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You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267139 - 06/02/06 07:13 AM

Reged: 02/28/06
Posts: 641
Loc: Sheffield, England

Where to start...

Well, about 3 weeks ago Jamie's mum and her husband came to visit after church, as they often do on a Sunday evening. However, they came with bad news - Jamie's sister (referred to as 'C' in this post) lives a few hours north of us (in Whitby, North Yorkshire) with her fiance Adrian, and they are due to get married 1st September this year. They have been together 8 years. Unfortunately we were told that night that he had found a lump in one of his testicles and had been to see his doctor - who, because of the other symptoms he had also been suffering, said it was 99% likely to be cancer. He was going for an MRI scan a few days later, on the Wednesday.

Well of course we all just fell apart - they have been having a LOT of bad luck, including becoming homeless after a house they were due to move into was taken away from them just hours before they were due to move in 'because they had a dog', apparently the owner had changed his mind. After this they had to live in a caravan. Up until a couple of months ago Adrian had also been unemployed for over 2 years, and had suffered with depression.

My gorgeous Jamie was absolutely wrecked, thinking of yet more trauma his little sister was going to have go to through, and devastated that the wedding now probably wouldn't happen - Adrian would only just have finished chemo, and would be too weak. They decided that even if they couldn't have the massive wedding planned, they would still get married on that day, with just family. The whole thing was utterly heartbreaking, and we all almost went into a form of mourning, because the doctor had given such a bleak diagnosis.

Well, on the Tuesday evening we get a call from Jamie's mum - his sister is sat in her car on a layby somewhere, crying and screaming because not only has Adrian cancelled her appointment with the doctor to find out about the whole cancer diagnosis and treatment thing, but had cancelled his MRI scan for the following day, because he was "too scared". He said he was so terrified of dying, and of leaving Claire, and of leaving her with the masses of their shared debt, which is all in her name. Of course it was horrible, and we barely slept that night.
He went to the doctor the next day, who said he could sedate him both for the MRI and for the 2 days beforehand to help him cope with the stress. The doctor also arranged counselling for him. The MRI was rearranged for a Thursday - yesterday in fact.

We actually saw them on Monday, as they were at Jamie's mums near here as it was his sister's birthday. As you can imagine it wasn't much of a celebration, because we all knew of what was happening, but he had asked us not to talk about it - particularly because his (even more devastated) parents were there, as well as his two grandads who hadn't been told because of their health. There was a horrendous moment at one point when his mum just started sobbing in front of all of us, obviously terrified at the thought of what her son was going to have to go through.

I imagine many people on here have been through exactly the same thing, when a friend or family member is going through cancer tests and diagnosis, and you'll know how horrific it is for everyone involved. Both myself and Jamie had been struggling with it for the time we'd known - it was hard to concentrate on anything, and I didn't post it on here because I felt until we got a proper diagnosis it was inappropriate. But if it hit us that hard, you can imagine how much harder it hit everyone else.

Well, Tuesday night this week Jamie was away with work in Wales all night, and I was home alone. About 10.30pm I get a phone call from him, that went like this:
"Hi. I've got something to tell you, and I don't quite know how to put it." (His voice was so serious, I was terrified, what could've happened? ) "Adrian's been lying."


Yep, he's lied about the whole thing - he hasn't found a lump, he hasn't been to the doctors, all his other 'symptoms' were fictious, he was perfectly healthy. Well, at least physically...

I was nearly sick - after seeing people go through cancer treatment and in one case dying, I just can not understand how ANYONE could possibly do this. Jamie asked me to call his mum, because she was understandably hysterical. She had been up in Whitby with Adrian and C - Adrian had told C earlier in the day (but only because he had to - she, off her own bat, re-booked her doctors appt to find out about the whole cancer treatment process - and the doc took pity on her, told her Adrian hadn't been to the doctors for months ), and she told him to confess to Jamie's mum and her husband. He couldn't do it, and C had to tell them. Of course she was fuming, calling him all the names under the sun. At that point they were in Adrian's sisters house, who had offered them somewhere to stay for a while. Jamie's mum and her husband left, because (a) they were fuming, and (b) tension had started to develop between her and C, who was still sort of trying to defend Adrian at this point. They came home, even though it was a several hours drive, and it was while they were in the car that I spoke to her. She was just devastated that this moron had done this to her daughter (particularly as he has hurt her many times before).

Can you believe it??!!! He very obviously has deep psychological problems, and as I've said he has been depressed before. But still??!!

But it gets worse - not only has he not yet apologised, to anyone, but he doesn't even appear to think he's done anything wrong. He said it was all 'just getting too much for him', even though C does all the work. Also he refuses to talk to C about it, which is just so cruel - he's even laughed a couple of times about it. He's always been a feeble kind of guy, weak, but this is beyond the pale. It makes me sick to my stomach.

All the people who love C, wanted her to get away from him - but she said "I'm not going anywhere, we're still getting married". It's crazy, but we understood that after 8 years together, etc etc, and she was also still in shock.

Finally, yesterday afternoon (I spent the whole day/evening at Jamie's mums at her request, because she was in pieces) after several tearful, sobbing and hysterical calls (it was so awful to witness), she finally got hold of C's childhood friend who lives close to C, and this friend managed to persuade C to come away from Adrian for at least a few days and come stay with her.

Since C has been in her friends house she has also found out Adrian has lied about many other things - it looks like the house that was 'theirs' until the last moment never even existed. Also, Adrian spent months persuading C to let them buy a dog - eventually she caved in, they bought an expensive boxer (even though they are in debt and were living in rented accommodation in a holiday destination in which it was already nearly impossible to find rented homes), which of course was paid for out of C's savings. Once they had her (she's utterly adorable, but it was the worst time for them to buy her), unbeknownst to C, Adrian went around telling everyone it was C's idea and that she had spent months 'working on him', persuading him to get the dog.

All kinds of other stuff has come out too, other lies he's told, stories he's invented, horrible things he's said. C's at her friends house until at least the weekend, but at the moment hasn't decided what she's going to do. She went with Adrian to the doctors yesterday who advised counselling for his 'depression and mental issues', but can that be enough? How could she ever trust him again?

The whole situation is just terrible, and there are heaps of things I've not even mentioned - both because this is already way too long, but also so much as happened I've just forgot.

Could REALLY do with some words of advice or encouragement on this one. We're aren't overreacting are we - this is truly beyond belief right??? Nobody that loves C wants her to stay with him / go back to him, and would rather she was heartbroken for the next year, than spend the rest of her life married to someone who would keep breaking her heart every day of his life. He has also created other stories in the past, and it seems they have increased in 'dramatic-ness' (my brain's fried, you know what I mean) every time - so we're so worried about what he'd do next time, to 'top' this??!!

But if they do, somehow, stay together, how can any of us ever look at him again, or trust him to look after C??! Jamie was supposed to be giving her away at the wedding because their dad died years ago - he couldn't possibly give her away to him now. The wedding is supposed to be 12 weeks from yesterday! Even if they decide together, how can they sort this out enough in 12 weeks to go ahead and get married?!

Sorry, so many questions, but my mind's in a whirl. That's why I had to disappear last night - after so long with J's mum, and also only having just over an hours sleep the night before, I was just shattered. But hey, it was only the second time all year I have gone to bed at the same time as Jamie and not sat down here wasting time, so some good came of it I guess!

It's all just so surreal...


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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267146 - 06/02/06 07:48 AM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 1530

Holy crap. I am in shock after reading this post. How could someone lie about having cancer, put family, friends, etc. through this ordeal and then joke about it. Thent o boot he has lied about other stuff. I don't even know what to say. Hang in there. I wish I had something better to say but I don't.


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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267147 - 06/02/06 07:50 AM

Reged: 09/23/04
Posts: 312

Hi Blondie,
That is absolutely terrible! I don't think you're overreacting at all that is totally unbelieveable that someone would make up such a story.

She should definitely leave him and not look back, especially after hearing that he's been lying about other things as well. I mean how could you marry someone that doesn't tell you the truth? I just don't think that's the type of person she'd want to live with or raise a family with.

I can imagine after 8 yrs with someone it would be pretty hard to imagine life without them, however what he's done is a deal breaker.

Sending positive thoughts your way.

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I can't believe this actually happened!!!! new
      #267148 - 06/02/06 07:52 AM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

I mean, obviously the guy has serious problems, no one in their right mind would put on such an act to people they cared about. Of course, I'm assuming he still cares about Jamie's sister and his own family.
You are not overreacting at ALL. It seems like they should definitely at least postpone the wedding until this guy can get the help he needs. Especially if he hasn't even admitted any wrongdoing at this point. Being sorry would make everything ok, but it WOULD be a start, and he's not even there yet.
I say keep supporting Jamie's parents, and do your best with his sister to get her see that a marriage with Adrian is not going to be a happy one, at least not until he can sort things out in his own head. And good luck--that's all pretty devastating stuff you've had to deal with!


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Re: SUMMARY of the long post! new
      #267149 - 06/02/06 07:52 AM

Reged: 02/28/06
Posts: 641
Loc: Sheffield, England

... sorry, I didn't realise quite how long it was going to turn out.

- J's sister's fiance Adrian told us he had cancer, and had tests scheduled
- He later told us he cancelled the tests because he was 'scared'
- J's sister finds out he hasn't been to the doctor in months
- The whole thing turns out to be a lie, as does other stuff he's told us / J's sis, and he's also being lying about her to other people
- She wanted to stay with him, but is now with friends, very angry at him, and trying to make up her mind as to what to do. They were due to marry Sept 1st this year.
- The whole family is in bits.

Hope that's a bit easier to take than my novel-length original post! It's just so much has happened, it's been SO horrible, and I haven't been able to talk to anyone un-involved before, and I'm desperate for a 'view from the outside'...


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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267151 - 06/02/06 08:14 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

WHAT???? He has some serious problems. That's just HORRIBLE to put a family through that. OMG, how could he even think of doing that to everyone involved?????

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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267152 - 06/02/06 08:14 AM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

I'm so sorry, sweetie. Speaking from someone who has mental conditions, I think this guy is really sick. He needs professional, intensive psychiatric help NOW.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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      #267198 - 06/02/06 10:14 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

Caroline I understand completely and a similar thing happened with me. its a really, really long story but i will email you as soon as I get chance. Don`t worry darling, keep smiling and sending you loads and loads and loads of hugs to you, jamie and his family.

Jo xxxxxxx


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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267207 - 06/02/06 10:26 AM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

Good Lord! What on earth would anyone do that for? You are not over-reacting. She needs to leave him and restart her life and hopefully he'll seek some sort of help. He obviously can't be trusted. And who knows what else he has lied about over the years? I'm so sorry that all of you have to deal with this, what a horrible thing to go through. 'C' needs to be supported and she can't marry him. Nothing but hearache and pain will come from it. If he's doing this to vandalize the relationship no marriage is going to happen anyway. I've had to deal with equally nasty things and the best thing you can do (the best thing anyone can do) is walk away from the person who caused it. Cut all contact and establish a new life. You can't help someone like this. If they are ever going to get better, they need to seek help on their own. And the people they've hurt and manipulated can't be a part of that process. I hope that all of you can stay strong and help each other through this.

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267212 - 06/02/06 10:36 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Oh my, the guy has some major issues!! I don't think someone liked that could ever be trusted again. What an awful thing to do, I hope his girlfriend finds the courage to leave him. Hugs and love

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Blondie you`ve got mail (very long mail!) -nt new
      #267225 - 06/02/06 11:10 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k


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I really dont know what to say... new
      #267244 - 06/02/06 11:43 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

god...when you hear about my week from hell its like we've both come out of a soap opera I swear! I never thought this kind of stuff happens in real life....I dont even know what to say apart from...NO ur not mad and YES he obviously is. I hope that if it is and Im guessing it must be with his depression...some kind of mental illness that he atleast has some support from somewhere where people can help him to get back to normal...that kind of behaviour could turn dangerous....well look what its already done. Im so sorry hunny that you're having to deal with this too...I understand completely how you're feeling trying to be the supportve one...have felt like that for so long now. Hang in there and I hope things will work out...I have no words of wisdom but to be there for J's family and ofcourse J himself...this is going to be a trying time for all of you...and I just hope that his sister manages to rebuild her life.

Sendings lots and lots of hugs your way.



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I think he must be really sick... new
      #267251 - 06/02/06 11:54 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hey Blondie,

What a horrible situation. Having lost members of my family and almost lost quite a few more to cancer, I cannot even try to comprehend the mindframe of someone who would PRETEND to have cancer for... for what? Attention? I just don't get it.
I think that he must have *serious* psychological problems that your boyfriends sister will not be able to help him fix.
To invest cancer, and testicular cancer as well, for no apparent reason really is sick...
If I knew him, I don't think I could stop myself from marching right up to him and smacking him until he gets it into his head that he has done something more disrespectful and completely disgusting than I would have assumed any normal human being could do.

As for "C", hopefully being around her friends should bring her around a little bit. I mean, if he would lie about CANCER, what else has he been lying or will he lie about in the future? He has set the bar *pretty high* on the lengths he is willing to go to.
I do feel sorry for her, she must be in awful shock. I can't imagine thinking that Adrian had cancer and going through all the emotions associated with that, only to have him go, "Gotcha!" I don't think I could ever forgive him for putting me (and my family!) through that.

As for advice, I don't really have any because it seems like what's done is done and there isn't really anything you *can* do. I mean, other than be there for your boyfriend and support him while he reacts however he will with his sister.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267252 - 06/02/06 11:55 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k

blondie i`ll email you back soon, having a bad ibs attack right now....urrrrrrrrrrrrgh...and after all i said about being fine and i have my interview tomo. urrrrrrrrrrrrgh


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wow- definitely mentally ill new
      #267290 - 06/02/06 03:07 PM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

and she needs to get away while she can, but she cold have her own mental issues and be codependant on him at this point

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: wow- definitely mentally ill new
      #267307 - 06/02/06 04:16 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

OMG Blondie that is crazy weird. Serious pschological issues. Don't know what to say. Poor C, and poor Jamie and his family. Hugs


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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267364 - 06/02/06 09:51 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

OH MY GOSH! I cannot believe this story!!

I think she needs to leave him and fast. yeah they've been together 8 years but how much of that 8 years has been a blatant lie. I understand that she may love him, but if hehas the propensity to lie about such serious things, I can imagine how much worse it could get in the future. A simple I'm nervous about getting married and have cold feet would suffice.

It makes me sad as well to think that she is codependent on him thinking she can't do any better, and that the 8 years together should solidify her choice. Now, I'm not a total feminist in any way, however, I hate how girls nowadays think that they need a man in their life to feel important and worthwhile. In my opinion, any man that would lie to you to that degree isn't worth it. She needs to realize that she would be better without him, and that what he's done was unforgivable. It scares me that now adays more and more girls can't see that, and instead go back to the same guys in fear of being left alone. I'd rather be alone than with a liar.


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Wow, is that ever bizarre...and factitious disorder link for you to grasp this... new
      #267435 - 06/03/06 02:12 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

What is happening to men this month??

Wow, that is truly messed up. It sounds like he has factitious disorder, or Munschhausen's complex. Obviously he got away with lies when he was a child, and it's just built from there.

Here is the link on factitious disorders: For the chronic liar jerk in your life(my label).....

Hmm, hard for me to give advice when I'm still living with my ex who's warped too....(at least I'm calling him my ex and took my rings off... )but I would tell her he needs to sort his crap out alone before SHE even thinks about getting involved in therapy with him. He's likely had a very damaging childhood and has very little self esteem, so he has MAJOR stuff to work out before he can even be stable in a relationship, let alone get to a point of trust with anyone.

And that's going to take a long while.

I doubt I could forgive-Lying is the biggest freaking deal to me!!! Trevor was always so honest until I found out about the girl...and her age, and that he'd lied. That's what cemented my breakup with trevor, though we're still cohabiting for a few weeks.

Hugs and prayers for you all. How awful.

Keep on keepin' on...

Edited by Shannon :) (06/03/06 02:34 PM)

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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267442 - 06/03/06 03:44 PM

Reged: 05/30/06
Posts: 301

Would not go near him with a ten foot pole. Would do everything in my power to see that C never went near him again either. No hassle over breaking up will equal the amount of pain and suffering yet to come as clearly demonstrated by these discoveries. Unbelievable!

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Re: Thanks SO much everybody new
      #267493 - 06/04/06 06:18 AM

Reged: 02/28/06
Posts: 641
Loc: Sheffield, England

You all obviously share my/our thoughts on the matter, and it has been really reassuring to know not only that we are not 'overreacting' to what he's done, but also that you agree that he definitely, definitely has serious psychological / mental issues. Whilst that on it's own wouldn't merit ending a relationship/marriage ("in sickness and in health" surely covers psychological illness as well as physical), combined with the way he has been treating C over the full duration of their relationship, and also the severity of what he has done - leaving them without a house, with massive debts, etc, all things together surely seem to merit ending the relationship.

We're all prepared to be there for her for as long as she needs us, and even though we're struggling for money ourselves we sent some up to her a couple of days ago to help her through this.

AND we have had our first lot of 'positive' news this morning - C has agreed to 'come home'! J's mum and her husband have hired a van, and are heading up there as we speak to bring her and her stuff back to their place. Now at this point I know no details - for example I have no idea how long she intend to stay, or whether she's made a decision, or anything like that - but it is DEFINITELY a step in the right direction.

So, again, thanks everyone - as always your support has been invaluable! And I'll keep you updated.


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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267511 - 06/04/06 08:46 AM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

She really needs to leave this guy and find someone who really loves her. How can she ever trust him again?

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Unbelievable new
      #267550 - 06/04/06 02:03 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal

I hope this guy gets the psychological treatment he so clearly needs. That is so awful and unfunny and horrifying!


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Re: You just wouldn't believe what's happened over the past few days... (VERY long post) new
      #267556 - 06/04/06 02:34 PM

Reged: 05/18/06
Posts: 10
Loc: Northern Nevada


Wow ... what a mess. I have to agree with the majority here that the man should be avoided, and I'm going to up the ante just a bit.

As I was reading your post and contemplating Adrian's behavior, I was reminded of a couple recent news stories about men who did something heinous ... men whose behavior on many levels mirrored Adrian's in terms of living sort of a double life.

The first fellow I thought of was from Utah ... his name was Mark something, and he confessed to murdering his wife and throwing her body in a landfill. Turns out "Mark" was lying like a rug about all sorts of things, for YEARS, prior to killing his wife. It seems that the more she began to discover about all his lies, the more danger she put herself in.

The second story I was reminded of is more recent and involves a man from Britain who was living here in the Boston area, I think, with his wife and their baby. He did them both in, and again, it turns out that he was leading a shadow existence behind the scenes.

I don't mean to sound alarmist (which surely I do, and for which I apologize), but I swear it was those two stories I thought of right away as I read your post. I hope "C" steers way clear of Adrian. I hope that Adrian does seek serious help, but my concern is much more for "C" than him at this point.

Good luck with all this. Like I said ... what a mess.

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