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help me please... new
      #169498 - 04/13/05 07:59 AM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

please pray for me to end my pain. i cant take much more. i dont deserve this much pain. its taken my will from me. im sorry, i just am. i love everyone.. may god help us all..

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{{{hugs}}} new
      #169500 - 04/13/05 08:03 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Can you give some more specifics? Is it a pain attack you're having? Codeine, a heat pad and tea help me loads with those!

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Re: help me please... new
      #169505 - 04/13/05 08:15 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

{{BIG HUGS}} , tell us what is going on sweetie!!


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Yes, the hiddeous IBS pain new
      #169506 - 04/13/05 08:23 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I often pray for God to end all this suffering, by either helping me to stabalize, or by allowing me to enter the gates of Heaven where I know my pain will be gone eternally.

Pain is tiring, depressing, and steals away your will to live. I pray for you to find the strength to hang on beside me and many others. My pain and struggles and chronic symptoms that are not helped by anything, this just wears me down too.

I don't want to scare people, but I don't think I would be around anymore if it weren't for the giving, supportive, loving people on this board.

You are not alone, so please keep in touch. And yes, may the good Lord help all of us who struggle with this hiddeous demon and the chronic pain and symptoms that steal our lives away. It is such a waste of life. There is no purpose or reason for us to suffer so.

You do not deserve this pain. None of us deserve this. Please stay with the board and let us fight this long, tiring battle together. Please.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: help me please... new
      #169520 - 04/13/05 08:51 AM


How did I miss a Floridian neighbor on here?

Sorry things are sounding so rough for you . It really does help to vent about it - so vent away! We are all here for you

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Re: help me please... new
      #169522 - 04/13/05 08:53 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

What can we do to help?? Can you give us more info as to what you are battling with right now? Hang in there and know there is support here if you need it!!!

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Re: help me please... new
      #169535 - 04/13/05 09:37 AM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

Im going through another tough cycle i call it. My life sucks. Its very hard for me to handle the pain mentally. I have these bouts regularily. Sometimes i feel just fine but it never lasts. I cant work a job and feel embarrassed that im useless. Im sure when people see me feeling ok at times its impossible to understand the situation. I have tried for many years to figure out my problem. Benn to 2 gastro drs. and was told nothing can be done for me, just take stool softeners. What a joke that is. I could be so much more for myself and others if i could fix my problem. I would like to converse with someone that has severe pain as a symtom. I have tried many things to no avail. Its weighing heavily on me mentally and phisically to cope daily. Thanks for listening.

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Re: help me please... new
      #169542 - 04/13/05 10:00 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Hi, I'm sorry you are going through this. I also have severe pain a lot. Diet only seems to help me a little. Some days I'm ok, just some bloating and gas and mild pain but I get into bad cycles also. I had a horrible pain cycle this past fall that lasted 8 weeks. I was miserable. I take Miralax for the C but the dr's can't figure out why the pain gets so bad. I have brown burn marks on my belly that never go away from sleeping with the heating almost every night.

When I get into a bad pain cycle, I can't stand even to wear clothes, just the slightest amount of pressure makes it worse. When I get bad like that, not much seems to help. I'll switch from my miralax to Zelnorm because thats supposed to help but it doesn't much. I also take Donnatol, an anti-spasm medication, again, it doesn't help a lot. I'll take Xanax for the anxiety, Vicodin for the pain and Phenegran for the nausea.

It seems though that it just needs to run its course sometimes because not much helps. The dr's have seen me at my worse. The have taken my blood pressure and pulse and seen how high they get from the pain. They've seen how I walk doubled over and get very short of breath. But there doesn't seem to be anything they can do. My dr is very sympathetic and gets frustrated also.

I'm sorry, I guess I don't have any real advice for you but you are not alone. Have you tried a low dose of anti-depressant? I take Zoloft right now but liked Lexapro the best. They seem to at least somewhat keep my mental state from getting too low. They are also shown to help with the IBS symptoms. Hugs.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: help me please... new
      #169553 - 04/13/05 10:40 AM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

Thanks for your responce. I dont reep any pleasure knowing that others feel severe pain also. But at least maybe im not crazy like i sometimes think. Its just so hard for me, ( even after all these years ), to comprehend how i can hurt so much one day, and possibly the next day feel good.

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Re: help me please... new
      #169576 - 04/13/05 11:33 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I totally understand what you're saying!!!

For me sometimes I'll feel 100% fine and then all of a sudden I'm doubled over in pain. Then I'll have a really bad period where I get discouraged and depressed and then all of a sudden I'm much better again.

It's crazy the havoc our bodies and cause us isn't it???

*HUGS* Hang in there!!

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Re: help me please... new
      #169586 - 04/13/05 12:15 PM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

I dont think enough resources are used to find a cure for IBS. I also think the drug sponsored researches wouldnt want a cure. Like all other diseases and illnesses, they only want to try and treat symtoms. Thats where the moneys at. Cynical? yes maybe so. But I do not and will not believe that someone with the brains to find the underlying cause for this, cant find it. Especially what causes severe pain with this condition.

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Re: help me please... new
      #169703 - 04/13/05 05:16 PM

Reged: 07/01/04
Posts: 18
Loc: Everett, Washington

I am sorry to hear about you pain, but it sounds like me. I have found a great pill called Triphala. You can find it where supplements are sold. I would get pains daily that were so painful it would take all my energy and I couldn't even walk because it would hurt so bad. I have been taking Triphala for about 4 months now and it has really cut my pain back. I maybe get pains once a week, but they are not has painful. I take the pill right after I eat dinner, since that is the biggest meal I eat during the day, and it help your food digest. It removes toxins from the digestive track. I have had no problems with it. I also drink a lot of peppermint tea during the day.
We all know what you are going through because we have all felt it before. Keep in contact with us and let us know how you are coming along.

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Re: help me please... new
      #169724 - 04/13/05 07:13 PM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

I bought some probiotics and acidophilis today. I need to check out that triphala also. thanks

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I'm with Beth (Augie) new
      #169746 - 04/13/05 10:00 PM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

So far I've found no relief from my pain. I'm a D rather than a C so my pain is possibly different but it's 24 hour pain none the less.
I understand where you are, I'm there often myself, but I hang in there hoping that one day they'll find something to help us. Heather's diet has helped so many, Beth and I were 2 of the unlucky ones who haven't managed to find relief with it. Sending thoughts and well wishes your way. I hope you start to feel a little better soon.


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Re: help me please... new
      #169753 - 04/13/05 10:56 PM

Reged: 04/13/05
Posts: 4

I think most of us have all been there on one day or another, & it truly is the worst pain. I am sooo sorry, I know how irritating it is. I always feel like this is the most ridiculous thing to have to go through. Why cant we have normal bm's? It's really not fair & the pain is just unbearable at times. I know that feeling when you feel like just giving up. I dont know if this will help but here goes, i usually cry first, whine a little bit more & then pray, pray to whoever & whatever you believe in. For me I feel that since nothing else & nobody else can help, maybe a higher power can. It may sound silly, but asking for help outloud brings me peace, so I can stop stressing out,& making it worse. If all else fails I try to take a nap if possible.Most the time when I wake up, I feel alot better. Take care & hang in there!!!

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Re: help me please... new
      #169762 - 04/14/05 04:05 AM

Reged: 02/13/05
Posts: 123
Loc: Karachi - Pakistan

Hi there,
Hope by now your pain has gone. Just prayed for you. I know exactly what you must be going through as I too went through all this. Try and relax and keep to your strict diet and eventually you will get rid of the pain. Have you seen a doctor? He would give you something for the pain. Let us know when you feel better. Jenny

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BETH new
      #169810 - 04/14/05 07:42 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Ok, you are scaring me. I hope you have not considered doing anything drastic!!! I will go and kick your butt personally if that's the case. You can never give up hope. NEVER!!!!!!!

Thinsg are going to get better Beth. You need to be positive and hopeful. Email em abytime you are feeling low. That is an ORDER!

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Augie and doubletrouble new
      #170069 - 04/15/05 06:28 AM

Reged: 02/04/05
Posts: 99

I am another who has not benefited from Heather's up is giving in and you both have too much going for you to quit now.

I kept trying (I have had IBS for 22 years) and modifying my diet until I found what worked for me. Keeping yeast and refined sugar to a minimum and paying attention to my own triggers and really not worrying about what did or did not work for others is what has brought me to a stable point.

These boards though wonderful can also be a detriment in a way. I think if we were all honest with each other it is somewhat addictive and you can obsess over stuff which is unhealthy.

Focus on yourself and listen carefully to your bodies...consider other peoples "fixes" but try not to get frustrated if they don't work for you. IBS is an inexact science.



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Re: help me please... new
      #170072 - 04/15/05 07:07 AM

Reged: 10/17/04
Posts: 126
Loc: PA

I am so sorry for your pain..this was me last summer. That is when my IBS pain started. I was down on my knees calling 911 with my two little girls watching..long story short (with a week in the hospital and a couple ER visits later)..I am now seen at Yale University. But, now I am seen 6 months from now. I used to take 2 or sometimes even 3 vicodin every 4 hours at my worst point. NOW, with the help of good/knowledgable/caring/concerned doctors I am taking zelnorm, bentyl, hycosamine, anti-d's, acacia, miralax, and I am at day 97 of the hypno-cd's. I was doing accupuncture (I am not sure it was working that well for me - as I also had gastric bypass surgery three years ago). I follow Heather's diet to a "t" - (except when I bake..must have several tastes of raw mix). I also drink peppermint tea throughout the day (especially when I have a cold fruit ice-pops and it starts to trigger spasms).
I understand your pain as I am a IBS - pain predominant. Please see a GI specialist...let them prescribe meds that will/can help. All the best to you - please come here to vent - and let these wonderful people help you.


IBS-C, pain predominant

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Re: help me please... new
      #170086 - 04/15/05 07:52 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi there,
I don't have a lot to add because I too am IBS-D and I think pain management might be different (I'd be in agony if I took stool softeners!) so I am not entirely sure what advice to give.
I did want to reply, though, so that you know that we are here to support you and be here for you to vent to and to offer any help we can, whenever you need it.
I know how exhausting dealing with chronic pain is, and how devestating it can feel. It is very hard to go from one day to the next, not knowing how your body will feel. Please don't give up, though... there are limitless amounts of things and combinations of things to try, and you mean to much to someone I'm sure to just give up!

As for pain predominant IBS, I know that Heather (of this site) has pain predominant IBS. If you post on the Eating for IBS board for her attention, maybe, she might have some more helpful advice than I do. I know that she swears by peppermint capsules to help with the pain, have you tried that? What about diet? Are you on any sort of SFS? Have you tried any alternative therapies like accupressure/accupuncture or yoga or hypnosis?
Good luck, let us know how you are doing, we'll be waiting for updates!!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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you poor thing! new
      #170091 - 04/15/05 08:14 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


Have you had all the tests to diagnose IBS? Have you had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, blood work, etc.?

Are you C, D, or A?

I am sooooo sorry to hear you suffering so much! As a kid the pain and gas would get so bad I would throw up from the pain! my mom thought I was bulemic (I was anorexic but I would NOT make myself throw up!) That was the only thing that would make the pain better (temporarily).

The best advice I can give: Get everything ruled out. Get regular sleep and exercise. Drink loads of water. Find things that relax you. Consider the hypnotherapy audio option. And keep venting. We all understand your pain (unfortunately)

Take care

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: help me please...
      #170093 - 04/15/05 08:16 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

If you are okay with using herbs, as it sounds like you are, consider feverfew. It helps with my migraines loads! (Going GF helps with my IBS pain a I don't seem to need the feverfew as long as I eat IBS safe and GF!)

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: help me please... new
      #170190 - 04/15/05 12:19 PM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

Thank you, that was sweet of you. I have tried all that you have mentioned to no avail. But at least i seem to be ending a cycle ( so to speak ). Im starting to feel better right now. As we know, that can change quickly but still, i feel better right now.

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Re: help me please... new
      #170193 - 04/15/05 12:23 PM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

Sounds like you found some good Drs. maybe. I have seen a few, they are no help to me. I will do the best i can. Thanks

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Re: you poor thing! new
      #170204 - 04/15/05 12:41 PM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

I had all those tests done many years ago. My symtoms go like this. Every morning within the first 3-4 hrs I have at least 3 bowel movements. There is usually not much there each time. Even though I feel like i have to go badly. I usually have mild discomfort. When the severe pain comes on, It starts just below my belly button, as im sitting on the toilet the pain intensifies. I can only pray for relief.As soon as mt bowels move, the pain lessens dramatically. Either seconds or a minute or so later, the pain returns quickly and the cycle continues for usually no more than 40 minutes. Im honestly begining to wonder if my brain or subconsious part of my brain is sabatoging my body. The reason i say this, is because when i had major back surgery 2 yrs ago, screws and rods in my spine ), I went for many months without the severe pain. I dont understand that at all, i think i might be physco or something.

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Re: help me please... new
      #170224 - 04/15/05 01:18 PM

Reged: 03/24/05
Posts: 4
Loc: Nutley, New Jersey, USA

Bob, please, you break my heart! I've had this since I am 5 yrs. old and I am now in my 40's. Sick is a word that cannot encompass my world of torment and pain. Up to 3x a week with excruciating, crippling spasms for hours upon hours. Vomiting from pain, pouring sweat. All of us....a very grim picture of a life. I honest to God have always felt like I was going to die. I have taken every single pill out there and test. Nothing helps.....but if you've ever done anything in your life, I am BEGGING you, PLEASE TAKE AND STICK WITH HEATHER'S ACACIA. Do not give up or become impatient with it. I believe it is KEY to your becoming well again. I would scream it out to the entire world if I could and I have already conveyed to Heather that I believe it is in the truest sense of the word... a MIRACLE. Please Bob, you have nothing to lose and a life to gain. I'll be thinking of you. Deborah

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Re: you poor thing! new
      #170240 - 04/15/05 02:23 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

It def. sounds like you could try the audio tapes. IT IS NOT in your heard...but it can contribute if you have a lot of stress! It could also be (I'm only saying this because it has been my experience...) that a test gave you a false negative. Do you feel worse when you eat certain foods? have you tried a food diary/elimination diet?

I really hope you feel better soon!!!!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: you poor thing! new
      #170279 - 04/15/05 07:44 PM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

Yes i tried the diet thing. I can eat the same stuff basically for weeks sometimes. And have no problems. Then without rhyme or reason it strikes like a bear from the bush. I do know that i cant eat fatty animal food on an empty or semi empty stomach. I especially cant eat sweet food in the morning. Like doenuts, sweet roles etc..

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Re: help me please... new
      #170284 - 04/15/05 08:09 PM

Reged: 04/21/04
Posts: 46
Loc: tampa, fl.

You sound like you have it bad also. Im 44 yo and ive had it bad since early 20's. It just gets worse though. I still have some acacia left. I tried it but didnt feel it helped. I know im not the only one with this problem. I just hope i can help myself and others by hearing other peoples symtoms and try to figure something out. I could be so much more if i didnt have this condition. Others would be proud of me for what i could do. And i would be proud also. Im nothing too special but ive always believed i could do whatever i wanted to if i tried. But im so limited now. Its like im climbing a steep mountain with others. We see the top and look at each other and smile. From behind me, someone clasps a ball and chain to my leg. Then says, the last one to the top is elimenated. I know you all can relate.

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Re: help me please... new
      #170294 - 04/15/05 09:33 PM

Reged: 03/24/05
Posts: 4
Loc: Nutley, New Jersey, USA

Please listen to me. You say you have some Acacia left. Bob, you cannot skip a day, you cannot skip a dose. You absolutely have to work your way up to 3 tablespoons EVERY SINGLE day of your entire life.

I buy package after package. It has to become part of your life, like opening your eyes every morning. You can't say oh, I forgot to take it tonight, I'll just take it tomorrow. I wish I could get thru to you how important this is to you becoming well. You're probably reading this thinking, she doesn't understand but I was as sick as anyone could possibly ever be and I know what I am saying. I would NEVER come on to this website if I weren't 101% sure of what Acacia can do.

Now, there is a point to this....My Uncle has IBS-C and has been suffering his whole life as well. I went CRAZY researching every thing on this website - I even made a book for him so it would be easier for him to grasp every thing. I ordered him the Acacia - he took half the package and threw the rest of it in the garbage. My Father caught him and said, "Why are you doing that?" His answer: Oh, this isn't working for me! Sometimes (not all the time) men tend to be less patient then women. He bought it and expected immediate results.

I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS YOU but I just want you to know, without question, you must stick with this for at least a few months without skipping any doses in between. I read in one of your other posts that you can't eat animal fat on an empty stomach. Bob, I don't believe you should be eating animal fat at all or those donuts (you know most of them are fryed in oil). I love ALL of those things too but....You Have To Be Willing To Change Your Life, If You Want A Life. I wish I could get thru to you! Deb

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Happy. new
      #170300 - 04/16/05 01:29 AM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

Yep, You are totally right. I have some of my triggers figured out, but far from all of them. It's a very frustrating process, every setback causes so much pain and discomfort. It's very sad to watch people enjoying food everywhere you go and have to "starve" till you get home cause you're too scared to eat while you're out in case you have an attack. I've been suffering for about 24 of my 26 years. I was really young when I can remember having such bad pain as a kid, except then I was C not D. I'm hanging in there. I just wish that after so much time I had more of a clue than I do.


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Re: help me please... new
      #170302 - 04/16/05 01:36 AM

Reged: 10/15/03
Posts: 450
Loc: Las Vegas,Nev.

Dear Bobster,have you been to the doctor?If you get a good one then she or he will help you.Where is this pain at.I'm not a doctor but I'm a lot older,an I have had 5 kids,an have had lots of pain as I get older,just sat or lay in the tub if you have time,or use a heating pad,they are so good,
some time a slow walk out side to look at the trees an flowers will make you feel better,honey I will pray for you but you have to pray also that you will get better,I had one lady said that I complain to much so I don't say to much anymore,but that is what I thought the board was for,because we have all been there at one time or other,you will have good an bad days an sometime you may think the bad days are here more then the good days,do you know for sure if you have IBS,have you been check out.please try an eat the right food,I live on chicken,rice,fish for a long time,I had the big D now I have C so you see it go from one to the other,drink lots of water,please let me know how you are doing,
an yes I will pray for you.

Neta G.Yale

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