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Do I Have It Bad Or What??????????????
      #68545 - 05/07/04 11:47 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 94
Loc: NY, USA

I have such a problem sitting or even standing in a room full of people (just a few people will do it). My stomach gets gurgly and I often feel or do have an attack of IBS-D coming on. When I say my stomach gets gurgly it usually makes noise and I get so gassy too. I went to my son's preschool for a mother's Day celebration and I couldn't sit there for circle time and story time. I kept getting up to go to the bathroom. I get like this with the doctors Bevrs says is white coat syndrome. What do you call this though? I was fine when there was a lot of noise and moving around. Now, I have a meeting in an hour and I'm petrified to go...I know I'll have to keep getting up, but I can't really do that this time. And if I don't go, I'll get fired. Help!!!!!!! What can I do to relax and not let this happen to me?

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Social Anxiety? new
      #68554 - 05/07/04 11:58 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 94
Loc: NY, USA

Could it be social anxiety? Is it normal for IBS or just a trigger for some people?

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Re: Do I Have It Bad Or What?????????????? new
      #68558 - 05/07/04 12:14 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Okay, first stop and take three deep breaths!!

Okay, now let's analyze -- you have to go to the meeting or you'll get fired. Well, financial security is important, cause it's hard to eat right with no money!! So might as well go to the meeting.

Do you have any meds or stuff with you? Equalactin, Gas-X, even just plain Tums? A small soluble fiber snack will help too -- tummies are gurglier when they're empty. Can you eat a piece of bread, a plain bagel, a banana, anything like that?

What about your peppermint tea? Can you get some?

Finally, there's no law that says you can't explain that you're not feeling well but didn't want to miss the meeting and you're sorry but you may have to leave the room once or twice. I know it's scary, but it's better than suffering in silence.

And for the future, you might want to try the hypnotherapy tapes. Yes, this is a type of mild social anxiety that a lot of us suffer from. And the tapes have helped a lot of us tremendously.

And remember to breath during the meeting. "Eat when you're hungry, drink when you're dry, but never stop breathing, lest you die!!" That was my FIL's favorite saying!!

Good luck, sweetie. Let us know how it went.

Keep it simple!

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Re: Social Anxiety? new
      #68562 - 05/07/04 12:25 PM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

I can be doing fine, let me get into a conversation with someone, a casual one at that, and I have gas soooo bad.

It causes more anxiety, how do you excuse yourself in the middle of a greeting? Yep, anxiety is not my friend.

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Re: Social Anxiety? new
      #68577 - 05/07/04 02:07 PM

Reged: 03/31/04
Posts: 14

I can totally relate! I can't even sit in a car with other people in it. The only person that I have driven with in the past couple of years is my fiancee. I have avoided driving in the same car with other people for so long that I'm petrified of it. My fiance is going on a trip with some of our friends and he asked me to take them to the airport. I had to tell them that I couldn't take them. It'll only be a 20 minute drive but I just can't do it!

I know I need to do something about this because it is really ruling my life. Does anyone have any advice about how to overcome this?

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Re: Great past thread new
      #68582 - 05/07/04 02:46 PM

Reged: 02/29/04
Posts: 12
Loc: Albany, NY

There was a thread last month titled Does anyone think they bring their IBS symptoms on themselves (or something similar to that)on page 19. It was VERY interesting! It was all true for me. Whenever I worried about having an IBS-D attack (VERY little time to get to a bathroom once I get the "ut-oh feeling" ) I begin feeling like I had to "go". Along with the feeling comes grumbling, gas, etc. Often I would get to the bathroom and only go a little or not even have to go at all! And of course, once I get home, I feel fine. I know I bring a lot of my IBS stress on myself. It really made me think!

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Hypno Tapes to the rescue!! -nt- new
      #68594 - 05/07/04 03:30 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Keep it simple!

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      #68596 - 05/07/04 03:33 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 94
Loc: NY, USA

Okay, first of all, I was having major attacks of IBS-D with gas before the meeting. So I had a few sips of Jack Daniels to calm my nerves (I know, against IBS guidelines). Well, my symptoms just vanished...I was fine and relaxed. I was able to sit through the hour + meeting without feeling like I had to leave the room. This leads me to believe that it is symptoms were brought on by anxiety.

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Jack to the Rescue! new
      #68604 - 05/07/04 03:41 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Now you can undertand why I love this stuff so much. Of course, that's the ONLY reason, you realize...

Yes, you're definitely onto something here, Girlfriend. It's anxiety. Jack calms my tummy down something wonderful -- so I know my problem is anxiety as well.

A better solution to this problem is the hypnotherapy program. Michael helped me get over my anxiety, and now I only turn to Jack on a rare occasion, to celebrate an event with my hubby. My bottle of the stuff is almost a year old so far.

Check out the hypnotherapy program; you won't be sorry.


P.S.: You realize, of course, Jack has a bad side effect. Everyone can smell it on your breath .......

<img src="">Bevvy

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Re: Jack to the Rescue! new
      #68608 - 05/07/04 03:45 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 94
Loc: NY, USA

Bev, I knew you'd like that! I remember your other posts about how much you liked and missed J.D. I am seriously looking into the hypnotherapy tapes. I think it will work wonders on me (especially now that I know Jack helped ease my anxiety). I realize that anxiety plays a HUGE part in my discomfort.

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