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Thanks- I'll have to check it out! -nt- new
      #82183 - 06/23/04 06:56 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
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Loc: New Jersey


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Re: Counting calories new
      #82184 - 06/23/04 06:57 AM

Reged: 06/18/04
Posts: 6
Loc: Massachusetts

Please be careful with the calorie restriction. 750 is way too low for anyone. I'm new to dealing with IBS but I have had an eating disorder and still deal with related issues to this day. I've spent countless hours researching nutrition and fitness and meet with a nutritionist on occasion. She once gave me a print out noting that a young women that is sedentary (meaning she does not even get out of bed) needs roughly 1400 calories a day just for her body (vital internal organs like your brain, liver, pancreas, heart, etc.) to function properly. From there you really need to take into account your activity level which will up your caloric intake needs. Plus you are quite underweight for 5'8" (don't rely on Hollywood's unrealistic standard...that's where most problems start)....I'm 5'8 too and my nutritionist said at 130 I could stand to gain a few pounds too. At my height, weight and activity level (highly active) my caloric needs to maintain my present are around 2400 (we are all different- genetics, activity level, etc. so from one person to the next caloric requirements can vary quite a bit). That is on the high end for women but I am really active. Just somethings for you to think about. Also, having IBS makes dealing with my eating disorder issues that much harder since we are better off eating more frequently throughout the day. But we have to realize food is fuel for our bodies and if we want to live long, healthy lives our diets are crucial.
One last thing I just need to mention on caloric restrictions (sorry to ramble on this topic but it is something very near and dear to me). By restricting your body of needed calories and nutrients you are hurting yourself more in the long run as far as weight goes. Your body takes caloric restriction as starvation and that serves to slower your metabolism and thus your fat burning potential. Your body is like a wood keep it burning to need to routinely add more wood....just like to keep your body going to need to routinely nourish it....that's why the smaller, more frequent meals are highly recommended. I hope some of that was of use.


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MandyKay new
      #82248 - 06/23/04 08:55 AM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 1060
Loc: Canada

Thank you for your post. It was so true and made me think about myself a lot. I loved the analogy of the body as a wood fire.

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mandykay (caution- EXTREMELY long post) new
      #82304 - 06/23/04 09:56 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

Hey mandy,

I don't know if you read my post to fishnets, it explained things better than my initial post did. I was always told that 130 lbs is the ideal weight for my height by my doctors ( I am exactly 5'7 3/4"), and I was almost up to that right before I started the IBS diet, and I was extra bloated from my period when I weighed myself, so it was not entirely accurate. I don't beleive that I would look good at 130 lbs, but if I do gain and still look right, I am not against it. I must have lead weights hidden somewhere in my bones, because I do not look my weight. When people guess my weight they usually say 100 lbs. It's kinda fun to shock people, though. Some people don't even believe me when I tell them I am 120!
but, you did finally make something sink in- I mentioned to fishnets that I used to get obsessed with the # of my weight, rather than how I looked. I am sure I could easily get sucked into being obsessed with numbers of calories!
I guess the point I am trying to make is that I don't know how much my body needs to be healthy, and after years of going through all this stuff it doesn't seem to know either. If my body needs x amount to be healthy, I don't want to eat x + y. Does that seem to make sense? Or is this one of those things it's hard to understand unless you are in someone's head?
I was recently more focusing on the food pyramid (Heather's version) and making sure I got in the required servings of those food groups, rather than counting cals. I thyink the whole calorie thing may go back to my fight with my Mom, when she said to me that if she ate everything on the food pyramid in a day she would blow up like a cow. This somehow led to our Atkin's diet fight (refer to my post to fishnets for more details on that). I pointed out to her that a serving of grain is like on piece of bread, so eating two sandwiches and two pretzel snacks is all it takes to get in the grain requirements. Portions do matter! One serving of pretzels is not half the bag, it's like five single ones (depending on style of course).
aargh. I got in the conversation at work yesterday that my biggest fear is gaining weight and becoming overweight, as shallow as that sounds. I think it's because I used to (and still do to a certain extent) have such low self-esteem. the cards were really against me since I was little to have happy life and feel good about myself. Undiagnosed panic attacks and hereditary depression also played their part. (ever hear of a third grader contemplating suicide for no reason at all?) I even had to go to a special high school because I had such bad social anxiety. I feel I have outgrown it now, but the scars are still there. Literally and figuratively.
Also, weight wise, I have an older evil sister that I no longer talk to that has added to my probelm. (she is a year older and bent on making me miserable- I moved out of my parents house and out on my own last year at the age of nineteen cause she would physically attack me and my parents would do nothing about it. They told me that I had to go to counseling or move. I chose move. She had the same conditions too. Guess who still lives there?)
When we were children, everyone would always ooohhh about how skinny and tall she was (we were both skinny, but she was all bones and had her spurt first). Which of course made me feel like the fat toad. My late great grandmother , although she meant no harm, would say she could tell which one of us was which by grabbing our arms because I had "more meat on my bones". (she was blind).
Wow. I though I locked all of this away for good, but it just came spilling out.
I really apologize if this was Too Much Info, I just want to be understood, and this board is the only place and people that I have ever felt have actually listened to me with an open mind and without judgement.
Conclusion- I will go back to following the food pyramid. I will not keep myself from eating if my tummy growls. I will stop listening to my Mom when it comes to dietary advice. I will keep excercising regularly because it is improving my self esteem and energy level. I will not freak out if something jiggles. I will keep eating my snacks, cause they help with my blood sugar. I will also try to write shorter posts.
Thank you so much mandy and fishnets and everyone on the board!


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Re: Fishnets (long post!) new
      #82310 - 06/23/04 10:04 AM

Reged: 04/06/04
Posts: 442
Loc: Bay Area, California, USA

I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm not hypoglycemic but I've lost a bunch of weight and now I just eat when I'm hungry. I too don't eat big meals. I just kind of nibble all day. That way I can keep the most energy without eating too much and having an attack. Anyhow, I think that you are a strong person to go through all of that. Basically, as long as you eat healthy food and have a healthy lifestyle, I think you are fine. If you hang out with your brother and go on walks with him, or maybe cook with him to show him healthy stuff, he will develop a healthy lifestyle too. I think you are right on for not worrying about your weight number but just wanting a healthy lifestyle. The only time I've been considered a very healthy weight was when I've been sick, so that's not really healthy. So, just try to be healthy, which you already are, maybe weight train or something like that. You are really strong to post about this and I am giving you a big hug. Good luck!

If you live life to love, you'll love to live life.

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Re: mandykay (caution- EXTREMELY long post) new
      #82311 - 06/23/04 10:05 AM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 1060
Loc: Canada

Sheri, ur a great girl. Its nice to have someone who has an open mind to new possibilities and willing to consider others views.
Never worry about too much info here - its great that you have somewhere to vent - shorter posts arent necessary!

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Re: Tarabara new
      #82324 - 06/23/04 10:24 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

Thank you so much- that means so much to me!


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Thanks! You are always so positive! -nt- new
      #82327 - 06/23/04 10:26 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
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Counting Calories--to Sheri new
      #82415 - 06/23/04 12:27 PM

Reged: 10/18/03
Posts: 62
Loc: Maryland

Hi Sheri,

I haven't posted in a while, but after reading your emails, I felt compelled to do so. I understand what you are going through, almost 100%. I am 5'7 and a 1/2 (you beat me!) and weigh 123. I battled an eating disorder (anorexia and bullemia) for a while and am finally settling down (I realized, after much trial and error and struggle, that the eating disorder was making my IBS symptoms worse). I decided that fitting a bit more snuggily in my jeans was better than the IBS pain that was made worse by the bingeing, etc. I am also athletic, I workout religiously and eat very well. I too find it very hard to get those nice firm abs I have always dreamed of. It seems no matter how little I may eat, how long I may do cardio or how many situps I do, I still have the overlying pudge and the love handles. The fact of the matter is that we are a product of our genes and, most people do not have washboard stomachs and very low body weight, naturally.
I too ate 2 decent size meals (breakfast, lunch) and had a bowl of fruit for dinner. I found that this kept my weight steady. But, at one point, I dropped down to 115lbs and since then, I have not been able to get my period naturally and have had amenorrhea for nearly a year now. I am trying to adopt the IBS eating guideline and it is hard to make the changes because generally, people like us have major control issues, even if we don't think we do. We are in love with schedules and deplore change and flexibility.
I understand your desire to stay fit and want to fit a perfect mold, in your mind. But it just simply is not worth the risk. I have had friends hospitalized because of eating disorders, calorie restrictions and low weight. Some have been in a state of depression ever since and many are on medication. One even died because of chemical imbalances that can occur when you do not get enough food/nutrients/oxygen to the brain, etc.
We live in a society that is constantly promoting the idea that beauty is one size fits all. Look around...that certainly is not the case. Hollywood stares us in the face (I'm from LA by the way) and glossy magazine covers grace millions of aisles...I worked at an agency...they don't all look like that and those who do, well, good for them. The 'idea' of beauty is fashionable in that it comes and goes. Stopped by a museum lately? The 'idea' of beauty not so very long ago was a well-rounded woman with curves.
I have also battled, and still do, low self-esteem and lack of confidence. I have a negative outlook on life and internalize everything. I have had many panic/anxiety attacks and stress-related breakdowns. I am convinced that it is because of all of this that I developped and continue to have symptoms of IBS.
It's a scary road. Luckily, my mother was very supportive and I don't have a sister (although I had a very skinny best friend growing up--she was a model--and her mother sort of played the role of yours and your sister when it came to telling me that if I only lost a few more pounds...and I was never heavy to being with).
I am sorry that you are going through this but know that there is plenty of support out there and this is a great place/site to start.
I don't know what your situation is, but I do know that if you busy yourself with other things/activities that do not involve food, you will be less likely to obsess over food and your weight. It's hard to get out there when you have social anxiety and a strict busy routine (believe me, I know) but it helps A LOT!
Everyone is different, but no one should be consuming less than 1200 calories/day (and that is to lose weight) that I know for sure. There are many sites that will give you an estimate as to how much a person of your height/activity level should be consuming (as other people have mentioned). Going to see a nutritionist is definitely a good idea as they deal with this all the time. I know that for myself, a very active individual, I am right on the border of underweight/healthy (I should be consuming around 1900 cals/day to maintain my present weight--I work out 5 days a week, cardio for 30 mins and 30-45mins weight training). I can tell you from experience that if you want to tone up, you need to weigh more. When you do not weigh enough or are losing too much weight, your metabolism slows down (as someone else has already pointed out) but your muscle depletes as well and you end up with sag. I have noticed that the times where I have had the most definition and muscle is when I weighed a bit more.
I have also been told that I should be around 130lbs and am not comfortable with that idea (my cheeks swell up and I feel as though I look like a chimpmunk storing nuts for the winter). Ironically, all the times I was 'heavier' in my life, I was happier, I had a boyfriend...I am now single and not a very happy person.
All I know is that health is number 1. We think that because we are young, that we have all the time in the world to make amends....but our bodies do not forget and forgive very difficultly.
Be good to yourself. Stay away from those who bring you down and find another sourse of support (like us!) and remember that looking the part on the outside, does nothing much for your state of mind, at least not in the long run.
Good luck--here if you need/want to talk.


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Re: Counting Calories--to Sheri new
      #82447 - 06/23/04 02:11 PM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

Wow- it seeems like we have alot in common! Two way street here- you need some support I will do my best to try and help! ( I am citing myself for excessive use of exclamation points- I'll try to quit) Thanks you so much for everything you said. I am realizing my ridiculousness now- hopefully I can get over this! My boyfriend will be happy if I do, he gets upset when I obsess over it. He is the only one that I slip infront of and do one of my bad habits- I lift up my shirt part way and check out my tummy to make sure that it is not sticking out. I guess I'll have to accept that I am not as young as I used to be.
I really feel like I have matured alot lately, and am turning over a new leaf in life. And all of you have helped alot.
Thank you so much for your post Saralou- I'll try to keep track of you!


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