, so I'll try 7mg for a week, than 6 for a week and so on and see what happens.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: ShellMar
      #283193 - 09/20/06 11:18 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I hope your mom is doing well with her treatment. I think they have ruled out Lupus because of the lack of skin rash and negative ANA but I think the CTD is still an option. Do you know what meds your mom is on and do they help her? Does she have problems with her eyes, like redness and pain?

On a personal side note, I remember you said your gyn reminded you of your clock ticking....have you ever been checked for Lupus? Auto-immune diseases can be hereditary. It is one of the top reasons why girls have fertility issues and miscarriages. I would hate for you or anyone else to suffer through the things I did when I was trying to have a baby.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fibro & Fatigue Center new
      #283198 - 09/20/06 11:30 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Wow, thats actually VERY close, I bet only 10-15 minutes from my house!!!!

Ok, so I just called them. They will do an initial appt for one hour with a doctor for $360.00 which I would have to pay for up front and try to get reimbursed from my insurance company. If they would bill the insurance directly, I'd go next week but we are strapped for cash and I need some car repairs. They said the lab work can be done at a local lab and billed but I forgot to ask them about the treatments. I assume though that I'd have to pay for that out of pocket as well. I wonder why they don't bill insurance????

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: my suggestion new
      #283199 - 09/20/06 11:31 AM

Reged: 01/28/05
Posts: 815
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Let me know your thoughts when you google it. My aunt was a registered nurse for many years. At one point in time she worked and shopped and enjoyed her life. From what I understand of MCS it is progressive in that the more exposure you get the worse your symptoms and body degenerates.
Thanks for the info on steroids. I am sure there were other reasons for her decision besides just the medication. She also has fur babies, 2 shih-tzu's that keep her company all day.
Another thing you might want to think of is where you have been and what you have been exposed to on your worst days. Say for instance your trip to the hospital where your chest was tight and you couldn't breathe properly. What did you do that day that could have lead up to that?
I am not that knowledgeable on MCS, but I try to look up and understand as much as I can. I look at it the same way as IBS. That nobody really understands my aunt and what she endures. For many years, everyone (family included) just thought she was a hypochondriac and willed herself to be worse. I can see now though that the problems are real, yes depression may hinder the process of getting better but they are there.
Hope you are having an okay day and take care,

Microscopic Colitis, IBS-A, GERD, Hiatal Hernia
Bethany, Ontario, Canada

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Re: capsule endoscopy new
      #283201 - 09/20/06 11:36 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

My hands are toast so this will be short. My sed rate is in the 30's, its supposed to be 19 or under. This sed rate is after being on all my drugs for months. The c reactive protein is supposed to be more sensitive to the amount of inflammation than the sed rate. Again though it was just checked and I've been on "drugs" for a while so not sure if the drugs make it show normal when its really not?

Never had the sleep study. I don't think it would be accurate because I'm very sensitive to changes in my surroundings. I've got to have MY bed, pillow, blanket, heating pad, dogs, etc or I would never sleep!!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: sed rate new
      #283216 - 09/20/06 12:15 PM

Reged: 08/07/06
Posts: 158
Loc: Pomona California

I was surprised to see that it was that high (finally got a copy of my labs and stuff from my little hospital stay). The GI didn't say anything at all about it. In fact, he said I was perfectly fine. "Irritable Bowel. All it is irritable bowel and for that the only cure is fiber. Fiber, Fiber and more Fiber." I felt like he was angry at me for "wasting" his time. He had hospitalized me because he thought I might have a bowel obstruction and I guess I disappointed him. But hey I gave him a rectal prolapse, hiatal hernia, GERD and a bit of gastritis. That should count for something. Last night I took celebrex which I had stopped taking as I was worried it might be exacerbating my gi symptoms and boy do I feel better re body aches today. I also slept well last night.

I never tested positive for RA antibodies. ANA was 8 with speckled pattern detected. Now I think all is negative with that test. I think I'll mention my ESR to the next doc I see. Next week it is a new GI and my orthopedist. I heard rumors that the ortho is getting a divorce and has taken up with someone in his office. I hope it is not true as I think he and his wife (also the office manager) are a darling couple. This is pretty sad when my life revolves around the doctors I see. Actually the doc is a member of my temple so I know him first from there and think he is a great guy and his wife is a doll. Must be midlife crisis. I think their kids have just gone off to college.

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Re: sed rate new
      #283236 - 09/20/06 01:08 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I've tried several of the prescription anti-inflammatory but never the celebrex, all the others caused too much gi upset. Now, they won't give them to me because of the gastritis, which I apparently don't have according to the endoscopy??

I would ask about the sed rate again, sounds like you definitely have something going on. I know certain medications can cause a false positive ana reading, were you on any medications when it was positive?

Typing is slow with just my left hand as my right is too swollen to move my first two fingers at all. Definitely going back up on the steroids, moon face, zits whatever, its better than this pain!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fibro & Fatigue Center new
      #283284 - 09/20/06 05:31 PM

Reged: 07/15/04
Posts: 773
Loc: Baltimore, MD


For what it's worth I think it would be a good idea to see the doctor at the fibro clinic. I posted to you before that I know a woman who has symptoms almost identical to yours. She is currently not been able to eat anything for three weeks and having diarhea, alot of swelling, etc. Her doctors think it is Fibro related and are going to go about treating it that way. I will let you know how they treat her and how it works. But she has so much swelling she uses a scooter and the doctors think it is fibro related so maybe yours could be too.

I know all about money being tight. I would love to go to the fibro clinic in PA but can't afford it either. Extreme Fatigue is my biggest Fibro symptom. I really hope you find answers soon.

~Hoping and Praying for Sleep!~

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Good step! new
      #283311 - 09/20/06 06:52 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

When I went in, they accepted insurance for the bloodwork, but you're right, aside from the lab, the fibro center won't bill insurance for you. You can bill them, though, and the people in my clinic who have insurance say theirs pays for up to 80% of treatments.

Their model is that fibro patients test in the "normal" range. The thing is, sometimes these normal scales go from like 7 to 500. So for a test like that, the ideal range would be closer to 253. But what if you test at 499? That's still "normal" based on the range (so a regular doctor would just sign off on it), but in a fibro patient they want you more in the "ideal" range instead of the "normal" range.

The closer I get to "ideal," the better I'm feeling.

They have supplements (i know, more pills ) they want you to take, and they have IV treatments, which have been a lifesaver for me. Insurance will cover most of the cost of the IV treatments, but you do have to pay out of pocket first.

I should mention, each clinic offers free seminars on fibro. I am told that if you go to a seminar (1 hour, I think) they will give you a coupon for a % off either your meds or your first visit. It might be worth going to hear the doctor talk to take advantage of the offer.

The upside is the care. It is what keeps me coming back. They really know what they're talking about and they're INTERESTED in you. When I get my IV treatments, I talk with the other patients at the clinic, and it is almost exactly like the boards. Everybody's story has the same undercurrent.

If I could go with you to your first appointment, I'd be there to hold your hand. Mel is putting hers on her credit card, and I'm tapping my mother for cash to go.I'm just considering it an investment, because without it I wasn't getting any better.

At least I know I'm not crazy for having all these seemingly unrelated, awful symptoms. And all the normal test results.


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Re: Fibro & Fatigue Center new
      #283375 - 09/21/06 07:59 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Tissy, please do keep me posted about your friend. I am still considering going. Its just we are struggling so much money wise at the moment. My hubby owns his own business and its really down and they keep raising our health insurance blah, blah, blah.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Good step! new
      #283377 - 09/21/06 08:02 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Nelly, I'm going to go through my medical folder and check the results of my tests again and see how close to optimal my readings are. I just may end up asking the doctor I work for to pay for this for me. I've worked for him for 8 years now with only minimal raises and he knows how sick I've been. If it increases my productivity, it'll benefit him too!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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