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Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #100692 - 08/23/04 04:24 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #100885 - 08/24/04 09:32 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
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Loc: New York City

I bet you're right, Shell!!

Keep it simple!

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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #100895 - 08/24/04 09:54 AM

Reged: 06/17/03
Posts: 1140
Loc: Michigan

Hey girls....LOL. I'm here, just lurking. I've been super-busy and tired lately.

I found out I'm pregnant!!

So, I'm totally exhausted all the time!! No nausea, though. I went to the doc's to follow up with my colonoscopy and he said that I do, in fact, have IBS. The only thing that can help right now is Zelnorm, but I can't take it because I'm pregnant. I'm already IBS-C, and I'm not looking forward to getting more backed up with each month.

I'm due April 13. A TOTAL honeymoon baby! We're both so happy. We decided on the honeymoon to begin to try to get pg, and it worked!!

Hope all is well with you two and with everyone else!!


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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #100900 - 08/24/04 10:01 AM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

That is wonderful, CONGRATS!!! That is great news! I'm very happy for you and hubby!

Here hoping you won't get morning sickness!


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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt-
      #100903 - 08/24/04 10:04 AM

Reged: 06/17/03
Posts: 1140
Loc: Michigan

Cheers to that (with my virgin daqueri)!!!

My mom didn't have morning sickness, so I'm hoping I'm in the clear. I'm seven weeks today, so I don't know if I'm in the clear yet or not. Just insanely sore boobies (and I had to buy a bigger bra!!) and extreme exhaustion and headaches.


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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #100907 - 08/24/04 10:07 AM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

ya know...I think my morning sickness kicked in around 6 you might be ok! Especially if your mom didn't get sick. You tend to follow in your mom's footsteps! I sure did....sick with boys and REALLY sick with girls!!!

Yes...the boobs will get much bigger and the sorness will go away in the next month or two!


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Jules.... new
      #100908 - 08/24/04 10:09 AM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

Thought of one more thing. I really like this while I was pregnant..... web page Very good site. You can sign up for month to month development of your baby. Very cool! I loved this!


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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #100912 - 08/24/04 10:13 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Congrats on the pregnancy!! I am "trying" as well, I have had two recent miscarriages. I am also IBS C! You can get a prescription for Miralax to use during the pregnancy! The last Gastro guy I saw told me he gives it periodically to his pregnant wife! I used it in my first two pregnancies (Miscarriages due to low progesterone) and will continue to take it when I get pregnant again! I also use Heathers Acacia, which is safe for pregnancy!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Jules.... new
      #100913 - 08/24/04 10:13 AM

Reged: 06/17/03
Posts: 1140
Loc: Michigan

Ooh, yay! Thank you! I love things like this.

Oh, I did the Chinese Calendar thing, and it said that I am having a girl. What does it say for you? Was is accurate?

Hubby wants a boy and I thought I did too, but I really like the idea of having a girl.


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Jules Congrats On The TOTAL Honeymoon Baby!!!! -nt- new
      #100928 - 08/24/04 10:36 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
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Re: Jules.... new
      #100936 - 08/24/04 10:46 AM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

Well, I'm a bit shocked but here is a big Congratulations!!!!!!!!! How exciting!

Don't count on the chinese calander. According to that we are suppose to have a boy. She is not a boy or else we are in trouble. I have had 5 sonagrams and three of them said girl including the one at 29 weeks, which testicles should be visable. Actually, all those silly predictors told us boy and I guess my dh can only produce girls which is fine with me. I think it said one of the others was suppose to be a boy too. LOL

Morning sickness kicked in before I found out I was pregnant with the first two girls. This time I wasn't sick at all just really tired. Another reason we thought she was boy. Did you know the tiredness gets worse with each one? That is what the nurse told me because I couldn't believe how tired I was. Of course I had insomnia in the beginning. My IBS was much better by the second trimester. I can't help you with the constipation but I can say I can sympathize. I had some really bad episodes for a while. Baby center is my favorite baby website. I even post on the Oct. 2004 board. It's very helpful for first time mommies and even ones that already have children. Each child is so different.

Feel free to ask questions! This is such an exciting time. Are you ready for the big round belly?

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Re: Jules.... new
      #100942 - 08/24/04 10:54 AM

Reged: 06/17/03
Posts: 1140
Loc: Michigan

I was surprised at first too! My DH was out of town when I found out and I couldn't tell anyone for two days! I was just goin' crazy!

Wow, I don't see how I could possibly be more tired than I am now. I get home from work, eat dinner, then sleep on the couch with DH from about 8-10 pm, then get up and actually get into bed, then sleep until 7 am or so. This morning, though, I woke up at 4 am to pee and couldn't go back to sleep. I'm really dragging today.

I'm SO excited for the big belly. I think that my IBS is joining forces with the lil'one, and they both are making my tummy stick out already. What with the pregnancy AND IBS bloat, I'm already wearing prego clothes. Well, at least a couple of items. My mom went out and bought me a TON of maternity clothes (this is her first grandchild and she's really excited!) and I found that a skirt, a couple of shirts and a pair of cords fit me already. The waist bands in those clothes are just amazingly comfy. I think that I'll keep them after pregnancy for those extra special bloat days.

Anyway, I'm sure that I'll have tons of questions come up. Thanks in advance for being there to answer them for me!!


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Re: Jules.... new
      #100957 - 08/24/04 11:32 AM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York


I was surprised at first too! My DH was out of town when I found out and I couldn't tell anyone for two days! I was just goin' crazy!

I'm SO excited for the big belly. I think that my IBS is joining forces with the lil'one, and they both are making my tummy stick out already. What with the pregnancy AND IBS bloat, I'm already wearing prego clothes. Well, at least a couple of items. My mom went out and bought me a TON of maternity clothes (this is her first grandchild and she's really excited!) and I found that a skirt, a couple of shirts and a pair of cords fit me already. The waist bands in those clothes are just amazingly comfy. I think that I'll keep them after pregnancy for those extra special bloat days.

I can not keep it a secret when I find out no matter how hard I try. The girls were worse and we didn't want to tell anyone right away. I still have people ask if I'm pregnant or when I'm due. They are shocked when I say I have 8 weeks left.

My mom went out and bought me a ton of clothes when I was 10 weeks pregnant. She's never done that before. I think she was so excited that I was finally pregnant that she went a little crazy plus they had a great sale. I wish she had picked up some more pants. She only bought me one pair of pants and several shirts.

I went to Target and bought some draw string pants and they worked great. I seriously thought they would work through the pregnancy but I have discovered this weekend they will not. I'm still shocked. At least I can pack one of the pairs of pants in my hospital bag and wear it home. Remember that piece of advice, don't try to wear your jeans home. My friend did that with all three and she said this last time she thought she was going to die by the time she got home. The nerve of her. I couldn't even button mine when I came home.

I've hit the tired stage again and my dh gets mad at me for not going to bed. I will fall asleep on the couch and then not be able to get back to sleep when we go to bed. I've actually been able to make it through the night this time without having to go pee. It's been amazing. I'm sure I will before too long. Now the only thing that wakes me up, besides dh's alarm or the 6 am internal alarm my other two have is this little gymnast.

So do you have any names picked out? Are you going to keep it a secret?

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Re: Jules.... new
      #100959 - 08/24/04 11:47 AM

Reged: 06/17/03
Posts: 1140
Loc: Michigan

Yeah, we weren't going to tell anyone until I was two months or so along but my sister (who's engaged) called me literally an hour after I peed on the stick and said that she and her fiance were moving their wedding up to April from August. I told her this lie about going on family vacation with DH's parents and told her I'd call her back.

Finally finally DH came home and I told him. He was so happy!! Then I told him about my sister, and he said that we had to tell them. They wanted to get married basically on my due date and I'm the maid of honor. So, we told my sister... then I got to thinking: It's not fair that only she let's tell the rest of the family. So we did. Then just last week, my DH's best friend somehow found out and now the word is out.

Glad to hear that you can make it pretty far with stretchy-waisted pants. I love Target. I definitely plan on going there. I have grown out of all my pants because of IBS, so I definitely need more pants.

Wow, eight weeks left and people are shocked! May I ask how much weight you've gained? I'm worried about that. I'm up three pounds already and I'm only seven weeks today. My mom gained about 55 pounds with me and about 30 pounds with my sister. Hopefully I'll land somewhere in between.

Do you work out? I found a great video FitMama. It has salsa dancing and fat-burning yoga. It's great for the days when I have energy.

I've tried not to fall asleep while watching TV in the evenings, but I'm just so dang bone tired that I can't help it. On Sunday, we did absolutely did NOTHING all day, and that tired me out also. But I was also too tired to go out and do anything. Jeez.

Question for ya, my tummy is totally sticking out. I don't know if it's because of IBS, baby, or the fact that I'm just not "sucking it in" anymore. Did you experience that this early?

We have to names picked out: Boden (or Bodin) Michael for a boy and Payton Thomas for a girl. We only want two kids and my dad's middle name is Thomas and I wanted one of my kids to at least have his name. So, she gets it!!

You have names picked out? Are you keeping them a secret?

Sorry for the long post!!!


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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #100961 - 08/24/04 11:53 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Wow, that was fast!!! Congratulations!!!

Keep it simple!

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Re: Jules.... new
      #100976 - 08/24/04 12:22 PM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

Your tummy sticking out is common and is caused by our lovely intestines. That with the IBS makes it worse. Don't you hate it?

I've gained about 22 lbs. The only bad thing is that I gained most of my weight in the last month. I gained nothing the first trimester. It's that darn ice cream, cheese and junk I can eat now. I am trying to eat better again but sometimes it's so hard when I crave sugar and junk food. The funny thing is nothing really satisfies my cravings. I usually want the ice cream in the evening. I guess I better stop buying it and start being careful. I gained 50lbs with my first and only lost 5 lbs. Then I gained 20 lbs with my second and lost that. I lost almost 35 lbs when I got pregnant so my goal is to not gain that back. I should be okay if I be careful. I'm suppose to gain a pound a week so that would be about 30 lbs but I gained almost 5 lbs in two weeks. That was terrible.

I don't work out. I know I'm bad. The dr. actually said walking was the best exercise. I'm trying to do some stretches to get ready for labor but I've been lazy with it. I had a couple of scares this pregnancy and I was suppose to take it easy for a while. I guess I went a bit overboard but I wanted to make sure she was going to be okay. FitMama is suppose to be really good. I've heard a lot of people say they like it. I'm hoping to workout after the baby comes but we will see.

We picked out Thomas Lloyd for a boy after both of our dads but since we are having a girl we are naming her Zoe Anne. Zoe means life and Anne means grace. She already has her own little personality and it's just so neat. You'll really enjoy being pregnant once you get through this tired stage.

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Wow! Congratulations! That was fast! ---nt--- new
      #100977 - 08/24/04 12:26 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

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Re: Jules.... new
      #100993 - 08/24/04 01:25 PM

Reged: 06/17/03
Posts: 1140
Loc: Michigan

Holy moly, I really look about four months prego right now. Amazing. I'm not having any specific cravings right now. I mean, I love my popcorn and Sun Chips, but I won't die if I don't have them RIGHT NOW! I'm waiting for something to kick in. My mom said that she craved white chocolate when she was pg with me.

If I don't keep the junk in the house, I'm usually ok.

I'm not looking forward to the weight gain, even though it's for the lil'one. I feel fat already. But everyone says that I don't look it. I think I've developed this thin layer of fat over my entire body, and then an extra-special later around my abdomen. Sigh... I can't wait to look pg so then people will understand why.

If I was told to take it easy by my doc, I think that I would confine myself to a horizontal position as much as possible. I had some terrible cramping around four weeks, and my doc warned me of ectopic, so I've been rather lax about exercising. My DH encourages me, though, because he knows how much it will help me in labor.

I liked both names you picked out! Very cute. I'm looking forwarding to actually feeling pg, and feeling the little bean move about. So does DH, he keeps asking me when we'll know the sex and when it starts moving.

Such exciting stuff!!


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Congratulations, Jules! new
      #101012 - 08/24/04 01:57 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal

Oh, man. The hubby and I have been married three years now, and I am definitely feeling the baby itch! I'm not going to scratch it for another couple of years, though! (We've both got to finish grad school first!)

I'm so happy for you! And you're so fortunate to have gotten pregnant so easily!


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Wow!!! Congratulations, Jules!! -nt- new
      #101024 - 08/24/04 02:26 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #101032 - 08/24/04 02:43 PM

Reged: 08/24/04
Posts: 1

How exciting for you! I had to reply because I'm in the same boat and I know sometimes it's nice to hear what other's are experiencing. I'm 5 weeks and have had IBS-C for what seems like a lifetime. I always took the easy way out & would take a laxative Friday night so I could get some relief on the weekend. I tried Zelnorm & it worked for 2 weeks then stopped working. Now that I'm pregnant I've had to stop taking laxatives & decided now is the time to manage this naturally. It's sooooo hard! I too look like I'm a few months pregnant, but for whatever reason for the last few days I've been "going" once or twice a day! I don't know if it's the hormone change or the fact that I'm forcing myself to take Citrucel at night & prune juice in the morning. Good luck, I hope you find something that works for you!

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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #101137 - 08/25/04 05:43 AM

Reged: 06/17/03
Posts: 1140
Loc: Michigan

Thanks Casey and Cristine. My DH is 32 and wanted to scratch the itch before he got too old. He was doing baby math and figured out that he'd be 50 when the kid graduated high school. We wanted to be empty nesters at the youngest age possible!

Edora, congats to you too! I've been taking the Acacia from Heather and it's really working wonders. I did the laxative thing too but now I can't use anything. Which is good, I guess, because I think that I did become dependant on them. I find that eight glasses of water and 1.5 teaspoons (at least right now) of the acacia is working for me.

Do you have morning sickness? I have been lucky so far. I'm just really really tired. I had a headache for about a week, but that went away.

Anyway, congrats again and good luck to you as well!


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Congrats!!! new
      #101225 - 08/25/04 09:33 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

What exciting news!!! Keep us updated on how the pregnancy goes!!

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Re: Jules .... where are you?? (Still on the honeymoon..hehehe) -nt- new
      #101350 - 08/25/04 02:37 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Well, hello, EdoraD!! Welcome and glad you posted!! Good for you for deciding to try and manage your IBS naturally!! That Citrucel is a good thing and there's lots of other good suggestions on the regular part of this website. Heather's books are really helpful too.

Keep coming back, okay??

Keep it simple!

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