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OK, it's time to admit that I need help and I don't know what to do.... new
      #252912 - 03/18/06 11:32 AM
Alyson McG

Reged: 05/20/05
Posts: 317
Loc: Vancouver Washington (IBS-A, but D prominant)

I am beginning to realize that I have a very serious problem with food. Actually, I've always known but it's extended into something more. I have been bulimic (not admitted easily) for almost 22yrs, right after the birth of my oldest daughter. It's been better since my IBS started, ironic isn't it? I've spent the past 18 months getting the IBS under control but now I can't stop thinking about food! I wake up thinking about what I'll eat that day, not just my first meal, but the whole day. Sometimes I even start thinking about the next day's meals. I constantly want to eat. I have gained 20 pounds in the past 18 months, which puts me at 145(I'm 5'5) not terribly bad, but I'm afraid of it getting worse. Obviously, my weight has always been a struggle and fear for me. Does anyone else go through anything like this? Do you know of anything (web sites, books, support groups etc..) that can help with something like this? I'm at a cross roads about my weight. At times I can accept a few extra pounds, but then I start to worry about what if I can't stop gaining?? I would really like to learn to accept me at whatever weight I am at, but also don't want to be unhealthy. That's the main reason I want to get it under control. I'm 41 and know I need to stay healthy. I'm beginning to feel insane about it. I would just like to stop thinking about food every, and I do mean EVERY, minute of the day! Arggghhhhhh....... Any input is greatly appreciated, more than you guys will every know.

Everything in life happens for a reason, patience will eventually tell us what that is......

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Alyson (((hugs)))) new
      #252914 - 03/18/06 11:44 AM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

I can't offer advice because I'm in that same position. ihave TRIED to be bulimic but can't make myself throw up. But it's on my mind all the time, and with SAD, I pack on ten pounds every winter, and usually lose five in the summer. but all I want to do all winter is eat and sleep.

I'd love to hear everyone's take on this. I am currently not on the IBS diet much at all, and my IBS is fine... but it's time to get something started...

Keep on keepin' on...

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Thanks so much... new
      #252916 - 03/18/06 11:47 AM
Alyson McG

Reged: 05/20/05
Posts: 317
Loc: Vancouver Washington (IBS-A, but D prominant)

I know it's worse in the winter for me too. Thanks at least for understanding. It would help to know I'm not the only one and not just absolutely crazy.


Everything in life happens for a reason, patience will eventually tell us what that is......

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hugs for alyson and Shanon -nt new
      #252923 - 03/18/06 12:45 PM

Reged: 08/17/05
Posts: 415
Loc: Manchester, u.k


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A Suggestion for Alyson new
      #252928 - 03/18/06 12:55 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Have you considered Weight Watchers? Hold on -- hold on -- before you say no, let me argue my case.

I'm 5'6". When I turned 40, I wanted to lose 25 pounds. At the time, I weighed 145. Like you said, "not bad," but I wanted to look GOOOOOOD, ya know?

I lost the weight and got down to a size 6. It was fun while it lasted. Needless to say, as soon as I quit WW, I gained it all back -- and more.

In your neck of the woods down there, I'd suspect there is a real good WW Center. (There isn't up here.) If you get a good lecturer, someone who takes an interest in all the folks who come to her "classes," she can be of INCREDIBLE help and support. Back in the 80's, when I first joined, that's what I had -- a fabulous lecturer who helped me every step of the way.

It's not about losing the weight for you, it's really about losing the obsession with food. I'm on WW now, and the thing I like best about it is that I no longer feel guilt every time I eat something. I keep a food journal, so I know everything I put in my mouth, and it keeps me on track without making me obsess. And I'm losing.

WW groups also provide fantastic support. You meet folks who have the same issues as you do -- problems with food -- and that kind of support is imperative.

Check it out; go to and see about classes in your area.

<img src="">Bevvy

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I'll check that out.....
      #252930 - 03/18/06 01:08 PM
Alyson McG

Reged: 05/20/05
Posts: 317
Loc: Vancouver Washington (IBS-A, but D prominant)

and you're right. My first thought was WW? I've done so many diets, which I think has only increased my obsession. I did Herbalife 4 years ago and got down to a comfortable 125, then lost 10 more when my ex cheated and walked out. I was pretty thin but felt great! Especially since I had done it W/O binge and purge. Then when my current hubby and I started dating I put on 10 pounds, which was still fine. He can eat anything and snacks all the time, making it twice as bad for me because all I have to do is look at food and it's instantly on my a.. It's all just spun out of control and worse yet, my hubby has no idea. He just hates seeing me worry about my weight all the time and tells me it doesn't matter to him. That's been helpful to some degree, but still i keep thinking about it. Sorry I'm rambling... Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check out the website right now.


Everything in life happens for a reason, patience will eventually tell us what that is......

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Aww, Alyson new
      #252987 - 03/18/06 07:00 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

you are DEFINITTELY not alone. My sister is in the same boat too, and just got diagnosed with IBS...and there are a ton of us out there.

Plus, has your winter not been bizarre this year? I find the west coast and this western part of the world, just OFF KILTER!! My winter had been utterly brown, dry and drab and depressing until Feb. 28.Now we have so much snow we can't function, all in the matter of 18 days!It's made me feel sort of lost!

]Hugs. I bet when the sun really starts to shine again(aka, spring on the Coast) we will feel better.
Sniff...I miss my Vancouver. i haven't been back in a while. My nana lives in vancouver pretty!!

Keep on keepin' on...

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Thanks Jo!! new
      #253004 - 03/18/06 10:15 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

ah,it's a struggle.

Keep on keepin' on...

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I can synpathise too..... new
      #253016 - 03/19/06 02:56 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

although it might be slightly different for me...cos Im on a healthy eating streak at the moment...I havent had sugar now for 52 days and thats a record for me! Im still eating ALOT of food though which is why I am not losing anymore weight....I really need to portion control but when I try doing that all I think about is food.....before I gave up sugar all I could think about was chocolate and when was I gona next eat and that...infact all of us in this house(thats my 2 flat mates included) have had OBSESSIONS with was becoming VERY unhealthy and was all we'd think was like we were living to eat!! I have to up the sugar has banned all my cravings for anything bad...I only eat healthy food now....I just need to increase my exercise and portion control a little and the weight should come off. Ive done this VERY gradually...I knew that if I went on some major diet it'd only end in disaster. My change of eating is a lifestyle change for me.....Ive had to accept that getting off the extra 20lbs Id like is gone take time and so Im tryng to do things gradually. Since Ive eaten healthy I really dont want to eat crap to me thats a huge step!

I know you will do it....and whatever way you choose we'll be here to support you....


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Thanks so much.... new
      #253051 - 03/19/06 09:59 AM
Alyson McG

Reged: 05/20/05
Posts: 317
Loc: Vancouver Washington (IBS-A, but D prominant)

How did you ever find a way to get away from sugar???? I love it sooooo much and I know if I can get away from it, I won't want it as much, but I just can't find a way to do it this time...


Everything in life happens for a reason, patience will eventually tell us what that is......

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I just emailed you back....:) new
      #253052 - 03/19/06 09:59 AM
Alyson McG

Reged: 05/20/05
Posts: 317
Loc: Vancouver Washington (IBS-A, but D prominant)

Everything in life happens for a reason, patience will eventually tell us what that is......

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Cold turkey...... new
      #253058 - 03/19/06 11:15 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

but I have to admit that without the support of my flatmates...who are doing it too...I really doubt I would have been able to cope. We started off allowing ourselves amounts of unrefined sugar like that was a good way of getting the refined stuff outa the way. It was VERY hard for the first couple of weeks....I didnt think Id be able to go as long as I have...but the longer you go....the longer you dont want it. Its now 52 days for me today and I feel fantastic. Im so proud of myself....Im determined to get to 100....and by then I'll probably wana make it 150...Im not saying Im NEVA going back....I think to deprive myself forever would be a crime...but until Im at a stage where I am happy with my weight and able to start having it again without going back to my old ways....theres no going back!!


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Re: Hugs! new
      #253158 - 03/20/06 08:28 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

ALthough I've never had an eating disorder, I've struggled with my weight since my mid 20's. I understand about the obsession over food and I'm not sure how to combat that. I find, for me, its best to have a "plan." Each morning I try to plan on what I'm going to eat and I try to stick to it the best I can. If I slip up or eat too much of something, I try not to beat myself up too much. I think I might take Bevy's advice and check out the WW myself!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: OK, it's time to admit that I need help and I don't know what to do.... new
      #253206 - 03/20/06 12:37 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

You're not alone. I too have issues with food. There are many of us here who who do as you can see.

I just want to give you hugs and add one more to the list...*hugs*

We're gonna get throught hsi together!
Lots of love,


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: OK, it's time to admit that I need help and I don't know what to do.... new
      #253210 - 03/20/06 01:03 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Sweetie - I'm so sorry for your struggle. You're a very brave woman to acknowledge your difficulties. Sometimes, that's the hardest step of all.
Snow for Sarala got me hooked on a website:
It has tons of information on it about managing a house, but they also have a book on "body clutter" which makes you examine why you eat, when you eat and what you eat. I would highly recommend it (I just ordered it). It deals with the emotional side of eating. Who knows? It might help.
Also on flylady, they do menu planning. That way, you plan your entire week so there is no guesswork. That way, each day you know what you're having for breakfast, lunch, supper and what things to buy for snacks. Maybe that will help you take the pressure off "what am I going to eat?". Also, there are medications that can cause weight gain, and increase appetite. I'm 5 ft 2 and I have been through a weight roller coaster since my babies have been born. It's not easy. I lost 40 pounds (not on purpose - postpartum depression), had another baby, fit into size 6 jeans 10 days after she was born, and then had to go on medication and gained 25 - 30 pounds. So I know what it's like to feel this way. I hope this helps.
Let us know how you're doing.
Sending you huge hugs,

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Thank you so much, I'm checking it out right now..... new
      #253266 - 03/20/06 04:42 PM
Alyson McG

Reged: 05/20/05
Posts: 317
Loc: Vancouver Washington (IBS-A, but D prominant)

You know, it's funny...I used to be a real meal planner. I would make a menu for two weeks and follow it to a T. Now with the kids so much older and many of them splitting times with their other parents(My hub and I have 6 kids together) and sometimes it's tough not knowing who will be here and who won't. I may try to do a tentative one, maybe with a backup plan. My biggest problem seems to be with sugar though. I LOVE it! I tend to snack a lot at night, when my hub is and I wake up at night and sometimes find myself eating and not even realzing it. I'm feeling a lot better today and can't even express my thanks to you and for your suggestions. Thanks again so very much.

Everything in life happens for a reason, patience will eventually tell us what that is......

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You're so sweet.... new
      #253268 - 03/20/06 04:47 PM
Alyson McG

Reged: 05/20/05
Posts: 317
Loc: Vancouver Washington (IBS-A, but D prominant)

It has helped alot just saying this and getting it off my chest. I really appreciate everyone letting me say this and for the understanding. This is really the one place I feel I really fit in and can be understood.

Thank so much, Alyson

Everything in life happens for a reason, patience will eventually tell us what that is......

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Alicia, I just checked out the fly lady website and it looks great. Thanks for sharing that-n/t new
      #253304 - 03/20/06 08:35 PM

Reged: 09/23/04
Posts: 312

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Re: Thank you so much, I'm checking it out right now..... new
      #253325 - 03/21/06 04:32 AM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

You're so welcome, sweetie. Weight Watchers says that it takes more than 21 days to break a habit. Your body gets used to something. I would suggest substituting your "sugar fixes" to things that are naturally sweet - like unsweetened applesauce. I don't know. Dried fruit? Bananas? Fortune cookies are great - they're sweet.
Good luck with flylady. She's my hero! With the meal plans - mine are just that PLANS - not carved in stone. For example, I guess the chili I made will last 2 nights when in fact it lasts for 3. So I just bump my menu one day. But at least I have the ingredients for the next meal I'm going to prepare. Besides, you can always freeze extra portions for lunches.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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wish i knew.... new
      #253428 - 03/21/06 09:52 AM

Reged: 02/16/05
Posts: 581
Loc: Bay Area, CA

i'm constantly fixated on my weight as well....right now i'm pregnant, and i freak out everytime i go on the scale, i wont even go on it anymore (unless mike makes me!) so i have no answer for you, except that i know i have a distorted view of myself.

it really may have to do with the fact that we are IBS sufferers to begin with, if the studies are right, about how we develop IBS, from unresolved life things...abuse etc....then it would make sense to have some kind of body image disfunction too. Mike and i were talking about it this weekend...and we sorta came to that understanding, with the brain-gut short circut deal....that some kind of chemical is not balanced right..or something from a stressor.

i know when i lived with my mom...where my source of f9irst time abuse came from...i was very very conscience of my weight. etc, but when i moved in with my dad at 15 it all changed.

just a thought....maybe it makes sense, maybe not...but it's all connected....and everything in life plays a part in the big know what i mean??

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