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Hey guys new
      #271876 - 06/30/06 01:41 PM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

well after a little absence (been really bad and had an endoscopy and biopsys taken on wed) i`m back and went for a run today too! woo...start my new job tomo though and I`m really nervous because I`m basically on my own, running my own department (just consistig of moi)and I have only had an hour training hope your all ok, sorry I haven`t been posting but for obvious reasons I`ve not been too great. I need to read and catch up with everyones goings on but I just wanted to say

Thanks Nat your text meant alot to know you were thinking of me, you are a star and have been ever since I joined this board. Hope ur jobs are going well and ur tum is behaving.

Blondie:so glad your feeling more positive...stay strong, keep smiling, your doing great...and email me your mob number cos I was worrying about you whilst I haven`t been on the boards (nat reassured me you were ok) so next time i can text and see how you are

Everyone else: I will read your posts soon and try and catch up... sorry I haven`t done it sooner, I keep getting really bad migraines and the computers not helping (Could this be because of the sedation?....I never get migraines but have since the camera...maybe its just a coinidence)

anyway I`m off to prepare for my new job tomo....i feel sick. hope my tum behaves

lots of huggles

jo xxx


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Re: Hey guys new
      #271881 - 06/30/06 01:57 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Hi Jo
Glad the tests went ok- does that mean that you are back off wheat and feeling great?

Good work going running, I hit the treadmill last night for the first time in a few weeks and feel remarkably OK today after it.

Best of luck with the job tomorrow, you'll do great, remember that they wouldn't have given you the job unless they thought that you could do it

Let us know how it goes


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Sending lots of happy tummy thoughts... new
      #271882 - 06/30/06 02:00 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

for tomorrow...Im sure all will be fine...but incase tummy does decide to misbehave make sure you have LOTS of immodium easily on hand...I am confident that your first day will go fine...what is it you have to do again?? I cant remember exactly what you said

I am working tomorrow too...bummer isnt it cos of the England game...what time are you on?? Im meant to be working 1-6pm but we may close the shop early cos of the match...we did that last week and the whole centre closed...but with it being a saturday they werent sure...but we will surely have no customers at that time so we may keeping my fingers crossed!! Its a staff night out aswell tomorrow...have only been there a week but am hoping it will give me the chance to get to know everyone a little better if I can go.

Was meant to be moving house properly tomorrow but am geting the keys at 10am and moving some sooooooooooo excited...just wish I had money now to sort things out(insurance and removals van etc) is annoying as have to wait till end of the month when will get paid...grrrrr

Oooooh and more exciting news...I had a telephone screening interview with a recruitment agency for the call centre job that Ive been 4pm-8pm 4 weekdays and one weekend day so thats 20 hours a week at £7.26 an hour..which is fabulous for student type jobs...and I could still keep this job and maybe do the other temping work around it passed the screening interview...went great...she was very positive and she's put me in for an assessment interview in person on Monday takes about 2 hours and is a bit grueling...have a data entry test, group exercise and official interview thing where they ask you all those annoying questions like 'tell me about a time when you've had to persuade someone to do something'...and anyways...if I get it(which Im praying I will...cos 6 people have dropped out and so they need people and theres only a few of us being interviewed) then I will start training THAT evening 5-9!! Talk about fast and immediate start!lol! Its as a customer collections advisor...basically I'd be working for O2 network ringing people who'v missed payments and them ringing fingers crossed I could be rolling in it by next month....I REALLY NEED to sort my debts!!!

God Im such a waffler arent I....I talk like that too...don't know how people understand me...Im like my mother...make no sense...I am crazy....anyways...point of my post...what was it again?? Oh will be FINE...sending lots of hugs and happiness your way...and just think...Im gona be on my own on the till tomorrow and have no clue what Im doing as real boss is away and its saturday so will be if end up stressed at all tomorrow just think of me...I am probably going through exactly the same thing only a few hours away from you....


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Re: Hey guys new
      #271892 - 06/30/06 03:30 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

CONGRATS on the run!

Good luck tommorrow.. I'm sure you will do just fine..

keep us posted


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hijacking to say hi to Nat... new
      #271909 - 06/30/06 04:40 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

..sorry Jo to hijack but I know you won't mind

The job opportunity sounds great, fingers crossed for you. My brother (the one you met) used to work for o2, there are pretty good perks, they paid his health insurance etc, not sure how many hours that you have to do for them to do that. Would be great experience too. Not surprised that you did so well. Once you get collections experience you'll never be stuck for parttime work they are always crying out for them. Money sounds excellent too.

Good luck moving tomorrow too Nat.
(and you Jo)


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Aww thanks sinead... new
      #271960 - 07/01/06 01:35 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

yea it is great money and its very flexible with my uni stuff with it being there's bonuses involved and a free gym membership to their gym there and 20% next discount for everyone...loads of perks....fingers crossed as would be SOOOOOOOOO convenient! I was always afraid to apply for that type of job...figured it would be too much stress and with uni and everything I was better just waitressing and working in the shop etc...but then I started thinking about my CV and thought...what with me going to be an interior architect and needing to consult with clients, sell your designs/ideas etc...this would give me a great opportunity to build my confidence in building up a good rapport with customers and everything...and its PAID training for 4 weeks...I'd learn so much. I'd have the chance to develop skills in areas which would be VERY RELEVANT to the sort of work I'll be going in to when I graduate! I dont want to jinx myself and not get they are needing people and I am making myself sound VERY ENTHUSIASTIC AND AVAILABLE and as I have a good CV...I am PRAYING all goes to plan! Cross your fingers toes and everything for me on monday!!!


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Re: Hey guys new
      #271999 - 07/01/06 10:11 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

Good Luck Nat!

Sinead - I`m still eating the wheat...they said keep eating it till you know if you have it or not but I`m not TOO bad with it I`m handling it a bit better

As for my first day - its soooooooooooo boring, the people are ignorant and one even moved my whole display that I was supposed to be selling today and tomorrow whilst I was trying to sell (i`m doing promotions in the same store each week, its an asda that doesn`t sell food) anyway I came home and had a good cry, I`m going to give it a while but if I carry on hating it i`ll just leave.

Got to go to a wedding on 28th/29th July and am dreading that, i`ve taken an unpaid weekend off work for it and i`ll give it to then, if I still don`t like it I will leave.

Think I may do the recruitment thing too, am gonna drop my c.v off on moday...
thanks guys JO x


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Yea the recruitment agencys can be great.... new
      #272001 - 07/01/06 11:05 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

if you go to the right ones...I know there must be loads in manchester like in leeds...go and find out...have u considered customer sales advisor positions like Im hoping to do?? Cos they pay sooooooo well......yea I'd say stick it out a bit longer....u never know...I didnt like toyworld after first few days and was planning to leave if sorted this ventura thing out...but then Ive been there over a week now and LOVE IT....Ive met some really nice people there...we have a right laff and am off out 2nite on a staff night shud be coming home early though as am working tomorrow...and wont get up at all if I dont!

Will keep sending happy thoughts and hope the job gets better!!


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Re: Aww thanks sinead... new
      #272005 - 07/01/06 11:43 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

It all sounds great Nat, so many perks! You are definitely a people person with a great personality so I reckon anything customer focussed will definitely play to your talents. You're right that it's good to have that type of experience too, it always pays off to have office type experience on your CV.

But poor you Jo. sounds nightmarish, you poor honey...You are right to give it some time. With your retail experience you will find another job no problem so don't fret about it. Nat's right agencies can find great stuff, I'd aim for jobs that are not selling though if you can, more customer service that type of thing, the telesales can be very tough, my friend used to do it when we were in college selling a gym machine and she never sold ANY and was on a very basic pay and was supposed to earn commission.

Hang in there and good luck with it


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Re: Aww thanks Nat and sinead... new
      #272015 - 07/01/06 12:38 PM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

I will hang in there but cos I`ve stressed my tums hurting now! urrrrrrrgh

I would LOVE to work in toyworld but I`d end up playing with the barbie dolls all day...i`m such a girl. been looking for loads of jobs tonight and am going to apply on monday as well as going to recruitment agency (inbetween a hospital check up appointment...not ibs related) UNLESS tomorrow is any better....I`m selling football stuff...great...noone will want football stuff after tonight.

I`ve rambled enough!
Thanks u two,
big huggles
jo x



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Re: Hey guys new
      #272017 - 07/01/06 12:50 PM

Reged: 02/28/06
Posts: 641
Loc: Sheffield, England

Hey you

I'm so sorry you're job's turned out not to be what you expected, it sucks when that happens. My last job was similar - sold to me very well, but after a few weeks I realised it was rubbish compared to what I was doing before.

Well done you for sticking it out for a while though - lots would've just walked out after the one day! You never know, it might get a little better. What's the money like?

I can't wait til I'm well enough to work again. I'll start out part time, and I have no idea doing what, but I'll be so excited - whatever it is!! Jamie's mum is a senior teacher and wants me as a teaching assistant - but it's something I know nothing about and never even considered. We'll see...

It's pretty cool your tum hasn't been terrible while you've been eating wheat - when do you find out whether you have coeliac or not? Fingers crossed for ya!!

Anyway, off to drown my sorrows because of the England game (well, drown them in water and bagels anyway... ). Hope the recruitment agency goes well - sometimes you can stumble onto a really good one (some stink) and they'll sort you out in no time, particularly since you've got great experience. All will work out for the best in the end, I'm 100% sure!

Blimey it's hot... Wish I could be out at the pub commiserating like most normal people!


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Re: Jo, PS: just mailed you my mob number *nt new
      #272018 - 07/01/06 12:51 PM

Reged: 02/28/06
Posts: 641
Loc: Sheffield, England


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Re: Hey guys new
      #272112 - 07/02/06 09:49 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

today wasn`t as bad. I had a dodgy tum after my dinner but i handled it and it went away. I went on the micraphone and did store annoucement about my promotion...which was a giggle. I will give it a fair try. Money is o.k. Its more than I was on (£6.45 on sat £7.22 on sunday) but I don`t get bonus or sales related pay like my last job so it works out about the same - or a bit less -per month.Think I will wait before I join a recruitment agency. I have 15 books to read for next uni year anyway. not started yet, have until mid september...

I keep getting headaches...any idea?

I have to wait for an appointment with my dr. before i get my results...waiting lists are about 4months.......uuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggh

As for the heat...i worked sat and sunday and just finished work and now its fliping raining!!!! And I`ve got to go out with my old work tonight but i have a headache

well thats enough moaning, Caroline I am sure you will soon get a job and yeah definately do part time first, build yourself up. If the hypno carries on helping u`ll be fit in no time! I`m certainly thinking of having it done if my results are negative.


p.s Got ur numb, thanks xx


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Re: Hey guys new
      #272171 - 07/02/06 03:32 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Hi Jo
Glad today went better.
Could the headaches be heat related (LOL I am so tired I typed head related first)? I get headachey when it's clammy and it has been really clammy here the last few days.

Be good


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Re: Hey guys new
      #272437 - 07/04/06 12:03 PM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

sinead you will be pleased to know I have read 10 chapters in one of my books (one that has approximately 50 chapters all together...but its a start!!!!)


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Excellent work Jo! new
      #272498 - 07/05/06 04:38 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

I am very proud of you

Right, when are you going to have the next 5 of that book read? set yourself goals and we will check up on you!


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update... new
      #272861 - 07/07/06 04:28 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

I`m up to chapter 21!!! only 14 and a half more books

I have an interview for boarders ( a book shop) on wednesday. Working in a bookshop is like my dream job...however geeky it sounds...and it will match my degree on my cv so keep your fingers crossed!!!!

It was so freaky, I was sat there crying at home about my job and the smelly manager (who has sent me LOADS of paperwork,saying I filled out the wrong pay form but she was the one who sent me the pay form. She put a post-it-note on the form critising me as I was £20 off target even though she only told me about two of the three products I was supposed to be selling AND it was football stuff...the day after England got kicked out. What the hell does she expect!!! The rude woman has not even rung me to see how my first weekend went...which was crap as I wa on my own without any training)....anyway I was sat there crying and had decided that as soon as I get a new job I will leave this one when my phone rang and it was boarders asking if I was still interested in working for them....freaky.

It is less pay but I hope I get it.

JO x


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I hope you get it too.... new
      #272874 - 07/07/06 06:56 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

I always say I would rather be doing a job I LOVE/ENJOY over a job that pays better but is aweful anydays...and if you're lucky enough to have that chance...then take it...buts that me all over...Im not money driven and never have been....although obviously sometimes you have to do things you don't want to just to make ends meet...but if you have the option....choose the enjoyable job over the better paid one...definately....

I have done some of the worst jobs packing johnsons wet wipes in a factory for 12 hours through the night in wales...with a large scouse woman shouting at you with a hairnet...think trunchball out of also cleaning mens urinals, showers and toilets on christmas morning......haha....don't remind me...oh and in a charity shop(that was voluntary) sorting out donated goods where I once opened a bag that was filled with spiders....and another that had an old mans pair of boxers in with skid marks on them....urgh...wretch!! lol!

But I agree...borders would look better on your cv...and just may even get to fit in a little of your summer reading whilst working...if you ever get the time




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ooh I'd love that too! new
      #272948 - 07/07/06 01:57 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

And you could get a transfer to an American branch and it would be so cool.
Borders is a fab bookshop, love it.

Crossing everything for you.

and I agree that your manager is REALLY smelly nothing worse than a manager who doesn't give you ANY support.

Hugs and bunches of luck


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Re: ooh I'd love that too! new
      #273070 - 07/08/06 08:55 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

I worked today and it was even worse none of the asda staff spoke to me and I rang my manager yesterday and she STILL hasn`t called me....I think I am ill tomorrow. I`m leaving weather I get the boarders job or not.

p.s thanks nat and sinead for the support

P.p.s. Nat I love the trunchball story and love the idea about reading whilst I work


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work contracts... help new
      #273084 - 07/08/06 11:49 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

I`ve phoned in sick for tomorrow. does anyone know where I stand with terminating my contract???? They can give one weeks notice within first three months, so does that mean I can???


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As far as I know... new
      #273085 - 07/08/06 12:03 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

and this applys for my shop assistant job not sure if it applies everywhere...but within the first month of working you can terminate your contract without notice...don't quote me on that for you....but seen as you have only just started I doubt you have to give much notice.


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Re: As far as I know... new
      #273091 - 07/08/06 12:44 PM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

thanks nat, i might try and research it now. I hate it I NEED to get out of it


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Jo- new
      #273182 - 07/09/06 10:49 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Usually the contract would say it - usually the employee has to give more notice than the employer in the probation period but not always.

Read the contract again slowly and see if there's any reference to it. If it doesn't I would take it that you can give the same amount of notice as they do ie one week.

Good luck on Wednesday with the other interview


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      #273185 - 07/09/06 11:08 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

I`ve been researching it and it says employee`s have to give one weeks notice AFTER a month...but it doesn`t say anything about less than a month. As well as the standard stuff you write in your notice letter have writtten this:

Acas suggest that an employee has to give one week's notice only after being employed for a month, however, if you feel I need to give a week's notice then please inform me, thank you.

what do you think? Acas is the employment rule thingy.

I`m stressing

Jo xx


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Here's mine Jo new
      #273194 - 07/09/06 12:35 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

I did some research too- on a government site I wouldn't quote ACAS, it's just an advisory service which is quoting the law, as opposed to the law itself.

As you said you have to work somewhere a month to be required by law to give a week's notice. Soo my idea is:

"As you are aware I only joined ASDA living on <insert date> and therefore I am not yet required to give you the statutory one week's notice and therefore I tender my resignation with immediate effect"

Is it a bit lawyery? If so sorry. It's also a bit brazen though but you are miserable working there hon and cannot afford to have to go back sanity wise.



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Re: Here's mine Jo new
      #273306 - 07/10/06 09:32 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

ooooooooooooh thats REALLLLLLLLLLLLY good but I`ve posted my letter allready. I didn`t put the acas thing in the end cos my dad told me not to. I wrote something really simple and left out the notice period thing. If she wants me to work notice she can ring me but i REALLY hope she doesnt.

thanks sinead

jo x


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Sounds good new
      #273321 - 07/10/06 10:39 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

..I think you were right not to mention it when you weren't sure. Let us know what happens next.


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Re: Sounds good new
      #273496 - 07/11/06 10:17 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

thanks sinead. Not heard from her yet had an interview at karen millen today, i got offered the job but it was a scandalous £4.40 an hour so at first I said can i let you know tomorrow (thinking if i don`t get the job at borders or the pier then i`d say yes) but they said you need to tell us now so i said no!!!!

I don`t know if I have done the right thing.

I`ve STILL not had my 2nd year degree results, they are SOOOOO late this year.

Nor have I had my endoscopy results

hugs Jo x


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Yea that is ridiculous... new
      #273576 - 07/11/06 02:57 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

I thought it was terrible when I found out minimum age for a 21 year old is 4.25....mind you I'm on 4.63 an hour at toyworld...but 7.26 at ventura evens it out...I accepted toyworld jst cos I had not much options at the time and was desperate...I'm sure things will work out fine though and whatever you get will be meant to be.


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Re: Yea that is ridiculous... new
      #273620 - 07/12/06 04:02 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

I know!!!! They said they pride themselves on treating employees fairly too!!!!

I`m soooooo angry, my boyfriend got his Masters results in the post (He has passed as long as he finishes his disertation) but I`ve not had my 2nd year results (we are at the same uni and study in the same school) PLUS some of the girls I spoke to have had their results off the lecturers. Which is just not on.


3hrs 30 mins till borders interview. I WANT THIS JOB!!!!

jo x


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Re: Sounds good new
      #273728 - 07/12/06 04:08 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Imagine how long it would take you to afford to be able to buy ANYTHING in Karen Millen at £4.40 an hour..crazy.
Fingers crossed for your results and waiting for your update on the Borders interview...fingers double crossed.


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Re: Sounds good new
      #274130 - 07/15/06 09:06 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

sorry I`ve not been on the boards for a few days not been too well. The good news is I got the borders job!!!!! Doing my last day at asda tomo and start my new job on 3rd aug


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Wahooooo yay for you.... new
      #274146 - 07/15/06 10:29 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

SO GLAD you got it jo...that GREAT!! I'm well chuffed for you...GOOD RIDDENS TO ASDA!!


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Re: Wahooooo yay for you.... new
      #274213 - 07/16/06 09:45 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

thankyou darling!!! I did my last day at asda today wooooooooooooooo. Bad thing about borders... one of my shifts is 10am til 8pm on SATURDAY


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Re: Wahooooo yay for you....
      #274259 - 07/16/06 03:32 PM

Reged: 02/28/06
Posts: 641
Loc: Sheffield, England

Yuck!! What kind of breaks do you get with those hours?


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Yay Jo! new
      #274359 - 07/17/06 11:55 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Delighted for you. Glad you got out of the yucky job.
Does that mean you have some holiday time now before Borders starts?


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Re: Yay Jo! new
      #275300 - 07/23/06 06:54 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

Sorry I`ve not tums being silly again. not sure about breaks and yep done NOTHING this week and next week...its a great life. I`ve managed to read 2 of 15 books though


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