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Today was my due date - update new
      #281919 - 09/12/06 08:39 PM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

Well, I have not progressed at all. My cervix is "posterior" and I'm not dilated. So we scheduled an induction for Monday morning. SO not what I wanted. It's possible I'll go into labor at some point before then, but it's looking doubtful. i don't know why, but I'm really bummed. I feel like a failure or something. I had a near perfect pregnancy, so to end this way is a bummer. I know it could be worse, and I am blessed to even HAVE this baby, however it happens. But now I possibly have 6 days to kill, and in my head my calendar ended TODAY! So I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself now. I don't even want to do stuff, because all I want to do is have the baby!

Sorry to vent, I think I'm just overly emotional. A lot of build up, you know??



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Re: Today was my due date - update new
      #281922 - 09/12/06 09:16 PM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 213
Loc: Wisconsin, USA

First baby?? You go thru a whole range of emotions with your first one.Fear being the biggest one! I was afraid of labor,afraid things would go wrong, afraid of how much my life was going to change, afraid i wouldn't be a good mom.I ended up having to be induced about 2 weeks before my due date because of problems with toxemia and high blood pressure. I ended up with a csection after only 4 hours of induced labor (yes,that's from start of the i.v. meds to full dialation,,,4 hours!) but ended up with a csection because of other problems.
I felt so cheated out of the whole 'going into labor'on my own experience.It bothered me that i did not deliver naturally, felt like i wasn't really a mom because i didn't push a baby out and get to hold it immediately in my arms like you see on shows like *The baby story* on TLC.I felt cheated out of that bonding experience immediately after birth.
What your feeling is perfectly normal, emotions run very high near the end of pregnancy, mostly you just want it OUT of you!!!
I used to feel so bad and depressed when i would hear other moms talk about their birthing experience(natural birth).Then i finally realized one day, that it doesn't matter HOW they got here, as long as they were healthy.Induced,c-section or natural child birth-it's all the miracle of life. Things will work out and next week at this time you will be holding that baby in your arms and that's all that counts. Hang in there, it will be over soon enough, just take things day by day,time will fly.

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I second that! new
      #281944 - 09/13/06 03:07 AM

Reged: 03/02/06
Posts: 1026
Loc: West Michigan, USA

I was induced with both babies. They were just hangin'on for dear life. They liked it where they were. Don't feel like a failure. Going through a natural labor and all isn't what makes you a good mom. It's what you do after that baby is born that realllllllly matters! I'm excited for you! It'll happen soon.

Flipada - IBS-C "It's a gas, gas, gas"

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Re: Today was my due date - update new
      #281948 - 09/13/06 05:00 AM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

I'm sorry your so upset. Remember your due date is just a date they decided to give you. I have been induced with all 3 of my girls and I expect to this time as well. It's not that bad. You know when your going and not worrying about those mid-night runs. It's even easier when you have kids that need to be watched, lol. And I don't know about anyone else but first or not your scared about the what if's and the when's. I had a freak out this weekend about the whole thing and I was almost sick to my stomach. The only difference is that I have done this 3 times already. I can also tell you that no matter where you are in the process it can happen before Monday. I know someone that was walking around at 4cm for 3 or more weeks and others that have no progress go instantly. Your water can break or you can start contracting. I know it doesn't feel like it because that is how I always feel. Change your date on the calendar to Monday and enjoy being pregnant because you will miss it. You will miss feeling the baby moving and a lot of the other things that go with being pregnant.

Btw, did they say how they would induce you?

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Re: Today was my due date - update new
      #281957 - 09/13/06 06:54 AM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Hey Ginger... I know how you feel, I really want Ollie to be born on or before his due date and I'll be disappointed if he's not. I'm trying to think in my head that a due date is just an approximation... I try to remember that I was A MONTH LATE and they just let my mom go and then finally induced her. I can't even imagine having him in here for another month.

Hang in there... oh, I don't think you ever answered my questions about whether or not you decorated a nursery and whether or not we could get pictures and see it?

Also, what outfit are you bringing the baby home in? This is a question of little importance that keeps stumping me for some reason...

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Re: Today was my due date - update new
      #281973 - 09/13/06 08:08 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Please don't feel like a failure-I'm sure its just the hormones talking! Lots of people have to be induced, I'm sure you are impatient, who wouldn't be but you will be holding your baby before you know it!! Love and hugs

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Thanks girls! (And a pic of the baby's room) new
      #282001 - 09/13/06 10:16 AM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

I do feel better today. After a good cry last night, today I woke up thinking---ok, worst case, a baby on Monday!! You'd think that, as a person who likes to plan, I'd be thrilled, but I guess this was one situation where I wanted to be surprised. But at least there is still one surprise yet--girl or boy??
My doctor friend told me that my situation, while frustrating, is medically NOT a concern, and another friend forwarded me a message from her cousin who was induced and it went fine. So (deep breath), I'm good. And I appreciate the comments, I really do! is a picture of our baby's room---not super "done up", but there are curtains that match the bedding now, added that after the picture. We wanted neutral and not too crazy.

And...for chinagrl, what the baby will be wearing? Well, I'm sort of stumped too. I've got onesies sets, and also two pj sets for newborns---one girly, and one for a boy, so we're covered either way. Most of my clothes buying will come afterwards. I've got target and babies r us gift cards just itching to be spent!


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Re: Thanks girls! (And a pic of the baby's room) new
      #282003 - 09/13/06 10:48 AM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

The baby's room is beautiful! I love it. Is that curious george up on the shelf? Zoe is obsessed with George and I'm planning on buying her the dvd for her birthday next month.

If you have any questions about induction, let me know. I have been induced with cervidel and with pitocin.

Jen- I should pull out the pictures of my girls when I brought them home from the hospital. I should have Zoe's somewhere. She wore a red gap outfit. It had a cap, onsie and pants with a snapped up shirt that went over the onsie. I can't remember Meike and Maddie had a neutral outfit similar to Zoe's. I tried to get more neutral just in case they were wrong. I had to with Maddy because we never found out.

I just went looking and I can't find it . I think my hubby put them on a cd but when I asked him where the pictures are he has no idea. I know I took one. I remember taking it in the hospital and when we got home.

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Re: Thanks girls! (And a pic of the baby's room) new
      #282013 - 09/13/06 11:10 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Very cute baby's room!!!! I love the color!!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Thanks girls! (And a pic of the baby's room) new
      #282016 - 09/13/06 11:15 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

what a darling room.....


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The room looks great! new
      #282048 - 09/13/06 01:37 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

It looks very nursery without being over-the-top about it. It will grow well with your kiddo.

Also, my Mom had all three of her kids induced and she said it wasn't a problem at all...

And yeah, boy or a girl is a pretty big surprise. I'm super impressed that you managed to do the whole thing not knowing. It would have driven me crazy!

And it will be fun to clothes shop for your baby. Eric and I have really enjoyed it. We bought a fair amount of 0-3 stuff (we're pretty gender neutral, so it didn't matter to us if the baby was a boy or a girl) and then the grandma's went nuts and bought him clothes for like, the rest of his first year of life.

Now I just can't wait to dress him in some of the outfits!

I guess the reason the bringing home thing is stumping me is because my friend said it would be better not to put him in a onesie because of the umbilical cord stump... and they don't make many two piece outfits for newborns. Does anyone have an opinion on this?

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Re: Today was my due date - update new
      #282055 - 09/13/06 02:27 PM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

I've never had a problem with the umbilical cord and onsies. I used them all the time on the girls and it never effected the cord. Actually what is the difference between a shirt and a onsie? The onsie won't move as much a irritated the area. The only thing you want to be careful with is the diaper and to be quite honest when you fold the diaper, it lifts the shirt off even more.

Btw, if you have any pampers make sure you sign up for the gifts to grow program. They extended the expiration date to March so take advantage of it.

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Re:Ginger... new
      #282064 - 09/13/06 03:08 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

I understand you're frustrated, but it's only a few days in the scheme of things. Put your feet up, read a trashy book, cook some casseroles and throw them in the freezer, and buy green and yellow and white sleepers. They sleep most of the time any when they're newborn, so get a few. Also, you'll probably need LOTS of change pads, I found, as my son found fresh air, well, refreshing and peed on the change pads a lot. Also, TONS of those little washcloths. They sure come in handy. Wash those up, and what blankets you have.
Also, if you're nursing, you can ask around about breast pumps. Let me tell ya, they were a lifesaver for me. I know they tell you not to introduce a bottle if you're nursing, but I found just the opposite. The sooner they get used to both the better - your hubby can take a shift at night then. My nephew wasn't introduced the bottle till he was about 8 weeks old, as well as the suckie and he refuses either, so my poor SIL is stuck with a babe on her boob all the time. Just a few thoughts you can go over.
Also, Avent has a great handheld pump, if you're careful not to oversqueeze (ouch)it's great. The machine pumps are rentable and now even affordable to buy (if you consider the cost of what formula would cost you). I found them great because you could control the speed and suction.
I'm rambling. .... just thinking of stuff to keep you occupied!!!
Also, some nice walks would probably do you good. Get some fresh air.
Hugs, honey!
Hang in there!

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: Thanks girls! (And a pic of the baby's room) new
      #282066 - 09/13/06 03:12 PM

Reged: 03/02/06
Posts: 1026
Loc: West Michigan, USA

What a great looking room! Nice job!

Flipada - IBS-C "It's a gas, gas, gas"

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Re: Thanks girls! (And a pic of the baby's room)
      #282099 - 09/13/06 04:59 PM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

Ginger -- that's a pretty good worst case! You've got several days before then, so maybe something will happen.

I love the baby's room -- it looks so crisp and clean with the lavender and white. (But doesn't your husband complain about the color? Mine would be saying, "If it's a boy, we're repainting!")


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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Room color new
      #282106 - 09/13/06 05:32 PM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

It was actually that color when we moved here! It was the nursery for the people who lived here before us, and we liked it so we left it. I used it as a spare room (basically my bedroom from home transported here) until now. My husband doesn't mind because it was very little work to get together. We figure, babies don't really care, and if we do have a boy who gets to the point where he has an opinion and doesn't like it---we'll change it then. I like going in there already, it's refreshing and smells good (for now!).


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Oh one more thing!!! new
      #282117 - 09/13/06 06:35 PM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 213
Loc: Wisconsin, USA

If for whatever reason they want to do an ultrasound before you are induced, make sure you tell them very clearly that you do not want to know the sex of the baby!!!
Here i was 3 days before i gave birth,they did an ultrasound to make sure the baby wasn't breech and the ultra-sound tech blurted out the sex of the baby!!! She said " oh look, its a boy!".......GRRRR....that was another upsetting issue for me afterwards, because both my husband and i wanted to be suprised about the sex of the baby.With my 2nd baby i have a total of 4 ultrasounds and i made it very clear each time, DO NOT tell me the sex! So atleast the 2nd baby was a surprise, but i would have liked the first one to have been more so!

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Thanks, good point!! --nt new
      #282142 - 09/13/06 08:48 PM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL


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Thanks Alicia.... new
      #282147 - 09/13/06 10:05 PM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

All my baby stuff is washed and ready to go!
And I do intend to ask about pumping at the hospital, I also want to share feedings when I can, and I'm in a wedding Oct. 6 so I will need to miss a feeding or two. I think our hospital gives them away, but I will inquire into automatic pumps too.


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Re: Thanks girls! (And a pic of the baby's room) new
      #282180 - 09/14/06 07:04 AM

Reged: 03/23/05
Posts: 406

I love snoopy! It's such a cute room and I love the color, even if it is a boy. Good luck Ginger! I can't wait to hear what you have and to see pictures.

IBS-A, with bloating and gas as my predominant symptoms

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Re:Don't worry Ginger.... new
      #282318 - 09/14/06 07:10 PM

Reged: 06/22/04
Posts: 2018
Loc: USA

They set me up to be induced too and I had the baby before the induction. My guess is that you will too go before Monday. I know you just wanna get it over with. I remember thinking I have to get my sister her birthday present before I go into labor. I was standing at the store register and the lady telling me, "wow, you look huge" & "oh honey, you don't wanna be induced. Just let it come naturally." Yeah, ok, that could be weeks and my baby could just get bigger!!!! Although, I too felt like I just wanna get it over with and actually having a date made me feel a bit better knowing there was light at the end of the tunnel.
Ended up that my water broke I think the next day and I never had to be induced.
My thoughts are with ya! I'll say a prayer you do go earlier than Monday. It's really not fun being induced but don't feel like a failure if you have to be. Either way, it's coming out and you will have that little person in your arms real soon!
Oh BTW, very cute nursery. Good idea for the bed in there. We just had a cradle set up in our room for the first few weeks. After that, I couldn't stand the babies in our room cause I would wake up every move they made. Drove me nuts. As soon as I put them in their crib in their room, I finally slept. But what works for one might not work for others. You just have to experiment.


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I can't wait... new
      #282327 - 09/14/06 09:02 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal

I'm so excited for you to have this baby! The room looks great! Just look forward to Monday, and if it happens earlier, great!

Here's another product suggestion. My sister recently got a video monitor, and she completely swears by it. She says that she used to get up all the time when she heard the baby, and sometimes he would actually be crying a little in his sleep or just stirring. The video monitor allows her to gauge when she actually has to go to him. Now that he's standing up in his crib, she's finding it especially helpful. (If he's just lying there, she doesn't get up, because he'll usually go back to sleep.)

Also, my sister also introduced the bottle very early out of necessity: Her milk didn't come in right away. Her baby was always really flexible about going from the bottle to the breast and back again.


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Good tips, thank you!-nt new
      #282329 - 09/14/06 09:48 PM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL


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Re: Good tips, thank you!-nt new
      #282351 - 09/15/06 07:09 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

Hang in there Ginger! It will be here before you know it. Be careful about allowing the baby to have a pacifer early on. I think that it caused Noah not to learn how to latch on properly in the beginning. I also had to supplement with a bottle because it took 5 days before my milk came in. I think this time I won't allow the hospital to have her use a pacifier until she learns how to latch on properly. I will certainly use them afterwards but I think that was a problem. I wanted to post picture of the nursey however it is not clean right now. It is packed with stuff of mine that I have to find places for. We just kept it the same as when Noah was born since it is neutral. We have yellow walls on the top and light green on the bottom and an animal border in the middle. I love the colors because they are so bright and cheerful. I liked your room as well. It looked very fresh and clean! I can't wait to see pictures of your little one. Hope you are feeling well!!

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