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heat attack new
      #69939 - 05/12/04 04:53 PM
heather robin

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 279
Loc: S.E. Pennsylvania

What was I thinking? It is unseasonably warm here in Penna. and like a moron I was out in the afternoon doing yard work. The whole time I kept thinking I shouldn't be doing this I will get sick. And of course that is what happened. Just remember if heat is hard on your body take it EASY. Now I am in attacksville. Your delicate flower ibser, hr.


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Re: heat attack new
      #69946 - 05/12/04 04:57 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

"Delicate flower" is EXACTLY what my sweetie pie hubby calls me! Feel better, hr.

Keep it simple!

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HR new
      #69979 - 05/12/04 07:15 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

glad to hear i'm not the only one who is "a delicate flower!" i was in Philly this weekend, sitting outside in the sun for my bro's graduation from LaSalle. for hours. and hours. yes, i had a HUGE attack.

between my IBS and the fibro (oh yeah, and my super fair skin!) (mmm... don't let me forget the meds that make me "photosensitive!), the sun and heat are just dangerous. i was telling someone today, i feel like i'm living in a Victorian age novel.

pass the smelling salts, please, i think i'm having an attack of the vapors!


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Re: HR new
      #69983 - 05/12/04 07:30 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Ugh! I get this too, especially when it is over 90 degrees and humid. It happens a few times each summer here in NYC. Consistently drinking lots of water seems to be the only defense and not always a reliable one unfortunately...

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: HR
      #69985 - 05/12/04 07:39 PM

Reged: 02/09/04
Posts: 279
Loc: Ithaca, NY

Yes! A victorian novel---that's where I belong, although I'm afraid my tummy couldn't handle the corsets

Still, to be 'indisposed' right now would be great. The humidity plus writing final papers (3 weeks of *pure* joy) is wreaking havoc in my poor tummy. I've been taking so many meds, just so I can write!

Something must be in the air---everyone's having bad attacks!


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glad to have more company! new
      #69987 - 05/12/04 07:42 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

yeah, i think i'm going to be glued to my water bottle more than ever this summer!


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Re: heat attack new
      #70019 - 05/13/04 05:19 AM
Janice B

Reged: 04/14/04
Posts: 33
Loc: New Jersey

Tell me about it. I live in New Jersey which you being from Pennsylvania know how unpredictable our weather can be. I have had attacks every morning since Saturday. I was doing fine for the past month or so but now that the weather is getting hotter I fear that there going to occur more frequently now.

Janice B

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Victorian Novel! new
      #70062 - 05/13/04 08:56 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Yes, Jen and Julie! That's exactly what I've been fantazing about for years. My goal in life is to become a recluse like Emily Dickinson. A long white gown, a sofa to drape myself on dramatically, smelling salts, the whole nine yards.

Keep it simple!

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To all the delicate flowers new
      #70103 - 05/13/04 10:30 AM
heather robin

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 279
Loc: S.E. Pennsylvania

Thank you all. Since I've found Heather and the message boards my attacks seem not as bad. I know it is from the diet change and just knowing there are others out there like me. Oh yeah I always wanted to go back in history and live in the 19th century until I worked in a museum. There I read through diaries and learn why they grew strong smelling flowers around the outhouses. PBS aired a few shows that the BBC did on going back in time. I caught the family that wanted to live in Victorian times. What an eye opener!


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Da Vapors new
      #70166 - 05/13/04 01:29 PM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA

I actually had a doctor once diagnose me with the vapors! Sounds silly, but he told me how to cure my spells of weakness that I would get in the spring and summer (4 days in bed every 5 weeks or so - sheesh).

His explanation was that some people just need to take it easy and be sure to get plenty of salt when it gets hot. In Victorian times, people called it the vapors, and one just sat and relaxed as best one could until they passed. It's related to, but not caused by, low blood pressure. He also recommended to avoid stressful jobs, too much exercise, etc. - basically said that acting like a Type A superwoman would make me feel worse, which is too true!

Of course, I couldn't really talk about this diagnosis with anyone 10 years ago, but I started eating salty stuff whenever I started feeling woozy....and it cured the problem. I also don't push myself to be some sort of superachiever: no OT at work, no heroic exercise schedule, plenty of time for reading and relaxing, no kids or dogs.

I still feel weaker than normal when it gets hot (not to mention the IBS stuff kicking it up then), but drinking Gatorade and eating pickles and baked BBQ potato chips keeps me from swooning on the couch too much.

--AC (also in the "so pale she glows in the dark" club!)

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hot therapy good, heat bad? new
      #70196 - 05/13/04 03:15 PM

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 43
Loc: St. Louis, MO

Another fair, delicate flower in the IBS Garden! what's worse is havin a husband who LOVES heat and humidity. We live in a brick 2-family flat, and when we first started dating, he didn't even have a window fan! Buying one was a condition for our relationship to continue :-)

In the winder months I spend so much time with hot tea and a heating pad, and now I have to find new "tools" for these dog days (although it's cool and rainy today). Does anyone have any favorite foods or drinks (preferrably low-acid) for the summer months?

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silly question here....heat makes IBS worse? Am I missing something? new
      #70201 - 05/13/04 03:22 PM

Reged: 04/05/04
Posts: 287

Strange concept...if it affects me, I haven't noticed. Maybe I'd better pay more attention!

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Re: Da Vapors new
      #70205 - 05/13/04 03:32 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Glad I'm not the only one to reach for the salt in the summer!

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Re: Da Vapors new
      #70214 - 05/13/04 04:05 PM

Reged: 04/27/04
Posts: 48
Loc: Phoenix, Az

interesting concept
i'm in arizona so...well..its always hot. lol
I'm pretty tan tho i use tons of sunscreen but i also chug water. will keep the salt concept in mind when i do get to feeling a bit woozy

Everyone deserves silk
I'm the mama. Just the mama. Always the mama.

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Salt! new
      #70217 - 05/13/04 04:14 PM

Reged: 02/09/04
Posts: 279
Loc: Ithaca, NY

Why didn't that ever occur to me?! Duh! I just had about five days of laying around (I don't have time for that, but I felt so languid, like a sloth). I'll try eating more salt and see what that does. Thanks for the suggestion! Maybe it's worse now that I'm not in CA and not used to this East Coast humidity.


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Yes to Both, Rachel new
      #70218 - 05/13/04 04:16 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

I don't know where you're living, Rachel, but perhaps you aren't living where there is a lot of heat and humidity? It can definitely be a trigger. It has something to do with our seratonin levels. Heather talked about this in a post about 2 months ago, and I just did a search to find that post but was unsuccessful.

I avoid hot weather at all cost. We moved up here to get away from the California heat. My body can't tolerate it; my IBS acts up BIG time!

ShawnEric states, "Seratonin is a major player in IBS, but more in the gut than in the brain. 95% of Seratonin in the body is stored in the gut."

I think Heather and Shawneric are right. I'm living proof of it. Even up here where there's no humidity (and very little real hot weather), I invested in an air conditioner!

<img src="">Bevvy

Edited by Bevrs (05/13/04 06:04 PM)

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Re: Yes to Both, Rachel new
      #70222 - 05/13/04 04:25 PM

Reged: 04/05/04
Posts: 287

That is facinating. I live in Houston, TX and we are 100% humid during the summer. My summer clothes are always loose and comfy where my winter clothes are fitted...interesting. I think I was compensating without even knowing! Thanks for the info!

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i store ALL of my seratonin in the gun...... -nt- new
      #70240 - 05/13/04 06:00 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA


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Fussy, Fussy Jen new
      #70244 - 05/13/04 06:07 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Don't we all store our seratonin in our guns?

<img src="">Bevvy

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Salt new
      #70247 - 05/13/04 06:18 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Did you know that without salt you could die from dehydration?

Make up your own sports drink with a bottle of water, a little fruit juice and some salt. It'll help loads.

I got dehydrated REALLY easily when I first got IBS so I found out about all this then.

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Re:Rachel, I live outside of Houston new
      #70296 - 05/13/04 09:41 PM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

During the heat of the summer, I go out early in the morning, try to stay out of the heat during the day, and go back out in the evening. Of course this isnt always possible, but for years I have felt such fatigue when I get hot. Dizziness, and sometimes it is actually hard for me to breathe, that humidity can be a killer.

It never dawned on me that this could be a side effect. I am reallly enjoying the cool air right now, for it can be gone in the wink of an eye. Not looking forward to that.

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I'm with you all too -- and dreading this July..... new
      #70322 - 05/14/04 06:26 AM

Reged: 11/20/03
Posts: 677

Not only do I live in KS -- where we get nice batches of humidity to go with our heat -- but my in-laws our coming to visit for two weeks. They smoke - and I have asthma. They love to go fishing and want to spend a majority of the time outdoors (so they can smoke, drink, BBQ and fish). I am wondering if I will live through the visit.... I had been doing so well too. I haven't had an attack in.... well several months. I think my last one was in January or February. I've already started not peeking my head out of my house after 9 am -- and before 7 pm at night to avoid the heat.....

I tried telling my hubby that the heat really does effect me and he just thinks I'm being... difficult. He says it's be fine and I can take one of those battery powered fans with me and it'll make everything just fine.

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I'm also dreading this summer... new
      #70329 - 05/14/04 06:42 AM
Miss Pepper

Reged: 12/23/03
Posts: 156
Loc: Delaware

...In fact, I'm already ready for Autumn I have been having tummy troubles for the past week and this heat is not helping at all. I got hit with a bunch of things at the same time: my stomach got all torn up from taking Naproxen and then Relafen for my bad back, then on top of that I got some kind of stomach bug Needless to say, my back is still hurting a lot and since I can't take any meds because of my stomach...well, I'm sure some of you can sympathize! And I really hate the heat and humidity, and living in the mid-Atlantic region, we have it really bad ALL SUMMER


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Heat Doesn't Bother Me!!! new
      #70337 - 05/14/04 07:30 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I wonder why it seems to bother everyone but me??

I do tend to get a bit of a winter depression during the colder maybe I feel better in the summer because I'm not so down and depressed...and much happier and in a more cheerful mood usually.

That could be it....

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Tell your husband to go soak his damfool head !!!!!!!! GRRRRRR!!! -nt- new
      #70377 - 05/14/04 09:24 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Keep it simple!

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Re: Da Vapors new
      #70378 - 05/14/04 09:27 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

AC, that is FASCINATING!! I love it when old wive's tales, or cliches or myths turn out to be TRUE!! And good for you for taking care of yourself!! You're an inspiration. (I used to tell people at work that I wasn't Wonder Woman,last time I checked!)

Keep it simple!

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I Understand LS' Anger new
      #70384 - 05/14/04 09:36 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Show your hubby my post in this thread about seratonin levels and IBS. ShawnEric and Heather know what they're talking about.

I'm surprised that certain people, especially family members, aren't more understanding of your situation, especially as regards your asthma -- and THEIR cigarette smoking. It's INEXCUSABLE!


<img src="">Bevvy

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Me too Miss Pep! new
      #70430 - 05/14/04 11:11 AM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

I also have lots of problems with my back, thankfully I can take celebrex w/o it hurting my tummy. Have you tried Prilosec? I know it is expensive, but when your back hurts you will try anything to make it better. When I walk, I feel relief, gotta always wear good shoes. I wear Clarks almost all of the time, I bought some on sale at Penneys last week! Hope it gets better soon. Right now it is still cool in Texas, wow! thats hard to believe. I better watch my mouth because things can change in an instant here!

My tummy is messed up too, most of it from stress and anxiety. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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Thanks gigi! new
      #70441 - 05/14/04 11:42 AM
Miss Pepper

Reged: 12/23/03
Posts: 156
Loc: Delaware

I'm kind of stressed out too right now - which isn't helping my back or stomach! I'm only supposed to take Tylenol right now and I'm taking a prescription antacid called "Aciphex". I've never heard of it but it seems to be working. I was taking Zantac 75, but that wasn't doing a thing

Maybe after I get through this mess I'll ask my doctor about Celebrex - I've seen the commercials for it. I'll also have to check out the Clarks shoes. Shoes are a big problem for me right now - I don't seem to have any comfortable ones except my New Balance sneakers!

Thanks for the advice. Hope things get better for you too

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Hey Gigi & Rachel new
      #70452 - 05/14/04 11:52 AM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas


I live outside Houston, too, in Clear Lake City. I can't be outside too long in our non-relenting heat and humidity.
I do yardwork but always come in and take breaks. I almost think it is the humidity that's so bad, sometimes you can hardly breathe......Thank goodness for air conditioning.



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Hey Miss Pepper, Aciphex and Clarks Shoes !!! new
      #70514 - 05/14/04 03:19 PM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

Now that you mention Aciphex, I took that a long time ago. If I remember correctly, it worked great for me, dont' even ask me why I quit taking it. I have taken so many things my brain loses track. I do love the prilosec though, it takes about a week before you start to feel it working.

As for the Clarks, I buy some of mine at These are the only shoes that I can wear that do not hurt my back, once a believer always a believer You have to keep going back and checking, they have sales and clearances. They also pay for shipping, and if you dont like the shoes, they pay to ship them back. Love that!!!!! I live in a rural area, I dont have quick access to shopping, thats why I love zappos, and places like them.

I have been eating all day long, I just cant seem to satisfy my taste buds or my tummy. I will pay tomorrow for what I ate today. ITs not that I dont understand the diet,a nd follow it most of the time, its just that I am craving food right now, any food. hate that.

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yes.... new
      #70518 - 05/14/04 03:30 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

yes, we do, but i keep some extra in a little bag in my purse, just in case!


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Re: Hey Gigi & Rachel new
      #70535 - 05/14/04 04:19 PM

Reged: 04/05/04
Posts: 287

close to the Woodlands here! I really had no idea that the heat made things worse. Amazing...

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This info was in a newsletter a while ago, and it's in the First Year IBS book... new
      #70539 - 05/14/04 04:25 PM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

here's the page from the book Heat and Stress. Just scroll down that page a bit and you'll see the info.

- H

Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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I used to make sorbet every week new
      #70541 - 05/14/04 04:29 PM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

when I lived in New England and the hot humid summers nearly killed me. Lemon, lime-mint, mango, strawberry...whatever was fresh and in-season I'd make into homemade sorbet. Often it was the only thing remotely appealing to me when the heat just left me with no appetite at all.

There are quite a few recipes for sorbet in Eating for IBS, and also check the recipe board for lots of ideas.

Tomato-basil bread salad was a good main dish - no cooking required, and it was perfect for summer garden produce. Tangy Thai salad worked well, and anything you could just throw on an outdoor grill (salmon, shrimp, whitefish, skinless chicken breasts) to make barbecue or fajitas with.

I'd also make big batches of herbal iced tea - very refreshing!

- H

Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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what's worse is it's not just heat for me... new
      #70645 - 05/15/04 09:53 AM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Extreme heat is definitely a trigger for me... but not as badly as the cold is! This is why I was excited to move down to Austin... when I was little and waited outside for the bus it was a disaster, I could feel my intestines start spasming and it got worse and worse while I was out there. No playing in the snow for me!

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