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Just need someone to listen new
      #265046 - 05/23/06 02:14 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I am having continuing pain in both feet and can hardly walk. I am hobbling from side to side, which is worsening my back problem! Seriously, sometimes I feel as if my feet will not support me and that I will collapse.

I just returned from the orthopedic surgeon's office who said he has exhausted every avenue and that my only hope for walking without pain is to try surgery. The problem? I have pain in BOTH feet, and he can only do the surgery on one at a time---and there is a long recovery period.

Although my MRI does show severe plantar fascitis problems, he said the pain I'm experiencing could be nerve pain related to my disc problem in my back, and if so, the surgery will not help. But I can only try. He wants me to see my spine/back doctor to see what he thinks. (I did have a nerve conduction test done last February which showed no nerve damage, but he said that could've changed since then.)

The foot doctor says I have to wear the custom orthodics after the surgery---or the pain will return. But I have not been able to wear the orthodics (for even as little as 15 minutes a day) without having severe back pain---and sciatic nerve pain running through my rear end and down my leg. And that prevents me from getting good sleep at night.

I am terrified of having the surgery and messing up my disc problem even worse, since I will have to be on crutches and a hard cast for 2 weeks, a walking cast for 3 weeks, and a boot cast for I forgot how long. It would take 3 months before we would know whether the surgery was successful, and he could even talk about doing surgery on the other foot, and it would take 6 months to fully recover from each surgery.

I have been dealing with this foot pain for about 6-7 years, and now it is preventing me from doing much of anything. I have gained a tremendous amount of weight from not being able to walk or exercise, and I know that will probably get worse sitting around after surgery.

And if he does the right foot first (the worst of the 2 feet), then I cannot drive for 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am at my wit's end. I don't feel like I have a choice. I don't know how I will make it through this.

I see the back doctor next Tuesday to get his opinion. My back problem is not one that can be corrected by surgery, so I have to live with that.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you've made it through this long post. I just need to get this off of my chest.

Any good thoughts you can send my way would be appreciated.
I love you all!

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Re: Just need someone to listen new
      #265050 - 05/23/06 02:22 PM

Reged: 03/02/06
Posts: 1026
Loc: West Michigan, USA

I will certainly be thinking of you! Lots of warm well wishes.

Although the surgery sounds bad...and inconvenient, it sounds like you've been suffering for a long time. I'd say 6 weeks compared to 6 or 7 years would definitely be worth it!

Chin up! It'll all be okay...

Flipada - IBS-C "It's a gas, gas, gas"

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      #265051 - 05/23/06 02:25 PM

Reged: 04/18/06
Posts: 285

I am so sorry...I have had chronic foot pain for a year but it is minimal compared to what you are going thru (I was 42 thinking that I was 20 and could do Tae Bo!).

I am praying for you...

Have a blessed day! Rachel
Formerly poochibelly...
I have IBS but it doesn't have me!

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Sending lots of hugs your way.... new
      #265079 - 05/23/06 03:19 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

so sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it at the moment...I wish I could do something to relieve your sending lots of hugs your way and will keep you in my thoughts.



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Re: Sending lots of hugs your way.... new
      #265093 - 05/23/06 03:43 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

oh BL, that sounds terrible, I can't even imagine. The carrot of the surgery dangling in front of you but the frustration that it will be some time til you are right again.


remember to post to rant or vent or anything that you need to do

take care


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Re: Sending lots of hugs your way.... ditto new
      #265097 - 05/23/06 03:45 PM

Reged: 02/28/06
Posts: 641
Loc: Sheffield, England

It sounds awful, I can't imagine what you're going through. I guess I agree with the others in that 6 or 7 months hell is probably better than the rest of you life in pain, but I can see why you're scared when you're not been given any real guarantees.

So no real advice, but sending LOADS of hugs!


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Re: Just need someone to listen new
      #265141 - 05/23/06 04:53 PM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland


I am so sorry that you are in so much pain with your feet and back and then have to worry on top of the pain. I know the recovery times seems long now but if there is a chance that you can get rid of the pain it is worth it.

I will keep you in my prayers.



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Re: Just need someone to listen new
      #265142 - 05/23/06 04:59 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

If I were in your situation I would try my best to get relief. If surgery is the only way to deal with this then it may be your only option. I would get a second and maybe even third opinion though to make sure it won't cause anymore problems.

My mom had a vein problem (deep vein thrombosis, I think) and she ALWAYS had pain in her legs. So she had a massive surgery involving her main veins. To make a long story short, she was out of work recovering for 3-4 months. Yes it was very hard. She had to depend on my dad for everything but I know it brough them closer. And now she can enjoy walking around without pain.

You need to figure out if you'd be able to handle the recovery period. My mom doesn't know that I know but my dad told me she got VERY depressed being bedridden for so long and had to be put on anti-depressants for 6 months. I would definietly say that you'd go through something similar if your recover period will be even longer.

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*hugs* new
      #265164 - 05/23/06 06:05 PM
Sailing Away

Reged: 03/31/05
Posts: 304


I know back pain sucks and to have the problems with the feet on top of it only adds to the agony. I know after having 21 years of back problems (I am only 30) that the surgery takes awhile to recover from...mine took me 6 months (imagine that as a 9 year old being restrained when you want to play) but I am definitely grateful for the results.

I definitely would suggest talking with another doctor to get another opinion. We talked with four orthopedic surgeons before my parents were certain that the option we chose was the best one.

I know now for pain management that I do massage therapy and acupuncture. Both have helped tremendously in feeling better and being able to enjoy life.

I hope and pray your pain will lessen. Feel free to drop me a line if you need moral support.


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Chiropractor new
      #265195 - 05/23/06 08:07 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

Hi BL, have you tried going to a chiropractor? Some kind of nerve can be pinched that is causing your problem.

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Re: Just need someone to listen new
      #265244 - 05/24/06 07:09 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

I am so sorry you are dealing with such bad pain right now. I think if i were you I would evaluate how much you can tolerate and go for the way that would get rid of as much pain. Even if that means surgery. I have had minor back pain for years and it gets worse during pregnancy so I can somewhat relate. But mine is no where near yours. I hope that you make the right decision and know we are all here to support you!!

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Re: Just need someone to listen new
      #265263 - 05/24/06 07:35 AM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 1530

God Bless you BL. I hope your pain subsides soon. Chronic pain is not a fun thing to go through. I think going for a second opinion would be wise.


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Re: Just need someone to listen new
      #265288 - 05/24/06 10:37 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Hey Bl, sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I do understand, my RA is out of control right now. However, if there is even a chance the surgery could help, it may be worth it to stop the pain. Is it possible your other orthotics were not fit properly? Be sure that you are sitting down when they mold your feet, I've had them do it with me standing up before and they never fit right when done that way. I've been wearing orthotics since I was 10 so I've went through many a pair! Hugs and love

Taking it one day at a time.....

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I so sympathize! new
      #265461 - 05/25/06 05:44 AM

Reged: 04/06/06
Posts: 1299
Loc: A small city, Northwestern Ontario, Canada

I'm sorry you're in so much pain, and I sympathize. I have terrible feet as well. I have already had 1 large bursa removed (I'm 30) and I'm waiting for bunion removal, both feet, both by the big toe and the little toe. I know what it is like to not be able to walk. I have to live in Burkenstocks, not able to wear runners, boots, anything but Burkie's. It has prevented me from continuing my cardio-kick boxing aerobics, and lots of other stuff. I'm so sorry that surgery is your only option too. Do you wear specific footwear? If you haven't yet, see what a footwear specialist recommends in the meantime. My Burkie's have saved my life and my feet. Take care, keep your feet up!!


Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never loved before.

IBS A 20+ years, Chronic Migraines, Chiari Malformation (decompressed June 22, 2010), Brachial Neuritis, and ??? the list just keeps growing, but I'm still shiny side up!

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Toady new
      #265463 - 05/25/06 06:26 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Thank you for your response. I am sorry you are having problems with your feet too. It really does cramp your lifestyle! There are not a lot of activities you can do without walking/standing.

I only wear New Balance athletic shoes, recommended to me by the footwear specialist in the orthopedist's office. I've had 2 pair of custom orthodics made, but both have made my feet (and back) worse.

No cute summer sandals for me---which is depressing. I'm so jealous of women who can wear those. I'd love to paint my toenails and show them off.

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Tommy new
      #265465 - 05/25/06 06:31 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Thank you for your sweet response. I have been to many doctors. This one is supposedly one of the best specialists in the Southeast. He is a consultant for Major League Baseball. They bring him in to figure out what to do when these players, who make millions of dollars, have foot pain.

Everyone tells me I'm extremely lucky to be under his care. I got into see him last year before he stopped taking new patients.

After seeing many doctors over the years, I do think he's one of the best. And you know what? He looks just like Jim Carey! (which makes me laugh everytime he comes into the examing room.)

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Michele new
      #265471 - 05/25/06 06:36 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I hear so many people, like you, who say orthodics have helped them, but I've had 2 pair of custom ones, and neither one have helped. In fact, they have made my pain worse.

The specialist just made an adjustment to this last pair I got because my back was hurting when wearing them. But that hasn't helped. She says they do change your gait which can affect your spine/back.

This pair was not made with a mold, like the last pair I had. They measured my feet (and the pressure points when I walk) on a computer!

$450 ----and they are killing my back! The doctor says I have to wear them after surgery to keep my foot in the correct position---or I will stretch out that plantar fascitis muscle again.

I just wore them for 15 minutes (sitting down, watching tv)---and my lower back is now throbbing.

UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I told my husband to just take me out in the backyard and shoot me!

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Angela new
      #265473 - 05/25/06 06:38 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Thank you, Angela. People who've never had back pain cannot understand how horrible it can be. I'm sorry yours bothers you when you are pregnant. By the way, how is your pregnancy going? I am so excited for you!

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Gracie new
      #265476 - 05/25/06 06:43 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I am afraid this is nerve-related. If it is, there is not a lot the doctors can do for the pain.

When I see the back doctor Tuesday, I am going to talk to him about this. He did a nerve conduction test last year and at that time, I did not have nerve damage, but now I'm feeling pain in my left calf which scares me. So he may want to repeat that test before I have surgery on my feet.

We'll see....

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Michelle (Sailing Away) new
      #265479 - 05/25/06 06:48 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Bless your heart! You are so young to have had so much trouble with your back. I'm glad that you found a doctor that could help you.

I have seen many doctors and I think this one is one of the best (see my post to Tommy). When I saw him earlier this week, he did mention acupuncture as a possible solution, and my back doctor has also mentioned that. I am going to talk to him more about that on Tuesday.

In the past, I would've scoffed at something unconventional like that, but I'm ready to try anything to relieve the pain.

Thanks for your suggestions!

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Tina new
      #265485 - 05/25/06 06:59 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Thank you for sharing that with me about your mother's experience. I am concerned about the recovery period, too, because as many of you know, I have bipolar disorder and depression is something that I have to really watch out for or it can rear its ugly head and sneak up on me!

I recently asked my psychiatrist if I could lower the dosage of bp meds I'm taking because it has caused me to be so tired that I don't want to get up and do anything. I'm not sure if it's the inactivity from my foot/back pain or the actual med has caused my weight gain, but I had to do something because the extra weight was putting strain on my feet.

So far I'm feeling better with a lower dose of med, but he's concerned that I may experience depression while recuperating from surgery.

I feel like I'm dammed if I do, and dammed if I don't.

My life is so complicated right now! Something has to change!@

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Re: Tommy new
      #265486 - 05/25/06 07:00 AM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 1530

You're welcome. It sounds like you're under the care of a very well-respected doctor. I wish I could offer you some better advice other than hang in there.


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Janey new
      #265488 - 05/25/06 07:01 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I appreciate your prayers. I have tried everything---night splints, foot cast, stretching exercises, physical therapy, taping of my foot, and cortisone injections.

I really have run out of options.

I appreciate your support!

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Natalie new
      #265489 - 05/25/06 07:03 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Thank you for the hugs! I felt them!

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Cailin new
      #265490 - 05/25/06 07:06 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Thank you so much for listening. It is nice to have a place to vent. It is so nice to know that others care!

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Blondie new
      #265491 - 05/25/06 07:08 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Thank you for the LOADS of HUGS!

I am terrified that I will go through the surgery---and it won't work, but I don't think at this point, I have much choice--- so I am going to have to bite the bullet and do it.

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Rachel new
      #265492 - 05/25/06 07:09 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

What did you do to your foot? I remember you mentioning this, but I don't remember what you did to it. Is it better now?

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Lauren new
      #265493 - 05/25/06 07:10 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Thank you for the words of encouragement! I definitely need it.

By the way, I love your picture. It makes me smile every time I see it.

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Tore my tendon.... new
      #265498 - 05/25/06 07:30 AM

Reged: 04/18/06
Posts: 285

In June of last year, I was packing boxes as we were moving and kocked my foot into a cabinet. It caused an awful bruise and I was in a lot of pain. I went to minor emergency and though swollen it wasn't broken. It seemed to get better on it's own, I was very careful and wore tennis shoes and took lots of motrin. I am not convinced that I didn't have a hairline fracture in a bone on the top of my foot but had it been broken it wouldn't have been a break that would have warranted a cast or a boot anyway.

Then in July I was doing Tae Boe and tore the tendon in the same foot. I went to the doctor again and was told that I had torn my tendon and was told to stay off as much as possible and not to wear heels etc.

It's just been in the last month or so that I have been pain free. I think it is easy to exacerbate the injury in that I fell over when I was kneeling in front of the fridge putting groceries away and aggravated the injury then in December just sitting "Indian Style" aggravated it again!

The pain was interuppted my sleep, I couldn't wear heels (I dress in suits for church and work related appts. Suits and flat shoes just don't do it for me!), limped for two months. YUK.

As I said, it's been about a month that I have been totally without pain. I even managed a two mile walk without alot of discomfort last week. My foot did swell up a bit but there was no pain.

I "feel ya" my friend. Let me know what your "back doctor" says. It seems to make sense to try and take care of that first and then your feet.

Have a blessed day! Rachel
Formerly poochibelly...
I have IBS but it doesn't have me!

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      #265501 - 05/25/06 07:33 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I am holding out hope for something my doctor mentioned---a fairly new procedure. It's not painful, it's done under general anesthesia, and there is virtually no recovery period.

The bad news----we don't think my insurance company will pay for it, and it's very expensive. ($2,500, and I need BOTH feet done.)

It's called extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT). It's been used in Europe for awhile. It's sort of like the same procedure they use to zap kidney stones. Through the use of high intensity ultasound waves, the shockwave therapy can be used to treat heel pain. The high intensity waves cause a mild increase in circulation to the heel, resulting in healing. It's a non-invasive procedure that allows for new blood to come to the region of the plantar fascia damage and help with healing.

The good news is that about 85 percent of patients experience good results (about the same as the surgery), but the doctor was very discouraging. He says many insurance companies still consider it experimental (not enough test results to prove to them that it works), and they won't cover it.

I just got a call from the doctor's office, saying they will be submitting the request soon. It may take a month before they hear back one way or the other.

If the insurance company refuses to pay, we can appeal it---and hope that they will take it to a medical review board for special consideration. I'm going to talk to my back doctor about writing them a letter too.

PLEASE PRAY THAT THIS WILL COME THROUGH FOR ME. I could be up and running (ok, walking) with almost zero recovery.

The therapy was approved by the FDA in 2000. How long does it take before they begin to cover things like this?

Ahhh, red tape!

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Re: Angela new
      #265506 - 05/25/06 07:50 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

It's going well. Thanks for asking. I have another appointment coming up June 8. So we'll see!!

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Just read this, wanted to relate.... new
      #265510 - 05/25/06 08:01 AM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

I sort of understand on a much smaller scale what you are going through. About 2 years ago I had pain when I walked or even stood in my feet. I ended up going to the chiropractor who gave me custom orthotics, and also while there I got some kind of ultrasound or electrowave therapy on my feet. Luckily the orthotics did not cause me any other pain. In fact, I've been pain free since then. (I also got a few foot massages that were TORTURE but did a lot of good).
I hope you can get the treatment you need, not being able to walk stinks. Good luck with the insurance company!


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Re: ONE LAST RAY OF HOPE!!!!!!! new
      #265512 - 05/25/06 08:13 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Really hope that this works out for you. It will be worth ever cent of the money if it helps you out, is there any way that you can find the money even if it doesn't come through on the insurance.

Hoping for you!


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sending you lots of hugs, you are in my thoughts -nt new
      #265642 - 05/26/06 03:50 AM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k


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Re: ONE LAST RAY OF HOPE!!!!!!! new
      #265672 - 05/26/06 07:07 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

This sounds ideal, BL. If the insurance doesn't pay for it, could you take out a loan? I have a huge medical bill and I just pay off 5 dollars a month. As long as I'm paying something, anything, I don't think they can send me to collections.

Good luck. I hope things work out in your favor.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Gracie new
      #265732 - 05/26/06 09:57 AM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

Chiropractors aren't just for bones or back pain. A lot of the time your nerves are being pinched or compromised along your spine which can cause a number of things such as digestive problems, numbness in your hand, leg cramps, cold feet, knee pains, and much much more. A chiropractor helps your nervous system to function well again.

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Re: Tina new
      #265735 - 05/26/06 10:18 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

No problem.

Depression would be a real concern of yours then. It's such a tough call. Don't rush any decisions!

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Praying this is an answer for you, hang in there friend!! nt new
      #265759 - 05/26/06 12:47 PM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 1622
Loc: North Carolina

Take care,
...the greatest of these is LOVE. (I Cor 13)

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Sorry I'm so late...sending hugs new
      #265760 - 05/26/06 12:48 PM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hey BL,

Sorry to hear about the situation that you are in I'm sending you lots of positive thoughts and hugs and I really hope you are able to come to a good resolution soon.

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Re: Sorry I'm so late...sending hugs new
      #265786 - 05/26/06 02:10 PM

Reged: 06/28/05
Posts: 940
Loc: Massachusetts

sorry I'm late. too. I have been doing a lot of lurking, but not much posting lately.
I hope it all works out for you. The politicians have to have these problems before they do anything.


nós somos o que nós somos e o descanso é merda

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Hi BL new
      #265791 - 05/26/06 02:40 PM

Reged: 05/26/06
Posts: 15

I know what you mean by back problems. I have scoliosis
that for most is not much more than a minor annoyance - oh,
how I wish I was one of those people. Personally, yoga helps me now loads. However, years ago during a bout that was so bad I was under heavy painkillers (I was asleep for about 20 odd hours a day) and going to physical therapy during the few hours I was awake. (NOTHING is worse than having a PREGNANT physical therapist - all that extra weight!!!) ;-). You might look into massage therapy (although most insurance companies don't cover that). It's usually not that expensive and often, massage therapists give regulars a bit of a discount. It made the world of difference for me. I was up and walking for the first time (relatively pain free) in over a month.
Best of luck as ever. (I've had plantar fasceitis - sp?? - as well in both feet - no fun at all!).
Take care and keep smiling.

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BL new
      #265829 - 05/26/06 06:47 PM

Reged: 04/06/06
Posts: 1299
Loc: A small city, Northwestern Ontario, Canada

Sometime I wish I could wear shoes! We're opposites! Especially when it rains or snows. All winter I wear big fuzzy socks in my Burkie's - I get a lot of odd looks. Everyone just assumes I'm an outdoor recreation student from the university!! (They wear wool socks and sandals year round too!) I miss being active most though, sitting on my duff all of the time sucks! We've gotta find a solution!! Feet transplants? My DF needs one too! He was born with club feet, both feet and his right foot is really bad. Without our feet, it's hard to do anything.
I never realized how much you take your feet for granted until you can't use them!


Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never loved before.

IBS A 20+ years, Chronic Migraines, Chiari Malformation (decompressed June 22, 2010), Brachial Neuritis, and ??? the list just keeps growing, but I'm still shiny side up!

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Hugs! I hope it works out! new
      #266079 - 05/28/06 05:02 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal

I can't imagine being in pain every day. Just hang in there and keep hoping and praying! I hope this shock treatment stuff comes through for you!


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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