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after effects
      #343820 - 03/29/09 07:40 PM

Reged: 03/29/09
Posts: 1

I'm new to this website, but I haven't seen any postings referring to this problem. Does any one out there have lower back pain (over the kidney area)and an abdomen that feels as if its bruised inside (although obviously it's not) after a flare up of "D" type IBS? The symptoms start up after starting to eat again. I have read a lot of postings about symptoms as they happen, but nothing about the day or two after the symptoms subside.

Lactose Intolerant, IBS both D and C,

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Re: after effects new
      #343828 - 03/30/09 07:00 AM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California

Yes sometimes I complain about the insides of my stomach feeling weird. Like they are strained or just sore. Sometimes when my two yr old is laying by me and accidentaley kicks my lower stomach it kills. It is very tendered in that area. Although I do not have any type of cramping associated with my bathroom issues. My stomach is very tender to the touch.

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Re: after effects new
      #343837 - 03/30/09 09:13 AM

Reged: 06/08/08
Posts: 328
Loc: ME

I often refer to that "kicked in the gut" feeling for a day or so after recovering from a flareup. And it is tender to the touch, as well.

IBS-A and GERD since 1983
Low FODMAP since 2012

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Re: after effects new
      #345225 - 04/28/09 07:39 PM

Reged: 04/20/09
Posts: 54
Loc: AZ, USA

I get back aches too. Mine come right after I eat and are usually a symptom of getting a bad IBS attack, as my back just aches and aches. Once I have the major diareah and cramps, the back ache subsides but my stomach is achy and sometimes really crampy. I normally have to follow up with Gas X to help the gas pain. Sometimes I'll have my 80 pound son walk on my back to try and relieve the pain. The pressure of him standing on the area feels good.

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Re: after effects new
      #345247 - 04/29/09 08:13 AM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California

OMG I have never had these symptoms together until this last week. All week I have had pain right above my kidney area and my stomach was so tender inside and felt really sore. I am not sure why this is. I have ibs-d for 2 yrs and have never felt these symptoms together. I have felt my stomach soreness on the inside at times. I am seeing my gi doc today and I am going to ask him. So I will let you know what he says.

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