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I second that! new
      #81171 - 06/19/04 07:37 PM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 1060
Loc: Canada

Yup I sure do cherish Bev's AMAZING advice too!

Anway, for you, marjo, i link to luna bars! web page

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Re: Feeling so guilty - Can't leave the house I am so miserable
      #81182 - 06/19/04 09:33 PM

Reged: 10/09/03
Posts: 515
Loc: MA

My gosh I cheat on the diet like aaaaaall the time! Seriously, don't worry about it. You sort of learn what you can and can't get away with. And I admit I occasionally eat things I KNOW will cause attacks, because I just feel like eating it I think it's the overall effort that helps the most. If you had those things and you felt ok, that's great. Just be careful, don't get it in your head that you're totally fine with it. Maybe you're the type of person that can have that stuff sometimes and be fine. I think it's better to sometimes indulge, than to never have it at all and be upset. Personally I like Mexican food I don't see why you can't have some...I like soft refried bean tacos/burritos(then again I make my own, I don't know if restaraunts put fat in them), or like other people said you could get chicken tacos/burritos. How are you with lettuce and tomatoes? And instead of cheese ask for salsa. Hope you feel better.


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Re:Steph, I just figured it out....... new
      #81186 - 06/19/04 10:52 PM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

I think the reason you and some of the others are having such a hard time with this diet is because of your age. Just listen.....when you are young, you want to live, get out there and love living your life, soak up everything there is out there to learn and just have fun!!! Of course you want to eat what everyone else is having, I would have been the exact same way. I think if it were me, I would be living the same struggle you are. Now, at my and some of the other ladies ages, we have really been searching for an understanding to what we can do to change our eating habits so we can live out our lives. We have unknowingly been eating foods that are poison to our bodie for years. That is why we are so accepting of the changes we have to make, I decided that I would only eat the foods that did not make me hurt! And I did only that for at least a year!!!! Now, I know how much I can cheat, and yes, we all do!!! I can cheat one day, but I'd better behave the next day, or else!!! Us OLD BROADS, are ready and willing to find a way to eat so we are not sick.

Thats the only difference in us STeph!! THats all, its an age thing, when you get to a certain point in life, after you have traveled up and over, and up and over the mountains in life, we are soooooo ready for the easiest way! Plus, we are looking into our futures, we want to keep our health at its Max. We want to be able to get out and continue to live, if it means that Bev takes her soy cheese to the Pizza Parlor, then she just takes it. We are just going to do it.

Really, it should be no problem for you either to take a container of safe food with you to any restaurant. The establishment shouldnt be offended, after all, your bf, and whoever else you may be eating with will be ordering off of the menu. Your friends and your bf should have no problem at all with you bringing your own food. If they are, then maybe they dont deserve your company!!!!!! They should be happy that you are there with them, no matter what you are carrying in your little container!! AMEN!

Just remember, we are all here to support you and love you unconditionally! If you went out to eat with me, and anyone gave you a cross look because you brought your own food, they would have to hear a little speach from me about tolerance!!! I'd rather your tummy be healthy than you have to stay at home because it is not!!

Its ok to be young and totally aggravated at IBS!! Us older Broads totally understand your frustration. WE love you too !! take care, you know what, I went out and brought take out home for me and my h, it was MEXICAN !!! YES IT WAS, AND IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD !!!!!


One more thing, when my #2 son was young, and we would go out for Chinese, he utterly hated it. So we would stop off and pick him up a burger and fries! The owners of the restaurant thought it was funny! So did the other patrons, so see, no one really cares. Just do your thing and go out and have a great time. I bet they would even heat it up in the microwave for you!!! Don't be shy about it girl !

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Thanks.. I may have overreacted just slightly..(long post) new
      #81192 - 06/20/04 04:24 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi all,
Thank you so much for all the replies.. I think I might have totally over reacted to everything that has been happening lately, it's that whole 'me thinking the world is falling apart' thing.. I'm working on it.
I do know that everyone cheats - I had just been so good so far! When I first read the diet, I wouldn't even try it because I thought there was no way I could do it. But then I got sicker, and I did it.. I really did it, I stuck to it completely. And not just for a few weeks, for _months_ on top of months. But I just kept getting more and more sick. I know this is totally unfounded, but I think I sort of blamed the diet for a while. I blamed being so stressed about food, about not getting enough vitamins because I was basically constantly stuck on the 'what to eat when you can't eat anything', I tried to blame everything just so I could go back to normal and stop obsessing over food. And then my GI doctor, the consultant of the whole GI thingie over here, told me to eat whatever I wanted. And he really explained why he thought that was true. And I do know better, but it just seemed like such an easy answer.
I really do need to stress over food, it doesn't come easy for me (not that I think it does for anyone). I have all these obstacles that make it harder; I don't have my own kitchen, 'cause I live with someone else's family so I have to hurry in and hurry out to keep out of the way. That makes it mighty hard to say No when they offer me to just join in what they're having (which is never safe). But I always did. It just stressed me out. If I lived back in Canada, I would know exactly where to go to find soy everything, and good deli meats (turkey/chicken for sandwiches), and yoga classes, and what restaurants I can and can't eat at.. But I'm not at home. It's like the stress everyone else must feel when they are on holiday away from home but _all_ _the_ _time_. It doesn't make things impossible, but it makes me constantly have to be thinking about food. And even just stressing over that is enough to give me an attack. I just so badly wanted a way out of this.
Thanks to everyone who reassured me about not losing the support, that really is a big thing for me. I have only gotten more.. comfortable?.. with this whole IBS thing since coming to the boards and I would be so alone if I just lost it. I know I probably over reacted, thinking you'd all hate me or something, but I can't help it. I get so freaked out about being alone here. Like I said, I'm working on it.
I will go back and reply to some of the posts seperately, but I wanted to just try and explain why I feel like I am going so crazy.. and why I cheated.. and then just overreacted about everything.
Okay, so I am back on the diet now and did a big shopping trip to make sure I have stuff for the week. (If I could only stop forgetting my nice pre-made sandwiches in the fridge in the morning - oy!) I am still doing the hypno, and keeping to the meds my doc put me on. Hopefully, I won't start to get sick again and can take care of this cramping/urgency business and I will be on my way.
*hugs for everybody*

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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For Bev new
      #81193 - 06/20/04 04:35 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi Bev,
I did my big explanation post further on, but I wanted to reply directly to you as well to apologise for going off the deep end a bit in the over reacting department. It wasn't so much _your post_ that upset me, it was the realisation that you are probably right, I can't just keep waiting for things to go back to normal - it was accepting that my 'easy way out' probably wasn't. Like when they say if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I imagine that's the case for me and the diet (or no diet, as the case may be). I wasn't angry at you, and of course I still want us to be friends. I just got scared that it might look like I'm just not taking care of myself, and then what is the point in trying to help me? But I know that's not true, I know everyone slips up. I know I probably will again, but hopefully deal with it better.

I stopped taking my Acacia fiber when I started taking these Celevac tablets, and am feeling better in the BM department but do you think I should try and start taking it again? I doubt I can blame the Acacia for all my D, so maybe it would be a good idea try and add bits back in? Or if my BMs are still fairly normal, should I just leave things as they are?
Like I said in my other post, I went out shopping and bought stuff for the week like you suggested (although I had just got back from doing that when I read your post!) so hopefully with more 'good' stuff stocking the cupboards, I won't be so inclined to reach for the 'bad' stuff. I really need to find some safe cookies here, I haven't been able to find animal crackers.
Oh, as for your pizza thing.. I think if you go in there often enough and you're a 'regular' then they will be way more likely to do special things for you really happily. I agree with everyone else, you should just ask. And then when they see you come in, and know you'll be bringing along your own cheese, they probably won't even think about it after a while. It's a good idea 'cause you'll get to go out for pizza without any stress! Last night I went to a friend's house, and they ordered pizza so my boyfriend ate all the cheese and toppings ('cause it was pepperoni) adn gave me the crust and tomato sauce.. Honestly, I took two bites and it still tasted pretty greasy so I just ate some rice cakes and stuff I brought along. As good as pizza? Hell no. As much as I try for postive thinking, they still taste like cardboard and sawdust. But I'm working on it... Damn, I'm 'working on' a lot of things.

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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For gigi re: the age thing new
      #81194 - 06/20/04 04:47 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hiya gigi,
First I just wanna say thanks 'cause you always seem to have such good replies and I really look forward to reading your posts now. I think you know a lot about people, and you really write everyone very considerate responses.
As for the age thing, I can't be sure (as I've never been older than this! ) but I imagine the lifestyle that surrounds younger people might make it more difficult. Like, the people that I am around are not very understanding about IBS.. I don't mean that someone of them aren't lovely people, who are sympathetic to tummy aches and all the rest, but they just don't understand IBS. I think it must be the same with some older people (I remember reading complaints about people's mothers, etc) but people see the diet as a choice. As a "oh, you can just have a little" sort of thing. With the people I spend a lot of time with, they don't have the same health issues. They can hop in a car, drive for hours and stop for pizza, and then get back in the car and have a wonderful time, whereas that sounds like agony to me. Trapped in car??? Pizza??? Oh God, no!! It does make it hard with my boyfriend, as he loves road trips and I am reluctant to get in the car to even drive to a restaurant 20 minutes away to have dinner with his family. He likes to go out to the pub, I usually don't want to go. It becomes either him going without me, or him staying in with me and losing his night out. Sometimes I go, and I make a real effort but the truth is.. sometimes that's just not fun for me. A) I don't drink B) I hate the smoke C) Until recently, I worked in a pub so spend more than enough time in one. At the end of a long day, I just can't make it appealing in my head!
With my boyfriend, who I live with and basically do everything with, it does become an issue and I don't blame him. I'm only 21, so I know that most people my age (ie other girlfriends he's had) don't have to worry about all the things I do. And as much as he tries to be so understanding (and he's so good most of the time) there are just some things I think he can't wrap his mind around. Which is why we still have arguments about food, and about going out to do certain things. Why he doesn't understand that if I decline an invitation in front of a group of people, to not keep questioning me about it until I finally have to say, "My stomach is feeling unwell, and I'm not sure I won't be really sick in the next hour or so". It's embarassing, and it's awkward and it makes me want to avoid social situations a lot of the time (Another thing I am 'working on').
I think the thing that made it even harder for my boyfriend was going along with me to the doctor's, hearing him say that I can eat whatever I want, and then watch me refuse to do it. At first, I wouldn't go off the diet but he really couldn't understand why. When I did go off, cheat, and not get sick he was ecstatic. Now he _really_ doesn't understand why I got so upset the other day, and why I've gone back on it. Again, I don't blame him.. but that doesn't mean it makes it any easier on me.
I hope it is an age thing in that I hope that means it will get easier to deal with as I get older. Practise makes perfect, right? I just need to find a way to quash that little voice in the back of my head that keeps telling me eventually I will go back to normal and be able to eat whatever I want!
Thanks for all your replies and understanding.

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: Thanks.. I may have overreacted just slightly..(long post) new
      #81195 - 06/20/04 04:53 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 346

Hi Steph,

Happy to see you feel sooooo much better now. You know we're always here for you no matter what. Always remember that, ok?

Hugs to You Too,


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Re: Thanks.. I may have overreacted just slightly..(long post) new
      #81198 - 06/20/04 05:45 AM

Reged: 06/20/04
Posts: 2
Loc: Germany

Hello all I am new to the board I just wanted to say hello. I was diagnosed with IBS 3 months after having my gallbladder removed. Just this year, 2 years later have started on bentyl. Mainly D, rarely C. To the point where I dont want to go anywhere, I work full time and Im afraid I will not make to the BR sometimes. Is this common?

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Backatcha, Steph! new
      #81205 - 06/20/04 06:33 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Thanks for your post, Cutie!

Good stuff here. You've really been working on it, and you sound good. But you didn't say how your tummy is doing?

Happy poops? Yaay! I don't know anything about Celevac, so I can't give you any suggestions -- except I don't believe in fixing it if it ain't broke. You don't sound broke to me!

The animal crackers are with the baby products. They have arrowroot biscuits as well -- which is what animal crackers are -- and you get those in the baby products too. They're very good; I was eating them, and so was hubby. They're crunchy and sweet, just perfect. However, I gave them up when I tried to cut out all sugaaaa. (Didn't last long, though, darn it.....)

Thanks for your advice. I think I'll give it a try. But if that pizza tastes greasy like yours did, I'll pass on it! Ew.

Why not call your doc and ask him about the Celevac tablets versus a SFS like Benefiber or Citrucel (he won't know anything about Acacia). Did I read somewhere here that Celevac is a SFS? If so, I think you're good to go. It doesn't bother your tummy, it works in the poop department, so it sounds good to me -- but I'd check first with the doctor who prescribed it.

I'm glad you're taking better care of yourself, Steph. That's what we all want for you.



<img src="">Bevvy

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Oh, my tummy! new
      #81209 - 06/20/04 07:10 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

I can't believe I forgot to put how my tummy is doing after all that! Well, my BMS feel more normal, which makes my tummy feel more normal. I still get the urgency thing out of the blue, which is annoying... I am hoping that'll go away, 'cause now I rush to the toilet, but then everything is alright once I get there. My tummy has been a bit churny inside the past couple of days. I'm hoping that might calm down a bit too as that makes me feel like I am 'on the verge' of getting sick.. even if I never get to the point of being sick, that thinking I'm gonna is enough to render me housebound and make me all kinds of grumpy.
Last night, after I had the bites of greasy pizza, my stomach got that really bad ache where it feels like everything between my ribcage and my hip bones just aches and aches and I ended up coming home early and going to bed. LauraSue said she used to get that, and it was gas pains - I only get them once in a while (always at night) but they are really bad, and there isn't anything I can do to stop it. I can take the gas relief meds, and peppermint caps and heating pad and basically the only thing that feels good is to lie on my stomach, on a heating pad and have some quiet time. I usually have to just go to sleep and by morning, it's gone.
I have been getting really nauseous when I'm at work, and my tummy feels like it's moving all around but I think that might be the heat - that's what happened to me last summer. My office isn't air conditioned and the fans just sort of circulate hot air, which is a bit sickening.
I feel about 70% better since these Celevac and anti-depression meds. I think someone did say (maybe Jen?) that Celevac is SFS.. If it is, I take 500 mgs, twice a day.. does that sound like a lot? I am clueless with stuff like this...

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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