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Help! Need Advice.
      #140831 - 01/21/05 07:30 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

I'm going to apologize in advance for this very long post. So if you make it to the bottom, you'll get a cookie.

My current neighbors moved into the apartment next to mine last July. Their bedroom and my bedroom share a wall together. I've never met them, but it feels like I know their whole life story because every night around 10pm, they begin to raise their voices at each other - loud enough that I can hear every word they're saying when I'm trying to go to sleep!

This started in August and I've complained about them to the manager 7-8 times. After the 2nd time, Holly (the manager at the time) told me to call the courtesy security patrol to be a third party witness. This patrol is ridiculous, though, because it takes them 30-45 minute to respond to a call, and then if they don't hear anything from standing on the sidewalk outside, they leave!

Finally, last November, Holly gave me her pager number and told me to page her the next time it happened. Sure enough, it happened a week later at 3am in the morning (woke me from a medicated sleep!) and she came and heard them. She went over there with a patrol guy and spoke with them, and even wrote them a final warning letter the next day. They were pretty quiet after this.

In December, my apartment complex was bought and ownership changed. Holly is gone and we don't even have a current manager. We have some employee lackies that don't know anything that they're doing.

So Wednesday night, they start back up again. I try to ignore them and retreat to my couch like I usually do so I can get some sleep, hoping this is a one night thing. Not so lucky - they start yelling at each other again last night! I call the security patrol and tell them not to bother making a special trip because they won't do anything, but to please make a note in their daily report. The operator was great and very sympathetic!

I call today to make an appointment with the manager, and the gal informs me that an intern manager won't be there until Tuesday! I said that's fine, but I'd like to come down and get the dates of the complaints I made so that I can write a formal letter.

I go down there and she gets out my neighbor's file. She's in the middle of reading them and giving me the dates, when she says, "Oh.. that's weird.. the old manager told them which apartment was complaining about them in the letters..." I was furious! Holly had been telling me that she had not been telling them who was complaining, which I appreciated because I live by myself in my apartment! I don't need retaliation incidents!

Before finding this out, I was simply going to write a letter stating that they either needed to evict these people or move me (all expenses paid) to a different apartment in the complex. Now I feel like I have to move for safety reasons! I already know they have tempers - I don't need them directed at me!

I am worried, though, that because it was the old manager's mistake, they won't do anything. The previous company that owned my complex is a big apartment company that still has a ton of complexes around San Jose so I can still contact them.. but that would be really hard to get it resolved.

I guess my question is - am I over reacting? I told both my parents and my BF, and all three think I definitely need to move. However, I got into a fight with my best friend because he thinks that because they haven't threatened me, I shouldn't worry about it!

Looking for any and all suggestions on the best way to handle this situation! Oh, and here's your cookie:

- Jennifer

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Re: Help! Need Advice. new
      #140838 - 01/21/05 08:18 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Oh good... the cookie was waiting for me at the end of the post.

Having been in a similar situation with ridiculously noisy neighbors, them knowing who was making complaints, and yes, we DID actually get some retaliation going on... I say you're not overreacting, and I would seriously start looking to move. NOT necessarily because of fear of retaliation, but at this point, I would say that nobody's going to do anything about the noisy neighbors... how much longer can you put up with their screaming matches at 3am?

Good luck!

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Re: Help! Need Advice. new
      #140840 - 01/21/05 09:05 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

I just sent you an email about this from Shane.


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Re: Help! Need Advice. new
      #140865 - 01/22/05 03:40 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

its not the retaliation but the lack of resolution that should be why you are moved... I'd focus on that... They were sent a final warning letter- thus should have been evicted when you made the next complaint and it could be verified. That is not acceptable.

You have rights as a tenant. if they aren't going to act to ensure those- they should move you. I would also plan on moving when my lease is up if I were you so I could get away from the lack of management before other things happen.

By the way- you have rights beyond that. Talk to a lawyer- its illegal to have provided your name. I called on a neighbor shooting a gun in a barrel once and my name was given as well as which house I live in. the cop who did so lost his job over it. I also firmly believe it may have soemthing to do with the fires at our current (soon to be no longer) residence in the last 15 months!

Most cities have noise codes. excessive noise is a violation of your rights and you can call the cops rather then security- they will come to your apartment first- and hopefully respond fast enough to hear the noise! then go to the neighbors and give them a warning followed by tickets. Maybe the monetary expense will be enough for them to realize this has to stop!


Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: Help! Need Advice. new
      #140894 - 01/22/05 07:46 AM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Wow- that's really frustrating. And in a weird way, I feel bad for your neighbors- seems like they're having a lot of problems in their relationship.

I would say moving is a good idea, for one thing it would be nice to move somewhere with a more stable management team. However, every single apartment I ever lived in had some sort of horrible major drawback, so who knows.

It is interesting that they haven't done anything to retaliate yet- were these incidents over a period of time? It could be that they're not bad people, they're just in a horribly disintergrating relationship and it's causing them to act like jerks.

Or they could just be jerks. Either way, I hope you figure something out soon to save your sanity.

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I agree - call the cops! new
      #140903 - 01/22/05 08:08 AM

Reged: 01/04/05
Posts: 740
Loc: Manchester, NH

Ahhhh...isn't apartment living fun??? I would definitely call the cops the next time this happens. I'd be willing to bet that they'd be WAY more help than what you have been receiving!

IBS-A, pain predominant

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Re: I agree - call the cops! new
      #140908 - 01/22/05 08:23 AM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

Thanks everybody for your replies! The apartment manager didn't give my actual name, but said that it was my apartment that complained. Since I'm the only one who lives here - that sort of limits the possibilities of who could have complained!

Since they haven't done anything or threatened me, I don't think they would actually do something. However, they haven't gotten evicted yet so maybe that would push their buttons.

I'm really hesitant to call the cops. Sometimes they go through 2-3 minutes of silence where I think they just stare at each other, and then start yelling again. Part of me is afraid that if I call the cops, they'll be done by the time the cops show up. Sometimes they'll argue for hours, while other times they'll just argue for 20 minutes (just enough to wake me up and cause insomnia for a few hours!).

Regardless, I think I will call the police next time since the courtesy patrol recommended I call the police too. I can just tell the police that they told me to call.

However, this is the first time that I've complained since that final warning. And since there is no manager on site, I have to wait until the intern manager shows up next Tuesday to talk to her. I would think that this complaint would be the one to evict them. Although the last manager told me that sometimes they just don't let them renew their leases when they run out! Which is dumb because then I'd have to put up with them until their lease ran out.

My mom suggested that I tell this apartment management that I want out of my lease, and then I contact the old management that still has apartment complexes in San Jose and tell them that they need to move me (all expenses paid!) to an apartment in their community and waive my deposit until it is released from the current management (20 days after I move). I did really like their community and the services that they offered, and I'm sure this was just a bad manager.

Thanks for all the advice you guys! I slept on my couch last night just in case they argued because I knew I would not have the patience to deal with it again.

- Jennifer

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Re: Help! Need Advice. new
      #140909 - 01/22/05 08:26 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I have had LOTS of bad/noisy neigbours and it just plain sucks!

All the neighbours that I am having problems with in this building know it's me, or my unit. The people next door have recieved numerous complaints and after them still not being quiet, I now bang on the wall. They sometimes turn it down. And they know it's me. The worst they've done is give me dirty looks. But the management is involved so they wouldn't dare relatiate. Well, unless they want to be evicted or have the cops involved.

If I were you, I would DEFINITELY move ASAP. They're both just too screwed up and should break up if they can't get along. Screaming matches that wake you up froma sound sleep are unacceptable. Unless they get evicted or decide to move in the next week, I would just leave. Get out of that mess! Please.

Keep us updated please.

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Jeesh! new
      #140938 - 01/22/05 09:24 AM

Reged: 07/01/04
Posts: 2350
Loc: Minnesota

I wasn't online yesterday, so I didn't see your post until now!

What a mess! I've been there done that too! When DH and I lived in our only apartment, we had neighbors that would actually take their fights into the hallway and out the door to the parking lot... right under our windows! They would even get pretty physical at times (well, usually it was the woman getting physical while the guy would do whatever he could to defend himself. ).

One night we finally called the police on them, and got to listen to the entire thing... it was summer and we had our deck door and windows open. As it turned out, the woman was wanted by the police for forging checks at her last place of employment and the guy never knew about it. Funny how things can turn out, huh! They hauled her off to jail and the guy was left to evaluate his relationship.

We felt bad that the poor guy had to find out what kind of a woman he was dating through the police, but happy that we didn't have to deal with the loud fights any longer.

I hope everything turns out ok for you with this! I do agree with what other people have said... I don't think you're overreacting, but you might want to look into moving yourself.

Good luck! Keep us updated on how it turns out!

~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!

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Apartment Living stinks! new
      #140945 - 01/22/05 09:42 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Tina and I were talking about our frustrations with Noisy apartment neighbors a little while back. It stinks that you have no control over who the landlord allows to live and continue to live in your "home" environment.

I know in my case the stress of noisy neighbors is definately aggravating my Health (physical and emotional) and that my IBS suffers from it! But like you, apartment living is the only option right now. Unfortunately even moving doesn't guarentee silence, but I think it would definately be a big improvement over what your going through now. That's horribe and you should'nt be expected to live under those circumstances.

I think you've already gotten some good advice from the others and I agree with all of them. You should move. And if the neighbors have known it was you complaining this whole time and they haven't done anything to get back at you yet, I don't think they will. They probably would have done it already. But still, I think you should take the advice that everyone has already offered.

GL Jennifer Rose. I'm so sorry you are being forced to deal with something like this.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Apartment living does suck... new
      #140978 - 01/22/05 11:02 AM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

I agree that if you have the means to move you might as well. Even if you call the cops and get them evicted or to change their behavior, it will take a lot of effort and discomfort on your part. Plus, you may not really be able to fix the situation. It may be easier to just change apts and hope for better neighbors next time (I don't really see how it can get worse )


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UPDATE - Help! Need Advice. new
      #141782 - 01/24/05 06:49 AM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

After sleeping on my couch the last 2 nights, I decided that I was going to suck it up and sleep in my own bed last night. Since my allergies had been bugging me all day, I was feeling really drained and tired. Decided to take some Tylonel Sinus PM and figured that would help if they started arguing too - could sleep right through it!

Apparently not. At 3:20am, I woke up to drawers being opened and closed, closet doors moving back and forth, and yelling with profanities! I tried to ignore it for a couple minutes until I reached for my phone to dial the courtesy patrol. They said they'd send someone and I tried to go back to sleep because at that point I was very nauseous from being woken up on the medication.

Just as I was about to get back to sleep, I hear a knock somewhere. I thought it was my door at first so I went to check, but nobody was there. So I glanced out the window and there's 2 cop cars out front! The courtesy patrol called the cops and they actually knocked on their door to tell them to shut up.

About 20 minutes later, I see the cops escorting a male to his car and making sure that he drives away. Guess they told the guy to go find another place to stay. Will be interesting when I call the management office this morning!

- Jennifer

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Re: UPDATE - Help! Need Advice. new
      #141788 - 01/24/05 06:56 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!

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Re: UPDATE - Help! Need Advice. new
      #141818 - 01/24/05 07:40 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

at least someone got the police involved.. thats domestic abuse- even if its emotional and he's not hitting her and its abusive of your rights to make you listen to it..

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: UPDATE - Help! Need Advice. new
      #141824 - 01/24/05 08:05 AM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

Yeah, I am hoping to solve this whole thing by tomorrow. I'm going to call the regional office of my old management and talk to a manager there. See if they can get me moved to one of their communities and first month's rent free for having to move in the first place! That would save me a lot of money this month if it could happen.

- Jennifer

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Re: UPDATE - Help! Need Advice. new
      #141857 - 01/24/05 09:15 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

ugh! What an awful situation!! Well, now that the cops have been involved, it should be easier to actually have something done about it! You shouldn't have to live like this!! I don't think you are overacting at all. I certainly hope it gets resolved soon!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Now it's war! new
      #142614 - 01/25/05 02:43 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

Here's my update on my saga:

I called Mon morning and got a new person there. I had him verify that they had mentioned my apartment number in the complaints. I'm glad I did this because the last girl was wrong! The courtesy patrol people had mentioned my apartment number to the management and that's what Isabel (office clerk) seen. Big sigh of relief there! Darn office girl for making me stress all weekend, though!

But I still had the problem with my neighbors. In short, I basically got told today that they can probably move me to a different apartment, except they don't have any right now. They can't give me any discounts on anything. But they will be giving the tenants a 3-day legal notice that says if they do anything else during their stay that they will be given a 60-day eviction notice. Woop-di-do! That means I still have to put up with them for at least 60 more days, and then my lease expires too!

And here's the worst part - they raised the pet deposit from $250 to $500!!! I can barely come up with $250, how the heck am I gonna do $500? I was furious.

So I wrote a 3 page letter and gave it to the office, and told them that they need to change my lease so that it expires by the end of this month. That's the least they could do for me! Waiting back on a reply because the guy has to talk to his regional manager, but he said my letter was beautiful and that he was so sorry for all I've gone through.

I posted my letter because I was so proud of it here: web page. Of course I "XXX"'d out confidential info.

Will let you know what the regional manager says! The guy has been refusing to give me her name, but I did my own research and got her name and number! So if I don't like my answer I will be calling her direct.

- Jennifer

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Good for you! new
      #142623 - 01/25/05 02:50 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

You look after yourself! WHat a messy situation.

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Re: Good for you! new
      #142627 - 01/25/05 02:52 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

Thanks, Linz! Can you tell I want to be a lawyer?

- Jennifer

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Re: Now it's war! new
      #142669 - 01/25/05 04:37 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

VERY WELL written... let us know what happens!


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Jennifer new
      #142722 - 01/25/05 07:41 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I read you're letter and it's amazing. If this doesn't do the trick, I don't know what will!

Best of luck getting out of there! I feel for ya.

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Re: Now it's war! new
      #142727 - 01/25/05 08:04 PM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

nice letter! Very well organized. Standing up for yourself in apartment living is a tough battle. I have been taken advantage of by the managment of my apartment complex, and wish I could go at them with the tenacity that you do! Luckily I live in a quiet complex, but I have not had consistent heat for both of my winters here, so this will be my last.
Why are good apartments so hard to find?
And good luck Jen! I hope they come around, they really owe you one. plenty of other tenants would be less civilized then you are, or they would just plain move out in the middle of the night!


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Re: Now it's war! new
      #142732 - 01/25/05 08:24 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

Thanks guys! The votes of confidence really help - especially now.

I am really creeped out now. When I got home from looking at that other apartment, a man was standing at the bottom of my neighbor's stairs. He watched me pull in the driveway, drive past him to my parking spot, and park. Then he stood there for a couple minutes (I refused to get out of my car!), and went upstairs and stood in front of his apartment door! I know he's gotta be my neighbor - never seen these people. Anyways, he stood out there for TWO minutes watching my car! I had my mom on my cell phone at the time and when he finally went inside, I made her stay on the phone with me while I walked to my apartment (had to go PAST his apartment!!). I was sooo creeped out! I did not want a conflict with him. Especially after my BF pointed out that they probably gave him his 3 day notice that if they make any more noise, they get evicted!

Needless to say I felt very shaken afterwards and immediately called the regional manager's voicemail and left a message explaining what happened and that I shouldn't have to live like this. I cancelled my plans tonight so I wouldn't have to walk back outside and will be taking my overnight bag just in case I can't find anyone to walk me home tomorrow night when I get home from school at 9:00pm.

This thing is definitely getting resolved tomorrow!

- Jennifer

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Re: Now it's war! new
      #142733 - 01/25/05 08:24 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


WOW! First, I'm sorry for everything you've gone through.

You're studying to be a lawyer, right? If should be!

Let us know what happens...I'm sorry you're going through this. However...I'm SO GLAD you're DOING something about it! YOU GO GIRL!

Wishing you luck...but you won't need it!



Formerly known as Ruchie

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Jennifer new
      #142809 - 01/26/05 06:56 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I love your letter! You did a great job of documenting everything. They need to not only release you of your contract, but they should also refund every cent of money you've paid in rent---and they should find you a new and bigger place to live!!!!! (Well, it won't hurt to ask, will it? All they can say is no!)

Good luck! And I hope you get this resolved soon. I can't survive without sleep either.

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LOL BL! new
      #142830 - 01/26/05 07:40 AM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

Heads are going to roll if I don't get this thing resolved today. I had two IBS attacks last night - I'm sure from all the stress this is causing. Plus I start school tonight so I am determined to get this thing figured out and solved.

I am a little nervous about coming home tonight late and walking to my apartment. Hopefully Mike will be able to come spend the night with me so I won't have to be worried.

Thank you guys for all your responses! They make me feel so much better and encourage me to continue to do the right thing.

- Jennifer

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Resolution - FINALLY! new
      #142912 - 01/26/05 10:19 AM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

I called this morning and talked to Hugo in the management office (who has been a BIG help through all this). He said that I can be released from my lease, no problem. But by law, I have to give a 30-day notice. Which sucks, but it is better than nothing!

So I will be writing my 30-day notice at lunch, as well as a letter of appreciation for Hugo for helping me so much with this.

Moving Days: February 25th & 26th! Already asked for the 25th off.

Thanks everyone for listening to me complain through this tough time. Looking forward to packing without rushing and finding a nice duplex (only one neighbor!) that's right for me. And it also must allow cats because I am definitely getting one now! Sheesh.

- Jennifer

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Re: Resolution - FINALLY! new
      #142924 - 01/26/05 10:36 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Jen, this is GREAT news *hugs* Way to go!

So, what kind of cat do you want? That sounds exciting!

I'm glad things are looking up :-)

Yippee for Jen!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Resolution - FINALLY! new
      #142925 - 01/26/05 10:37 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

WWOOOHHHHHOOO!!! This is great news.... how are you going to handle moving expenses??


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Re: Resolution - FINALLY! new
      #142929 - 01/26/05 10:50 AM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA


WWOOOHHHHHOOO!!! This is great news.... how are you going to handle moving expenses??

Yeeeaaaahhh... that's a really good question that I've been afraid to think about. It looks like unless I win the lottery, Seattle might need to be delayed. Already in the poor house.

All I really have to come up with is the deposit for whichever place I get. I have a few side jobs that I'm doing for family, and I'm going to hurry and do my taxes so hopefully I can get my tax return back in time. My boys move me (this will be their 4th time, though!) or I will check the unemployment office for some guys who are looking for a side job.

Going back to Seattle, Mike had a really good idea. We've always wanted to go on a train trip so we thought maybe we'd take a train up to see you! June would be a better month for that since it's summer time and I don't have any school to worry about. Plus I can save up tons of money by then.

- Jennifer

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Re: Resolution - FINALLY! new
      #142943 - 01/26/05 11:15 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA



WWOOOHHHHHOOO!!! This is great news.... how are you going to handle moving expenses??

Yeeeaaaahhh... that's a really good question that I've been afraid to think about. Oh, sorry to bring it up then It looks like unless I win the lottery, Seattle might need to be delayed. Oh BUMMER... but I understand that..... Already in the poor house.

All I really have to come up with is the deposit for whichever place I get. Approx what would that run? I have a few side jobs that I'm doing for family, and I'm going to hurry and do my taxes so hopefully I can get my tax return back in time. My boys move me (this will be their 4th time, though!) or I will check the unemployment office for some guys who are looking for a side job.

Going back to Seattle, Mike had a really good idea. We've always wanted to go on a train trip so we thought maybe we'd take a train up to see you! June would be a better month for that since it's summer time and I don't have any school to worry about. Plus I can save up tons of money by then. Oh, YES.... June is much better here!! Just a sec...let me look at my PDA and see if we PLAN to not be around for any of the weekends..............................
.............. OK, so far so good! Oh, Shane can find ALL KINDS of things for us to do in June!! (maybe even a Mariner's game?)


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Re: Resolution - FINALLY! new
      #142956 - 01/26/05 11:38 AM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA



WWOOOHHHHHOOO!!! This is great news.... how are you going to handle moving expenses??

Yeeeaaaahhh... that's a really good question that I've been afraid to think about. Oh, sorry to bring it up then LOL Don't worry about it.. I need to start thinking about it anyways! It looks like unless I win the lottery, Seattle might need to be delayed. Oh BUMMER... but I understand that..... Already in the poor house.

All I really have to come up with is the deposit for whichever place I get. Approx what would that run? Depends - I'm looking into getting a 2 bdrm duplex, which is usually the same price as a 1 bdrm apartment! The deposit is double, though, ranging around $1000 or so. I have a few side jobs that I'm doing for family, and I'm going to hurry and do my taxes so hopefully I can get my tax return back in time. My boys move me (this will be their 4th time, though!) or I will check the unemployment office for some guys who are looking for a side job.

Going back to Seattle, Mike had a really good idea. We've always wanted to go on a train trip so we thought maybe we'd take a train up to see you! June would be a better month for that since it's summer time and I don't have any school to worry about. Plus I can save up tons of money by then. Oh, YES.... June is much better here!! Just a sec...let me look at my PDA and see if we PLAN to not be around for any of the weekends..............................
.............. OK, so far so good! Oh, Shane can find ALL KINDS of things for us to do in June!! (maybe even a Mariner's game?)
Oooh.. Mike would LOVE to go to a Mariner's game! He's loves baseball. Plus his birthday is in June so we can celebrate it at the same time! (he's hitting a decade year so it's a big birthday.. shhh.. I didn't say that! LOL) Yes, June sounds like it would be MUCH better! The problem will be that I won't know until May which weekend we can do because it depends what's going on at his work. He's hopefully getting promoted within the next couple weeks so hopefully by June, he'll have things under control!

- Jennifer

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Re: Resolution - FINALLY! new
      #142959 - 01/26/05 11:43 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA




WWOOOHHHHHOOO!!! This is great news.... how are you going to handle moving expenses??

Yeeeaaaahhh... that's a really good question that I've been afraid to think about. Oh, sorry to bring it up then LOL Don't worry about it.. I need to start thinking about it anyways! It looks like unless I win the lottery, Seattle might need to be delayed. Oh BUMMER... but I understand that..... Already in the poor house.

All I really have to come up with is the deposit for whichever place I get. Approx what would that run? Depends - I'm looking into getting a 2 bdrm duplex, which is usually the same price as a 1 bdrm apartment! The deposit is double, though, ranging around $1000 or so. ouch! lets can we raise money or Jen? I have a few side jobs that I'm doing for family, and I'm going to hurry and do my taxes so hopefully I can get my tax return back in time. My boys move me (this will be their 4th time, though!) or I will check the unemployment office for some guys who are looking for a side job.

Going back to Seattle, Mike had a really good idea. We've always wanted to go on a train trip so we thought maybe we'd take a train up to see you! June would be a better month for that since it's summer time and I don't have any school to worry about. Plus I can save up tons of money by then. Oh, YES.... June is much better here!! Just a sec...let me look at my PDA and see if we PLAN to not be around for any of the weekends..............................
.............. OK, so far so good! Oh, Shane can find ALL KINDS of things for us to do in June!! (maybe even a Mariner's game?)
Oooh.. Mike would LOVE to go to a Mariner's game! He's loves baseball. Plus his birthday is in June so we can celebrate it at the same time! (he's hitting a decade year so it's a big birthday.. shhh.. I didn't say that! LOL) cool...that will be fun! Yes, June sounds like it would be MUCH better! The problem will be that I won't know until May which weekend we can do because it depends what's going on at his work. He's hopefully getting promoted within the next couple weeks so hopefully by June, he'll have things under control! That is ok....we will deal with it...and we can BBQ too!! Should be good beach weather by then.... We will need to keep Kandee in the loop too in case she wants to make a trip over too...


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Re: Resolution - FINALLY! new
      #142977 - 01/26/05 12:24 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA


All I really have to come up with is the deposit for whichever place I get. Approx what would that run? Depends - I'm looking into getting a 2 bdrm duplex, which is usually the same price as a 1 bdrm apartment! The deposit is double, though, ranging around $1000 or so. ouch! lets can we raise money or Jen?

LOL - Well, I've been considering my options, but the few extra pounds I've gained prohibit me from asking Roxy to get me a job...

In reality, I'm not too worried about it. I can borrow the money with no problems, but I hate borrowing! I am the little Miss Independent, which drives my family nuts sometimes - especially my dad! He likes to help and I do let him sometimes, but not all the time.

- Jennifer

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Re: Resolution - FINALLY! new
      #142984 - 01/26/05 12:28 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA



All I really have to come up with is the deposit for whichever place I get. Approx what would that run? Depends - I'm looking into getting a 2 bdrm duplex, which is usually the same price as a 1 bdrm apartment! The deposit is double, though, ranging around $1000 or so. ouch! lets can we raise money or Jen?

LOL - Well, I've been considering my options, but the few extra pounds I've gained prohibit me from asking Roxy to get me a job... LOL I should have seen that one coming!

In reality, I'm not too worried about it. I can borrow the money with no problems, but I hate borrowing! I am the little Miss Independent, which drives my family nuts sometimes - especially my dad! He likes to help and I do let him sometimes, but not all the time. OK...good...I'm glad you've got help there IF you need it!


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YEAH, Jennifer! You did it! ---nt--- new
      #143004 - 01/26/05 12:55 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

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