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      #251175 - 03/09/06 02:49 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

I love you all and appreciate you that much more now that we've gotten "up close and personal," or "intimate and interactive" with each other. It was very much an act of trust, as some of you feel very vulnerable and exposed. I know I did, because this was my first raeal profession of my Christian faith to more than one person at a time.

Thank you for baring your hearts and souls. You are such a wonderful bunch of friends, and thank you for helping to promote tolerance among the differences. I just luv ya that much more now!!!!!!

Keep on keepin' on...

Edited by Shannon! (03/10/06 09:43 PM)

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Mmm, religion! Tasty! new
      #251181 - 03/09/06 03:18 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I'm pagan. I really hate using that vague of a term, so I mostly refer to myself as a Witch, although that can be misconstrued too, and really refers more to a different part of my spiritual practice (yes, I'll get to that) than the actual beliefs. But I'm not strictly Wiccan, so I guess if I want a label, I have to go with what's almost-right instead of just-right.

At the core of my belief system is the feeling that Deity is all-encompassing... that is, that you & I & my cats & all the trees that grow in our yard & so on are all manifestations of a Higher Power. We all have that within us. I do believe in G-d - well, specifically, multiple goddesses and gods - but they are more "human" than the Christian concept of G-d. More powerful, but not ALL-powerful, and not even perfect, just like we are not.

I don't go to church. (Obviously!) My faith requires of me more of an "everyday mindfulness" than a once-a-week meeting. I don't have a set routine for that - some days I bust out the altar and do a full-fledged ritual (observance), other days I just go outside and fully take in the holiness around me. Pagans tend to be more nature-oriented than most, because we have a separate set of holidays that revolve around "the wheel of the year", or the changing seasons. These correspond with traditional farming milestones - the harvest, the planting - but there is also a parallel between the seasons and the God & Goddess.

The "witch" part comes into play when you talk about spells. Yep, I cast spells - but it's not what you think! Drawing a parallel between Christianity and paganism, spells are more like prayer than anything else. You focus on your intent, you send that intent into the universe. That's it. Just like prayer, it's a way of making yourself heard to the Deities, requesting that the powers that be help you along with whatever it is you're trying to do.

I'm really simplifying and skipping over a lot here, but if anyone wants to know more, or wants me to clarify anything, of course you can just ask. I don't mind questions at all. I'm used to it, hehe. I should also add that paganism has a lot of different belief systems within it, just like Christianity is the "umbrella" term for Protestants, Catholics, etc... so if you bump into another pagan, it's likely that they won't believe *exactly* what I believe. I'm definitely not speaking for all pagans here.

I wasn't always a witch. I was born and raised a Jehovah's Witness until I was 17 or so. When I started dating my first husband, I also started going to his church - Presbyterian - and continued to go until he and I split up. That's when I "discovered" Wicca, paganism, etc in my early 20s, and the nature-centric beliefs really resonated with me in a way that Christianity just never did.

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Wow, neat! thank you for peeking in Casey! Thanks for your courage to open the floor up! new
      #251186 - 03/09/06 03:45 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

I had to laugh though, because the other day I was teaching grade six, and out of nowhere came the voice "Yeah, SO what????MY mom's a witch!!" So I had to run to the kid's defence. i know it's a very peaceful practice and the media crap is backward. Anyhow, there i sat, the Christian, defending this kid who had the whole class thinking his mom rode a broom,LOL!

I said it's very peaceful and nature oriented, and spells aren't meant to turn people into frogs.

The one part that I'm not sure about is the potions stuff. How does that work? Do you do potions? What does the star symbolize, and is it a pentagram or no? I know that the upside down pentagram is a symbol of evil and I just, ew, don't want to go there. I kind of am of the belief that satanism is for people who have no idea who they are.(IMHO)

As an aside, guess what my stuffy childhood church was, LOL! Presbyterian. It was just way too...mmm...Reverend LoveJoy for me.LOL!

My little brother is engaged to a J.W. girl, and they've stopped celebrating Christmas. Even on a secular level, sigh....I'd miss it if it wasn't everything I believe in, even.

I'm very open minded as I have said, and have personally read up on almost all religions out there, except for the drink kool aid and kill yourself for the aliens cults.:P

I have been in a Mormon temple(ha ha, no I haven't, what was I thinking. A Mormon CHURCH),got married in a Catholic church, and have attended Presbyterian, Baptist, Alliance, Salvation Army and United services as well. I believe in order to have peace and tolerance we need to be humble enough to see what draws others to their various faiths. Of course, there's not a lot of voodoo, Wicca, or the other non-"mainstream" faiths evident out here.

I want to, also someday, go to both a synagogue and a mosque.

Keep on keepin' on...

Edited by Shannon! (03/09/06 03:49 PM)

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Re: Hey Sarala, Let's talk about our faiths. Others welcome with open minds. new
      #251188 - 03/09/06 03:49 PM
Double J

Reged: 03/09/06
Posts: 900
Loc: High Rocky Mountains ibs-d


I am new to the message boards, but was grateful to find your post on religion. It was one of the first posts that I have read. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), and it is a major portion of my life. I am glad to know that there are other churches out there who spend time helping others and that you are comfortable with your relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”. Mary Anne Radmacher

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WELCOME!!! new
      #251189 - 03/09/06 03:54 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

Mormonism is one of the most family-oriented and committed religions of the world, and i can honestly say that I have never met a Mormon person I didn't love to bits. There are TONS of Mormons out here. I went to high school with a whole bunch of them. Including theeee cutest girl in the school, who was as pure as the driven snow. And nice to boot!

i have been to a mormon service before. the people were so friendly! I even had a Book of Mormon too. However, I am definitely an Alliance Church girl!:) Anything you'd like to share? the most interesting thing to me about your faith is the sealing ceremony. I have read books about that, but not sure if the info is true so I will not post it.

Anyhow, I would be nowhere without my God.:)

PS- we're not tooo terribly far from each other, LOL! I'm Albertan-you know, that big rectangle north of you? LOL!

I've been to Yellowstone, Jackson Hole and other places-seen the Tetons. Love it in Wyoming. Totally God's country. The blessing(tongue in cheek) of our winters, with the beauty of the Utah desert.

Keep on keepin' on...

Edited by Shannon! (03/09/06 03:57 PM)

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Re: WELCOME!!! new
      #251193 - 03/09/06 04:06 PM
Double J

Reged: 03/09/06
Posts: 900
Loc: High Rocky Mountains ibs-d

One of the unique things about the LDS faith is that we can be married together for eternity, and just not as husband and wife till death parts us. What I have learned in the sealing ceremony I can not share. Those covenants made there are between my family and Heavenly Father. It was and is a sacred ceremony to us. But because of the sealings my family will always be joined together as a family unit. Gives me something to look forward to … being with my loved ones forever.

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”. Mary Anne Radmacher

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I'm still figuring it out, myself new
      #251196 - 03/09/06 04:23 PM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 1213
Loc: Ewing, NJ, USA (IBS-D, Vegetarian)

I was raised Christian, baptized and first communion done in the Lutheran church in fact. I've been to many Christian services - Lutheran, Methodist, Jehovah's Witness, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian.

I know that I personally do not identify with the monotheistic religions - Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Though I do enjoy learning about them, in fact I'm taking a Jewish Literature, Culture, and Civilization class this term.

I identify most with Paganism, which as Casey said, is a pretty broad belief system. I don't do spells and such, but I do light candles in remembrance for and for specific thoughts and wishes for people (I don't call it praying, so I never say "You're in my prayers", I say "You're in my thoughts", that has more meaning to me). I want to learn more about practicing paganism, and its various aspects, I have a book called The Solitary Witch, which I haven't had time to read all the way through, and my best friend/roommate, who is also Pagan, has some books as well I'd like to peruse.

That said, I am very open to learning about other people's religions, and it fascinates what other people believe, even if I don't believe it myself. Especially since I am still figuring out what I really believe in.

Hope that makes some sense.

Friendship is thicker than blood. ~Rent

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And that, my friend, is BEAUTIFUL. new
      #251198 - 03/09/06 04:29 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

I don't want to think of not being with Trevor and Kayleigh forever, so i just believe that we will be.

Keep on keepin' on...

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very much so.
      #251200 - 03/09/06 04:31 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

Actually, I've been to Lutheran too. they feel very strict to me. My church doesn't guilt you into being good or make you feel like God is a hateful God. And that makes sense to me. Some churches-especially I think the Southern baptist ones, really make you feel like you're not worthy of anything but what they believe, if that makes sense. We believe God is inside us and we have to find our way to talk to Him.

but I'm much like you and have read up on everything from islam to Zoroastrianism, which, by the way, is a cool and ancient one, centred around fire.

Keep on keepin' on...

Edited by Shannon! (03/09/06 04:33 PM)

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Re: Hey Sarala, Let's talk about our faiths. Others welcome with open minds.
      #251205 - 03/09/06 04:48 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

Just wondering why you never write God, only G-d? Is there a rule here on this forum that you can't write God?

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