Hysterectomy coming up - nutrition advice?
#7134 - 04/24/03 08:35 PM
Reged: 03/14/03
Posts: 241
Loc: Ohio
Hi, everyone -
I'd just appreciate some advice and encouragement as I have another new diagnosis (colitis was just diagnosed last month). A test I asked for (because my former gynecologist always did it) revealed some abnormalities and I had an in-office biopsy. The result of the biopsy is that I need a complete hysterectomy (10-25% chance cancer is present - but, that means there's a greater chance that it isn't!). Anyway, along with the stress of the new job, colitis, IBS, etc, I now have this to deal with. I'm thanking God that I asked for the test (a pelvic ultrasound) because if I hadn't, the doctor said I'd have a 100% chance of this condition becoming cancerous if it's not already! I have to have the surgery within the next three or four weeks.
My question is, I feel malnourished because of my restricted diet. Right now, because of the new job and extremely strict attendance policy, I've just stuck with totally safe foods - chicken, baked potatoes, rice chex with rice milk, applesauce, french bread, Progresso chicken & rice soup, vanilla wafers, baby food fruits, and lately a little broiled fish. Just added soy drinks. Also take Citrucel (that's my new favorite beverage - it tastes a little like Tang!). Extremely reluctant to try vegetables and beans - but know I need to try them. Should I just start adding the more nutritious foods and take a chance on the D acting up again? I don't even take vitamins right now because they usually make me sick. Just want to be in the best shape possible for the surgery. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Blessings, Kaybee
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Hi Kaybee - Good luck with everything coming up. You're really going through so much right now - it doesn't seem fair. I'll be thinking of you and sending you good wishes though!
To add fruits and veggies, one of the safest ways is to blend them up and add to a soluble fiber basis. Try blending fruit (fresh and peeled or frozen) like peaches, cherries, mangoes, bananas, a few blueberries or strawberries, into smoothies with some soy milk. A food processor works really well for this - you want it totally smooth. Have after some of your rice cereal with breakfast.
You can cook a big batch of vegetable soup and puree that till smooth, then serve over some cooked rice or pasta. Or steam/bake root veggies like sweet potatoes, beets, rutabagas, turnips, celery root, etc. They're really nutritious, delicious, and high soluble fiber. You can cook till tender and serve with rice/pasta/flour tortillas etc.
Best, Heather
-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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Thanks, Heather, for your reply and advice!
I have your books and actually know about the pureeing - but just wasn't sure if I should even attempt to add anything new right now - no matter how it's prepared. The sweet potatoes and beets sound like a good idea, though - and I love both of these foods. I'll try a tiny bit of sweet potato tonight and see what happens! Thanks again!
Blessings, Kaybee
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Hi Kaybee, I just went through a hysterectomy 6 months ago. You are cetainly going through a lot and then to add this...well, you will make it though. Women are strong and you have the IBS Board/network for support. I will be thinking good thoughts for you. I need to ask a rather delicate question...so pardon me, but it's necessary, do you know if they will perform a vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy? It appears that it will be an abdominal. If so, in performing the surgery, they will also do a very careful and thorough "look-see". To do this, the surgeon must touch/move the bowels. And because the bowels are touched, they will "freeze." In other words, they will quit functioning. I believe, this is where the diet you are now following will be important (after the hospital stay as well). It takes a few days before the bowels begin to function again. The signal that they are back to normal will be the passing of gas and a BM. With IBS, we are already very sensitive to the daily functions of the colon...so this part may take some time, but you will be more than ready! If you are given antibiotics in the hospital, make sure you counteract the devastating effects of the antibiotics by eating yogurt (you can also buy LIVE acidopholus {sic} at a health food store). The antibiotics wipe out all the flora, even the good, and can leave you vulnerable to bacterial infections. Taking the acidopholus will aid in the development of the good flora. I hope I haven't overwhelmed you, please let me know if you have any questions and I will try to answer them for you! Best of luck, Sue
-------------------- Sue
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ThankyouThankyouThankyou! You didn't overwhelm me at all - it was such a blessing to find your post.
I'm guessing it will be an abdominal, for the very reason you mentioned. I had thought about the manipulating of the bowels during surgery and am going to give my GE a call to ask for some advice - she specializes in IBS and IBD. I've only seen her for the scope - haven't even had the follow-up appointment yet! As for the antibiotics, I will definitely stock up on the yogurt and the acidophilus. I just spent half my paycheck at Wild Oats, buying up a variety of soy drinks with supplements, hoping to build up my strength a bit. The surgeon's nurse advised me to avoid diarrhea at all costs before surgery and just stick with the safest diet I can. I've been adding fish which I seem to tolerate very well. I believe they will recommend a clear liquid diet for a couple of days before surgery. I did pretty well after my gallbladder surgery, but my IBS wasn't this bad at that time - I'm sure the gb surg exacerbated the IBS.
I do have another question - and I guess my GE can answer this - but what about the pain meds? Aren't they kind of tough on the bowels? I'm allergic to anything related to codeine, which means morphine is about all I'm left with. I'm going to take a walkman and maybe the doctor will let me listen to praise & worship music during the surgery. I've read that people who listen to music during surgery need far less pain meds.
My appointment with the gyn-oncologist is this Thursday - guess I'll find out then when the surgery will actually be scheduled. Wish it was already over with! One of the most stressful issues pre-surgery for me is wondering if they'll let me keep at least one hearing aid in during surgery and my glasses - I at least need my glasses, because I lip-read! I've always been allowed this courtesy, but you just never know. I always tell them, "If you want me to respond to questions, you'll need to let me have the glasses at least!" Usually a nurse explains to the doctor and everything's okay.
Thanks again, and God bless you! I'll post again if I think of any more questions.
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For the pain meds - make sure you tell the docs you have IBS and are prone to diarrhea. If they give you any type of narcotic painkiller, this will actually have the tendency to constipate you, which may be a good thing if you're prone to D.
Best, Heather
-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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Thanks! n/t
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Kaybee, You are more than welcome for the information. You appear to be very knowledgable as well about what will happen to you during the surgery. I am glad that you are not overwhelmed.  Excellent idea to call the GE and ask for advice. My situation was a rather emergency situation, therefore, I had no concept about asking questions. Duh! In my case, and I suspect in yours, the doctors will want to empty the bowels as well which means you may be given the fleet type medication (by mouth). Perhaps, if you have enough time, they don't need to be so invasive. As you may know, they want everything EMPTY. Having your gall bladder out takes some adjustment as well, so no wonder you are having more problems w/ IBS. I think Heather's advice is noteworthy. I was given demerol (sic, again) for pain medication before I was transferred to second the hospital and that doctor preferred morphine (after 24 hours, I begged to go back to the other pain med. I just didn't like the effects of the morphine).
The use of the praise music is an excellent idea. I hope that works for you. And I think under the circumstances you describe you will be permitted to keep your glasses.
Please do not hesitate to post questions. If I don't have the answers, there is a strong possibility someone else on the board will know. I would like to know the actual day of your surgery, if you don't mind, so that I can be sending positive thoughts to you, the surgeon...etc. Best wishes,
-------------------- Sue
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Dear Sue,
Saw the gyn-oncologist today. I love him! He said my biopsy shows "one step away from cancer" - but he thinks I don't have anything to worry about. Praise God for prompting me to ask for the ultrasound - it's not a common, yearly exam - just something my former gyn did. If I hadn't had the ultrasound, the condition would have eventually developed into cancer - 100% no doubt according to the doctor.
My pre-op will be May 19th and the surgery will be scheduled at that time - probably the first or second week in June. Will post on the board when I know for sure. I appreciate your kind thoughts! Prayer is powerful!
The dr's nurse suggested I talk with the GE and get her input about pre-surg vitamins, diet and the pain meds. Then, when I go back May 19th, I can give the info to her for the surgeon. Some of it's a moot point re the meds: I'm allergic to anything with codeine or anything related: no Vicodin, Percodan, Percocet, Demerol, etc. Have had reactions to all of them. Morphine may be all that's left. If the side effects are yucky, I'll just try to use as little as possible - hopefully with a PCA device - as long as the "edge" is taken off! Sounds like a plan - if I can just get in to see the GE! It was easier to get an appointment with the gyn-onco!
BTW, he was very empathetic about the hearing aids / glasses request - no problem! Again, PTL!
Thank you again for your concern and kindness!
Blessings, Kaybee 
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Dear Kaybee, I have been looking for your post. I am relieved to hear that you are getting the best of care and more importantly, your doctors are listening to you. It sounds like morphine may be the only medication for pain. I tried to use as little as possible as well.... With all the good news you are getting, I foresee "smooth sailing", but please post when the surgery day is here. Best wishes,
-------------------- Sue
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