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Hello! new
      #104863 - 09/09/04 06:38 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

Hi Everybody,

I apologize as it's been a while since I have posted. It's been a pretty crazy few weeks. I had some time off mid August and got to go home, I got to spend the weekend at a friend's cottage and enjoy some of the summer weather.

I had been back in Thompson only a week when I had an incident while flying, it was kind of a scary moment, but everything is ok, although I did end up getting an extra week off (not really by choice but I won't complain) so I ended up going back to Ontario and hiding out at my cousin's house in Hamilton. It was such a good time! Right before I left I also got an annoying computer virus and for the longest time wasn't able to stay logged in when I wanted to post a message. But I've got that all sorted out now

I have gotten fed up with things. My job is ok, but overall I'm really not happy with things so I have pretty much decided that I'm gonna take at least a semester off and go to school. I sent my application in for McMaster in Hamilton the other day, so hopefully that will work out. I'm not sure if I want to give up the flying for good, but a change will be VERY good for me.

I've been checking in every so often and trying to keep up with things. I hope you're all doing well!


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Re: Hello! new
      #104875 - 09/09/04 10:02 PM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hey Jamie!

A flying incident? That doesn't sound good...glad everything is ok

Just wanted to say welcome back and I hope you get into Mac!


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Re: Hello! new
      #104880 - 09/09/04 11:15 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Hello sweetie! I'm sorry you had a scarry time in the air....hope all is well now.

Good luck with getting into the school you want.

Glad you got some FUN time off..... you needed it.

Take care of yourself and keep us posted.



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Re: Hello! new
      #104946 - 09/10/04 10:19 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

make sure that you take care of yourself, Jamie.
You sound like a pretty smart guy, I am sure that you will get into the school that you want and love it. I am also sure that whatever you wind up doing for a living you will love. Not many people wind up doing for life what they started out doing anyways!
Everything will turn out.
hey, wait... countrygirl's post reminded me that MY birthday is coming up... and that means YOURS is too!


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Re: HI Jamie new
      #104978 - 09/10/04 11:55 AM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

I have missed you Jamie, but glad to hear you are ok. It sounds like you did some relaxing while on time off.

Good you are taking time off and going back to school, you seemed relieved to have made that decision.

Hope all goes good for you, take care! gayla

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Hey Jamie! new
      #104986 - 09/10/04 12:25 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Hey there flyboy!

I've been thinking about you and wondering what was happening with you. So glad you "returned."

We moved into our new home, which, as you might remember, is just up from the lake. It's a huge lake (the County's reservoir), about 10 miles long, and there are several sea planes on it. They fly overhead, and I really enjoy watching them. That's the height (ouch) -- having a beautiful home on the lake WITH your own plane and your own dock. Pretty neat, eh?

Please don't give up flying. I know it's not the flying that you're frustrated with. Congratulations on returning to school. I did that too -- and I wasn't sorry (just broke). I hope you enjoy being back in school and that you get a lot out of it. Then I hope you return to your flying. Maybe eventually buy your own sea plane? Eh?


<img src="">Bevvy

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Re: Hey Jamie! new
      #105138 - 09/11/04 08:49 AM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

Don't worry Bev, I'll still at least keep flying as a hobby and I haven't yet decided that I don't want to do it as a job, but as a job I've been pretty disappointed. There are things that I think are more important than a job that I have and will have to sacrifice if I keep flying as a career. I haven't given up, but I also know that I have to explore other options before I spend another 5 years trying to get lots of flying hours only to get an airline job and then get laid off.

But ya, having my own floatplane would be great. Have a cottage and fly there

Thanks for everybodies' hello's. And Sheri, I had forgotten that my birthday was coming up, thanks for reminding me


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Welcome Back Jamie new
      #105244 - 09/12/04 05:49 AM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland

Congratulations on going back to school. As far as your job goes, you will know the right decision to make that is best for you. You are right though that work isn't everything in life.

Good luck!


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Re: Hello! new
      #105328 - 09/12/04 12:46 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Hi, Jamie! Welcome back. Good to hear from you.

Keep it simple!

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Hi Jamie! new
      #105334 - 09/12/04 01:11 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I was wondering where you'd gotten to. Welcome back, good to hear from you... and good luck with the college app!

An "incident", huh? Sounds... not fun! Glad you're ok!

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Ahem... Jamie.... new
      #105503 - 09/13/04 09:50 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

we can't both be gone for a while and then pop up a few days apart! they're REALLY going to think something is going on between us now! (so much for our secret!)


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Re: Ahem... Jamie.... new
      #105510 - 09/13/04 10:08 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

I KNEW IT!! hehehe


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Okay, spill the beans! WHERE have you two been??? - nt new
      #105531 - 09/13/04 10:58 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

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Re: Ahem... Jamie.... new
      #105534 - 09/13/04 11:00 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

So it IS true! J/K!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Hello!
      #105536 - 09/13/04 11:04 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


It's great you're back....sorry about the bad experience. What will you be studying in school? Keep us posted!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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SHHHH!!! we'd like to continue keeping it a secret, guys. -nt- new
      #105622 - 09/13/04 02:28 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA


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Re: Hello! new
      #105676 - 09/13/04 05:41 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

Dude, i know what you mean about getting fed up with it all at times, I work in animal health science, sure is a lot of boring repetitive stuff involved there. Try hard not to give up the flying completely, i know i sure miss it. If you don't mind me asking, what was the incident? Always curious about flying related stuff is all, if it's not something you'd like to share, no probs.!
Have just finished the hypno course, think it was well worth the effort!

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Ralph! new
      #105685 - 09/13/04 06:33 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Hey Ralph, what is animal health science??? I'm very curious.

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OooooOOOoohhhh! I shoulda known! -nt- new
      #105691 - 09/13/04 06:48 PM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey


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Re: Hello! new
      #105821 - 09/14/04 01:04 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

Hey Ralph,

Ya I'm gonna do my best to keep up my flying cause it is quite enjoyable. Maybe I'll just keep is as a hobby, going only when I want to.

I don't mind telling you about the incident but preferably not on the public forum. It wasn't terribly serious and I wasn't in any life threatening danger, but still, not the funnest thing ever.

That's good that the hypno worked for you. I have found that they haven't totally stopped the problems, but overall I do feel more relaxed about things.


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Re: SHHHH!!! we'd like to continue keeping it a secret, guys. -nt- new
      #105822 - 09/14/04 01:06 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

well Jen,

I guess we might as well tell them. They do seem like a smart bunch. Here it goes everybody:

Jen is actually my daughter

so there, now you know

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Re: Ralph! new
      #105866 - 09/14/04 05:11 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

Hi Chinagirl, well i work for the state government Department of Primary Industries. Basically the area i am in is pathology for production animals such as cattle, sheep, goats etc. and a few strange "boutique" industries such as llamas, alpacas, emu's etc. So if a producer has illness in his herds, we receive the samples for testing to figure out what is wrong. The dep. also plays major roles in exotic disease surveillance, we're lucky being an isolated country (for many reasons)but you can't be too careful!
Not a terribly glam occupation, but thanks for asking, got to do something to keep the wolves from the door, and pay for the fun things eh!


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Re: Mad Cow Disease? new
      #105870 - 09/14/04 05:17 PM

Reged: 06/22/04
Posts: 2018
Loc: USA

Hi Ralph! Just read your post about what your job title means. Did you ever find mad cow disease in any of the cattle? Just curious........Scares the heck out of us here in the states !


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Re: Hello! new
      #105886 - 09/14/04 06:07 PM

Reged: 10/08/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Northern NY

Hey Jamie!! I was just coming here to pop in and make a similar appology for staying away so long, but I may as well respond to yours first. Appology accepted... but don't do it again, young man!

Sorry to hear about your flying mishap. I believe things happen for a reason, though, so maybe you just needed this time away from flying. Who knows. Or maybe I'm just feeling philosophical tonight.

Take care and hopefully I'll see you around!

"Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield

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Re: Mad Cow Disease? new
      #105922 - 09/14/04 11:19 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

Hi there, no there is no mad cow disease present in Aussie, thankfully, however we have had plenty of scientists involved with overseas outbreaks, and taskforce structures are in place to jump into action if there is any hint of exotic disease outbreaks.
So at the moment we can tuck into our big juicy steaks here in oz, (and to hell with the IBS!)without having to worry!
Like i said, we're lucky here, but must be vigilant.


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Re: SHHHH!!! we'd like to continue keeping it a secret, guys. -nt- new
      #105924 - 09/14/04 11:24 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

Man, you started young, and such good looking offspring too, you must be so proud....

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:) new
      #105930 - 09/14/04 11:39 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Good one Jamie.... your daughter! LOL

Hi ya Ralph..... I LOVE your pic... another handsome man.... I tell ya... all the IBS'rs are pretty!!


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HEY JAMIE (uh.... DAD!)!! you let the cat out of the bag! *gasp* -nt- new
      #106012 - 09/15/04 10:35 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA


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Impressive! you just flattered 2 people at once without even breaking a sweat! -nt- new
      #106014 - 09/15/04 10:35 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA


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Re: Ralph! new
      #106016 - 09/15/04 10:39 AM

Reged: 08/04/04
Posts: 218
Loc: Pennsylvania

Hey Ralph,

I'm a pre-vet student and this past summer I worked in a pathology/ diagnostic testing lab. I really loved it (but as my family says I'm just weird 'cause most people don't like dead animals). What exactly do you do?


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Hey Jamie, how old are you anyway??? HEH!!!!!-nt- new
      #106057 - 09/15/04 02:08 PM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas


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Re: Impressive! you just flattered 2 people at once without even breaking a sweat! -nt- new
      #106099 - 09/15/04 04:41 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

aaah, it was nothin, and for my next trick........

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Re: Ralph! new
      #106100 - 09/15/04 04:46 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

Hi meg, i gotta say i prefer them alive myself, cos when they turn up in buckets they are usually on the nose!
I work as a techie in the parasitology department of the vet lab.......oh such a glamorous career i fell into, i did it for the chicks and the kudos!!!!

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Re: :) new
      #106101 - 09/15/04 04:49 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

aw shucks (blushing) thanks babe!

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And it is just to bad that... new
      #106126 - 09/15/04 08:51 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

Jamie and Ralph will miss out on all the beautiful young un-escorted single women that are coming to the Las Vegas Fall Sprawl next month...... They would LOVE the odds!!!


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Re: And it is just to bad that... new
      #106138 - 09/15/04 10:35 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

c'mon now stop teasing the animals.........

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Suave, isn't he?! -nt- new
      #106150 - 09/16/04 02:59 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

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Re: And it is just to bad that... new
      #106235 - 09/16/04 10:48 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Animals huh? do tell... lol

Hey single gals.... Rob NY is single too....and he will be there..... too bad Jamie & Ralph.....your gonna be missing out......

Oh, this is gonna be so fun!!


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The 2 legged kind........ new
      #106245 - 09/16/04 11:07 AM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California


c'mon now stop teasing the animals.........

You LIKE pacing the cage????


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LMBO new
      #106256 - 09/16/04 11:28 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA



c'mon now stop teasing the animals.........

You LIKE pacing the cage????

LMBO.....Kandee you are TOO funny!!


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Re: And it is just to bad that... new
      #106295 - 09/16/04 01:01 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

You all make me jealous! I wish I could go I know it'll be an awesome trip!


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Re: And it is just to bad that... new
      #106296 - 09/16/04 01:08 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


You all make me jealous! I wish I could go I know it'll be an awesome trip!

Yes, it will be.... we wish you could make it too. Maybe next year? We have not picked a location yet.... but hopefully you can make it.


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Re: And it is just to bad that... new
      #106327 - 09/16/04 02:17 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

Thanks Shell! Maybe next year I need a vacation!


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Re: And it is just to bad that... new
      #106359 - 09/16/04 05:51 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California


You all make me jealous! I wish I could go I know it'll be an awesome trip!

Oh Cara, we wish you could join us too. But, like Shell would say, "we'll party with your spirit". (At least I think that's how she puts it.) Maybe next year you can attend!!!


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Re: And it is just to bad that... new
      #106416 - 09/17/04 06:08 AM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

Thanks Kandee! I would love to see Vegas, but I don't gamble, so I don't know when I'll ever get there Hopefully I'll be able to go next year!!


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Re: And it is just to bad that... new
      #106461 - 09/17/04 09:02 AM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California


Thanks Kandee! I would love to see Vegas, but I don't gamble, so I don't know when I'll ever get there Hopefully I'll be able to go next year!!

Oh honey, I was there last March for 3 days and never gambled once. There were so many fantastic free attractions and shows that I couldn't get to all of them, let alone spend anytime loosing my money gambling or drinking. I think that's the misconception everyone has of Vegas..that's it's often called "sin city" which it isn't (only part of it). Some historians are calling it one of the "Seven Wonders of the Modern World" based on the architecture and engineering feats that have gone into the mega structures. It just gets better and better each year!


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Re: And it is just to bad that... new
      #106493 - 09/17/04 10:41 AM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

Oh I know there's much more to do there than gamble, my parents go a lot...but I thought that's what everyone would be doing on the sprawl! I would love to go there and just see it all. Hopefully I can convince my husband of that sometime!


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Nah.... new
      #106508 - 09/17/04 11:33 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Nah.... Shane does not gamble either... he wants to spend some time at the pool (I think even the top-less one that is new at the Stratosphere....he has to show off his new IRON MAN BODY ya know!! hehehe ) and we will see a few shows also lots of cool night time light shows from what Kandee tells me. Sure there will be gambling, eating, drinking...and fun fun fun....but we will not spend MOST of it gambeling....


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But it's STILL to bad that.. new
      #106590 - 09/17/04 04:21 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

Jamie and Ralph will miss out on all the beautiful young unescorted women attending.............guess Rob will have to have a few on each arm!!! hehe..



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Re: But it's STILL to bad that.. new
      #106861 - 09/19/04 04:31 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

what a shame about the several thousand miles between here and there.........

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