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Let me introduce myself... new
      #196700 - 07/18/05 08:14 AM

Reged: 10/03/04
Posts: 31
Loc: Ohio

I am Kathy, and I realize I just sort of busted into your living room!! LOL! Anyway, longtime sufferer of IBS, D-type with SOME measure of control at this time because of meds, but always the threat of it "rearing" its ugly head. I have had 2 colonoscopies which essentially showed no problems which I guess is good, but you know, you want answers and you want a doctor to say "This is what we need to do and you will be cured". I'm a Christian, so I trust that this is in God's hands, however I also am a nurse so I realize that medicines are VERY important in controlling any sort of illness. I am married, have one daughter who you will hear LOTS about, and 2 lovely shih-tzus who are my lovey pups, and I have a cat and a grand-kitten. I play flute and have had frequent times of getting in front of the church congregation and playing, either solos or with a "praise team", or with the choir. So, I do try to live my life as unaffected by IBS as I can. I have suffered a great deal over the last year with it, which lead to a hospitalization last September... I had developed a bacterial infection of the bowel called CDiff, which is a toxin and poisons your system. I think I developed this due to taking antibiotics, rather than "catching" it from one of my patients. I much prefer to think that this is how I got it, and by all means, the CDiff is gone now, but it did spiral me downward, of course, because of having the IBS, it just irritated it further. A very understanding doctor who I worked with at the hospital became MY new doctor, as I called him the night I had had enough of feeling so bad and he admitted me and got me back on track. I started going to him as my GP, but now he's leaving... he's been THE BEST! So now I fear looking for a new doctor who will go along with taking the "over the top" meds I take... would constipate most any elephant, but NOT ME!!! Actually, for the time being, I can't complain much... because things are better... but just never know when it's going to hit. Can be fine one minute and not the next. You ALL understand, I can tell by reading your posts! I ran across this website sometime back, and just recently started really looking at it and hope to become part of the "family" of like-sufferers here so that I can "vent" with the rest of you who understand it all. I do have a very understanding husband about this, but it doesn't stop the misery. Thanks for checking me out... hope I sometime have something that helps you! Kathy

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Hi Kathy! new
      #196703 - 07/18/05 08:19 AM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

Nice to 'meet' you! Welcome to the boards. Congrats on your daughter's wedding - I read that in your other post.
I agree that you should take immodium those days - it's a life saver! And just eat a lot of bread to stabalize your tummy. You'll do great! You'll see..when the time comes you'll hardly have time to think about your tummy!


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Re: Hi Kathy! new
      #196705 - 07/18/05 08:22 AM

Reged: 10/03/04
Posts: 31
Loc: Ohio

I gave up on immodium a long time ago... lomotil is my "drug of choice" and the nulev is an absolute lifesaver... I don't care if I don't go for 2 weeks as long as THAT day goes great! And I fit into my dress... LOL! Trying to stay positive and keep a good sense of humor... it will go fine, I'm certain, right?????

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Re: Hi Kathy! new
      #196730 - 07/18/05 09:08 AM

Reged: 10/03/04
Posts: 31
Loc: Ohio

Just read your bio... congrats on the new one in your life. It's the most awesome experience I have ever had, and I still enjoy every moment of motherhood... but I won't sugarcoat it, it's tough sometimes. Just love that little one as it grows and you and only you get to know him/her before he/she enters this world!! It's amazing. God bless you. Suggestion, not asked for, but here it goes... if you haven't already found out what you're having, keep it a surprise!! I didn't have the option when I was pregnant, ultrasound was only used for problems... not routine as it is now. So I didn't find out, and it's like the GREATEST Christmas present you've ever unwrapped!! LOL!!! ~K~

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Re: Hi Kathy! new
      #196743 - 07/18/05 09:41 AM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

Hey thanks!

This has been the most exciting part of my life so far, it's truly amazing and I'm so in LOVE with this baby already. We already found out - it's a boy
I will find out with every baby, that's just how I am - I am such a planner - I had the room painted blue the DAY after we found out! And now I don't need to buy everything 'nuetral'. I know some people love it to be a surprise, but I am not one of them...It was just as much a surprise the day we found out! We are both very excited.

I actually posted pics from the sonogram not too long ago! Here's the link to it - Sonogram


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Re: Hi Kathy! new
      #196744 - 07/18/05 09:51 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Hello and Welcome! Glad you found us and look forward to getting to know you better!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Hi Kathy! new
      #196761 - 07/18/05 10:11 AM

Reged: 10/03/04
Posts: 31
Loc: Ohio

What a blessing... I only have the one daughter, so don't know much about raising boys... but during my pregnancy, I dreamed of both, and was actually pretty sure I was having a boy. As soon as she was born, I was head over heels in love. They brought my dad back to the delivery room (I was single, and my mom and great girlfriend were with me during the birth)... and before he saw, I asked him what he thought I had... he said, "A boy"... then he looked and just laughed and beamed. Funny... no matter what you think or what you really expect, it truly IS a surprise and really doesn't matter... that is YOUR baby! Congrats, congrats and congrats, all in blue!! LOL!

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Re: Let me introduce myself... new
      #196766 - 07/18/05 10:16 AM

Reged: 03/23/05
Posts: 406

Welcome to the boards! I look forward to hearing more from you!

IBS-A, with bloating and gas as my predominant symptoms

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Re: Hi Kathy!
      #196811 - 07/18/05 12:06 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

What a cute story! I was actually convinced this was a girl...would have put money on it I was so sure! I had so many realistic dreams of holding a girl, giving birth to a girl, I could actually see her face in some dreams! So when the doc said boy, I kind of felt like it wasn't some ways it's still hard to believe! So much for my sixth sense - lol. Guess not ALL woman have it!


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Re: Let me introduce myself... new
      #196912 - 07/18/05 03:25 PM

Reged: 06/22/04
Posts: 2018
Loc: USA

Hi Kathy! I wondered if I was EVER gonna run into someone on this board that had C-diff! I had it about 4 years ago. I got it (now you aren't gonna like my theory but...)1st from taking too many antibiotics. I was on a 30day course(amox)to treat Lyme Disease then I got bronchitis and was on another course(amox)since it didn't go away I then took (Biaxin)which did me in. I was SOOOOOOO sick. Lost ten pounds(was never hospitalized like you thank goodness)but with the treatment of Vancomycin it went away. Now to my theory. From what I understand the c-diff is in our bodies all the time but when you contract c-diff from another source, it completely takes over your body and all the good bacteria is eaten by the c-diff. I work for a skilled nursing facility and I think my resistance was down so much from the Lyme Disease and oh I had mono too and the same time, that I must have gotten at work. I know it's fecal to mouth but these little old people might not wash their hands and touch door handles, walking units, counters and other things. I have become so germaphobic from it!

I'd love to hear your story! BTW-I've had IBS for many years prior to the c-diff so my IBS actually didn't get any worse from it.

I'm glad you are doing better and welcome to the sites!


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Re: Let me introduce myself... new
      #197021 - 07/18/05 07:59 PM

Reged: 10/03/04
Posts: 31
Loc: Ohio

I totally agree with the main culprit being the rounds of antibiotics... AND being around CDiff at work, like I am, AND having a compromised immune system, which I failed to mention in my post... I have been diagnosed with epstein barre, so I do have the immunodeficiency. I do think the antibiotics were the reason for mine... I actually started with an upper resp illness the end of July '04, took one or two rounds of Biaxin (CDiff is a somewhat common side effect of this med)... and then the one or two rounds of flagyl to treat the CDiff, which did NOT work. The illness went on until the end of Sept, actually Sept 28, the day before my 44th b'day... that's when I called the Dr. because I was dehydrated, had become seriously incontinent and knew it was CDiff, and had started having severe cramping and had started a low grade fever and nausea/vomiting. I knew I was sick... so I went in for 3 days of IV fluids, clear liquids and tx of vanco. Did you have to drink the IV vanco? I did, as I found out that it has to go thru the digestive system, so the IV vanco doesn't work on CDiff. The vanc I stayed on after discharge was outrageously priced... as if my illness didn't take away enough pay from me, the vanco tablets were a $900 prescription, $140 co-pay. It was actually LESS expensive to get the IV form and pay for it out of pocket (not running it thru my insurance since it is only indicated as an IV med)... so after I got home I took one round of the pills and the 2nd round of the IV (orally). It's bitter and nasty, but only 5 mL at a time, so I got used to it and it did get me better. As far as CDiff being in our system at all times, I'm not certain... I really don't think so, but that's just my own idea. I do know that the antibiotics kill off good AND bad bacteria, so by killing off the good, it allowed the CDiff to take over. I took it to be a new infection... and actually I think that's right, because in the followup stool specimen, it was negative for CDiff. Anyway, let's pray we NEVER get that again!!! IBS is enough to deal with. ~K~

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Re: Hi Kathy! new
      #197026 - 07/18/05 08:08 PM

Reged: 10/03/04
Posts: 31
Loc: Ohio

I had some strange pregnancy dreams, as well. In one I dreamed I gave birth to twins, but they looked like little worms (huh?!?!?), and I kept telling the doctor that they weren't ready yet and to put them back in!!! LOL! Another dream, just as plain as could be, I was on my couch and was holding up a toddler little girl, looking out the window. So, why I thought I was having a boy, I don't know... just thought I would. Not a bit of disappointment in my baby girl, though. I love who she is, and I love that she's in love, and I love her man, and I pray for a wonderful life for them. Please think of us as we close in on this last couple of weeks before my husband and I turn her over to her man, Brian. My baby's name is Shannon, a name I picked out way back in high school. I had an adult friend who had a daughter named Shannon and I thought it was sooooo pretty. I pretty much knew I would name my girl Shannon, but still went thru all of the other names and combinations I could think of. I kept all of the papers I jotted the names down on when I thought of them... she would have been a Shawn Patrick if she had been a boy... and Shannon Carol is her name. Do you have a name picked out yet??? ~K~

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Re: Hi Kathy! new
      #197088 - 07/19/05 05:44 AM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

I love the name Shannon - I have 2 Shannon's in my family! My cousin and Justin's cousin. It's a really pretty name.

Speaking of weird dreams..I had one that I gave birth to an adult - and not just any adult, it was my one and only brother...and I was so upset and crying because I didn't want to breastfeed someone that was taller than me. LOL.
I think I had that dream because I am so close to my little brother - I'm very protective of him, we were inseparable as kids. My mom always tells us that I practically raised him

I had names picked out since high school too!
We're going to name him Grant Michael (Grant after my brother, and Michael is Justin's middle name)


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Re: Kathy.... new
      #197463 - 07/19/05 05:56 PM

Reged: 06/22/04
Posts: 2018
Loc: USA

Wow I think I should consider myself lucky! I tried one round of Flagyl and I thought I was cured but a few days later it came back. I then went on a 10 day oral Vanco dose and it cleared it up. I know that medication was very costly, something like $90/pill but luckily my prescription plan did pay it at 100% or at least with a $20 copay I can't imagine having to drink yucky stuff, however I did develop thrush in my mouth from the Flagyl so I had to swish and spit Nystatin for a LONG time it seemed before it cleared it up. That was not fun!

I did learn a lot about c-diff from a c-diff support group on line. From what they all say, you pretty much should stay completely away from antibiotics of any kind forever unless your posed with a life threatening illness. That scares me to no end! I have not needed one since my c-diff illness which was over 4 years ago thank God but what if I need one again. You can't imagine how much I fear that. I had a kidney stone a year after the c-diff from overloading my body with yogurt and such to put the good bacteria back into my body and they told me that if I needed a shunt put in to get the stone to pass I'd need to take 1 Keflex. I begged the doctor to not have to take it. Thank goodness I passed the stone and didn't need the shunt I was a wreck worrying about it.

I did fight a sinus infection this past winter without any antibiotics. I guess we pretty much all can fight illness without them, it just takes longer to go away. But I'll tell ya, I have to be on a death bed to ever take one again.

Last Sept. I swear my c-diff came back. I had all the symptoms of it. 10 straight days of D, horrible, smelly, stools, terrible cramping. Did the c-diff and other stool tests and it did come back negative. I wondered if you could possibly put it back into your body by way of mouth and the doc said it would be very rare. I just think since I've had it that my body is so much more sensitive to even the slightest stomach bugs.

I did notice that I've become somewhat Lactose intollerant after having c-diff. I also can't eat corn on the cobb, lettuce and some other things that I could eat before the c-diff. Have you noticed any difference?

You are right though, lets keep praying we never ever get it again.


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Re: Kathy.... new
      #198022 - 07/20/05 09:16 PM

Reged: 10/03/04
Posts: 31
Loc: Ohio

Corn on the cob is sadly something that has given me trouble for a loooonnnngggg time. And I love it. Actually, any corn, canned or fresh can cause me problems... or it might not... I never know. I have found that FRESH corn on the cob is more likely to agree with me than if it's been around a couple of days, and the white corn seems to do better... but I do avoid it as much as I can... I have trouble with anything seedy, too. I LOVE good summer fresh tomatoes... and I DO eat them... but the seeds often cause me such difficulty!! Berries, forget it. Can't do them, and don't care for most anyway... blueberries don't hurt me much and I like them, and strawberries are usually OK, but the ones with bigger seeds are bad, bad, bad. Yeah, I think just by having CDiff once it seems to make one more sensitive to many flareups. I, too, have managed to avoid any antibiotics since the CDiff, other than the vanco, which got me OVER the CDiff. During my flagyl, I also developed thrush of the mouth... and took mycelex troches. I was thinking along the lines of the swish and swallow, too (don't spit it... swallow it). But my dr at the time (before I started with the dr that treated me in the hospital) gave me the troches... they helped, but it just took time. I'm very, very prone to yeast infections, too, so essentially the thrush is just yeast of the mouth. Yech! Keep on a-prayin'!!

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