#201951 - 08/02/05 10:14 PM
Shell Marr
Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA
Everyone post their report for what you did on 8/3 here....
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I thought on Sunday that I was getting better but then Monday after exercise I got totally illish again and same thing yesterday and today I had a full day planned and woke up all crummy! I can't exercise and I feel poopy, tired, achy and general malaise all over. My limbs are really heavy and I don't necessarily want to sleep but I am very lethargic. I don't want to go back on prednisone even though I have several days worth- it will make me hungry and fat and I don't want to do it. I still have a cough but otherwise feel my cold is gone. I feel now that I have something else holding on. And when can you say it isn't IBS related? I feel it all ties together. I get "poopy" a lot with this- like I have to go a lot or something. I hope that feeling is understandable. I am not sure what to eat or do to help. I have been having pplenty of protein, salt, potassium. I am having gatorade just in case. I also am starting to think about food much too much for some reason. I just crave ice cream all the time. I don't know if maybe heat and AC are affecting me. I am just not doing well at all! Suggestions? (especially for food)
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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Tons of fluids, sweetheart. Not only will it curb your hunger, it'll keep you hydrated - which can help with the lethargy. Try making your own herbal iced teas. I love them in the heat. Also, treat yourself to some yummy soy ice cream or rice dream. Eat it right out of the container. Do you have an ice cream maker? They're only about $25. Heather has yummy recipes - I'd be happy to forward a few of mine too. You can make your own!!
-------------------- Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.
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I have a freezer full of ice cream and sorbet! I will keep drinking. It has to be SO much with the heat you know. 130 oz is nothing in heat. I am feeling better now at 11 than at 8. I have to work 7 hours tomorrow with a lot of walking and I hope I do not have a bad spell in the day. It seems like that has been what I have been having. At some point everyday I feel icky but then come out of it. I am ok now and am leaving the house to shop but will feel pretty icky when I get home. At least I have an affectionate lap cat!
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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Definitely keep those fluids up. The Gatorade is a good idea, too. Make a pitcher of iced herbal tea, as Alicia suggested. How are you with lemons and limes? Do you like freezies/sorbet? Sometimes the cold soothes the cough. Can you tolerate Ginger tea? I find that soothes my throat. Iced ginger tea (I usually blend it with either peach or blueberry) and HONEY.
Maybe too much protein is making you drag?
Your lap kitty is adorable, by the way.
Get better. Stay COOL, Little Minnie. Oh, one final note: I tried the "Roast Fennel and Baby Carrots recipe" you posted awhile back from "Gourmet Magazine" and IT WAS SO GOOD I MADE IT 2 NIGHTS in a row!!! I substituted veg. stock for the olive oil. Great for when you feel like bunny food! Thanks. Kate, IBS-D.
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Eevry day lately has some hours of feeling horrible and some of feeling fine. It is so weird. Yesterday I was fine until 2 or so and today I woke up icky and felt okay about noon. I am still blowing a lot out of my nose and still have a congested cough so maybe all that snot is making me feel gross. I have to work all day tomorrow and need to feel okay the whole day!
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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Sambucol, astragalus, olive and oregano extract, echinacea, and zinc losenges! Some of this stuff helps with mucous and upper-respiratory directly (like sambucol...which is also for immunity), olive and oregano oh and garlic act as antibiotics, echinacea for immunity, and zinc (can't remember what it does...prob immunity..but it WORKS!) Oh, and extrea vitamin C too!
I also drink at least 8 oz. pure water (if possible), every hour. And I drink loads of soup and tea. I also put peppermint oil on a cold wash cloth for pain. I sit in the steam of the shower (with a book and some're gonna SWEAT if you do bring water to replenish). And if your throat hurts, gargle warm salt water and put honey in your tea!
I am sooooooooo sorry you feel so rotten *hugs* Let us know what else we can do to support you...but for now *big big hugs*
Love, Ruch more thing: (I'm an expert on mucous cause I ALWAYS have so much of it ) I also use an ear saringe. Put warm water in it. Then inhale just a bit one nostril at a time and then GENTLY blow your nose. It helps get the yuckies out!
-------------------- Formerly known as Ruchie
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B: MOM 260 and 3g L: grilled "cheese" with tomato and basil and pretzels 350 4g snacks: luna 180 and 4.5, mango and muskmelon 100 gatorade 150 D: barley, portobello salad with some rotisserie breast -YUM! 1 piece baguette around 400 and 8g? De: soy ice cream 130 and 4g Total: 1570 (much better today) 13% fat Exercise: was too ill. I did go to Target and Sam's Club though and carried a lot of stuff into the house and frankly that was a lot. I am very disappointed that I am not getting back into shape as quickly as I wanted. I don't know when I will be able to bike 20 miles with DH again. I really hope to workout good on Friday and lift weights on Sat. Tomorrow I will do a lot of walking. (weather is to be cool too. I can't wait!)
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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Breakfast- Crispix cereal
snack- applesauce cup
lunch- chicken breast on a bun with FF Mayo veggie crisps
snack- baked crackers
dinner- tuna sandwhich, more veggie crisps, apricot fruit to go
snack- uh oh somehow a bag of swedish berries made it into my house..... here is where I will have to show some self control 
drinks: lots and lots of flavoured water and 2 pouches of koolaid sport
workout: 30 mins Elliptical 30 mins free weights and machines 10 mins abs had to leave the gym because I was getting stomach cramps, after the abs I felt overheated, it was a HOT day today
-------------------- Microscopic Colitis, IBS-A, GERD, Hiatal Hernia
Bethany, Ontario, Canada
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So, what do you think of the KOOL AID sport pouches? I saw some KOOL AID Electrolyte freezies--though not in appealing flavours! There was only 1 box left. Maybe next time there will be more varieties to choose from. The ingredients didn't appear to have anything that might aggravate me.
Those "berries" are dangerous!!! I've got a stash in my room, too!!!
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