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Eeek! Cravings and confusion. new
      #210869 - 09/03/05 08:03 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I've been vegan for too many years to count. Now, for some inexplicable reason, I am craving egg whites and fish. I tried some hard boiled organic egg whites, today, and they digested without problem. I don't know how to deal with this dilemma. It's kind of weird, but it feels like a primal/survival mechanism or craving kicking in. I don't get it and I don't know how to respond. I'm torn between a rock and a harder place. I feel cruel, but not guilty.

I'd do soy, if I could...but I'm allergic. So, I'm left with few options. I've been feeling so weak. Protein shakes have always ended up regurgitated--they just don't "digest."

Any thoughts? Should I honour this craving with egg whites/fish? Try some tuna?

I'm leaning toward honouring the craving/testing it. Maybe my body is eating itself or something and that's why I have this fierce hunger for egg whites/fish.

I guess I just wanted to air out my confused head. I feel like such an enormous hypocrite.


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Re: Eeek! Cravings and confusion. new
      #210870 - 09/03/05 08:08 PM

Reged: 03/09/05
Posts: 131
Loc: Canada!

Hello there!
I am no doctor...but i have a friend who is a vegetarian..and she was craving chicken ALOT. So she asked her doctor, and her doctor told her that if she is craving it, then its a good idea to eat it because its her body's way of telling her she needs the food. I dont know how true this is or anything...just repeating what she told me. I dont know if im any help, i just wanted to share my story...i hope everything works out for you..maybe some other vegans on the board can help you out

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Re: Eeek! Cravings and confusion. new
      #210874 - 09/03/05 08:28 PM
Alyson McG

Reged: 05/20/05
Posts: 317
Loc: Vancouver Washington (IBS-A, but D prominant)

Hi Kate,
I'm not a vegetarian/vegan but I don't eat a whole lot of meat anyway. I do know that when I haven't eaten much, I start craving it, I think my body is wanting the protein, at least that's what I chalk it up to.


Everything in life happens for a reason, patience will eventually tell us what that is......

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Re: Eeek! Cravings and confusion. new
      #210883 - 09/04/05 05:39 AM

Reged: 11/28/04
Posts: 531
Loc: the internet

Oh honey, you are preaching to the right crowd.

As vegan, I can assure you that cravings go with the territory. It's completely normal.

Just the other day I was craving oodles of bacon on a cheese pizza, but that's just because I was craving the salt+gooey cheese.

So instead I had a piece of celery with some peanut butter, and a few dashes of salt!

It's all about substitution and telling your brain that this is the new alternative.

You teach that brain who's boss!

If you are really feeling at loss, go ahead and try some tuna. It's not like you're breaking a law. Nobody is going to point you out in the streets. It's a pretty common occurance for veggies to 're-imbibe' for a bit.

Personally, I've never done it, but I don't eat right anyways

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Re: Eeek! Cravings and confusion. new
      #210887 - 09/04/05 07:16 AM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

Hi! I was a vegetarian - but really almost vegan because I just wasn't so keen on dairy or eggs...for 10 years...then one day I started craving chicken. So I had it. And I still have it (only organic because of my feelings of how animals are treated). I had low B12. It is very hard to maintain high B12 for a lifetime on a vegan diet. Its is so very important you have your folate, iron and b12 checked as a deficiency can really effect you later in life...and also now...cause nervous system damage...which is the last thin you want when you already have IBS. I always believe in listening to the body when it craves healthy stuff...I found away to stay close to my principles of no animal cruelty (but then again, i believe in eating meat, just not mistreating the animal)..but take care of my body. I know its hard...but you should take care of yourself.

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: daliatree, thank you new
      #210931 - 09/04/05 01:04 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. This craving thing is so creepy and it haunts me at 3 and 4 in the morning.
I have had B12/iron/folate anemia and I'm starting to get that
feeling again. I have absorption difficulties. My decision is to honour the craving when it arises and hope it stays down. So, I'm going to re-introduce some lean fish and egg whites and see if I feel better. It really feels like a primal, need to survive urge. I just panic trying to purchase/cook the stuff. Egg whites don't cause me too much fear. I can open a can of tuna (I picked up a few). I'm craving salmon with bones to crunch. Maybe it's a brain thing, too.

Kate, IBS-D.


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Re: Isabel new
      #210933 - 09/04/05 01:09 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Celery. Ironically I bought lots and feel much better. I picked up a few cans of tuna, too. I'm just scared the stuff won't stay down. I'll try the celery cure. It's a nerve tonic and high in chloride/salt. Thanks. If the urge/intense craving (it's not for the salt) keeps up, then I'll try a little.


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Re: Alyson new
      #210934 - 09/04/05 01:10 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

It sounds like common wisdom. I shall apply it. I am craving the protein and the vitamins/minerals.


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Re: Honey_bun
      #210935 - 09/04/05 01:11 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

That's a good idea--I will talk to my doctor.


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Re: Eeek! Cravings and confusion. new
      #210936 - 09/04/05 01:45 PM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 1530

(This is Tina by the way, not Tommy)...

Kate, if you are craving those things, don't fight it! I ate salmon for a while when I was craving it and then as quickly as the craving came, it went away a month or two later.

YOU decide what goes into your body, so live by YOUR own rules!


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Re: Tina (in Tommy's body) new
      #210973 - 09/04/05 07:19 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Okay. I suppose there's a reason for craving tuna and salmon so I'll eat it for awhile when I crave it. I'm probably lacking something that's in it. It's not like craving junk food. I can't sleep. I used to take albecore tuna oil as a supplement for my epilepsy. I'd feed my cat tuna/salmon...I guess I should allow it as potential "kate-food." I'm just getting that peak-ed weak anemic rabid feeling and my nerves are shot, too. Enough "justification" and excuses! I'll go with the flow and honour the wisdom of my body.

Thanks for sharing. So, are you borrowing Tommy's body/face, tonight? I still can't get over you 2! I think you're a pre-life match (kind of karmic/kismet/fate). I think you guys chose to hook up before you were incarnated.

Kate, IBS-D.

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Re: Eeek! Cravings and confusion. new
      #210981 - 09/04/05 07:58 PM

Reged: 11/11/04
Posts: 374
Loc: Wellington, New Zealand

I suppose a lot of it depends on your reasons for going vegan - if they're religious or strong spiritual beliefs, is the guilt worth satisfying your body's demands? And will your chosen deity REALLY mind so much?

If it's a nonreligious thing, I say go for it. Your body knows best what it wants. Right now mine wants bacon, which is weird because I've NEVER eaten bacon. Although it smells really nice when flatmates and family cook it, I'm scared of that meaty texture that I dislike so much. Ah well, my body is outta luck today cause there's no bacon in the house now that I live alone, and I'm buggered if I'm going to the shops just for bacon two days before payday!

Egg whites and fish are really good for you though. Maybe I'll try some egg whites. How does one make them not taste like egg?


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Re: thepurplelollie new
      #211007 - 09/04/05 09:48 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I tried them hard-boiled and stuffed with cold veggie puree (spinach/shallot/herbs and broccoli/garlic/basil)--yum! Not bad with a yellow grape tomatoe (or red) inside and a basil leaf and some sea salt. Wasabi and horseradish give it a twist.

Can you eat soy? Maybe soy bacon?

I don't subscribe to any specific religion. I'm not committed to any particular form of worship or deity. My spirituality is non-specific and unlimited/open, nameless and faceless. A concept of spirituality is beyond me.

I'm just going to go with the flow re: this craving and honour it appropriately rather than have it bug me/drive me nuts. I see my MD on Wednesday and I'll chat with her about it. I am prone to B12/folate/iron deficiency anemia. I also know that depression/anxiety and epilepsy highly benefit from fish.

I just feel weak and I don't want my animal body to fade or pass out.

Thanks for your response, Emma.


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Re: Eeek! Cravings and confusion. new
      #211054 - 09/05/05 09:57 AM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 1530

Umm, I agree with myself...


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Wind new
      #211055 - 09/05/05 10:21 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

Wind, I don't see a problem with your eating of fish and egg whites... I have been strictly veggie for alittle while (not anywhere near as long as you) and thbis summer I started craving all kinds of bad stuff for me, and cheese and eggs. I had let myself indulge in the random pizza or something this summer, but I am stopping now as to let my IBS get back on track. The eggs I feel morally wrong for eating, only because of how they are treated, but I am sure if you are certain of the source and no chickens were tortured that is fine.
I have been playing with the idea of putting egg whites back in my diet, I don't buy them for the house, but I occasionally eat egg sandwiches if I am out and about around breakfast, and have been eating baked goods and stuff from others that have eggs in it.
as for the fish, i haven't had any meat cravings (yet, possibly), but if you need it for your health and feel ok for it, then go for it!
I know fish is one of those "gray areas", and was the hardest meat for me personally to give up, but I felt it was something I needed to do.
It comes down to that you run your life, and decide what to eat... that is why labels such as "vegan" and "vegetarian" become so confining... If I one day decided to live my life as 'vegan' as possible, I still wouldn't call myself one, it turns into a mob mentality and takes away individual thought. I would still like to eat an egg from a happy chicken that wanted me to have it if the oppurtunity presented itself.
Life is about making the best decisions and choices for yourself at the time, but you are a smart woman and I know you know that.

Looks like you already made up your mind anyways, good luck with your fish. And hope you are feeling better

~Disclaimer- my vegan opinions are just how I look on it, I know that there are various ways to look on it, I love vegans and definately do not look down on people that identify themselves with the term! xoxo


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Re: Sheri01 new
      #211079 - 09/05/05 02:09 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Thank you, so very much, for your reply. I've decided to expand my menu, should the craving/need arise. Like I said, I'll go with the flow. My only craving is for egg whites and fish and I have both in the house and my physical animal feels more secure and safe knowing that she may guiltlessly consume either should she desire. I'm going to be flexible for awhile.

Perhaps, if you're craving egg whites, get some free range eggs?

I like your comment re: "gray areas." I guess I'm allowing
"flextarianism." I couldn't chew/dismantle meat if I tried due to my dental problems! Alot of old people have similar problems. However, truly, I have neither the desire nor craving for meat.

Somedays I feel like I'm walking on egg shells! Maybe it's stress! Aie, stress begone! I'm going to go do some yoga.


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Re: Tina (in Tommy's body) new
      #211095 - 09/05/05 04:02 PM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 1530

No problem Kate! I just wanted to add my two cents.

I'm in NYC for 10 days and I had a passworfd problem with MY username so I either sign on with his profile or I could make a temp one. Maybe I'll do that instead.

We are quite the couple. he he Thanks.


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Re: Tina's 2 cents worth new
      #211101 - 09/05/05 04:39 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

It means a lot to me, Tina. Honestly, sometimes I get so weirded out/warped and just don't know what to think. Your 2 cents worth are actually full of common sense. I'll apply it.

Hope you're having a good time in NY!

Thanks again,

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Re: thepurplelollie new
      #211105 - 09/05/05 05:08 PM

Reged: 04/27/05
Posts: 53

Hi Kate,
...thought I'd offer this info.
today I was listening again to my Priscilla Patrick Yoga tape and she talked about a B6 deficiency which can cause mild depression. She recommends taking a supplement - not on its own - but with B12 or as a B complex supplement. Apparently B6 helps the body absorb protein and also helps with water retension. I actually bought B6 (100mg) but take it with my (iron free) multi vit/mineral. I also take 800 mcg Folic acid. I half the pills, taking half am and pm after food.

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Okay, this is really freaking me out guys-nt new
      #211120 - 09/05/05 06:18 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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hanaleni new
      #211148 - 09/05/05 07:24 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

That is completely true and great advice. One problem, though: I can't stomach the pills, even halved. They cause me to vomit.

I ate tons of B6, today. I'm going to get my B12 levels checked and see if I need more shots. I've had both deficiencies, previously. I felt like a bag of dirt and without energy.

When I eat lots of folate, I feel great. I've been drinking
Gatorade Propel and that has B12 in liquid form. I don't absorb either nutrient very well. I also filled up on lots of celery and spinach salad and sprouts and feel better! Ravendark gave me the celery idea.

The pills, though, make me vomit, no matter what I do. So, I don't bother.

Thanks, though.

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