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red meat new
      #269328 - 06/14/06 08:14 AM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

my sister just got home from the doctor, and she told me that her doctor said he wouldnt reccomend anyone leaving red meat out of their diet because u can become anemic.. i dont eat read meat cause of my ibs.. does anyone else?? if so, how much?.. he also said b12 wont replace the vitamins we're losing..


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Re: red meat new
      #269330 - 06/14/06 08:20 AM

Reged: 04/04/06
Posts: 137

I cut red meat out for a few months and I just started eating it again. I'm eating organic only though. I've had it a couple of times over the past week and I haven't had much of a problem with it. I was also concerned about not getting enough B12.

Jon - (IBS C)

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Re: red meat new
      #269334 - 06/14/06 08:48 AM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

where do you get the organic red meat? and what is it? (ive heard of organic but never knew what it meant)


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Re: red meat new
      #269336 - 06/14/06 09:01 AM

Reged: 04/04/06
Posts: 137

Organic(Natural) is where they don't use antibiotics or artifical flavors, colors, etc... You're not going to see ingredients that read monophosphate nuclearism or anything like that which are pretty much poison. This is likely one of the reasons they didn't have health problems like this back in the 50's.

Your local Health Food stores will carry organic foods.

Jon - (IBS C)

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Re: red meat new
      #269338 - 06/14/06 09:10 AM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

oh ok thanks! ill definitely have to check it out.. ever since ive stopped red meat, ive been so tired, pale, etc.. not sure if thats normal or not but im not on vitamins either so im definitely going to try that too..


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Re: red meat new
      #269362 - 06/14/06 10:34 AM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

You don't have to eat red meat to be healthy -- there are tons of perfectly healthy vegans and vegetarians out there. What you DO have to do is to eat other foods and/or take supplements to make up for what you're not getting (though it's always best to get your nutrients through food if you can manage it). It's not like red meat is the only food out there with iron! Go to Google and type in something like "foods high in iron" -- you can find lists. Poultry and seafood also have iron in them and they're much safer on your gut. Your body absorbs iron better if it's in meat rather than plant matter, so keep that in mind too. As for B12, there is actually more B12 in most seafood than there is in ground beef. Again, do a little research on Google -- you'd be surprised at what foods can be sources of what essential vitamins/minerals/whatnot.


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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Re: red meat new
      #269420 - 06/14/06 01:18 PM

Reged: 01/29/06
Posts: 1191
Loc: Canada

It's really hard to get enough B12 from simply vegetable/grain sources. In some countries around the world human waste is used as fertilizer and this provides a lot of B12 to their vegetables, but that's not the case for North America. Vegetarians in India for instance have a much easier time getting enough nutrients than us. We may need a bit of extra help with some supplements.

Just to compare, there's more B12 in salmon than in beef. Most seafood and fish have quite a bit, the most being clams. Pork, chicken and turkey have a bit but not as much.

I'm currently trying to eat as much safe meat as possible, no red meat at all. I take a B12 vitamin daily, and eat fortified cereals and soy milk. There are a lot of health benefits to not eating red meat, including helping your IBS, you just have to be careful about the vitamins.



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Re: red meat new
      #269441 - 06/14/06 02:17 PM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

i eat nothing but chicken breasts, i hate fish lol...and i really dont wanna go back to red meat! .. one of my doctors said unless im anemic, i shouldnt take b12, is that true? cause ive been wanting to take some for so long..also something about iron messing with my synthroid (for thyroid).. and i also cant have soy products , thats what they all keep telling me , because of my thyroid, so im having a really hard time finding foods for me


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I have no red meat in my diet. - nt - new
      #269444 - 06/14/06 02:46 PM
Double J

Reged: 03/09/06
Posts: 900
Loc: High Rocky Mountains ibs-d

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”. Mary Anne Radmacher

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Re: red meat new
      #269447 - 06/14/06 03:15 PM

Reged: 02/15/05
Posts: 1999
Loc: Northern Illinois, USA

Even before I had IBS, I'd cut way back on beef in my diet, mainly because buying beef at the store for one person seemed kinda rediculous. If I wanted a cheeseburger, I'd go out. If I wanted a steak, I'd go see my folks.

Now, I just don't eat beef. I had a couple rather extremely unpleasant experience with cow just prior to my diagnoses. Even if my tum could handle it now, psychologically I dont' think I could go back!

However, I can handle lean pork with no problem and can also handle venison pretty well. Can you tolerate pork?

As for the soy, have you tried rice dairy alternatives instead? I'm not a fan of rice milk, but I'd give it a shot if it was my only alternative. Rice cheese is okay. Almond cheese isn't bad either, if you can find it? What about almond or oatmilk?

As for seafood, have you tried the blander stuff? My husband isn't a seafood fan, but he will eat mild fish like tilapia, cod, and catfish.

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Re: red meat new
      #269466 - 06/14/06 04:20 PM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

I eat tuna and thats it lol.. Ive always hated fish.. my aunt has to do with that though (thats another story ) ive never heard of the rice milk etc. alternatives but ill definitely have to try it... i usually drink 1% milk and 98% of the time it doesnt bother me too much. I can tolerate pork pretty well as long as its not pork chops..


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I have no red meat and take a multivitamin and do just fine... new
      #269481 - 06/14/06 05:59 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

For some people, maybe, red meat is needed in their diet. But, there are plenty of vegetarians and vegans who would strongly disagree. I think the doc is wrong, which would be no surprise to me.

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Re: red meat new
      #269488 - 06/14/06 06:12 PM

Reged: 01/29/06
Posts: 1191
Loc: Canada

Yeah I had that problem too. I was always tested for my iron levels which came out fine so they said I wasn't anemic. But after telling my doc that I stopped eating red meat, dairy and eggs, she immediately sent me to get my B12 tested and it was very low. Iron and B12 are separate things and you can be low in one without being low in the other. You should get your B12 checked and if it's low then take vitamins. It's useless to take the vitamins if your B12 isn't low.

Hope you get it sorted out,


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Re: red meat new
      #269500 - 06/14/06 06:46 PM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

ill definitely do that, im seeing a new doctor on monday, i decided to switch since the one i had didnt listen to me, so i have to write stuff down so ill remember to ask him about it, so ill have him check my thyroid level (i have hypothyroidism) check me for fibro as my ibs dr suggested and check my b12..


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Re: red meat new
      #269526 - 06/14/06 08:39 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal

Well, my IBS has never been as bad as what some people on here experience, but I can tolerate red meat just fine. I'm most sensitive to insoluble fiber, so I have to be really careful with that and chew extremely well.


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Meat good
      #269544 - 06/15/06 01:57 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

I handle read meat just fine. Just no cooking with butter or greese, no spices and no scrapmeats, and it doesn't bother my belly.

We're all built differently, and I'm so thankful I can tolerate meat because I can eat only so many things!

I'm a big advocate of Whatever Works, so if meat works for you, don't let anyone tell you it's not "right." Watch your iron, sodium and fat levels, and you'll be ifne. Things can stop working at a drop of a hat, so hold on to what you've got!

Best of luck and {{{{HUGS}}}}--


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Re: Meat good new
      #269603 - 06/15/06 08:20 AM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

thanks nelly!!.. im such a picky eater so when i cant eat this or that its really tough lol.. i have to sit down and think of the foods i really like and try them to see if they have effect on me, but i keep thinking if red meat dont really bother me too much,and i eat it again, what if i dont lose weight..i have soo much to lose.. so thats part of why i cut red meat out in the beginning.. im eating right, i just have to find the energy to exercise


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Be careful about this ... new
      #269683 - 06/15/06 03:00 PM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

If you aren't stable -- i.e. you still have to treat your IBS w/ meds, or you're getting attacks -- then it's nearly impossible to know what you truly CAN tolerate. It can often take quite awhile for something to work its way through your system, too, so having an attack a few hours after dinner does not necessarily mean that it was the dinner -- it could have been last night's dinner.

If you really truly can tolerate foods that are on the trigger list (like red meat or dairy), that's fantastic -- BUT, if you're not stable, you won't be able to tell what's making you sick, so you're only sabotaging yourself by adding trigger foods back in while you're still having attacks. Remember, too, that a trigger food won't necessarily make you sick every time -- maybe it only makes you sick 2 out of 8 times instead. But you will never know ahead of time which 2 times it will be.

By the way, I was also a really picky eater, but I found that the sicker I got, the less picky I was. I would have eaten lightly toasted cardboard if it wouldn't have given me D. So I guess that having horrible bowel problems can be good for your character.


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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Re: Be careful about this ... new
      #269725 - 06/15/06 05:54 PM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

I have to run right after i eat, sometimes while im eating.. 98% of the time.. like it goes right through... so does that mean the food im eating at that moment is the trigger food??..and sometimes i have to run in the mornings so maybe thats from food i ate the night before? im still so confused about this whole thing.. my dr said i have a very severe case of it so its hard cause i know its gonna take a while to figure out what i can and cant eat, i want it to be an overnight thing but thats impossible..


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Hey, Nelly...about this food tolerance stuff new
      #269735 - 06/15/06 06:23 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Okay, I cannot tolerate much, like you. This is a creepy question, but are there any vegetables you can tolerate? Everytime I try and delude myself that I can tolerate a diversity of vegetables, I set myself up for D-attacks. As soon as green things are a part of the picture, I'm screwed. Sure, Beano is great for gas, but not for D! Lately, I'm so bad that the smell of anything dark green will give me that gurgle--especially anything sulfurous like spinach or broccoli or asparagus or green beans. I think the greenest thing I can stomach without a problem is zucchini.

So...these are the only vegetables I seem to be able to eat (relatively safely and not in the morning):

peeled carrots
most squashes
peeled potatoes
peeled sweet potatoes

Now that I won't even try to fake myself out with veggies that will catch up with me, I have to eat the SF stuff like white rices and quinoa and potatoes. (Wheat is a big trigger and I eat gf)

I'm just asking you because you're a sensitive type, like me. When I actually follow Heather's diet principles I don't use much Immodium.

I'm trying to reprogram my mind to be okay with this kind of diet. (My grocery bill is getting too cheap for comfort, lol!) I'm in anti-meat mode.

Sorry for babbling.


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IF bad for my gut :( :( some ways around it new
      #269776 - 06/16/06 04:44 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

I can do moderate amounts of:

boilled peeled potatoes
pickled beets (not fresh)
boilled mushrooms (no butter)
olive oil with french bread

Everything else gived me stabbing gut pain. If I eat a little bad vegs/fruits, I get a little stabbing gut pain. If I eat a lot, I get a lot of stabbing gut pain, gas and explosive D. That's about as easy as I can make it.

Rice, boilled potatoes and noodles (no butter!!) plus a little salt of a 1/2 teaspoon of mayo for taste are my best bets for safe side dishes. Or bread. Love me that bread.

In Thailand I had white rice, but there'd be little green scallions tucked behind grains here and there. I had to copiously dig out every one. If I missed one during a meal, I'd get the pain. So it was worth everyone looking sideways at the strange little pile of green forming in the corner of my plate while i ate. They didn't have to suffer afterwards!

I did drink coconut oil out of green iced coconuts (cut open right in front of me!) with no problem whatsoever. It's the first new food I've tried in yeeeears with no probs.



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You're not stable new
      #269777 - 06/16/06 04:49 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

You're going to get attacks that start about half an hour after you START eating. The trick to getting stable is to eat safe foods only, in small amounts, in small meals throughout the day.

It took me a long time to realize I couldn't have IF foods and stay stable unless I drugged myself up with Imodium and other meds to stop stomach spasms and cut the pain.

Good luck, it takes time. Stay with it.


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Re: IF bad for my gut :( :( some ways around it new
      #269847 - 06/16/06 01:04 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Thanks, Nelly.

Sounds a lot like me. I'm just sick of trying to be a health nut and please everyone else while spending unnecessary time cramping and in pain and having D and no energy.

(I've got to reprogram my style mind a tad)

So, maybe I'll eat more like you and hold the mayo & say screw it to everyone else. Also, I'm kind of wasting away really fast which is a bad thing.


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