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a start-over!
      #174455 - 04/27/05 01:20 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

hey all-
i really need a start-over. i had tried to be good and keep posting continuously about my days, exercise and so-forth hoping it would encourage me to do better each day. but since i was only posting to myself, i had no shame in posting my triggers and then i became too lazy to even do so. im gonna post my stats and some other stuff and just report my days onto shell's thread, since everyone else posts there too. you all will encourage me to do better!!

ibs type-C
how long-3 years

goal-sleek/slim 97

AM exercise-100 situps
-leg lifts 3 sets/12 each leg
-leg lifts 2 sets/10 each leg[for the bum!]

PM exercise-200 situps
-leg lifts 3 sets/12 each leg
-leg lifts 3 sets/10 each leg

at least one daily dog walk with 2 lb.weights
some yoga/pilates mixed

my diet is vegan-organic [no animal products--no preservatives/genetically modified ingredients] ill put a little <*> in front of all my foods to indicate vegan-organic b/c its too long to always type! hehe
well aside from that, thats pretty much it!! i am *always striving* to cure my ibs to the point of it being unnoticed b/c that is when i truly feel the best about myself. thank you all for reading thru my many scattered little posts and i am so excited to start really posting my days!! bye bye all!!!


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Re: a start-over! new
      #174553 - 04/27/05 04:48 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Just a thought... I'm not trying to pick or anything, because we are totally all very different, but are you sure that 97 is a good goal weight for you? It's totally possible, if you have a very small frame and a slight build, which it sounds like you do, but I had to ask.

I'm built a little more chunky... I'm 5'2", and at my worst with the anorexia, I was down to 105. I'm hovering around 125-130 now, and although I'd like to be a little thinner, I know in my heart that I'm a good, healthy weight for me right now.

Just thoughts, that's all... don't be offended or anything!

Your exercising sounds good! I need to do some of those leg lifts for the bum too, I think. Looking forward to your reporting-in... I'm not vegan myself, but I get really tired of chicken and turkey, so I'm interested in seeing what you eat for dinner.

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aw dont worry new
      #174599 - 04/27/05 08:44 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

yah its a bit of a dip, i know, but the way i see it, i want to put myself back together the way i was before i had ibs. since ive been living with it, i feel like ive missed out on some normal girl things. i would buy these really cute shirts and fun jeans with belts or something, but b/c i was always bloated and C, i felt i could never wear them. and i hid in baggy pants and hoodies until finally, now i found a way to make the ibs managable.
i am most definately not affended so its alright. i never really talked about my issues with my weight b/c none of my friends were as small as i was and i felt selfish feeling self-conscious to them. really it was the ibs i was upset about but i didnt know much for it then and it was too embarrassing to say aloud. since i found this site, and found alot of supportive friends that share my same dilemma, ive felt alot safer talking aloud about my issues. its really helped finding people like yourself who went thru the same struggles as i did.
ill keep posting as much as i can! im always excited to check out the boards when i wake up and now ill have more to add!! thats cool that youre 5'2". from your pic i wouldve guessed maybe taller? has anyone ever told you you look like molly ringwald?!! b/c you totally do! ive recently gotten into cooking so if something onmy food list sounds good i can probably send you the recipe! talk to you later!!


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Re: a start-over! new
      #174600 - 04/27/05 08:46 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

i think ive asked you this before but what is a teechino? they sound so cute!!


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haha! new
      #174613 - 04/27/05 09:48 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Teeccino is a drink. web page It's basically a coffee substitute, you brew it just like coffee, and it's *really* tasty. I drink waaaaay too much of the stuff. Heh.

I'm glad my comments didn't bother you! I used to get really irritated whenever anyone said anything about my weight... I still do sometimes. People are still telling me that I need to GAIN weight! Of course I think they're nuts.

And no, I've gotten some famous lookalikes, but Molly Ringwald is a new one. Thanks! I think pictures are deceiving, though. I wish I were really that cute all the time! Haha.

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Re: haha! new
      #174901 - 04/28/05 09:12 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

teechinos are so cute! i drink alot of tea--i want to make chai lattes or tea lattes somehow but i havent thought of a good enough recipe yet.

i hate it when people tell me to gain weight..or eat. alot of people i work with joke about it to me b/c i dont eat anything from my work, and i work at panera. they always say to eat a burger or to weigh my pockets down or something equally uncomfortable. i never have the right comeback. one customer i used to always wait on hadnt been in for awhile and when i took his and his wifes order, out loud he looked at me and said "my ashley have you gotten fat!" i was so upset that i cried in the bathroom for a little bit. he's old and senile so i know he was making a joke but old people humor sucks lol

in highschool i used to look SO much like avril lavigne that i started dressing like her and then people called me avril. lol


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Re: haha! new
      #174922 - 04/28/05 11:45 PM

Reged: 04/28/05
Posts: 9
Loc: Ellicott City, Maryland!

Sorry to butt in, but i was wondering about chai tea, Is it ok to drink the store-bought chai tea or would it be a trigger-food. Sorry, lol, I'm really bad about knowing what i can and can't eat. It's gonna take me FOREVER to get used to this!!!

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nah its cool!! new
      #175180 - 04/29/05 05:21 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

no need to apologize im happy to answer your question! what brand of tea are you interested in?? iknow celestial seasonings makes chai teas and chai tea lattes but read over the ingredients. i know some have milk proteins in them. i was thinking myself how to make a chai latte using only safe ingredients?? i make chai tea mix @ my work [panera] all the time and the chai mix is basically an iced black tea with some honey and spices. that is mixed with milk and then steamed. im gonna try making some iced peppermint tea and adding agave [honey-sub for me] nectar and then steaming some soymilk and blending. YUM i hope it turns out okay!?? hehe--hope the sites go well for you!


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Re: nah its cool!! new
      #175190 - 04/29/05 05:58 PM

Reged: 04/28/05
Posts: 9
Loc: Ellicott City, Maryland!

Thanx! I think I'm going to try the store brand, I don't think i could put so much work into it, but I applaud your strictness in your diet! You sound like one of the healthiest people I've ever met! Lol, I wish that I was as healthy as you! I'm only fifteen, and both my parents work! It's really hard to control my diet! PLUS whenever I find something I REALLY like that's IBS-appropriate my brother's and sisters devour it in a snap!!!

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Re: nah its cool!! new
      #175326 - 04/30/05 01:55 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

i hate that!! i used to take citricel when i lived w/my parents and my dad went on this "healthy kick" i found out he had been using MY citricel which I really needed b/c HE overindulged a few times! he didnt even have any ibs problems--he just overate! i was so mad!

sometimes its hard to keep up with my diet but i try my very best. changing to a vegan diet has really helped. i hated looking thru all of the ingredients since there were always so many and then some additional ones that just didnt need to be in there. i still check food labels like crazy though but i dont have to expect preservatives or anything unnatural. my BF is also a vegan and we both like to cook so for us its really alot of trial-and-error for our tastebuds. and we both eat alot of the same things so shopping is easier when i lived w/both of my parents it was hard b/c my dad was more focused on healthy-thin rather then healthy-healthy. my mom is incredibly supportive of my new diet and helps me thru everything with my ibs. shes actually been helping me with it when i first began problems ironically at 15! if you ever have any ?s about food tips or recipes feel free to ask me! we have tons of vegetarian cookbooks and know alot of quick dishes by heart. also check out VeG.WeB they have alot of vegetarian/vegan recipes that are really easy and can be altered to your diet needs! it was wonderful talking to you!! looking forward to seein yah on the boards


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Chai Latte...with almond milk? new
      #175647 - 05/02/05 07:50 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Do you think this would work? I can't drink soy milk cause it's got gluten in it....


Formerly known as Ruchie

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      #175649 - 05/02/05 07:52 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

become a vegan? DEo you find it difficult to be vegan and IBS safe? i keep Kosher and gluten free and I find that it would be nearly impossible!

I applaud you!!!!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Yahooooo! new
      #175652 - 05/02/05 08:02 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I just did a search and the Chai teas ARE gluten free and Kosher! But they seem to all have dairy...Ashley, did you see ones that weren't dairy and were caffeine free?

Wow...this is very exciting *happy dance*

Formerly known as Ruchie

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hehe new
      #175678 - 05/02/05 08:42 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

yah i saw the dairy...grr but i figured id just try making my own chai lattes and see how they turn out. i was looking for a black tea for the base and saw this one but it has caffiene and guarana?? i saw someone post that that is *bad* for you. so i kept searching and found *this* one but even the DECAF has caffiene AND it has honey in it--i cant eat honey i was thinking of using the madagascar vanilla red b/c that sounded real good! id prolly ice that tea and add some cinn.spices and agave nectar [honey-sub] and mix it with steamed soymilk. that could work right?? thats how its made @ my work...hmmm


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Re: Chai Latte...with almond milk? new
      #175681 - 05/02/05 08:44 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

i bet so! it would probably give it a really good taste! you can eat almonds?? nuts and nut butters are a *BIG* trigger for me so i tend to stay away from all things nuts. try it!! i think im gonna buy that tea tonight---and some soymilk and give it a try which tea would you use for the chai??


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Re: hehe new
      #175683 - 05/02/05 08:47 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I would need a blender...for the ice, right?

Ok, folks! Huby MUST get me a blender...end of story!

The madagascar van red is yummy! I would probably just steam the almond milk (how do you steam it btw?) and add the ice. I don't usually use any sweetners.

Do you not use honey cause it's from bee's?

It would be fantastic to have a fun drink again!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Chai Latte...with almond milk? new
      #175686 - 05/02/05 08:51 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I don't know anything about Chai I think I would use one of the decaf Selestial Seasonings teas...the Mad Red Van sounded good to me!

the almond milk upsets my tummy sometimes BUt that might be cause I usually have it with millet. I'm not sure if it's the combo or the IF in the millet? BUT I eat gluten I can't have soy milk. At least I haven't been able to find a gf one yet!

Let me know how it goes tonight...I'm drumming up ways to ask hubby for that blender

Formerly known as Ruchie

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it was easy... new
      #175691 - 05/02/05 09:01 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

..actually but it took a little push. b/c i was still dealing with some weight issues i was more afraid to ingest fat and calories rather then chemicals and presservatives. i used to be obsessed with drinking skim-lattes from starbucks in an attempt to skip a meal. in sept. last year when i came back from vacation my mom would shop with me for my then-ibs-safe food and id keep it @ my BFs house---but it was nabisco..quaker..stuff like that. him and i spent alot of nights looking up different information on the internet and he showed me more about the food i thought was safe and basically that theres food out there that just shouldnt have added stuff to it! a bread i was eating had HFCS in it! can you believe it?? if you make a homemade dont add that to your ingredients. i came across this site and started reading about the triggers..SF and IF..breaking-the-cycle and it just seemed more logical to me to give it a try b/c it def.couldnt hurt. the more i read, the more i discovered. we started shopping @ whole foods and i found a TON of replacements for my old food---strawberry-flake cereal, oatmeal, rice cereal, soups, applesauce and even some things i didnt use! like broths to make soups, ingredients for homemade fruit/flavored bread and my BFs famous signature pizza! he even showed ME how to cook it and i made my very own once i found all that out, it just became easier for me. i learned what i liked/disliked, and what agreed/disagreed with my stomach and my bowels. i say it is alot more helpful and WAY more better only b/c if you have an can look directly at the food you never have to worry about the extra stuff that following it b/c there is none it was a big change but i wouldnt go back if i had the chance. its just so important to pay attention to how you treat your body b/c it really is a temple and the only one youve got. when i eat that way..and no triggers at all in a day, i feel like im sitting on top of the world b/c i feel just that great! my body feels so clean and pure! whats it like to eat gluten free? is it hard to find some foods or are most brands pretty accomidating? some things we buy say gluten free/wheat free---are those the same thing?? i had no idea gluten/wheat could be a problem. where do you most commonly shop at?? i applaud you for keeping to your stict diet as well


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Re: hehe new
      #175695 - 05/02/05 09:07 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

actually im not sure if a blender is required...but having one would be fun anyway!!!

for steaming, i use a tea kettle on the stove. i have an espresso machine with a steaming wand but when i bought that, it didnt include the frothing cup which is basically the essential part of the applience lol!

if you had a blender you could make your tea seperate, and ice it so its cold. mix it with ice and the almond milk and blend! it would be an icy drink! or if you wanted one hot you could ice your tea the same way, steam the almond milk on the stove and then mix them into a cup! YUM! you could even boil the almond milk like you would boil water in a pot. just as long as its hot. the foamyness is a coffeehouse trick


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Re: it was easy... new
      #175698 - 05/02/05 09:11 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Good for you Ashley! Btw, I love the colors....I STILL haven't figured that whole thing out after the 3 years I've been on the boards LOL

Being GF is touhg because I also keep Kosher and I TRY to stick largely to Heather's diet!

I call companies often to ask about a product who's ingredients are gf but doesn't contain the label. It's def work but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

If you see a label that says "Wheat and gluten free" it's def ok for me (as long as it bears the Kosher symbol as well).

I shop at Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, the Kosher stores, and WalMart Most of my stuff comes from Whole Foods and the Kosher market. Since I have to be sooo careful with my's easier this way!

I try to eat as few processed foods as possible. I eat a lot of rice, brown rice pasta, beans, veggies, and fruits. I DO eat chicken...but it so very often makes me sick. BUT I can't eat tofu or soy if it has gluten and tofu always gives me a tummy ache. So getting protein is tough! I'm def. still working on that. Even fish can hurt my tummy If you have any ideas..I'm listening!

Wow, y u're tru y an inspiration! Good for have a wonderful attitude! And you stick to the diet. I agree...we MUST listen to our y DO tell us what they need!!!

Keep well, big hugs! Ruch

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Chai Latte...with almond milk? new
      #175699 - 05/02/05 09:12 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

haha good luck!! im sure he'll pitch in what brands of soymilks are near you? does it say 'gluten' in the ingredients list? or does it have another name??


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I use Oregon Chai... new
      #175700 - 05/02/05 09:15 AM

Reged: 01/16/05
Posts: 520
Loc: Norman, Oklahoma

the non-caffeinated Rooibos kind that you ADD the milk to. If you buy the premade stuff it already has dried milk in it, so don't get that kind!

Oh, and it's FANTASTIC!


all those years it wasn't IBS - it was celiac!
send me an email:

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Re: Chai Latte...with almond milk? new
      #175701 - 05/02/05 09:15 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I've been begging him for a blender for a while. We're about to move in around 3 weeks so after we mover he's gonna have to get me one

The soy milk MUST say gf or I can't have ot. Many soy milks contain barley or malt...a gluten containing ingredient. we have vita soy and Silk and lots of other brands (can't remember the names now), but none of them say gf. So I'm without soy milk for now. One day they'll wise up when the demand for GF foods rises in this country!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: I use Oregon Chai... new
      #175702 - 05/02/05 09:16 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Thanks E! Do you buy it at Whole Foods?

How are things with you? How's your tummy? *big hugs*

Formerly known as Ruchie

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hmm heres some searches new
      #175706 - 05/02/05 09:23 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

i did a search for westsoy soymilk for you, im not sure if its GF but i looked at the ingredients in the LITE PLAIN for you and i didnt see anything that suggested gluten. could it be in brown rice syrup?? heres the lite soymilks and heres westsoys page. yah we have silk and vitasoy here too but idont like the silk. i usually drink/use the westsoy nonfat vanilla but sometimes i dont. they also make a yummy chocolate shake but i limit myself with that.


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Re: hmm heres some searches new
      #175712 - 05/02/05 09:32 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

wow, you are too sweet!!!!

Yeppers...brown rice syrup often has gluten in it. *sigh* It's all good though! At least I know I'm liign a GF life!

Thanks again Ashley *big hugs*

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: it was easy... new
      #175718 - 05/02/05 09:40 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

OH!! i have THE BEST recipe for you then!! have you heard of the organic soup brand IMAGINE?? they come in the tetra-pack boxes? try this soup! its gluten free AND kosher!! in the bottom right corner of the front label its says 'pareve' [sp??] that means kosher right?? boil some of that into a pot...and add in some of your special noodles. wait until the noodles soften and add in some chopped carrots [if you eat them] stir in some spices or some salt for a little flavor and let it simmer on low heat once the noodles are soft. keep stirring. once its almost done, take off of heat and put a cover over it and let it chill for about 5 minutes on the stove, just off the burner. stir again and serve!! i just invented that myself a week or so ago and it is YUMMY! i had chopped tofu to it to be like chix, so if you have a tofu-sub then try adding that! you can make alot of it and have leftovers for a couple nights! im gonna try making a port.mushroom stew next but am in love with this recipe!

OH and for colors...b/c i just figured this AND pic-posting out a few days ago: to the right of *instant UBB says color. click the color you want and type inbetween the 2 codes that come up; like when you insert a quote and you post the quote inbetween. its the same way. but for an easier way, just type the first part of the code before you post, and the second part at the end. i wrote mine down and stuck it to my comp.screen to remember! hehe


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no prob! new
      #175719 - 05/02/05 09:41 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

youre *more then* welcome *HUGS back*!!


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Re: it was easy... new
      #175722 - 05/02/05 09:47 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Imagine soups are my LIFE LINE! LOL I'm so glad you discovered them as well! And I always put my noodles in em' LOL But I LOVE the chopped carrot idea...I'll have to try it. I also LOVEEEE adding chopped fresh spices. Basil is great in the creamy tomato.

It's also yummy over a baked potato!

It was just Passover so I wasn't eating any legumes or rice or anything that may have been contaminated with them. So the soups were out. And yes, Pareve means it is not dairy or meat!

You're such a super friend Ashley *big hugs* Thanks again!!! more thing...can you think of a tofu substitue? I miss protein!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: it was easy... new
      #175730 - 05/02/05 09:57 AM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Being vegan is easy! I totally agree with your experience of internal cleanliness, and energy! There's tons of options and
gf ones too. Honestly, I believe--know--that vegans smell better! Incidentally, I've been vegan for years. Everything you've said sounds just like me. You're such a refreshing and bright individual.

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Re: it was easy... new
      #175732 - 05/02/05 10:01 AM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I stock up on that Imagine "No Chicken Soup." Great recipe, incidentally. And your portabella idea is wonderful. It's great for quick soups, etc.

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Re: it was easy... new
      #175733 - 05/02/05 10:03 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

wow!! thank you so much for that wonderful compliment!!! so youre a vegan as well? i havent come across that many GF things but i wasnt really looking either. i DO however see pastas and different condiments [soy cream cheese, etc] that say GF, CASIEN FREE on them so i know the word is getting out! if only more people were vegan---i think the world will soon come to a scary realization. i work @ panera and never know what to say when people ask me "is this good? do you like it??" what i want to say, im not allowed to! boo! hehe


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i love cooking! new
      #175799 - 05/02/05 12:28 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

well theres this restaurant near here that my BF and i used to go to alot but its so expensive! they serve only vegan-organic korean food but it is really good--so we always kept going. theres a mushroom-tofu soup there i get with slices of porto mushrooms, tofu cubes and some seaweed in a mushroom broth and its really good! but im really poor and i thought to myself?? I CAN MAKE THAT! so im gonna try! hehe


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Re: it was easy... new
      #175820 - 05/02/05 01:07 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Ashley, I'm confused Do you eat vegan for health reasons or for animals rights (or both)?

I'm leaning more towards eating at least vegetarian as I can't seem to digest meat/poultry very well. But i'm nervous about where I would get my protein as I can't eat tofu because it doesn't digest properyly either

Any ideas Ashely--Wind?

Sorry for taking up the forum

Formerly known as Ruchie

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I found GF soy milk!!!! new
      #175823 - 05/02/05 01:09 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Trader joe's unsweetened soy milk is Kosher AND GF!!!! I hit the jackpot!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: I use Oregon Chai... new
      #175831 - 05/02/05 01:34 PM

Reged: 01/16/05
Posts: 520
Loc: Norman, Oklahoma

No Whole Foods for me here in Oklahoma

But I do buy it at the local HFS and it's not very expensive (like $3 for a jug that has lasted me a month and a half)

I'm doing pretty well. I had the BEST tummy week last week, during my period, no less. It seems I have found the right combination!

How about you, darlin'? I'm glad to see that you are upbeat and happy (or at least seeming so on the boards!). Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. (Hugs)


all those years it wasn't IBS - it was celiac!
send me an email:

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Re: I use Oregon Chai... new
      #175944 - 05/02/05 06:04 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

You're sooo sweet E! *hugs* I looked for Oregon Chai and all they had were the boxes with dairy already added. I guess I'll have to keep looking.....

I'm so thrilled about your wonderful tummy week! It should continue FOREVER!

Right now I think I'm ok...but if I need a friend I will totaly take you up on an e-mail (or maybe just for fun!) *big hugs*

Formerly known as Ruchie

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