IBS and Migraines
#96 - 01/29/03 01:44 PM
Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 63
Loc: Virginia, USA
Does anybody know of a connection between IBS and migraines? My uncle remembered reading about a study in England but I can't find any information about it. Since sugar is a major trigger for his migraines, he was wondering if sugar could also be a trigger for IBS.
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Hi Sek,
I'm no expert on migranes or IBS for that matter (I have only got it under control in the last 6 months and that is tenuous). But I can tell you about my experience with IBS and migranes. I was seeing naturopath for quite a while trying to figure out what was wrong with me ....she had me eating a really strict diet which totally forbade any sugar. I could eat 3 pieces of fruit a day but that was it, no fruit juice, dired fruit, honey etc etc. I was also told to eat a high protein and low (to no) carbhohydrate diet. I have never felt so miserable in my life. I had severe headaches upon waking everymorning, most evenings and they would threaten all day. I would also often get cluster headaches (I have never felt pain like that before) for no apparent readon, maybe just turning my head too quickly. As I continued on this diet it got worse, bone aches, muscle and joint pain and so forth. This is not to mention my stomach problems. About that time I found heather's books and quit seeing the naturopath. I got stuck into the IBS diet (and I have to admit the sugar after such total deprivation) and within a month the head aches etc went. I can not believe I am the same person as I was six months ago. I don't know if it's relatead but my fatigue and tendancy towards depression have improved out of sight.
So, there's my very long winded way of saying that for me it was not sugar related AT ALL, but that I think it was all the insoluble fibre, and lack of soluble fibre that I was consuming. As well as dairy and red meat.
Hope this helps you at all....
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Thanks for your story. Are you IBS-C, IBS-D, or 'other'? It gets so confusing with all of the conflicting information out there. My sister has Crohn's and picked up a book called "Breaking the Viscous Cycle" which is practically the opposite of Heather's diet. That one has you eliminating most of the carbs and sugars and supposedly you feel awful for a couple weeks as you 'break' your 'addiction' but then you start feeling really good. Sounds kind of like the Atkin's diet. Anyway, in my desperation for solutions I have tried several times to eliminate sugar and/or starches but it leaves me with zero energy so I give up in a very short period of time. Also my uncle had bowel problems in his youth and now migraines and says that the elimination of sugar prevents his migraines. Like I said, there was a study suggested a link between IBS and migraines so I keep worrying about the sugar. I get headaches a lot but never a migraine.
So there, I gave you an equally lengthy (but less coherent) explanation of...well, I'm not so sure. But this is appropriate because IBS information is all so overwhelming. I am having pretty good success on Heather's diet combined with Paxil, but I want to get my diet figured out exactly so that I don't have to rely on the medications.
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Hi Sek,
I'm an alternating IBS-C and D person...joy.
I know what you mean about being overwhelmed. There is so much conflicting info out there...I even found an IBS specific diet on the web (that apparently had thousands of success stories) that was just like the atkins diet. All I know is that I just kept going down hill on that diet...no miracle recovery for me.
I have to say THE most frustrating thing for me has been useless doctors, allergists and gastroenterologists!!!! 5 years ago my doctor told me you just had to live with it...so I did for 4 years with daily symptoms!! I can't believe I did that to myself.
Ooops, didn't mean to start ranting..I should go before the steam comes out my ears..
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this really has nothing to do with the subject of this thread, but i think it's cool that you said "joy" as a sarcastic end of your sentence... i thought i was the only one who did that.
secondly, i think it's neat that you're moving to Alaska from Australia... should be quite a change. Good luck!
okay everyone can continue on subject now... 
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