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REPORTING IN - 2/15/05
      #150564 - 02/15/05 07:08 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Everyone post their report for what you did on 2/15 here.... mine will follow later.... I will be posting HERE on this board rather then the "Vegas" board from now on.


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/15/05 new
      #150571 - 02/15/05 07:16 PM

Reged: 01/31/03
Posts: 1968
Loc: Saskatchewan. Canada

Well, I have gone to the gym twice so far this week...although I was there in body, I was "doggin" it today. I just didn't feel like being there. My instructor is pregnant and hasn't been there for the past two days and so it isn't the same without her.

But I have attended a Cardio Blast and a Body Blast classes. I have also discoved I have lost 5 more pounds so now I am down 11 pounds! I am so excited!!! My goal is to lose about 40lbs so I am pluggin away!

Proud Mommy to Bentley Taylor
Born May 12, 2004 9lbs, 3oz

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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/15/05 new
      #150572 - 02/15/05 07:16 PM

Reged: 07/01/04
Posts: 2350
Loc: Minnesota

Boy... I sure would like to join in on this. I've been contemplating it for a while now. I just really really want to start getting into an excercise routine and stay at my current weight... I just don't have the enthusiasm or energy! I think I eat fairly well, I just have a really bad habit of choosing to read or knit rather than go to the gym... of which I do actually have a membership for.

Where do I start?? Please help!!

~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!

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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/15/05 new
      #150575 - 02/15/05 07:21 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Boy... I sure would like to join in on this. I've been contemplating it for a while now. I just really really want to start getting into an excercise routine and stay at my current weight... I just don't have the enthusiasm or energy! I think I eat fairly well, I just have a really bad habit of choosing to read or knit rather than go to the gym... of which I do actually have a membership for.

Where do I start?? Please help!!

Take your book with you to the gym!! Get on a bike or elpitical... even if you not going fast fast.... you can still kill two birds with one stone!!


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/15/05 new
      #150576 - 02/15/05 07:23 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Well, I have gone to the gym twice so far this week...although I was there in body, I was "doggin" it today. I just didn't feel like being there. My instructor is pregnant and hasn't been there for the past two days and so it isn't the same without her.

But I have attended a Cardio Blast and a Body Blast classes. I have also discoved I have lost 5 more pounds so now I am down 11 pounds! I am so excited!!! My goal is to lose about 40lbs so I am pluggin away!

Oh,, I'm soooo proud of you sweetie!! I know it is hard... but your getting great results already!! Keep up the good work!! I LOVE taking classes at the gym... it is a little strange at first but then you get to know the regulars and might even make some great friends... heck I'm going to a Bday party for one of the girls this Thurs!!


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/15/05 - my first time! new
      #150585 - 02/15/05 07:54 PM

Reged: 07/01/04
Posts: 2350
Loc: Minnesota

That's a really good idea! I think I'll do that! Thanks. Now, as far as reporting in... should I still report my daily meals, etc?

Well... I think it'll be good for me to report my meals, so here goes...

Breakfast - oatmeal w/ syrup and rice milk, 1/2 a grapefruit
Lunch - PB&J on wheat bread, potato soup, 1/2 cliff bar
Dinner - spaghetti w/ plain sauce, small lettuce & spinach salad w/ Newman's Own Vinnegarette dressing
evening snack - handful of pistachios
total water - approx. 64oz

I have absolutely no clue as to how to figure out my calories or fat intake, so I'll just leave that out.

~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!

Edited by RachelT (02/15/05 08:27 PM)

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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/15/05
      #150590 - 02/15/05 08:13 PM

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 163
Loc: Rockwall, Texas

I walked on my treadmill! It has been a challenge because it needs to have some repairs done...the belt slips and I have to hang on sometimes!

The parts should arrive tomorrow. is a good idea to purchase a service agreement. Even though you might not think that you need it, you might need it. This machine still has 10 months left on the agreement. When it gets fixed, it will almost be brand new.

See ya tomorrow!

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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/15/05
      #150593 - 02/15/05 08:16 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Yeah, I haven't reported in for a while... birthday weekend and all that, there's no way I was keeping track.

Today was pretty bad, mostly because I haven't gone shopping and there's not much in the house... I will do better tomorrow!

Breakfast: double serving of honeycomb
Lunch: this is sad, but I don't remember if I ate lunch or not!
Snacks: jelly on toast, ff saltines, cake
Dinner: chicken breast & oven fries

Food & drinks total: 1651
Fruits & veggies: 2 potatoes... SO BAD today!

random housework -100

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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/15/05
      #150596 - 02/15/05 08:55 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

I read somewhere if you just tell yourself you're going to get dressed to go, and that's it...that you'll likely go.

I do that every morning...I have no intentions of going, just get dressed for the part. Once I'm dressed for working out I say "what the heck" and get in the car and go.

My only bad habbit is that at the end of Jazzercise they do floor work, and I HATE it (plus it hurts my back), so I don't stay for that...I figure my 45 minutes cardio 5-6 days a week and another evening of yoga is fitness enough.



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I thought you all were MIA for a minute...
      #150597 - 02/15/05 09:12 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

I didn't see any reports on the LV board so didn't know what was up for a minute....duh

Now the poor Vegas boards will be dead for a while..........that is unless soon there will be other gatherings we don't know about...

My own report isn't good ....major attacks again..I think it was just to much of a good thing...not necessarily UFO's (well, except for the chocolate binges) but just too much INsoluble fiber stuff (salad, fruits, nuts, etc. plus a bit too much stress thrown in for good measure)....that all caught up with I'm having my "Puff Party" ....translated it means Puffed Rice, puffed corn, puffed millet.........and some rice milk on top...that's about it for a few days (breaking the cycle you know!!) until I can get back to feeling normal.



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