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pregnant? new
      #141637 - 01/23/05 05:45 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

Hi ladies...well, I don't really want to share this with the 'real' people in my life, barr hubby of course, because its all probably nothing...but I think I could be pregnant...
I went off the pill a few months ago and it took me 45 days to get my first period, then the next one came 37 days later...I am now on day 34 and my third period is just not here. I have been having pms like symptoms for well over a week and no show! I have never felt so purely exhausted in my entire life, my boobs feel weird, nauseated, spaced out, moody (thats an understatement hahhaha!), starving!! constipated...which is normal for me sometimes but the IBS has been really behaving itself recently...
now...we have been using condoms but lately we have been doing the withdrawal method quite a lot (my niece and nephew were conceived this way!)...we always think that day 14 of my cycle is the one to look out for because for the average cycle that is around ovulation time..but looks like my cycle is long at the moment and we did withdrawal almost every night after day I guess that could have been risky huh?
My husband is not up for a baby right now, and I feel totally excited, elated, nervous etc for main fear is my emetaphobia (terrified of throwing up hence morning sickness is worse for me then labour pains in the fear stakes!!!) and I know this is all so silly because I am putting ideas into my own head and I probably am not even pregnant!! Part of me wants to be so badly that maybe I am making all this up..but the physical symptoms are just pretty overwhelming. I am so tired!!!
I really thought my cycle would be shorter this month because before I was on the pill my cycle was 29 I thought each month out of the pill it would get shorter...which is why I am worried I have reached 34 days with no sign of bleeding.
Why don't you just shut up and take a test you ask? well, because tests aren't cheap and I am too body aware sometimes and I can't just go out and get myself wound up every month and keep taking tests (this happened last month too!)...I need to learn to let go and actually wait till it is officially late eg 40 days or something...
thanks for are all the best!!
an overanalytical dalia XXXXXXXXX

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Dalia new
      #141642 - 01/23/05 05:53 PM


You're right, that is a lot to have on your mind! Not that I'd know too much on this topic, but your the way you say you've been feeling lately does sound suspicious. I can't imagine how it will be someday to wait through that unknown period of time where it's too early to tell and you just don't know! I am totally with you on the emetaphobia thing too - I could have nightmares about it it scares me so much. But there are people who never have morning sickness so maybe we'll be lucky enough to be those people.

Well maybe we're jumping ahead of ourselves here, but I guess all I can say is good luck with the waiting and I hope that everything turns out like you want it to

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Re: Dalia new
      #141648 - 01/23/05 06:01 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York always bring a smile to my face with your replies!!I am trying to be rational about the puke mum had morning sickness and we are pretty much the same hormonally-periods wise except she is a lover of puking 'better out then in etc - oh dalia, just let it come out' 'NO MUMMY!!!'...but in the pukey way, she is a much more frequent I always hope two things...that pregnancy nausea will be like ibs nausea (one of my major symptoms) and I am a professional at knowing what to do and also that my mum puked because she is the type to get it up and I am not. But I WISH to GOD this wasn't such a bloody big issue for me!!! Why can't I be normal!!!!! Arggghhh.
Part of me is enjoying the waiting in the sense that the thought that I may have a baby inside makes me want to sob with joy!! and if I get my period part of me will have my hopes dashed!!
Thanks again...

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: Dalia new
      #141661 - 01/23/05 06:17 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Hey Dalia- hard to know how to respond, you know? Seems like a mixed bag for you, damned if you are, damned if you're not. I hope whatever happens, it's for the best.

I would love to accidentally get pregnant, as we really really want to have a baby, we have the money, the space, the stability etc. I just don't have the time right now. To that end- we're still using LOTS of birth control. I've never heard that the rhythm method was very reliable.

But, to sympathize with you, I'm paranoid about getting pregnant. If my period is even a little late I freak out. I usually just take the test though. I figure peace of mind is worth it!

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Re: pregnant?
      #141666 - 01/23/05 06:32 PM

Reged: 07/22/04
Posts: 55
Loc: USA

Your symptoms really do sound like pregnancy ones...but could be PMS too! Did you know that dollar stores have pregnancy tests? I was at the dollar store the other day and they had them there! LOL I wonder how accurate they are, though.

Oh, can I understand about the fear of throwing up thing....

Ever since I was tiny, I have been terrified of throwing up. It is one of my worst fears. My poor husband thinks I'm crazy, but he is so sweet about it. He is very respectful and does whatever he can to help me through if I have a stomach virus. (Thank God only 2 times since we've been married! Hopefully never again!)

I am 12 weeks pregnant right now...the morning sickness is different for everyone, but I must say that having IBS is an advantage. Foods that can aggrevate nausea are no-no's for IBS anyways, so we have a leg up already. And many of us are pros at managing nausea with our mints and ginger! LOL

My 1st pregnancy was not too bad - about 5 weeks of feeling icky. No vomiting, just nausea. Same thing with this pregnancy. I have had about 6 weeks of nausea - again, no vomiting. Mints, altoids, water, soda crackers, applesauce, popsicles have been helpful.

Everyone is different - some lucky ladies have none, some have a really bad time. But, the good thing is that if it does get really bad, they have medicine you can take to help you. No one needs to suffer through horrible vomiting.

If you are pregnant, get ready for a wonderful, amazing, incredible adventure! If you aren't....don't sweat it. You'll be able to handle it when it happens. Just find a great OB who is compassionate and listens.

I am excited to hear your news when you know one way or the other! Let us know!

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Re: Dalia new
      #141667 - 01/23/05 06:32 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

hey...thanks! you're right about the peace of mind thing and I am glad to know that I am not the only one that is paranoid about getting pregnant!!! thanks for your sympathy...

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: pregnant? new
      #141671 - 01/23/05 06:38 PM

Reged: 01/18/05
Posts: 22

hi, my name is alice and I am quite new to the site. What you are describing sound like you could be pregnant. Well good luck to you and keep us posted.

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Re: Dalia new
      #141672 - 01/23/05 06:39 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

Hey dalia,
Im glad you posted...I feel like I havent spoken to you on here for ages and was wondering how you were doing! I cant imagine how you're feeling right now, not knowing is always so stressful...Im one of those people who just cant stand anticipation and suspense....I bet you're dying to know just one way or another! I hope that whatever happens you and your hubby are both happy and that things work out how you'd like them to! I also have a slight fear of puking, although I dont think I have it quite so bad as you and Brittany...I always sit on the end of aisles and stuff though cos of my fear....thats something I havent got over yet! Im better than I used to be though! Keep us posted on your suspected pregnancy...and Im praying that if you are that you dont get any nasty mum had none throughout all 3 of her pregnancies so Im hoping Ill take after her!! Fingers crossed whatever happens....lots of love and hugs xx


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Re: pregnant? new
      #141674 - 01/23/05 06:43 PM

Reged: 01/18/05
Posts: 22

would this be your first pregnancy???

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Re: pregnant? new
      #141687 - 01/23/05 07:16 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

hey welcome to the site and yep, this would be my first!

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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      #141688 - 01/23/05 07:18 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

hey I couldn't deal with my psychoness any longer so hubby has gone out in the snow to get a test, so in half an hour I should know....wish me luck! I am happy with either result...but more scared of one of them!!!

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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nathalie new
      #141689 - 01/23/05 07:21 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

you are such a sweetie...I am sorry we haven't chatted for life has been a bit insane with loads of work etc...I've missed the boards though and obviously this is the first port of call when I am worried about something! Apparently we do take after our mothers when we are looks like you may be a lucky one when you decide to have a baby! I meanwhile, have some morning sickness to look forward to...but then again, I think about the fact that my mum has the best bowels in the world and I have crazy ones...surely that means that we will experience the gastro side of pregnancy differently!?
What drives me mad is the fact that in theory I believe that there is no point worrying about stuff till the time when it is there, and yet I can't seem to put it into practise with the emetaphobia really drives me mad!
How is everything in good old leeds? I bet its freezing and windy!

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: TESTING!! new
      #141690 - 01/23/05 07:21 PM


Oh my gosh how exciting!! And how nice of your hubby to go out in the cold for that the first time you'd mentioned the possibility of this situation to him?? What did he think?

Let us know asap!!!

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Re: TESTING!! new
      #141693 - 01/23/05 07:25 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

he knows my period is 'late' (if it can be considered late considering the fact I went off the pill etc) and keeps making impressions of newborn babies crying, making fun of me...but is being very sweet. I think he will be really emotional if I am because he is the softest hearted that I am on the verge of taking the test I am starting to doubt that I am...I can that be? its always something that happens to somebody else!
Anyway, if I am not, I will be kind of embarrassed that I made this whole big deal about it!!

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: TESTING!! new
      #141694 - 01/23/05 07:29 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Oh good grief- don't be embarrassed by that. Seriously, my friends and I have a long standing joke about our paranoia of getting pregnant (I can't tell you the specifics of the joke, it would probably offend some people). Trust me- I bet the majority of people who buy those tests are NOT pregnant, and if you can sleep well at night, what does it matter? If it makes you feel better, the last time I freaked out I bought a two-pack so I'd have one on hand the next time I panicked!

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LOL new
      #141695 - 01/23/05 07:31 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

my husband is buying a two pack now!! we were just joking about getting a whole load in costco etc!!!

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: LOL new
      #141696 - 01/23/05 07:35 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Heh- what, does he want to make sure he never needs to go out in the snow again?

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Negative!!! new
      #141701 - 01/23/05 07:58 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

Just did a test and was sooo nervous..the result is hard to see, very faint, but its negative!!! I feel surprisingly relieved! Phew...thanks for all your kind support and words lovely people!

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: Negative!!! new
      #141703 - 01/23/05 08:02 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Ah- now you know!

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Re: Negative!!! new
      #141705 - 01/23/05 08:15 PM


Well maybe it wasn't meant to be this time..but I think you two would be wonderful parents. It might come along when you least expect it, but when it's right it will be perfect And be more careful !

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Re: pregnant? new
      #141712 - 01/23/05 08:30 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wow....well the only sure way to find out is to take a test.

You know the "pull out" method is less than 25% I'd use some other form of birth control until you're sure you're ready for a little one in your life.

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Re: Negative!!! new
      #141727 - 01/24/05 12:31 AM

Reged: 11/11/04
Posts: 374
Loc: Wellington, New Zealand

Well, I guess that's a good thing if you're not sure you're ready yet!

I read on an emetophobia website somewhere that most emetophobics get through pregnancy without ever acutally throwing up... mostly because we are so good at controlling it! So don't let that put you off when you are ready for some breedin'!


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Windy cold and Miserable!! new
      #141730 - 01/24/05 02:58 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

Hey dalia,

Leeds is its same old self...last week was sooo windy Im not kidding that I did think we were gona have a tornado or something...and with all the bad weather the worlds had this year it wouldnt have surprised me! It was so bad that the doors to our halls(which have an electronic tag to open them) had blown open so basically anyone off the street coulda got in! Our lounge window which is big and double glazed was also broke so it wouldnt stay shut and the curtains were flying right up to the ceiling like in a film!! Things have calmed down now but its still really cold at the moment!! Im off to Barcelona with my course next tuesday so hopefully we'll get weather a bit better than here! Im stressed with all my uni work I have to do before I go....just too much to do and so little time! How are things with you and finding a job?? Ive forgotten where you were up to since you last posted about turning down your uni place!


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Re: Negative!!! new
      #141733 - 01/24/05 03:48 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yay! What a relief, huh?!

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Re: Negative!!! new
      #141743 - 01/24/05 05:21 AM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 1530

Well, I am sure this will be a topic for conversation for Friday when Sinead and Padhraig get to New York...


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Close one Dalia! new
      #141938 - 01/24/05 11:27 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

looking forward to discussing it in full on Friday- BTW what's your hubby's name again and how do I properly pronounce your name is it Day-lia or Dah-lia or something else entirely?
Really looking forward to Friday.


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