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I need a little advice from an IBS-C or A new
      #84761 - 06/30/04 07:01 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I feel bad posting about this again, but I'm seriously at my wits' end, and none of the advice I was given last time is helping me.

I normally consider myself an A, but I'm very C right now. When I had problems at the campground last week, I took one full dose of imodium, just so I'd be sure to get home ok (1 1/2 hour drive! ugh!). One normal dose won't constipate a normal person, but I guess I'm not normal. I've been trying to "go" the past 3 days and can't. I literally can't push hard enough to get much of anything out - it's like my intestines and colon have stopped contracting altogether.

I've been a good little IBSer and have been eating my insolubles, drinking plenty of water (120-140oz a day would do it, right?), and have NOT cheated in the slightest. Yes, I'm taking a SFS. Yesterday, I finally got desperate and took some docusate sodium & used suppositories - still nothing. Darnit, I miss pooping.

Part of the problem is that I *am* an A - so I swing to the other extreme as well, which has me really scared to take much of anything in the way of laxatives. Usually when I take them, I end up with D for days afterwards.

What on earth can I do? Now and afterwards? It seems like since I've started Heather's diet, the C problem has just gotten worse and worse. I guess it still beats constant D (which is where I was at before), but not by much.


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Re: I need a little advice from an IBS-C or A new
      #84786 - 06/30/04 07:55 AM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 1060
Loc: Canada

Hey I feel your pain, really I do. For the C there is nothing that helps enough a lot of the time. You just have to wait. I really don't want to sound like I am minimizing your prob but at least when you do go eventually you can essentially get everything out.
Trust me, I understand it and it is so annoying that something like this prevents us from having a good day. How silly (as most would think) yet how serious for us. When we feel like this, though it may sound selfish, I am not going to pretend I am fine. In that regard I feel sorry for myself and annoyed that this has to effect everything we do!
The options are slim sometimes - I mean sure you could take a laxative but in the end that can only make you feel worse (trust me I have tried )
It's all about waiting and like you, I am often at my wits end.
Still, I will make a few suggestions - drink liquids (I prefer hot) throughout the day. You'll know you're getting enough when you constantly need to pee hehe. At least that way everythings not just sitting there...hardening. ew. yuck. this
Um, yeah when I get like that it is so hard to want to eat -personally I would say eat more insolubles right now, don't worry about solubles as much (hope I don't get into trouble for saying that!!!) But seriously, though its bad and you're not supposed to have might be some time for some coffee (caffeine) Seriously, if you're desperate, I would....not too much though since you do get D...

Anyway sorry for the rambling post!!!

oh and p.s. - I definitely think immodium could have been the culprit. It actually can constipate a D person, and since you are A, it is even more likely that this had an effect on you!

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I had a feeling you'd reply... new
      #84793 - 06/30/04 08:10 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

...and I knew you'd understand where I'm coming from. I should have just asked you in the first place!

Believe me, I am definitely not pretending everything is fine. I think my boyfriend is sick of hearing me complain, haha.

I will try the hot liquids (as opposed to cold), and I'm definitely not taking any more laxatives - I took 2 yesterday and they didn't do a cussed thing except make me nauseous. That's pretty funny, the suggestion about the coffee - I was just going to edit my first post, saying that I was almost at the point of eating all my trigger foods with wild abandon, because I'm that desperate.

I guess the only reason I'm really worried about it is because - without getting into a whole lot of detail - it DOES seem to be hardening. And I really am drinking a lot... I'm in the bathroom constantly. Yeah, this does suck. I am NEVER taking imodium again. Ugh.

Thanks for your advice, though! Even if "wait it out" is the best thing to do, it's reassuring that someone else knows what I'm talking about. You know how that goes.

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Re: I had a feeling you'd reply... new
      #84809 - 06/30/04 08:35 AM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 1060
Loc: Canada

Yup Casey, I know exactly where you're coming from...and sometimes I just wish I lived ALONE. I mean, I go downstairs to make myself a cuppa tea and my sister goes Wow you drink a lot of tea, 2 cups in less than an hour (Um, yeah so). And I go, WELL ITS FOR A REASON! She didn't get it, but, sheesh, just lemme ALONE!
Man, if I were you I would SO be eating my trigger foods. By this point its hard to say which would be worse!!!! Unfortunately for me, nothing gives me D, and my trigger foods would make me more C. I am once again in the same boat as last week my stomach is HUMONGOUS and hurts.
Don't worry about to much detail here or with me. I'm so over that. Who cares....not me!

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Re: I need a little advice from an IBS-C or A new
      #84817 - 06/30/04 08:45 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 1407
Loc: Alabama

I am an A also, and Immodium in a full dose put me into a full stop for 2 days. Even after that, it was a slow resolution process. Sorry you feel so bad!! I understand EXACTLY how you feel though!

God is Faithful!

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Re: I had a feeling you'd reply... new
      #84828 - 06/30/04 08:56 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

At least I don't have to deal with the dumb questions and comments as much. I don't live alone, but the boyfriend is pretty understanding, to an extent. The only "problem" is that he's NEVER constipated - literally never - so he's not nearly as sympathetic when I'm like this as when I'm swinging to the other extreme.

Yeah, yeah, I know - no such thing as TMI here. lol! Yesterday I got a little bit out. Today it's like a brick... 2 hours later, I STILL hurt from trying. 'Nuff said.

Honestly, if I actually knew what my triggers were, I'd probably be eating them right now. By the time I started the diet, I was literally not eating, and I'd go a week or so eating nothing but crackers, soda, and tea. I still don't know if the D was from the caffeine, the HFCS, the carbonation, or just not eating. I'm drinking red tea now, but I think I'm going to switch to regular after this cup.

Sooner or later, I hope I figure out the right balance of things to keep this from happening. It's really pretty discouraging.

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I can relate new
      #84839 - 06/30/04 09:09 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I have have horrible C lately---with a huge bloated tummy and in such pain, so I understand what you're going through. It is painful and many times, other than swinging back and forth between laxatives and Immodium, there's not a lot you can do about it. I never take Immodium, no matter how much D I have, for this reason. It stops me up so bad!!!
The only thing that helps me is drinking very warm (almost hot) water with a little lemon juice in it. If you can't gulp it, it's too hot. But you want it really warm. Drink this throughout the day. And stay away from bread, rice and potatoes because that will thicken things even worse (sorry to gross some of you out!) But sometimes I feel like I have MUD inside of me. It's in there---it just ain't going anywhere----and it's painful. I fully understand that feeling of your system being totally shut down.
Sorry I'm not much help. I've tried eating all of my trigger foods too, thinking that will force things to get moving, and that usually makes matters worse. Sometimes a Diet Coke (my weakness!) will move things along for me. But I don't advise drinking caffeine on an empty stomach---or it may cramp your stomach up even worse and you will be bloated like a whale! Drinking a Diet Coke after a bowl of cereal in the morning helps me. (Sorry, Heather, but whatever works, works!!!)
Hope you feel better soon. I wanna see you standing at the sink, drinking your very warm water. This grosses my family out, but it helps me so much, that I don't mind it at all.

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Hmm... new
      #84853 - 06/30/04 09:20 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Actually, I was just reading a book of herbal remedies (that I keep forgetting I have), and hot lemon-water is suggested. Think I could sweeten it with honey? (I may try that. The book suggests honey as well.) I never "gulp" anything so it's hard to say how that's going to work, heh, but I'll try almost anything at this point. Thanks for the suggestion! And I'm so, so sorry you know how I feel.

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Re: IBS-C and Venting! :) new
      #84864 - 06/30/04 09:32 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 247
Loc: n/a

Hello IBS-Cers! I have been reading this thread and thought I would add. I was told by this women on weight watchers (and just a very health concious individual) mixing 2 quarts of water with 8 lemons (even the rines are put into the water after squeezing them) works as a natural laxative. It is certainly worth a try. She drinks that amount daily to flush her system natuarally (she doesn't have IBS).

Also, I must vent a moment about bloating. I have always had a pot (sp?) belly but I am a small person (5'2 120lbs). When I had my first IBS attack last summer, my stomach got even more bloated. I swear I could pass for 6-7 months pregnant! And when it is 2 weeks prior to my period, I really look it! I have been waiting for someone to ask me when I was expecting for a year and it happened 2 weeks ago. I was talking to my cousin that I hadn't seen in a year and he asked if I was pregnant. I about started to cry and they weren't tears of joy if you know what I mean! Do you guys have the same bloated tummy most days? I am not even gassy really. Hardly ever pass gas but it just stays swollen. I am even going everyday now and I was used to only going every 3 days before I got IBS-C. Anyway, just wanted to hear your situation so maybe I won't feel so alone in this bloated world!!


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Re: I can relate new
      #84872 - 06/30/04 09:41 AM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 1060
Loc: Canada

ugh i am actually in so much pain today. i know theres stuff "in there" and i just used a suppository but it didn't help much. it is so uncomfortable and i am just feeling really sorry for myself. i want a new colon.

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Re: I need a little advice from an IBS-C or A new
      #84885 - 06/30/04 09:49 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 37
Loc: Colorado

what usually also 'works' for me, is eating spinach. If you want to stay away from any not-natural way of making things move.. I had skipped acacia for a few days here and there for 2 weeks now, and felt like things weren't moving as easily as they should have, so I started taking it again, and I also ate spinach, cooked seems to have better effect than raw. And sure enough.... it works!
hope this helps...


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Re: I need a little advice from an IBS-C or A new
      #84886 - 06/30/04 09:50 AM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I am an IBS A. Yesterday I had a little problem of not being able to stop at one strawberry when I went picking and then made jam. Now today I had to work in the heat and after 2 hours the rumbles started. I took 2 imodium and soemtimes if I take them early in the day then I'll still be regular the next day, but they did not work at all anyway. I can home early to mild D but at least now I get to lay around in the A.C. But what helps me to go (which I bet I'll need tomorrow ) is Phillips chews. They give me no cramps or anything although sometimes it takes awhile to finish going since they make it nice but slow. My first dose was only 1/3 and it worked fine but now I need 1 or 2 chews every so often. You're right though imodium is bad news for A people, yet it sometimes has to be used. (I guess if that doesn't work then eat too many strawberries and you'll be able to go J/K)

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: I need a little advice from an IBS-C or A new
      #84891 - 06/30/04 09:55 AM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 1060
Loc: Canada

See for me spinach does nothing - but maybe it helps more for A's. Seriously I ate a plain spinach salad with my meal last week and it did nothing.
Hmm, but did you mean raw or cooked?
Also, phillips are just like milk of magnesia though right?
That MoM is looking real good right about now.

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Re: I need a little advice from an IBS-C or A new
      #84894 - 06/30/04 09:58 AM

Reged: 04/10/04
Posts: 126
Loc: Alexandria, VA

I don't know if you have tried Heather's Peppermint Caps, but they really worked for me. When I would have a IBS attack, I would get C up to 5 days (it doesn't sound as painful as yours), but it would make me uncomfortable & nauseated, I always said it felt like I was blocked. This was at the beginning when I was in my trial and error phase. During this time, I was also taking my Ledvid, which also causes C. Now I only take the Ledvid only when I have to. When I started taking the Peppermint Caps I started feeling better right away. I credit the caps for making me somewhat normal in the pooping area. I hope you feel better.

"Sometimes you are the Windshield, sometimes you are the bug".

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Re: I second that! new
      #84900 - 06/30/04 10:05 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 247
Loc: n/a

Phillips milk of magneisium is what my GI put me on when I was first diagnosed IBS-C. Plus zelnorm and stool softeners. The MOM was mainly to help me to start going daily until the other meds started to work. I took 1/2 tablespoon per night and went to the bathroom daily but it was diarreha. By the time I was diagnosed, I had gotten hemrroids from living off of laxatives and so forth to survive. So the diarreha hurt my hemrroids so bad!! Now when I can't go, which isn't too often, I use an enema so I can get that natural urge on my own and it is a full stool when it comes out..easier on the roids! Sorry for the TMI!


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Re: IBS-C and Venting! :) new
      #84968 - 06/30/04 11:18 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I could pass for 9 months pregnant. By the end of the day, I have this huge pot belly that feels like a basketball. Sometimes my stomach feels hard. I swear it feels like it did when I was pregnant---years ago!!!!!!!!! I'm afraid someone's gonna ask me when my baby is due---not a good thing when you're almost 45 years old!

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Re: Thanks! Now I know I don't suffer all alone! new
      #84987 - 06/30/04 11:39 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 247
Loc: n/a

Thanks for your response! I hate it that you have the same problem but I am glad I am not all alone in this. Sometimes I feel like I am all alone with it until I come to this site. It is just frustrating!! My stomach, like yours, is also hard. I have never been pregnant but that doesn't mean I don't look like I am on a daily basis! My boyfriend and I broke up a little over a month ago. I have found it harder to put myself out there because this has lowered my self esteem a bit. I have always been pretty confident but these days it is getting harder. I want to feel sexy and put myself out there to go out and do things again. I haven't been exercising like I really should either. I heard that doing ab excercises makes the bloating worse. Do you know anything about that?


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Phillips chews new
      #84988 - 06/30/04 11:51 AM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I don't know if they are like MOM since I have never taken it but they are magnesium based and seem pretty gentle. If someone knows more...

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: Phillips chews new
      #84989 - 06/30/04 11:54 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I think they're about the same. I was just in the drugstore, and I didn't look at the liquid m.o.m., but between the capsules and the chews, the only difference was the "filler" ingredients. The active ingredient is just 500mg magnesium. I'm guessing the liquid is the same too.

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Bloating new
      #84991 - 06/30/04 11:59 AM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I haven't heard that before about ab exercises. They have had no effect on my bloat other than that any exercise helps move things around. I am supposed to walk after dinner every night to prevent bloat. But the thing with bloating is that it is a mystery. Studies show IBSers don't have more gas in their tract making them bloat but it has to do with how their irritable gut reacts to the gas and how it is distributed. Sometimes people get really bloated without ultimately having gas come out so that shows other factors are at work (I think like spasms and cramping). My chiro palpated a place on my right side tummy that felt so strange (speaking of ab exercises again) and afterward I gurgled a lot but not in a bad way-it was like everything was moving around. But bloating will always be benefitted I believe by exercise (and tummy tea!)

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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To Atomic Rose new
      #85001 - 06/30/04 12:08 PM

Reged: 10/18/03
Posts: 62
Loc: Maryland

Hi there!
I am also an IBS C. For me, when I am having a long bout of C, I follow this recipe:

In the morning, have a warm cup of water with lemon juice (as another suggested--try to stay away from honey as all forms of sugar can be constipating) and a bowl of oatmeal. About 30 mins later, sit on the toilet for 10 mins and try to relax (read a book). Whether you go or not, follow this recipe for the rest of the day:

Eat a lunch with lots of green veggies (insoluble fiber, I know, try to pop a few more SFS beforehand and have a sweet potato or carrots as your soluble fiber, not white bread or pasta). Try a bunch of cooked spinach, green beans, etc.

In the evening, have a peeled apple, 1/2 banana or a pear.

You obviously drink plenty of water. My only other note would be to point out that on days when I did not consume enough food/calories, no matter how well I ate (health-wise), I could not go the next morning.

You can also try taking a warm bath, which I find loosens you up.

Hope this helps and good luck!

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Hi Doe new
      #85015 - 06/30/04 12:20 PM

Reged: 10/18/03
Posts: 62
Loc: Maryland

No, you certainly are not alone! It seems no matter how much or little I eat, or what I eat, I have to deal with a belly that extends 4 feet in front of me! :-) I joke and say that if I were in a race and were head to head (excuse me, stomach to stomach), I would win!
Anyhow, unfortunately, it seems from my experience that many of the soluble items that make up our diet, make the bloat worse (pasta, white rice, white bread--always remove the inside of the loaf, the soft best part). I try to get my soluble from other non-bloating items: carrots, sweet potato, saltine crackers.
I am sorry to hear about your breakup...I certainly know what that is like...and how your self-esteem/confidence goes right through the floor when you think about putting yourself out there and doing the whole courting thing again and having to deal with/explain that no, you cannot have a beer, or go for pizza, or pull an all-nighter...ugh.
Anyhow, I feel for you!

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Spinach new
      #85016 - 06/30/04 12:23 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 37
Loc: Colorado

hey ibsgrl,
for me raw spinach doesn't do it either, but cooked makes me go Weird isn't it. Oh well, I've given up trying to understand my intestines I just try to remember what works, without the why.


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Re: Spinach new
      #85018 - 06/30/04 12:23 PM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 1060
Loc: Canada

right on Nicky. It WAS raw spinach too. Hmmm.

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Re: Bloating - I'm right there with you!
      #85025 - 06/30/04 12:34 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi all,
I'm IBS-D but one of my newly developed IBS symptoms over the last year has been major bloating. I don't get it all the time, but when I do it makes me feel really uncomfortable and self-conscious. I was taking some Chinese herbal medicine and it helped my D, but DAMN was I ever big as a house! The pain from it was so bad that I felt like my stomach was about to burst and I would resort to just lying down on my stomach, on a heating pad and crying until the pain started to go away.
I am just finishing my period, and either I've gained a ton of weight _really_ fast or I am just incredibly bloated 'cause pants I bought for work a couple of weeks ago are all of sudden so tight that they hurt me! I had to change 2 days ago before leaving for work 'cause it was so uncomfortable. I feel huge and pregnant, and really hope it 'deflates' as my period goes away!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Atomic Rose - hugs for you new
      #85027 - 06/30/04 12:37 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi darling!
I am IBS-D normally, but I do swing the other way once and a while and it totally freaks me out. Even if it's not hurting me yet, as soon as I haven't gone for more than 2 days, I start getting all panicked for some reason.
More than anything else, I just wanted to say I'm sorry you're feeling poorly and I hope all the suggestions people gave you will help and you'll be all.. emptied out??.. by tomorrow. I have heard that drinking hot water with lemon first thing in the morning helps to get stuff moving, and since people here suggested it, I hope that helps you. As well as all the other stuff.
Anyway, just wanted to send you an eAwwww 'cause you don't feel well!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Aww, thanks! new
      #85029 - 06/30/04 12:41 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

*hugs* You're such a sweetie.

I had to run some errands, so I figured I'd be better off not trying the lemon-water thing immediately, but I'm going to try it now, I think. Actually, the laxative from yesterday is working, which is bringing on a whole new problem: I gotta go, but I apparently have hemmrhoids (sp?) or something. I've had them once before, and they haven't bothered me in years. So now I try to go, and the pain is so incredible that my body says "nuh uh! no way!" and everything stops.
I can't freaking win!

I just want someone to knock me out and vacuum out my insides, haha. Wake me when it's over.

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Re: I need a little advice from an IBS-C or A new
      #85031 - 06/30/04 12:47 PM

Reged: 06/21/04
Posts: 21

I am sorry that you are not feeling well. The thing that helps me when I have that problem is Miralax powder. It works really well, in the beginning one dose made me go naturally. Now I need to take two when I have the problem. HOpe this helps. (Oh, miralax is a prescription med, so you will have to ask your doc for it)

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If it's not one thing, it's another, huh?? new
      #85032 - 06/30/04 12:48 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Poor you, first D.. then C.. now hemmerhoids (me for sp too??) I totally know where you're coming from when it feels like you can't win! I had the same thing happen to me last year, my body went from having liquid D all the time, to suddenly being stable.. 1-2 solid BMs a day without problem.. or so I thought. Apparently, my poor little tush (sp?) wasn't used to having anything but liquid pass through it and couldn't handle it, WHAM! It hurt me SOOOO bad. I ended up getting treated by my doc for hemmorhoids, when really I had a fissure (a tear) and since it went so long without beign treated properly, I have a chronic one now and it bloody hurts! I even had Botox injection to try and fix it, but no such luck. I have to have surgery on it, but I keep putting that off. There is a small risk of incontinence.. but any risk of incontinence is too much risk for me!!
I'm glad the laxatives from yesterday are helping.. even if it is making you feel yucky now, at least you'll get some stuff moving on out, right? Although, with the hemmorhoid pain, that might not seem worth it! Do you have wet wipes and that hemmorhoid cream? That might make it not feel quite so bad.
Good luck!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Seriously. new
      #85037 - 06/30/04 01:04 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I can't go back out for cream, but I do have witch hazel (the "active ingredient" in the wipes), so I've been doing compresses of that, but it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot of good.

Ugh, sorry to hear about your situation too! I think I'd be putting off the surgery too - like we don't have enough problems without worrying about incontinence too! I feel bad continuing to whine about this, but I turn into such a baby when I'm in pain.

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Re: Spinach new
      #85043 - 06/30/04 01:32 PM

Reged: 10/18/03
Posts: 62
Loc: Maryland

The reason raw spinach gen. does not do the trick is because most do not eat enough in one sitting to have the desired effect. Most eat 1/4-1/2 a spinach bunch (and that is a lot of leaves) but when you cook a whole spinach bunch, it only gives you a small portion (about the size of your hand). Therefore, consuming it cooked, you are consuming more but it seems like less because of the diminutive size it takes on once it has been steamed...does this make sense?

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Re: Hi Saralou new
      #85051 - 06/30/04 01:41 PM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 247
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LOL!! Your comment about winning the race due to bloat was too cute! I can relate! Thanks for the hint on the bread/pastas verses carrots, etc. I really wasn't sure on that kind of thing. I know that the IBS diet is supposed to help all IBS whether C or D but am always wondering about what will help C the most. You sound like you know the boyfriend issue and IBS pretty well yourself. It really doesn't appeal to me to re-explain all of this junk!! My ex and I started dating last summer in June and that is when I started having attacks. By November I was so bad, we ended up in the ER the night of my birthday. (I had an anxiety attack that lasted all day plus hadn't had a BM in a week! It was horrible! It was my birthday weekend and he took me to a lake where his family owns a cabin. We hung out and watched movies and ATE food the entire time. He cooked me steaks, we had wine, coffee, greasy name it!! He has seen me at my worse. So he has always understood my pains and bloat. I don't want to think about going through it all over again with someone new! Ugh!


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Re: Hi Little Minnie new
      #85053 - 06/30/04 01:46 PM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 247
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Do you find that walking helps the bloating, really? And the chiro comment you made is interesting. I believe it!! I love my chiro! I haven't been in so long though (right now I am without insurance due to a new job change). I will definitly speak to him to see if he can help me! Thanks so much for your reply!


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Atomic rose, try cooked spinach------- new
      #85057 - 06/30/04 01:52 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

it makes me "go" every time!!!!!!! Now, I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression, but the warm water with lemon should not make you "go" immediately. It will just help in the long run.

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Re: Thanks! Now I know I don't suffer all alone! new
      #85059 - 06/30/04 01:54 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Don't know about the ab exercises. I just know that I don't feel very sexy either, with my big bloated stomach. It's bad when my husband is in the mood--and I feel like a cow.

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I know. new
      #85060 - 06/30/04 01:55 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I didn't think it would make me go immediately - the lemon water, I mean. I might get in the habit of doing that on a daily basis, though, since this seems to be a persistent problem.

Cooked spinach doesn't seem to have that effect on me, but I love it, so eating it more often won't be a hardship anyway.

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Ok, strange question about bloating new
      #85062 - 06/30/04 01:58 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Does anybody want to just push on their belly when it's all bloated? Even though it hurts to do this, I seem to want to mash my tummy---like I think it's going push all that air out!!! Am I just strange or does anyone else feel better after doing the tummy rub? Many times I just want to rub it round and round. Guess I think I'll get things moving!!!!!!!

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I do this too! new
      #85065 - 06/30/04 02:09 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Mind you, I don't bloat quite as badly as some of you, but when I have gas - or even when I'm C, like I right now - I tend to push and rub and try to get things moving that way.

I think I saw a discussion about stomach massage over on the Yoga forum... I may have to go find that.

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Re: Hi Unhappy Tummy new
      #85066 - 06/30/04 02:11 PM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 247
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I know what you mean by that feeling of your belly about to burst!! Know it too well! Like if someone would poke me with a pin I would burst like a baloon. LOL! Sometimes I have to laugh at myself! I know what you mean about the PMS too. I bloat up to where I can't fit 80% of my wardrobe (which isn't much to begin with) 2 weeks before my period. It is horrible! Water pills used to help but I don't think they are helping much this month. Last week I was at work and by lunch I was hurting b/c my pants were too tight (like all of the sudden). This means I can't wear them for another 2 weeks or less. Rest assure, you haven't gained is just this lovely bloat!


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Re: I would get the same exact way.. new
      #85071 - 06/30/04 02:17 PM

Reged: 04/01/04
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But I ALWAYS made up for it later when I felt better, if you know what I mean! But it does put a real strain on a relationship! Also, I broke so many dates with him at the last minute because of attacks. I almost lost him over it because he thought I was blowing him off and being disrespecful to him. Later when I was diagnosed and after all the suffering I went through, he didn't hold it against me..except if we were arguing (isn't that nice?) Relationships are hard when you have IBS sometimes!! Ugh!


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Re: too! new
      #85075 - 06/30/04 02:25 PM

Reged: 04/01/04
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I was laughing when I read your post!! I do this tummy rub too! First I think I do it because it is there in front of me and so HUGE. Kind of like when someone is pregnant and you just want to rub their tummy. LOL! I do rub it when it hurts and did this before I had IBS when I was cramping (the monthly PMS). It helps with the pain a tad. My mom told me that when she brought me home from the hospital as a newborn that I didn't have a BM (I was constipated first thing into this world!) and my grandma would rub my tummy and it would help me go. She also made me onion tea (some herbal remedy or something) and it would help me if I was needing to pass gas. So even as a new born I was sick with this junk! The tummy rub does work! When I do it now, my tummy rumbles around and makes all kinds of noise.


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Re: Spinach new
      #85082 - 06/30/04 02:49 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 37
Loc: Colorado

Hey Saralou, that's exactly what I was thinking!


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i wish i had help for you, but as a D i find myself useless in this situation. -nt- new
      #85106 - 06/30/04 03:35 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
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It's quite alright. It's the thought that counts. LOL! -nt- new
      #85110 - 06/30/04 03:59 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
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Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

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Re: Ok, strange question about bloating new
      #85126 - 06/30/04 05:26 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I like my belly rubbed in large circles really lightly. I make my husband do it and (this is really embarrassing) he has a little song he sings "Bellies around the World". When I am bloated and well fart constipated I sort of get on all fours at first and then lean down on a pillow with my front half and stick my butt in the air. This actually works, but I haven't had to do it in a long time. Tummy tea and walking around are much better if it is day time.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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use an exercise ball new
      #85159 - 06/30/04 08:05 PM

Reged: 10/04/03
Posts: 134
Loc: VA

Hi,Just thought I'd add my 2 cents worth.
It's been good for me to see that others feel this way too. It is soo frustrating and painful and I too get very fed up w/the time wasted and the time spent so miserable.
I have a therapist who has me work on an exercise ball and it helps.First I stretch across it on my back and slowly lower my butt to the floor.After a few times of doing that then I get to lay on the ball on my tummy.It feels so good.It often helps me get things moving and relieves gas. Hope you are feeling better. Suzy

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I'll have to try that. =----nt------ new
      #85197 - 07/01/04 05:49 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
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Re: I need a little advice from an IBS-C or A new
      #85201 - 07/01/04 06:09 AM
Janice B

Reged: 04/14/04
Posts: 33
Loc: New Jersey

Have you tried Colace? It's a stimulant-free stool softener. They sell it at most drug stores. I had the same issue after my doctor changed my medicine. It took about 2 days to work.

Janice B

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Colace... new
      #85203 - 07/01/04 06:13 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I have tried Colace. 95% of the time, it makes me go within 30 minutes (I kid you not!) and then I have diarrhea and cramping for several days afterwards. The rest of the time, it doesn't work at all. I think it's safe to say my system doesn't like it... LOL!
Thanks for the suggestion, though!

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I just wanted to thank everyone again... new
      #85206 - 07/01/04 06:18 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

...for all your excellent suggestions! Now I have some good ideas for how to at least try to prevent this from happening again. Thanks bunches... y'all are fabulous!

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Hey Doe new
      #85217 - 07/01/04 07:02 AM

Reged: 10/18/03
Posts: 62
Loc: Maryland

Wow! I was reading my story in your lines! IBS started a few months after I met my ex-beau and we also spent a night in the ER on a big night and I had a huge bout of anxiety attacks (another got me in the ER as well)...interesting that for the both of us, it all started shortly after meeting Mr. No longer right....
I am also always trying to find new ways to deal with IBS C and the pain. As I wrote in my earlier email, for us IBS Cers, it is very important to distinguish between soluble fiber, because in our case, not all are created equal in terms of bloating and being able to go. For myself, I try to stay away from white bread, white rice, pasta, white potato, etc. Luckily, once I stabilize, I am able to tolerate wheat/whole wheat bread (organic from Whole Foods), brown rice and I eat many sweet potatoes (organic definitely tastes better than regular) and carrots. I'll often eat a nice bit of that and follow with some cooked spinach, green beans, peas, etc. The white soluble fiber always causes me to develop this huge belly and not be able to have bms. I find that in order to go, I must eat plenty of fruits and veggies, but in a different order and quantity so as to not have pain.
I know what you are going through on both the IBS front and the dating/ex does seem to be particularly difficult because it always seems, at least to me, as though I am bringing baggage along with myself and I don't care to drop this 'bomb' on anyone. But then I remind myself that I don't seem to meet a single person (male or female) who does not have some sort of chronic condition or who has not gone through a health-related experience/crisis. This is who we are...I hope to one day conquer IBS (still working on the stress/anxiety/worrying/low self-esteem and confidence...which, by the way, I think are the major causes of why IBS originates in the 1st place, or at least, why it sticks around and constantly haunts you). We have to believe that we are good enough, because we are, and that someone out there will be more than willing to accept us whole, with all our crazy eating restrictions and potty-mouths! :-) Have patience, hope and confidence and the rest will follow.

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Re: Ok, strange question about bloating new
      #85218 - 07/01/04 07:05 AM

Reged: 10/18/03
Posts: 62
Loc: Maryland

I totally understand what you are saying! That's exactly what I'd like to know there is something in there that wants to come out, but it just can't!

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Re: I do this too! new
      #85221 - 07/01/04 07:07 AM

Reged: 10/18/03
Posts: 62
Loc: Maryland

Me too! So weird...and yet, it all makes sense...we're not so different after all, us humans!

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