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Just got back from the doctor...I'm going to cry it went so badly! new
      #54281 - 03/25/04 02:25 PM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

I'm so frustrated! I just got back from my doctor's appointment that I waited two months for, and it went horrible. I was in tears by the time I left!
First of all, he kept saying, oh it just sounds like IBS...finally he agreed to a colonoscopy but won't do any blood work, gall bladder checks or celiac tests. The gall bladder really pissed me off because I've been having a lot of chest pain. He just gave me Nexxium (for acid reflux) and scheduled the scope. When I asked him if he could do a celiac test, he told me if I had that, I'd be thinner! That was his response! (I'm sorry, I'm just really upset right now).
So, I tried to be forceful and not let him rush me, and I explained to him that I would prefer to do more to consider other possibilities, so that I can have the peace of mind of knowing for sure what it is. He told me to get dressed (I was in the examination robe at the time) and that he'd come back and we'd "discuss it."
Well, he didn't come back! He sent his nurse in to tell me when the colonoscopy is (2 months from now), and I told the nurse I wasn't done and she just said "well, he's done with you."
What am I going to do? I explained to the nurse that it's been almost three months and I havent' been able to eat anything other than plain rice and bread, and I would have appreciated some suggestions at least from him or some pills to try so that I can eat. She just told me to take a multi-vitamin and deal with it.
So, I'm basically out of luck, because I'd have to wait 6 months to see another specialist. Why do they do this to us? I don't get it!!!
Does anyone know if a regular doctor can do the celiac and gall bladder tests at least? Because I love my regular doctor and I'm thinking about going back to him and explaining how badly it went and asking if he would be able to order those other tests.
I mean, I need to know what's going on in order to effectively treat it.
Ok, I'm sorry I'm rambling, I'm just so upset right now. It's my birthday today (yea) and I have spent have the day crying, how fun.
Thanks in advance for any advice,
P.S. On the upside, my boyfriend is going to try and make me the peppermint fudge cake tonight to celebrate, so that should be nice.

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Re: Just got back from the doctor...I'm going to cry it went so badly! new
      #54283 - 03/25/04 02:28 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Wow. What a horrible, horrible birthday. I had a sucky one myself this year, so I sympathize.

Find another doctor. I think doctors suck in general, but there has to be a limit that you accept. I can't believe he freaking lied to you and told you he'd come back and then didn't. I also can't believe that doctors won't do tests patients request. It's not like he's paying for it.

I don't know what else to say other than that guy is a complete and total jerk and I'm so sorry this happened to you.

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Don't Cry Birthday Girl new
      #54292 - 03/25/04 02:39 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Oh Kelly honey....I'm all teary just reading your post.


ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR DAY....wipe those tears.

Now.... tomorrow you call your regular Dr. ask him if there is anything he can do or refer you to another specialist.

Maybe others here on the board can help you with how to handle that mean ole Dr you saw today..... I'm lucky and have not had to deal with that.

But know that we are all here for you....and I hope if makes you feel better knowing we are all here for you to vent, yell, cry, SCREAM, support you.... whatever you need. Wish there was a cure all for all of us..... but you just take it one day at a time and keep us posted.

Enjoy that yummy peppermint cake too!! UUmm......


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Re: Just got back from the doctor...I'm going to cry it went so badly! new
      #54296 - 03/25/04 02:44 PM

Reged: 03/15/04
Posts: 290
Loc: Orange County CA

I'm sorry the appointment was so disappointing. I had the celiac blood panel done a few months back. I don't see why a regular doctor wouldn't be able to order it. My results from the celiac blood work came back inconclusive I went from 1 in 135 chance to 1 in 2 chance of having it. They ended up doing an endoscopy to determine whether I had it or not (The endoscopy is actually a MUCH more accurate test). My endoscopy came back negative.

Will pray for you,

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Happy Birthday Kelly!! new
      #54309 - 03/25/04 03:18 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm so sorry your appointment went so badly!!

Here's some good news though:

You CAN have your regular doctor order a celiac test and most other blood tests.

You CAN see another specialist!! I know you've waited so long to see this one but look on the bright side...not all doctors are so crummy!! You may end up getting referred to another specialist that is awesome!!

It's also your birthday and it sucks that it's been so horrible so far....but you've got a great man who is gonna make you a really special birthday cake tonight!! YAY!!!

Get in some comfy clothes, have some tea and some cake and try to calm down a little. I know how upsetting it is for you right now...but I have faith that you will be able to see a doctor who can help you.

Try asking your regular doctor for some meds. I get mine prescribed by my regular doctor!!

Try and cheer up (as hard as that might seem right now)...and enjoy the rest of your birthday girl!!

Let us know how you're feeling tomorrow...

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Oh no! new
      #54324 - 03/25/04 04:29 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Oh, please don't cry on your birthday! That sucks. Shall we group together to get a hitman for your doc? He deserves it! Only kidding!

If you can be bothered, sent a letter of complaint to the hospital authorities! They really shouldn't be allowed to get away with this s**t!

Eat your cake, get into bed with your boyfriend and a hot pack and enjoy what's left of your birthday! You will get past this!


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Kelly, Bless Your Heart! new
      #54326 - 03/25/04 04:40 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Honey, I am SOOOOO sorry for you. I don't know how the Canadian medical business works, but it sounds like the GIs up there go to the same School of Dummies as the ones down here!

I'm real glad you love your regular doc. GO BACK TO HIM as soon as you can and just spill your guts. (Ouch. Sorry about that!) The same thing happened with the GI my doc referred me to. He in essence showed me the door as soon as he had a confirmed diagnosis of IBS. I went back to my regular doctor and complained, LOUDLY. Now my regular doc treats me for my IBS. (He did say, though, that if my diverticulosis heats up, he wants me to return to my GI because, believe it or not, he's the best in this area. )

Ask your doc for another referral. (Do you guys do that up there, referrals?) If not, then see what he can do for you.

What a lousy way to celebrate your birthday. On an up-note, I gotta say this, Girlfriend -- WHAT A TERRIFIC HUBBY YOU HAVE!!!!! Hugs and (as Jen says) smooches to him! Whoop-De-DEW!

And from me, here's my birthday card for you:

<img src="">Bevvy

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Poor Kelly new
      #54333 - 03/25/04 04:57 PM

Reged: 10/08/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Northern NY

Oh Kelly, I totally sympathize. My GI doc blew me off like that after waiting months and months for my appointment, and I cried too. I'm convinced that most GI docs are absolutely worthless. They may have tons of book smarts about GI problems, but if they haven't had any problems themselves they just can't understand the pain and suffering we all go through. If I were you I'd look into another doc, as aggravating as it is. That's what I'm planning on doing.

I didn't realize it was your birthday! What a horrible way to spend it. I hope you got to do SOMETHING fun on your birthday. Excuse me for being blunt, but screw your GI doc... enjoy the rest of your birthday! I hope you have a great evening, and don't stress about it! You'll get things figured out!

"Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield

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      #54344 - 03/25/04 05:21 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

Oh, Kelly..... I feel so terrible for you. I was soooo hoping things would go better.

I don't know about in Canada, but in the States your personal doctor can order some of those blood tests and the like. Whether they will or not, is another story.

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly.... I feel terrible for you. I don't know what else to say.

By the way, you really really really need to report this doctor to whomever you report doctors to in Canada. That is inexcusable. Really, Kelly, please report this man. He should not be able to practice his "specialty."

Kel, we love you and will do whatever you need us to do to help you get through this.


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Re: Just got back from the doctor...I'm going to cry it went so badly! new
      #54345 - 03/25/04 05:22 PM

Reged: 02/22/03
Posts: 4508
Loc: ;

Kelly, I'm so sorry you had such a horrible time. I get upset myself just reading your post.

Find another doctor. I know it's a PITA, but please keep trying. Finding a doctor is kinda like dating - you gotta go through a bunch of crap till you find the right one.

And Happy Birthday! I'm adding you to the birthday list. Also, I don't know if it's too late, but if you do have acid reflux (don't know if you really do or the jerk was just giving you Nexium to give it to you), the peppermint in the peppermint fudge cake can aggravate that. You can make it with vanilla or almond instead, and it's really yummy!

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Re: Bev - your "card" is hilarious! -nt- new
      #54346 - 03/25/04 05:23 PM

Reged: 02/22/03
Posts: 4508
Loc: ;

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kelly, sorry things went bad for you... new
      #54369 - 03/25/04 06:58 PM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

I hope by now you have setteled down and have had some yummy cake! Have you done anything fun tonight? Watch a fun show??

I'm sorry your DR was such a JERK!!! I would call his office tomorrow and demand to talk to him....let him know your not coming back to him. Let him know you think he is a horrible DR. and that there is no way you would ever go back to him. He thinks he knows everything. He's a specialist in being an a--hole!!!

Call your regular DR explane what happened...let them know your worried about your body and see what they can do. Hard to believe but there is some really great DR out there who care. Not Cocky know-it-all jerks!!!

I hope you feel better soon! Keep your chin up and keep on looking for a good dr! I love my regular Dr and I think he is better than the GI he sent me to!

Good luck! And Happy B-day


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Re: Just got back from the doctor...I'm going to cry it went so badly! new
      #54376 - 03/25/04 07:11 PM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 514

Ditto on everything everyone else said. Forget that jerk and use your own doc till you can see another specialist. As you were describing him I had visions of the jerko GI doc I used to have. Yes it's "JUST" IBS. I pray all of those cra....y doctors get IBS themselves! He didn't come back because he is too imcompetent to offer any suggestions. I know lots of doctors now sometimes don't order tests because the HMO's will give them a big bonus at the end of the year if they save them $$$$. Our old family doctor who couldn't take the HMO's and the system anymore went into early retirement and told us about these bonuses so I know they are real. Money, that's all those types care about, not people.

I'm ranting arent I. Try your best to cheer up and celebrate your b-day and know aside from your family doc we are all here and Heather is here to help you with our suggestions and foods that might work. Get Heather's books if you haven't already.

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Thank you everyone for your kinds words! new
      #54384 - 03/25/04 07:20 PM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Thanks everyone for your kinds really means alot.
I was able to calm down and have a fairly good night, and I quite enjoyed the Peppermint Fudge Cake so that was nice!
I'm definately going to try and find another specialist, but there's a bit of a problem and I would appreciate anyone's advice.
The problem is that I love my current doc, and this specialist and him are apparently friends which is why he referred me to now I feel kinda uncomfortable going back to him and saying that I didn't like the other doctor...because I don't want to get his nose out of joint or I'll be without any doctor!
Anyways, thanks again everyone, it's so nice to have a place where people understand what you're talking about and are so supportive...
I'm going to settle in and have some nice tea and watch some Friends (got some of the DVD sets for my b-day).
Thanks again!

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Acid Reflux new
      #54386 - 03/25/04 07:22 PM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hey Mags,
Thanks for your info...that's actually the worst part, I don't think I have acid reflux! I tried explaining that to him but he just gave me hand-outs of the Nexxium (i.e. free trials) and said well try it. I've never had anything that feels like reflux, I get chest pain yes, but it's been diagnosed as costochondritis and another doc said possibly my gall bladder, but acid reflux??? I think this doc had a prescribing bonus or something for giving it out.
Anyways, I think I may still try the cake sometime with almond and/or vanilla, yummy!

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If it were me I'd say... new
      #54394 - 03/25/04 07:45 PM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 514

"I know .... is your friend but he just didn't meet my needs as a GI doc and I don't feel he helped me at all. Can you do.... tests or meds to try? If not, can you refer me to another specialist as I really need help. Although I may have IBS and not something more serious, IBS is serious to me and is seriously effecting my happiness and my life. I'm just not satisfied." I'd also tell him that the other doc said he'd come back and just what the nurse told you. Also tell him how much you like and respect him (the family doc) & hope this doesn't jeopardize your relationship with him. There's my 2 cents. Let's see what anyone else thinks.

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Aw Bev, that's the cutest card! -nt new
      #54396 - 03/25/04 07:47 PM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

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Doctor "Friends" new
      #54401 - 03/25/04 08:00 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Kelly, I'm answering your question with another story.

Before I had my right knee arthroscopy to remove all the broken cartiledge in my knee (I used to be a runner and broke it all), I was in a great deal of pain. My doctor didn't want me running anymore, but I insisted, so he sent me to a specialist for pain shots.

Anyway, that "specialist" was a first-class jerk. For one thing, he was running really late. My appointment was the last of the day, and he was annoyed because he was missing out on his basketball game with none other than one of my bosses -- an attorney in the firm where I was working -- a "friend" of his.

That jerk of a "specialist" hurt me, but worse than that, he treated me like I had inconvenienced him BIG TIME, and then left me all alone, leaving me behind in his office!

He sat on the stool and I was sitting on the examining table. He reached for the needle and growled at me, "now don't kick me!" I didn't know what he meant until he stuck that needle in me and gave me the most excruciatingly painful shot I've ever experienced in my life. It's a good thing he warned me not to kick him, because I WOULD HAVE! He tossed the needle aside as he stormed out of the office with not a word to me. I sat there in excruciating pain, waiting for the door to shut behind him, and then I broke down. I wasn't about to cry in front of him (even if I had the chance). I couldn't climb down from the table because I was in such pain. I heard the sound of his car leaving the parking lot, "peeling a wheel" in the gravel, just before my hubby came in to see how I was. Everyone in the office had left hubby and me behind, and the office was dark. I cried all the way home, in the worst pain I've ever had.

The next day in the office I told my boss what a jerk he had for a friend. I SOOOO did not care about anything but letting my boss know just how awful this so-called "specialist" was.

You know what my boss replied? He said, "yeah, and you should see him on the basketball court. He's a lot of fun, telling us how to play and how we should get off the court. He's a real jerk."

Your GI was no better than this idiot. And your doctor needs to know not to refer other patients to him.

<img src="">Bevvy

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Your card.... new
      #54419 - 03/25/04 11:03 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

has more meaning to we vintage chicks then I even want to think about.............

But it was adorable!!!!


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Re: Thank you everyone for your kinds words! new
      #54420 - 03/25/04 11:13 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

Oh Kelly, this happens all the time. My primary sent me to a GI that he thought was the greatest thing since sliced bread. After a 2 1/2 hr. drive to get there, and being treated rudely, I told my primary doc I would NOT go back to this GI for anything..........BUT, I gave him an alternative (based on friend's recommendations) that I WOULD go to. He reluctantly sent me and based on my return report now sends new patients to my (wonderful) GI. You just have to be "heard". If you and your reg. doc have a good relationship, he'll listen. In the mean time, I think he can order all the tests you need except for the colonoscopy.


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Ohmygosh! That's awful! new
      #54432 - 03/26/04 05:02 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

FIND A NEW DOC! PLEASE! Your post made me so upset Kelly! You're such a shouldn't have to go through this!

I've been where you are! I went through THREE GI's before I found one that would test me for celiac. THREE! The 4th one tested me, but I hads to fight tooth and nail to get her do it! It was worth it though.

Wow, your b/f sounds wonderful! How was the cake? It sounds delicious! I don't eat sugar much, so I'll just live vicariously through you!

I am SO SORRY about the doc! I hope you'll find someone with a head on their shoulders! That doc obviously is missing something...

Happy b-day and hope you're feeling better!



Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Bev - your "card" is hilarious! -nt- DITTO ON THAT!!! new
      #54628 - 03/26/04 10:40 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Keep it simple!

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Re: Thank you everyone for your kinds words! new
      #54633 - 03/26/04 10:45 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

I was in the same situation with the rheumatologist my regular doctor referred me to for my fibromyalgia. I just said something like, "He seemed a little disappointed that he couldn't find something wrong with me that he could treat effectively, so I thought if it's okay with you, I'd like to just come back and see you for the follow up care." And he was fine with that and that's what I've been doing! (Of course he was fine with it, this way he gets my money instead!!)

Oh, and he treats my IBS too. He's really great. And he knew exactly what I was "saying between the lines" too.

Keep it simple!

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Question For Americans new
      #54635 - 03/26/04 10:48 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Forgive my ignorance...but do you guys have to pay every time you go to see a doctor??

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Re: Question For Americans new
      #54637 - 03/26/04 10:50 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

yup. sometimes just a small amt called a co-pay if you have private insurance. but there's no national health insurance and many people do without -- which is a major scandal IMHO for the richest country on earth, that we can't even take care of our own poorest women and children properly. Don't get me started !!!!!!!!!

Keep it simple!

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Re: Question For Americans new
      #54641 - 03/26/04 10:53 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

So you guys must spend a fortune seeing all the doctors and specialists for IBS...
I don't know what I would do if I had to pay to see the doctor...I'd be one sick girlie!! I'm way too broke!!

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Re: Question For Americans new
      #54644 - 03/26/04 10:57 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

again, it depends on the insurance. I have good insurance so it doesn't cost me too much. But yeah, my brother and his girlfriend can barely pay the rent much less afford to go to a doctor. So they wait until they're really sick and end up in the emergency room when it was something that if they could afford to have treated to begin with would have been really simple. Isn't that ironic!

Keep it simple!

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It's the insurance that's so expensive... new
      #54679 - 03/26/04 11:40 AM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

if you don't have health insurance, you pay all medical costs out of pocket whenever you need any health care at all. Even if you do have insurance, you pay part of everything, and there's always a limit what insurance will cover, or exclusions, so if you really run up some high health bills you might end up bankrupt even if you have insurance.

And, if you don't have a job that offers health insurance coverage (which you'd still have to pay for) you might not be able to get insurance at all. The companies can turn you down - and if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, or are over a certain age, they probably will. Even if you can get private medical insurance when your job doesn't offer coverage, that doesn't mean you can afford it. $500 a month is an average cost for a healthy husband and wife in their early thirties. And then you'd still have to pay partial costs on top of that when you actually saw a doc or had tests. And that coverage probably wouldn't include prescription drugs....

The US has the highest medical costs in the world (and our pharmaceutical companies are the most profitable companies in the country!) - and over 20% of our population has no health insurance coverage at all. Medical bills are the number one reason for personal bankruptcy. Don't even get me started - this whole topic is just a national shame.

- H

Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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Re: Question For Americans new
      #54702 - 03/26/04 11:58 AM

Reged: 02/19/04
Posts: 558
Loc: North Carolina

good ol Alberta health Care I can go to the doctor 5 days a week if I want. but......... oh yea
I am moving to NC soon yikes lol

if God brought you to it. He will bring you through it.

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American Medical Insurance new
      #54725 - 03/26/04 12:12 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

We pay, and PAY, and PAY!

I'm retired, but I'm too young to qualify for MediCare. That means I have to get my own medical insurance. I felt LUCKY TO GET IT! I pay -- are you ready? -- just for me alone, not hubby, no one else but me -- and this doesn't inlude dental coverage -- a whopping $383 every month!

But wait -- it doesn't stop there! I have a $500 deductible every year. That means they won't pay for anything until I've paid at least $500 for doctors for that year.

Now, as bad as that may sound, I really am lucky I have it. For example, when I had my colonoscopy, wow was that expensive! Thank goodness for my medical coverage! And then when I had my diverticulitis attack and ended up in the hospital -- WOW! Again, SOOO glad to have the coverage.

It's an evil necessity. Here in the States you HAVE to have medical coverage. It's a gamble to "take your chances," because, as Heather says, if you have something serious happen to you that sends you into the hospital for an extended stay, without medical coverage, it could really bankrupt you.

Enjoy your socialized medicine, Girlfriend!

<img src="">Bevvy

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"A national shame" is exactly right, thanks, Heather -nt- new
      #54765 - 03/26/04 01:04 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Keep it simple!

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Re: Just got back from the doctor...I'm going to cry it went so badly! new
      #54767 - 03/26/04 01:05 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Is this DR in London? Who did he send you to see (GI SPECIALIST) and where? At Victoria Hospital?

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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No kidding new
      #54840 - 03/26/04 02:57 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

We're currently fighting with our insurance company because they're denying all of my IBS stuff for being pre-existing, even though we had health care coverage before them and they are REQUIRED to cover it.

I think they just thought we'd roll over.

So we're having to fight them tooth and nail to pay for things they're OBLIGATED to pay for and we PAY them to pay for every month.

Oh lord. Just thinking about it doesn't help my IBS. I feel so bad for people who don't even have the lousy coverage we have.

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Re: Just got back from the doctor...I'm going to cry it went so badly! new
      #54856 - 03/26/04 04:38 PM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hey Hansolo,
Yes the doctor is in London. The doctor who gave me the referral is from the University of Western Ontario's student health, and the doctor he referred me to was at the University Campus as well...why do you ask? Are you familiar with doctor's in London?

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Re: Just got back from the doctor...I'm going to cry it went so badly! new
      #54874 - 03/26/04 06:15 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Yeah, the GI I saw was Dr. Belsheim from Victoria Campus. I hope never to see him again in this lifetime. Let's just put it that way.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: Question For Americans new
      #54962 - 03/27/04 07:45 AM

Reged: 05/21/03
Posts: 325


ive had ibs for 8 years now. im learning alot on this web board. thanks again everyone

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Re: Question For Americans new
      #54964 - 03/27/04 07:50 AM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Hey Jasper, I was going to email you privately about this but you don't have your email address listed!

Anyway, usually on message boards it's considered shouting if you use all caps. It's just one of those bizarre internet rules that everyone finds out the hard way. I hope I don't sound bossy or mean.

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My dh wanted to give this advice: new
      #54973 - 03/27/04 08:18 AM

Reged: 11/20/03
Posts: 677

He said that you should report what happened to the state medical board.There is no way they should have treated you that way. He said that you may want to cancel too. There has got to be a better, & even faster doctor available. I live in a very small area -- but I got in within a month. If not -- then I'd wait to complain until after the scope. I'd write it now - though - while your mind is still fresh. Use as many details as you can remember -- times, dates, words that were said. etc.

If you don't want to complain -- think about it as possibly protecting future patients from having the same experience as you.

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Even if you have 'good' coverage... new
      #54974 - 03/27/04 08:22 AM

Reged: 01/30/03
Posts: 158
Loc: Beautiful Pacific Northwest

My husband's company offers a good plan, but it isn't really fair. We still have to pay a bunch every month. It's just the two of us, but we pay the same each month as his colleague who has five kids. Even with IBS, I don't come close to costing the same as health care for seven people.

However, when health care is socialized (at least in France), many people tend to take advantage of it. I suspect it won't be long until that system goes away too. There are just too many cheaters in the world ruining it for the rest of us.


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Re: It's the insurance that's so expensive... new
      #55189 - 03/28/04 03:32 PM


I agree Insurance is way to expensive. Our insurance is over $800.00 per month for a family and that's anyone over 3 in the family. Luckily not only do I set up the insurance for our company we have a great Boss (owner) who still pays half of the premium for us although it's been very tough and he's considered doing away with the coverage because of it's expense but he's still hanging in for us. He want's to help in any way . I commend him for it because alot of employer's are bowing out of offering ins. for their employee's because they can't afford it.
I think the drug makers are taking total advantage of everyone. Just think about the senior-citizens who have to choose to eat or get medicine they need. This whole thing tends to irritate me. But as I said we happen to be luckier than most.

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