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Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #57940 - 04/04/04 11:46 PM

Reged: 10/09/03
Posts: 515
Loc: MA

I know this sounds stupid, but I feel like eating all these simple carbs are bad. All I hear is about how good complex carbs are, and how awful white bread,ect. are for you. I mean I do try to eat as much fiber as I can, but I find myself avoiding all grains because I don't want to be unhealthy and eat high glycemic index foods, and I can't eat whole wheat. Is it really that bad for you, I mean are we all going to end up getting diabetes or something? I know this topic has been done many times, I'm not a newbie, but I just can't convince myself to eat grains(oats I can only eat occasionally, they give me trouble if too often). Is it better to just rely on fiber supplements and avoid simple grains?


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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #58009 - 04/05/04 07:41 AM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Ultimately your diet is up to you. I will say that I eat carbs all the time, simple or otherwise, and in the past 10 weeks I have lost 14 pounds. It's just a matter of calories in, calories out.

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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #58078 - 04/05/04 10:41 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I agree with chinagirl...your diet is up to you!!

I have been eating mainly carbs for the past couple of months and I've lost 12 pounds so far!!

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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #58087 - 04/05/04 10:49 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 40
Loc: Roanoke, TX

how have you girls (kimm and chinagrl) lost so much weight? that's great!! i'm new to this diet too, so i have similar concerns about all the carbs and white bread. do you exercise a lot? and if so, does that help in reducing ibs symptoms?

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For JJR new
      #58106 - 04/05/04 11:38 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm actually a really lazy person and really don't exercise at all unless I'm forced to.

So the answer is no...I don't exercise lots (although I'm going to start walking after dinner once the weather warms up)...I've lost 12 pounds just from simply following Heather's diet.

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Re: For Kimm new
      #58123 - 04/05/04 12:09 PM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 40
Loc: Roanoke, TX

WOW!!! i never would think it because of all the carbs...but i guess cutting out dairy, red meat, fried foods, etc. is a good thing. i guess the carb thing has been put in my head by all the media about no carbs. i hope i lose weight too. i just started the diet this weekend and am still trying to get the basics down. i'm concerned i'm gonna do it wrong, but am just taking it one meal at a time.
CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss...that's awesome!!

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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #58126 - 04/05/04 12:17 PM

Reged: 04/03/04
Posts: 43

That was my only problem too, am i going to end up with diabetes from so many carbs, and I'd be interested in hearing other peoples views or experience. I have not gained weight with eating carbs because it is mostly all that i eat. I lost 12 pounds in the first 10 days. I understand that is not healthy and it is most likely because i have severly restricted my intake of food because of fear of diarrhea but before I found this site that is what I had to do. I am eating now(a little more) and still losing weight but not as rapidly. I also need to step up and exercise again. I used to go to the gym atleast 3 days a week and go to yoga class once a week. Cutting out the take out food, dairy, red meat, sugary soda etc. has made a huge change in my weight and body.

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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #58128 - 04/05/04 12:22 PM

Reged: 10/09/03
Posts: 515
Loc: MA

Well not even really concerned about the weight issue, more just about the whole grains vs. simple, people say how bad they are health-wise. My sister keeps wanting to buy whole grain bread cause it's healthier, and reprimanding me for eating white...yet I can't digest that. So I dunno, I guess I never really thought about it before while growing up, but nowdays people seem very into whole wheat=good, processed grains=bad, so I feel like I'm being very unhealthy.


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Benefits? new
      #58135 - 04/05/04 12:47 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I guess it you just have to weigh out the benefits....

I know that I would rather eat all carbs (even if it were extremely unhealthy) and not feel sick all the time....rather than eating whole grains, etc and even though it may be healthier...not be able to leave my house.

Some people aren't as severe in their symptoms though...

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"simple carbs" vs, complex carbs vs. refined carbs new
      #58144 - 04/05/04 01:05 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

Well, this is such a complicated subject, and so heated for those of us who fight to keep our weight under control.

I know that I live just fine without many of the "carbs" like French bread and sourdough bread. I don't eat gluten, so all bread is out for me. I do just fine on this diet without those. But I do eat a lot of potatoes and rice. Have I gained weight from it. Not a bit. In fact, I've lost about 30 pounds over the last year + on this diet. I'd lost 10 other pounds on a "traditional" diet prior to changing to Heather's plan. I have maintained that loss and the new 30 for over 6 months. Why do I think that is? Because the "carbs" aren't the point-- the huge power they wield as soluble fiber is the point, to me. It fills my large intestines so that I don't get cramping or diarrhea or constipation.

Do I think I'm going to get cancer or die from eating these things? NO WAY. Sweet potatoes, white potatoes, red potatoes, rice... these aren't going to kill me. Let's focus specifically on rice, for example: White rice is white because the insoluble fiber "husk" on the outside has been taken off. Many many cultures and civilizations have subsisted on white rice as a staple of their diets. Asian communities, for example. Most of those cultures and civilizations have much lower cancer rates than we Americans do. You know what's going to kill me? Eating tons of McDonalds like I used to.... eating processed chips and so forth like many people do. Not getting my veggies, my fruit, my vitamins and minerals because I am eating junk all day, junk I pick-up at the 24-hour market or even the gas station--- that's going to make me fat and sluggish and eventually kill me.

I don't eat "simple carbs" much. Simple Carbs are defined as "candy, honey, pop, donuts, sweetened cereal, cakes, sweet fruit, fruit juice, white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, maple syrup, molasses, sucrose, glucose, fructose, dextrose, and other "...ose" variations." Refined carbs are white breads, white rice, non-whole grained breads, pasta, etc... and those aren't nearly as bad as "simple carbs." They may be processed, but remember that the processing takes out the bad bits--- the part that mess up our digestive tracts! (Some vitamins and minerals are also removed, but since they're not the only things I eat, I don't worry about that. I get my vitamins and minerals for other foods!) No need to overdo them, but you shouldn't be overdoing ANYTHING! A nice variety... a broad variety of safe foods with a soluble fiber base. That's what I need to keep myself happy. And full. And not wandering around looking for the next snack! Simple carbs are what do that to me! I make sure I am eating other complex carbs, like veggies and legumes and lentils and nuts carefully. This helps me get my nutrients. I also take a multivitamin.

If it makes you feel better... I've found that by taking my soluble fiber supplement (in my case, acaia), I do not require as much soluble fiber with my meals. It's there, but I don't need as much as I used to. I used to need to eat 90% soluble fiber just to keep myself stable. I have stablized and now take a few tablespoons of rice with my salmon and cooked broccoli, maybe a half a baked potato with my chicken and asparagus, a few bananas and my acacia in my smoothie to go with the soy milk, peaches, pears, strawberries... there's always a soluble base, but it doesn't always have to be the whole meal!

Does that help at all??


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      #58146 - 04/05/04 01:08 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Keep it simple!

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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #58150 - 04/05/04 01:15 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

Sorry 'bout the long post earlier...

just wanted to add that since whole grains aren't healthy for you (give you C or D or both) then you are being healthy by not eating them! what's good for some people isn't good for others... i know that the current thinking is to focus on wholegrains, but really we're getting the fiber we need to keep our colons healthy, and we're getting the nutrients and vitamins we need... how is that unhealthy? at least, that's what i told my brother when he asked me the same things a few months ago... he didn't really have an answer to that!


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Thank you for the clarification! new
      #58163 - 04/05/04 02:40 PM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

It drives me nuts when foods like white rice and potatoes and white breads are wrongly termed "simple carbs". There's only one simple carb in the world, and it's plain sugar. No matter how refined grains and cereals are, they're still complex carbs. And potatoes are a vegetable, for God's sake. They're not even a refined carb - they're a whole food.

Refined grains is a better term here. And the only thing this even applies to is the white bread, pasta, and white rice. Other high soluble fiber foods like oatmeal, polenta, potatoes, etc. are not refined at all. Refined grains are still complex carbs, not simple carbs, but they've had their bran and germ removed. There's nutrition in bran and germ as well as insoluble fiber, but for wheat products, once they're refined they're then enriched, to add the vitamins/minerals back in. So all you're missing is the insoluble fiber.

One thing many folks don't seem clear on is that there is nothing in refined carbs that isn't also in whole grains. Nothing is added to white breads that you aren't already eating with whole wheat bread. So it's not like there is something unhealthy being added to white bread - you're just missing the insoluble fiber. And if you have IBS, you may not be able to eat this type of insoluble fiber, in which case you're healthier without it. Agonizing cramps, diarrhea, and constipation are not signs of health.If you worsen these problems with whole grains that your gut (which is not normal, that's why you have IBS) cannot handle, you are not helping yourself. You're making yourself sick, and there's no way that's healthy. This always makes me think of people who have food allergies. If someone is allergic to strawberries, eating them is not in the best interest of their health. Yes, strawberries are packed with vitamin C and anti-oxidants that prevent cancer. But if eating them makes your throat swell shut so you die, then strawberries are not healthy for you, and you should avoid them.

The countries with the highest carb intake are Asian. They get anywhere from 60-75% of their calories from carbs - mostly in the form of the refined grain white rice. Their obesity rates are 2-3%. Their diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis rates are a fraction of the rates in the US. So how many carbs do we eat in the USA? On average, about 45% of our calories come from carbs. And our obesity rates are now 35% and climbing. We have one of the highest obesity rates in the world, but our carb consumption is dramatically lower than those countries with the lowest obesity rates in the world.

Complex carbs are not the enemy, and refined grains are complex carbs. You're not somehow eating bad things in refined grains that are absent from whole grains. You're just missing some insoluble fiber. And you're trying as hard as possible to incorporate as much insoluble fiber as you can, carefully. If you can find this balance and keep your gut stable, you should be eating a really healthy diet that is much more likely to lower your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. It's not a coincidence that so many folks on the boards have found themselves losing weight without trying after adjusting to the IBS diet. And with that weight reduction, their disease rate is dropping as well.

At some point you just have to tune out people telling you to eat foods that you know you cannot eat without getting sick. Whether they're trying to push whole wheat breads or Atkins, if it's not suitable for your body you have every right to just ignore them and do what it takes to keep yourself healthy and happy.

- Heather

Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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Amen, Sistah! -nt- new
      #58214 - 04/05/04 05:18 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA


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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #58221 - 04/05/04 05:28 PM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 62
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hi guys, just thought I would add my bit. Yep, I was scared silly of the carb thing, man have we been brainwashed. Heather you are my hero! I am having sooooooo much fun eating my beloved white breads, potatoes, your lovely recipes for breads, cakes, etc. I am hoping to lose weight, in time, right now I am enjoying eating again. I was a vegetarian for 12 years and would love to get back to that. I just printed off Heather's note about the carb thing and my husband is reading it. I am getting him off of Aikins and he's loving the mashed spud again also. We are British after all! I will let you all know how the weight thing goes, for now my tummy is pretty good.

Take care, Anita.

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Re: For Kimm new
      #58249 - 04/05/04 07:13 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Hi JJR... I've lost weight by following Heather's diet mixed with Weight Watchers. I try to exercise a lot... but this semester has been crazy at school and I haven't as much as I would have liked.

As for the person up thread who asked if eating white bread will give you diabetes, ABSOLUTELY NOT.

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Re: Thank you for the clarification! new
      #58278 - 04/05/04 09:35 PM

Reged: 10/09/03
Posts: 515
Loc: MA

Thank you guys all so much! I just feel guilty about it, I have "food issues"(which actually is what caused my IBS in the first place), so I tend to get triggered into thinking foods are *bad*, especially when people tell me they are. But reading all your replies made me feel so much better about things. I try to add in as much fiber from other sources as I can tolerate, so I mean I guess that's all I can ask for right? I'll try to look at it in the way that for me it's healthy. You guys helped a lot. And by the way sorry Heather for refering to them as simple carbs, I'll try to remember that in the future


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Re: Thank you Heather! new
      #58459 - 04/06/04 12:27 PM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 40
Loc: Roanoke, TX

thank you SO MUCH for that explanation!! it really gave me a better understanding of that whole issue. i appreciate it!

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Re: For Chinagrl new
      #58462 - 04/06/04 12:29 PM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 40
Loc: Roanoke, TX

Thanks...and congrats!

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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #58512 - 04/06/04 02:45 PM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

I just wanted to let you know I lost 30 pounds the first 4 months I was on the diet. The thing is I was student teaching at the time. I probable didn't do it right. I was so worried about an attack that I would eat very little for breakfast, had little time for lunch and then I would eat a normal dinner. That was 16 months ago and I never put it back on and I even increased my food intake. Well actually, I lied. I have gained at least 1 lb. I will find out on Thursday how much more I have gained but I'm also 12 weeks pregnant. At this point with my first pregnancy I had gained 20lbs. This is my best pregnancy and I have hardly been sick and I am finally getting my energy back. BTW, my IBS started after the birth of my second child.

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Kim's weight loss new
      #58548 - 04/06/04 04:17 PM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 62
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hi Kim, I share the same province as you, I'm waiting for it to warm up too, although I do walk every day (I have a dog, don't need a medal!!) As for your weight loss, did you eat the yummy breads and cakes or did you cut out the sugars all together?


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Re: "simple carbs" vs, complex carbs vs. refined carbs new
      #58570 - 04/06/04 05:34 PM
Ana Maria

Reged: 03/24/04
Posts: 171

That's lots of good info! Thanks!

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Re: Kim's weight loss new
      #58584 - 04/06/04 06:10 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I actually don't eat too much sugar my sugar intake wasn't that high. BUT I didn't make a concentrated effort not to eat sugar and still indulged in RKT's sometimes and other goodies too. I completely cut out coke!!

Before I started this diet I was drinking at least one can of coke everyday and eating McDonald's a couple time every week. I had TERRIBLE eating when I started eating better I just naturally started losing weight without even intending to.

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Re: Kim's weight loss new
      #59112 - 04/08/04 09:19 AM
Ana Maria

Reged: 03/24/04
Posts: 171

That's great about the weight loss. It sounds like a lot of folks have lost weight just by eating more healthy foods. I'm still getting used to the boards so someone please tell me what RTK's are! That one I definitely didn't understand!

I've been on this diet for about 2 weeks now. I also thought about the diabetes thing because I saw a medical show where a doctor said that eating a plate of pasta is liking eating a plate of sugar. Now that I know that that's not true I won't have to worry about it! Thanks!

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Ana Marie...RKT's are..... new
      #59124 - 04/08/04 09:50 AM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

Rice Krispy Treats.... here they are


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Re: Ana Marie...RKT's are..... new
      #59219 - 04/08/04 12:44 PM
Ana Maria

Reged: 03/24/04
Posts: 171

Thanks! I've actually never made these before (eaten them a lot but never made them!). RKT - who would have thunk it!

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Re: Ana Marie...RKT's are..... new
      #59222 - 04/08/04 12:50 PM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

oh...they are so easy! Give it a try...someone on the boards makes them with rice chex and really like it. I think I'm going to give that a try next time!


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      #59257 - 04/08/04 01:49 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Dog poop. ALL dog poop.

<img src="">Bevvy

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Bev...I had a funny dream about this!!!! new
      #59290 - 04/08/04 02:41 PM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

I was dreaming I made cocoa RKT's and they ended up in the turned into poop....EEEEWWWW YUCK!!! So all of your dog poop talk is making me dream WEIRD things didn't stop me from eating one today!!!


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Steph new
      #59390 - 04/08/04 06:29 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

How could you eat them after that dream? I love it. GREAT way to turn yourself away from them, eh?! Sure wish I could have that dream!

<img src="">Bevvy

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Bev...crazy dream! new
      #59441 - 04/08/04 08:54 PM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

gosh I don't know!!! I guess I figured it was a dream and the darn things smelled good, looked good and tasted good!!! YEP it was a darn WEIRD dream!!!

Speaking of dreams....I'm off to have some. BED TIME!!!!! Yea!!! My favorite time of the day!!!


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Re: "simple carbs" vs, complex carbs vs. refined carbs
      #63421 - 04/21/04 10:59 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Holy cow!

Someone has done their homework. You sound like you've really looked into nutrition and know how it all works. Good for you and thanks for the explanation as I wondered about all the diffrents kinds of carbs out there.

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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #64418 - 04/24/04 09:56 AM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 14

Wow! I'm so happy that you've been able to lose weight and somewhat control your cramps. But as for me, since I've been on the diet, I've actually GAINED a couple pounds. Is it normal for my body to react this way, because my cramps have lessened but I am gaining, slowly, weight. I need help making meal choices...any advice anybody??? thanks!

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welcome to the boards. new
      #64463 - 04/24/04 02:19 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

my suggestion to you is that you come on over to the Living Room where some of us are dieting. we post with the word Losers in the subject line (weight loss... losers. get it?! ).

or i would suggest that you repost your questions with something like "meal choices for weight loss/maintenance" or something of the sort... right now your post is buried in this thread and some people who may be able to help you may not see it.

maybe if you post an example of what you eat each day, we can make some suggestions?? (that's how the Losers started!)


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Re: Having trouble with the whole simple carbs issue new
      #64502 - 04/24/04 04:49 PM

Reged: 10/09/03
Posts: 515
Loc: MA


Wow! I'm so happy that you've been able to lose weight and somewhat control your cramps. But as for me, since I've been on the diet, I've actually GAINED a couple pounds. Is it normal for my body to react this way, because my cramps have lessened but I am gaining, slowly, weight. I need help making meal choices...any advice anybody??? thanks!

Maybe it's because now you're able to eat more foods and not feel sick? Do you exercise? Maybe try exercising, like even just taking a walk 5 days a week. I'm getting a bit rounder myself but I think it's because I only went to the gym once in the past month, hehe.


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