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What to do about weight gain? new
      #8137 - 05/02/03 09:29 AM

Reged: 04/15/03
Posts: 24

Hi all,

I have a question - have any of you gained weight since starting the IBS diet? I've gained a few unwanted pounds but think it could be due to eating between meals or perhaps just portion sizes? I used to eat low carb, so I am eating totally different than I used to and maybe my body just needs to become accustomed to it. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

[I broke down and had pizza the other night with my husband(pepperoni, cheese & tomato) and am now paying for it with severe cramps and C. Lesson learned - no more straying!]

Thanks in advance!


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Re: What to do about weight gain? new
      #8143 - 05/02/03 10:06 AM

Reged: 02/22/03
Posts: 4508
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I haven't gained any weight. What are your typial portion sizes/snacks? Mine are pretty small compared to a non-IBSers portions. My boyfriend makes fun of me all the time about "that's all I eat." But, then again, he is a guy, and they usually eat more. I do eat smaller meals, but I graze thoughout the day also on things like yogurt, appleasauce, pretzels, graham crackers, bananas, just to name a few.

I think we've all fallen off the wagon a time or two (or three ). It happens to the best of us. Hope you're feeling better soon!

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Re: What to do about weight gain? new
      #8147 - 05/02/03 10:52 AM

Reged: 04/15/03
Posts: 24

Thanks, Mags. Just to give you a little more background, I'm 5'1½ " and weigh 120lb+ (IBS-C w/pain). When I started the IBS diet, I was 118 and wanted to lose 5lb but I figured I'd get used to eating differently before I tackled the weight. When I was on the low carb diet, I was around 114lb.

I have a true "mild" wheat allergy (underwent allergy testing a few yrs ago) which doesn't cause the usual allergic reaction, but I think it does cause me to either retain water or gain weight, or just make my bowels irritable! I'm thinking I might try cutting out bread and just eat rice and potatoes for a while, and see how that goes.

I usually eat every 2-3 hours, average size portions of "safe" foods (sourdough bread, rice cereal, soy or rice milk, Will's rice pudding, banana bread, rice chex, 6"sub, no cheese/mayo, pasta, pretzels, "Tummy Mint" tea, etc.). I also take 2 Fibercon per day.

Any thoughts/ideas? Maybe my metabolism is just extremely slow. Thanks in advance!


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Re: What to do about weight gain? new
      #8149 - 05/02/03 10:57 AM

Reged: 05/01/03
Posts: 20

I just started this new way of eating (for IBS) and gaining weight is one of my concerns. I was on the low/no carb diet for about 9 months and it scares me to now eat potatoes, etc, but I'm willing to see how this works. I'm feeling absolutely crappy today and have had one of the worst attacks of IBS that I have had in a long time but maybe it's just a way of my body adjusting. I'm gonna give it a couple of days and see how I do. I am guessing that portion sizes have a lot to do with weight gain or loss or stabilization. I'm trying to adjust to small meals more often and I have to be careful that since I now am eating more carbs that I don't go overboard. Life's interesting, huh??? Let me know how you are doing in the next week with the weight issue.

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Re: What to do about weight gain? new
      #8163 - 05/02/03 03:14 PM

Reged: 02/22/03
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Hmmm. I don't know about this one. Maybe Heather will have more info for you. The only other thing I can think of is exercise. How much exercise do you get? Also, how long have you been following the IBS diet?

BTW: Tummy Mint is so good, isn't it? Have you tried Mint Magic? That was my latest for this past week. I like it, because it has more spearmint than peppermint, so it's a nice change sometimes.

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Re: What to do about weight gain? new
      #8170 - 05/02/03 05:18 PM

Reged: 03/14/03
Posts: 241
Loc: Ohio

Hi, NewYrsBB -

Yes, I've gained weight - after first losing it! When I had my most recent flare, which was probably also a colitis attack (just didn't know then that I had colitis), I was eating mainly French bread (I'm eating more bread now than I've ever eaten!), rice cereal, rice milk, chicken broth, applesauce, water and Citrucel. Really was afraid to eat. Lost 14 pounds and the D & cramping have cleared up almost entirely! I've gradually added in more foods - still mostly "white" stuff - just started adding fish and chicken breasts a few weeks ago, no veggies yet (need a blender) - and I've started eating lots of soy products. I have to take meds for the colitis, 3x a day, with food - and it's supposed to be more than a snack. So, I find myself eating when I'm not hungry just because I have to. It's a little depressing because I've gained back most of the 14 pounds. Darn! Until I can start eating more protein and veggies, my diet will be heavy on the carbs - and I think that affects how we handle insulin - which can affect the fat storage (I think???). Can't wait to start exercising again! That would be a big help, too.

Kaybee C

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Re: What to do about weight gain? Me too! new
      #8184 - 05/03/03 07:37 AM

Reged: 04/05/03
Posts: 78
Loc: Chicago suburb, IL

Hi all,
I've had the same problem of a weight gain since following the IBS diet. Prior to this, I ate low carb, and what carbs I did eat were all high fiber (hence my stomach problems). Now that I'm eating "white" carbs, I find I have gained a couple of pounds. I'm concerned about the weight gain as I'm a Weight Watcher and lost 27 pounds. I'm below my goal weight, but I'd like to stay that way.

My question is two-fold: 1) any ideas about how to minimize the weight gain eating these "white" carbs, and 2) does eating these high-glycemic foods add to the weight loss and feeling of hunger? (I haven't figured out if I'm hungry because I'm trying to eat less at each meal or if it's because the rice/potatoes/pretzels/rice cakes/etc. are high glycemic?

Thanks for any help anyone can give me,

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Re: What to do about weight gain? new
      #8185 - 05/03/03 10:15 AM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

Hi - Here's some general info about carbs/weight gain and the IBS diet - web page

Here are some past posts on the subject - SharonMello (whose posts are in the threads) in particular had good info. She's a long-time Weight Watcher and has very good, sensible, healthy suggestions from the point of view of a person who has dealt with this exact problem. web page web page

Here's general info on low carb diets, and Atkins in particular - web page

I do think exercise and portion control are key. Sometimes it's easy to eat a lot more than you realize, especially if you're finally starting to be able to eat without getting sick. And do make sure you're drinking enough water all day long - many people don't do this, and your body can't burn fat efficiently without water. Soluble fiber also depends on water to work. Also, no matter what your calorie source is (carbs, protein, fat) you still need to burn more calories than you eat in order to lose weight. All excess calories can be stored as body fat.

Hope this helps a bit.


Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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Re: What to do about weight gain? new
      #8188 - 05/03/03 10:38 AM

Reged: 04/05/03
Posts: 78
Loc: Chicago suburb, IL

Thanks, Heather, for all the links and info.

I think part of my problem is that prior to your IBS diet, I already had cut out red meat, fats, dairy, and eggs, so I didn't really have to eliminate those foods. What I did, however, was ADD simple carbs (i.e., white rice, white bread, potatoes, etc.). Because I also do cardio and strength training 6-7 days/ week, and drink about 12 glasses of water every day, I already was keeping myself pretty healthy..except, of course, for my stomach problems! When I read about people losing weight on your diet, it seems they drastically changed the way they ate.

Given your recent post, I think I'll try to eat more complex carbs (i.e., brown rice, oatmeal bread, oatmeal) and really watch my portion size. You hit the nail on the head when you said that it's so nice to be able to eat without worrying too much about my stomach that I've probably been eating too much!

Thanks for your invaluable and seemingly unending knowledge!
P.S. I know there are studies that are released continually, but the latest study re Atkins is that 2 groups who ate the same amount of calories, but one who cut out carbs (a la Atkins) and one who didn't...the Atkins group lost more body fat. (I can't remember who did the study.) My big question, however, is what are the longterm results of Atkins? Can people keep the weight/body fat off, and is it harmful to your overall health in the long run. I think I read where there are longterm studies taking place now. I look forward to hearing about those results.

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Thank you all... more.. new
      #8189 - 05/03/03 11:07 AM

Reged: 04/15/03
Posts: 24

Thank you all for the great information and feedback! I will monitor my portions and up the H2O intake and exercise.

Heather: Thank you for the great links and information! I did a search here on "weight loss" and read through some of the past postings too. God bless you for tirelessly answering the same ol' questions from newcomers like me!

Mags: Since giving up caffeine I am now hooked on Tummy Mint - I'm amazed at what it does for gas and bloating. I haven't tried Magic Mint - where can I find it?

Barb: When we switched from the low carb dieting (a la Atkins), our bodies went from burning fat for fuel to burning glycogen (? I think) first, then fat. If we include protein with each meal, I think it is supposed to minimize the impact of higher glycemic index foods.

I feel so much better on Heather's diet, even though I've gained a few - it's been worth it!!

Thanks again, all!


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KaybeeC... new
      #8190 - 05/03/03 11:16 AM

Reged: 04/15/03
Posts: 24

Hi Kaybee,

Colitis runs in my family but I'm so grateful that I only have IBS. My heart goes out to you!

Hang in there re: weight gain. I'm here if you want a support buddy!



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Re: Thank you all... more.. - Mint Magic new
      #8192 - 05/03/03 11:30 AM

Reged: 02/22/03
Posts: 4508
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Mint Magic is by Celestial Seasonings. Here's a neat tool on their website to find the kind you're looking for in your area. Celestial Seasonings Store Locator I don't think it lists all the stores you can get them at, but you can get a general idea.

Good Luck!

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Re: What to do about weight gain? new
      #8193 - 05/03/03 11:35 AM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

Hi - I think you've hit the nail on the head. You didn't change your diet drastically and eliminate the high fat foods, you just added the soluble fiber foods like rice and pasta. So you got a net calorie gain. Your ideas for the complex carb foods and portion control will probably make a good difference.

For the long term effects of Atkins, I'm waiting for studies too. But there is already hard evidence that too much protein (especially animal protein) stresses the kidneys and bones, so I'd be concerned about that. It will be interesting to see more studies - if I come across new ones I'll definitely post them.

- Heather

Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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Re: What to do about weight gain?
      #8218 - 05/03/03 11:43 PM

Reged: 02/05/03
Posts: 836
Loc: canada

Hi all; I started losing weight on the ibs diet soon after I started(6 lbs. or so), but then I stopped losing. i seem to be staying the same but I really need to lose. I exercise quite vigorously 3-4 times a week( croos-trainer and treadmill) and eat a lot of bread to try and keep staBLE. i am trying to drink more when I feel comfortable enough too(afraid od d happening). Feed back welcome! I am also going to walk more now the whether is better.

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Thanks, Meg! N/T new
      #8237 - 05/04/03 11:09 AM

Reged: 03/14/03
Posts: 241
Loc: Ohio

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Thanks, Heather! -n/t- new
      #8258 - 05/05/03 07:36 AM

Reged: 04/15/03
Posts: 24


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Thanks, Mags! -n/t- new
      #8259 - 05/05/03 07:37 AM

Reged: 04/15/03
Posts: 24


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